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  • The most dangerous cities in the world. List of the most dangerous cities in the world World ranking of the most dangerous cities in the world

    The most dangerous cities in the world.  List of the most dangerous cities in the world World ranking of the most dangerous cities in the world

    There are many glorious cities in the world where everyone aspires to go and where everyone dreams of living, but there are also places from which it is better to stay away. Some of these gloomy and dangerous cities are notorious for obvious reasons - high crime rates, bad ecology, and so on. But there are also cities that are bad for life for completely different reasons, also unbearable for most people. Although, despite the daily horrors, some madmen and brave men manage to live there all their lives and even enjoy everyday things and the world around them. In this collection, terrible facts are waiting for you, so it is better for impressionable persons not to continue reading. If so, we warned.

    10. Cleveland, Ohio (Cleveland, Ohio) - the city with the highest concentration of serial killers

    For some reason, Cleveland is the hot spot on the US map when it comes to serial killers. Perhaps this is one of the most dangerous and frightening places in America. And while no one can explain it, everything points to Cleveland being the serial killer capital of the world. It was in Cleveland that the infamous kidnapper Ariel Castro lived, the maniacs of recent years Anthony Sowell and Michael Madison, as well as the killers of the early 20th century Jeffrey Dahmer and the never-identified Cleveland Butcher, whose chief investigator was Eliot Ness himself, who imprisoned the legendary gangster Al Capone (Ariel Castro, Anthony Sowell, Michael Madison, Jeffery Dahmer, Eliot Ness).

    Somehow, new serial killers constantly appear in Cleveland, keeping the entire city in serious fear. Some of these criminals are known for dismembering the bodies of their victims and hiding their remains in different rooms in their home, while others, like Ariel Castro, prefer to keep innocent people captive and torture them for days. Some of the killers admitted that they decided on their actions, inspired by the examples of criminals of past decades, but this still does not explain why Cleveland has such a high concentration of serial killers. Unfortunately, the most likely reason lies in the fact that this large city is a very remote and isolated place, at the same time gripped by an economic crisis, which ultimately affects the general atmosphere and psychological climate of Cleveland.

    9. In Dubai, you face arrest if you are raped ... you

    Dubai is one of the largest and most important centers in the United Arab Emirates and is famous for its very strict and orthodox laws. The most severe here are issues related to women and sexual relations, since all this is very clearly regulated by the religious traditions of the Arab society. Because of this, some foreign women got into very difficult circumstances during their trip to the city, it would seem, of entertainment and luxury. Tourists found themselves almost defenseless in the face of local orders, although they initially relied on the protection of the Dubai police, and not on legal prosecution.

    There are already at least two precedents during which European tourists were raped, went to the police with a complaint and were themselves arrested for allegedly inappropriate behavior. The fact is that regardless of whether sexual intercourse took place at your will or not, extramarital sex in the UAE is a crime. Both rape victims ended up in prison, and the police announced that the tourists should have familiarized themselves with the laws of the country in which they came to rest.

    The first girl was from Norway, and the innocent tourist was released after an international outcry, although the rape victim was initially sentenced to 16 months in prison for confessing to extramarital sex herself, albeit against her will. Another case involved a British civilian who was raped in Dubai by two British men. In response to her complaint, this tourist was also imprisoned. Most likely, with the assistance of the world community, she will be released. But you must admit - according to which it is customary to put a rape victim in jail, it sounds simply insane and illogical. What is the point of punishing someone who is only guilty of defenselessness?

    8. South Africa's largest city, Johannesburg, is a hotbed of AIDS and a place where children are regularly raped.

    We have already warned you that there are some very dark stories in this ranking, so further reading is your own responsibility.

    South Africa is notorious for its high levels of violence, which has also led to the massive spread of AIDS. The problem is most acute in Johannesburg, where the FIFA World Cup was recently held. The media seriously raised the issue that visiting athletes and fans are at great risk of becoming victims of rape and contracting a terrible disease during this trip. However, the mass media kept silent about the terrible fact that most often it is children, and sometimes even babies, who become victims of violence here.

    The AIDS problem is aggravated by the fact that many local residents still prefer to turn to traditional healers, instead of real qualified doctors. Sometimes healers advise patients to commit absolutely ridiculous and cruel acts. For example, they believe that AIDS can be cured by having sex with a virgin or virgin. It is partly because of this that so many local men have taken to raping very young children, and sometimes even babies, who are sometimes barely a few months old. Desperate patients hope that in this way they will be cured and saved from death and suffering.

    An incurable disease is transmitted through blood and sexual contact, and it is absolutely natural that, due to the advice of traditional healers, AIDS eventually spreads even more throughout the country and especially in Johannesburg. Unfortunately, a solution to the problem has not yet been found.

    7. Being a street child in Rio de Janeiro (Rio De Janeiro) is life threatening

    Recently, the Olympic Games took place in Rio de Janeiro, and the local authorities did everything possible to hide from tourists and athletes that the city is in a terrible state and in complete ruin. Although they almost failed to do so. The city is now world famous for its reputation as a place where robbery is a daily problem, and you need to be vigilant every second so as not to lose your own phone in the middle of a crowded street. Valuables are snatched right out of your hands.

    However, while we are thinking about the most obvious crimes, not everyone knows what terrible and inhumane measures the Brazilian authorities went to clean up Rio both on a daily basis and before the Olympic Games ...

    Most often, street thieves are homeless children. Homeless children, many of whom are barely 7 years old, either beg on the busy streets of Rio or rob inattentive passers-by. They just have to do it to survive. Of course, such children are very easy to consider as a social threat, but most of them are lonely and defenseless creatures who just really want to eat. Unfortunately, many homeless children become drug addicts, because drugs are the only joy in their lives. These guys have no one to look after them, no one cares about them, and they choose the easiest and wrong ways to cope with daily stress and despair.

    As it became known, the Brazilian police periodically conduct real raids - they catch homeless children to clear the streets of "unpleasant and dangerous elements" and put them in prisons for no reason, where juvenile prisoners live in the most inhumane conditions. On the basis of unconfirmed reports, the UN commission suspects that law enforcement officials sometimes simply kill homeless children, because this is the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to clear the streets of the city from them. The Brazilian government does not acknowledge this fact, but the country's police have long been known to commit a huge number of murders every year.

    The truth is that living on the streets of Rio de Janeiro is very difficult and dangerous. Apparently, even a tourist may find this place too sad and even dangerous if he finds himself outside an expensive hotel or a well-trodden path to the legendary statue of Christ the Redeemer.

    Source 6Radiated wild boars keep the infamous Japanese city of Fukushima at bay.

    We all remember the tragedy that happened in Fukushima, but many people do not even suspect that this nightmare is far from over for the local residents who left their homes due to a terrible accident. The damaged reactor is still causing problems, it is still not decontaminated and will continue to pollute the environment for many years. The people of Fukushima will never be able to return to their old way of life again.

    At the moment, the Japanese authorities are convinced that the level of radiation in the city is starting to fall. They even believe that it is possible to announce the cancellation of the evacuation status and return people to their abandoned homes only 6 years after the nuclear disaster. However, some signs indicate that the tragedy is far from over and it may be too late for the city to recover.

    Perhaps the townspeople are no longer so worried about the level of radiation, but now Fukushima is suffering from another problem - forest dwellers have begun to arrive in the abandoned. The forest is practically stepping on the ruins of orphaned houses, and wild animals have settled in empty buildings. Many owners are concerned that wild boars, which have bred on the background of radiation, have occupied the houses of the townspeople and are in no hurry to leave them. By nature, these creatures are usually more shy, but it seems that radiation has made them aggressive and fearless, which makes returning to Fukushima quite a dangerous undertaking.

    Worse, there are a number of conflicting studies showing that the radiation disaster affected thyroid problems in local children living here at the time of the accident. Although some scientists believe that the Japanese from this city had poor health even before the disaster. In any case, the life of Fukushima and its citizens will never be the same from now on.

    5. Canadian London, Ontario (London, Ontario), and the increased percentage of serial killers per capita

    Between 1959 and 1984, the small Canadian town of London received the status of the settlement with the highest concentration of serial killers in the world. According to all available data, London from Ontario has become the most maniac-populated city on Earth in the history of mankind. While this place was in the hands of numerous murderers, there were at least 29 violent deaths. Only 13 of these crimes were solved, and it turned out that they were committed by three different villains.

    A detective named Dennis Alsop, who worked on these cases, kept a personal diary and mentioned in it his work on these terrible crimes. The investigator's notes were carefully studied by researchers at the University of Western Ontario, and they suggested that the unsolved murders could have been committed by four more criminals who hunted almost simultaneously and used similar methods. The researchers also say that even if the remaining 16 people were killed by just one serial killer, London still retains its sad title of record city. Nowhere else in the world did so many serial killers run amok at the same time as here.

    Criminal activity has clearly subsided since then, since all the most dangerous attackers either died or were arrested, and, fortunately, failed to pass on their life's work to a new generation of madmen. And yet the most important question still remains unanswered... Why did such a modest Canadian town become home to so many brutal killers for several years?

    4 Pyongyang Residents Suffer From Creepy Electronic Music Every Morning

    Everyone knows that power in North Korea belongs to a dictatorial dynasty, and the most severe and incredibly inhuman laws reign in this country. Even the most privileged citizens, ideally honoring party politics, are still forced to endure daily circumstances that would infuriate any of us in the shortest possible time.

    To begin with, North Koreans are required to keep portraits of all the leaders of the country at home, including both current and past leaders. No one has the right to turn their backs on these portraits. This, of course, also applies to images of dictators in public places. In addition, the North Korean authorities decided that its citizens need to be reminded every morning about the deceased rulers, who are considered real gods in the country.

    Every morning, opera music plays throughout Pyongyang, and the city's residents are awakened by the eerie sounds of the electronic version of the song "Where are you, dear general" from an opera written by the late Kim Jong Il (Kim Jong Il). The original track doesn't sound too bad, but its electronic version, broadcast through loudspeakers throughout the city, sounds more like music from a horror movie. In addition to the terrible "alarm clock" North Koreans are forced to listen to a recording of political propaganda all day long. Suddenly someone forgot something or misunderstood? We must repeat. And so all my life...

    3. The Mexican city of Ecatepec is a creepy place where women and girls go missing all the time.

    Residents of the Mexican city and municipality of Ecatepec are accustomed to hearing about the constant armed robberies, and recently the Minister of the Interior of the whole country issued a special warning regarding this particular city. When the Pope himself visited Mexico, he also stopped by Ecatepec to see for himself how bad things were in this place. It is not for nothing that the city is often called incredibly dirty and disgusting, and it seems that the locals have long come to terms with the state of affairs, have completely given up and do not value their home. But the scariest thing you should know about this place is that it has the highest rate of deaths and disappearances of young girls in all of Mexico.

    Mothers constantly turn to the police for help in finding their daughters and never return home with satisfactory answers. Some parents are told by law enforcement officials that their child's body was found in a sewer, but the police never provide any physical evidence that their daughter is in the morgue. There are signs all over the city asking for help finding a missing girl or providing parents with at least some information that will help the family reunite.

    Some fathers and mothers are contacted by members of the cartels and demand a huge ransom for their child. If it turns out that the family does not have the requested amount of money, the girls are simply hanged. Many townspeople are terribly worried that an unbearable ransom will be demanded for their daughter, and then the child will either be killed or sold into slavery. Most of the locals dream of leaving Ecatepec and leaving behind all its horrors, but poverty does not allow them to move to a safer place. The unfortunate have to overcome the hardships of life in this nightmarish city every day until the end of their lives.

    2. Onitsha is the Nigerian city with the most polluted air in the world.

    When we wonder about the most polluted cities in the world, our thoughts usually take us somewhere in China or India. However, the truth is that it is Nigeria that has become the current leader in environmental issues. The reason lies in the fact that in recent years this country has significantly moved ahead in terms of development rates, and special attention is paid to industrial production. For nature and citizens, this means large-scale environmental pollution, and Onicha feels this more than any other city in the country. Today it has the most uninhabitable air in the world. Large and small particles of dust and ash are almost everywhere here, and there is nowhere to hide from them. In addition, sanitary standards in the city are practically not respected, and heaps of garbage lie everywhere.

    Rapid industrialization is the main cause of disaster in Onycha, and the city has factories in almost every industrial field imaginable. Add to this weak government oversight of quality and safety standards, and you end up with a city that is simply dangerous to breathe in, and the situation will not change for several more generations.

    However, the locals don't worry too much about it. Perhaps they are just careless or they are used to this state of affairs, although for the most part they simply have no other choice. Recently, the prestigious Guardian magazine conducted a survey in Onycha about what citizens think about the environmental situation, and most of those polled did not consider air pollution a serious problem.

    However, rejection or ignorance of the dangers of industrial emissions does not negate the fact that local residents are already suffering from poor air quality. This is especially noticeable in child mortality. Still, it is interesting how talented a person is in psychological adaptation to almost any conditions. For those who have always lived in Onichu, hearing that their city is the dirtiest and most dangerous in the world was a big surprise.

    1. Mumbai is an Indian city struggling with garbage flooding it

    Today, Mumbai is practically buried under mountains of garbage, and the Indian government is desperately looking for a way out of this situation. The problem is so serious that every day hundreds of garbage trucks line up in a long line to take a new batch of waste to the landfill. The landfill is already almost full to the limit, and two other large dumps in Mumbai have long been unable to accept the new urban garbage. Someone has suggested simply setting up new landfills, but there is a justified fear that this will not solve the problem, but only exacerbate it. The thing is that, both in Mumbai and in other cities of India, the waste recycling system simply does not exist.

    Almost any garbage is constantly loaded into trucks and taken to landfills. The problem of waste has become so serious that it has begun to flood the streets, and some citizens are trying to get rid of garbage by burning it in the middle of Mumbai, thereby only exacerbating the environmental disaster and further polluting the city air. Experts worry that if the authorities decide to open new landfills, the crisis will only intensify, since it is necessary to address the very essence of the problem, not its manifestations.

    Experts believe that if the process of industrialization of the country continues to increase its pace, it will simply be vital for the country to open waste processing centers and introduce into society the habit of responsible attitude to household waste in order to reduce its amount. Given a change in the thinking of the ordinary population and the introduction of appropriate infrastructure, in theory, even such a large and rapidly developing city as Mumbai, in the end, can still win this garbage war.

    No. 25. Recife, Brazil.

    Recife is the fifth most populated city in Brazil. More than three million people live here. "Brazilian Venice", as it was dubbed, is "famous" only for its criminogenic situation - about a thousand people are killed here every year.

    No. 24. Medellin, Colombia.

    There are 1,175 homicides per year for 2,393,000 inhabitants. There is an opinion that the reason is the ongoing wars of local groups that are trying to divide the city among themselves. More recently, however, the number of homicides has begun to decline: in 1991, a smaller proportion of the population accounted for 6,349 homicides.

    No. 23. Cucuta, Colombia.

    The crime rate in Cúcuta, a small town, makes you wonder if you should include Colombia on your travel itinerary: there are more than 320 murders per year for its 637,300 inhabitants.

    No. 22. New Orleans, USA.

    New Orleans is one of the most criminogenic American cities. There are over 100 murders per 343,100 inhabitants. Crime in the main, as well as in Colombia, is a consequence of the war of gangs and "showdowns" of drug dealers.

    No. 21. Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.

    This city is divided among themselves by drug cartels, which is why the high level of crime. He jumped after the Sinaloa cartel came to town to force the drug lords out of Los Zetas.

    No. 20. Barquisimeto, Venezuela.

    According to an EU report, approximately 900 people are killed in Barquisimeto a year out of a population of 1,211,600.

    No. 19. Joao Pessoa, Brazil.

    This city is "famous" for teenage murders - every third teenager here dies before the age of 19. Overall, there are about 560 murders per year for a population of 723,600.

    No. 18. Manaus, Brazil.

    The name "Manaus" in translation means "Mother of all Gods". However, the city itself cannot be called “divine”: 1,000 murders per 1,343,011 people.

    No. 17. Guatemala, Republic of Guatemala.

    "Extreme" city. The population is asking the state and the police to take control of the situation: 3,062,100 people account for 2,063 murders.

    No. 16. Salvador, Brazil.

    Salvador is considered the Brazilian "capital of happiness", all because the city regularly hosts street carnivals and parties. At the same time, the city regularly kills - 2,400 murders with a population of 3,411,628 people.

    No. 15. Culiacan, Mexico.

    Mexico is rapidly losing popularity among tourists. This is not surprising: Culiacan, for example, is the fourth most dangerous Mexican city, with a rate of 620 murders per 860,100 inhabitants.

    No. 14. Fortaleza, Brazil.

    Despite the fact that it is the fifth largest city in Brazil, people are increasingly eager to leave it. 1,628 murders per 2,452,185 inhabitants.

    No. 13. Vitoria, Brazil.

    Of the 1,685,384 inhabitants, 1,020 people are killed here every year.

    No. 12. Cuernavaca, Mexico.

    Tourists avoid this city. For 640,188 inhabitants, there are approximately 360 murders.

    No. 11. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

    Although this city is considered one of the most dangerous in the world, a positive trend has nevertheless emerged: in 2011, 2,046 murders accounted for 1,340,648 inhabitants, and in 2012/2013 the same figure dropped to 750.

    No. 10. Guyana-Essequibo, Venezuela.

    578 murders every year in a population of 1,050,283. The state has already launched a program to neutralize crime, so positive dynamics can be expected in the coming years.

    No. 9. Detroit, USA.

    There are 386 murders per year for 606,585 inhabitants. The city is recognized as one of the most dangerous cities in the United States.

    No. 8. San Luis, Brazil.

    In the list of the most dangerous cities in the world, another South American city was noted: 510 murders per 1,014,537 inhabitants per year. The city is known for its wonderful ports and beautiful beaches. If not for the gang war, San Luis would have attracted the attention of tourists.

    No. 7. Cali, Colombia.

    1,189 murders in a population of 2,294,650. It is believed that the wave of murders was provoked by the move of accomplices of drug lord Rodriguez Gilberto Orejuela, nicknamed “Chess Player”.

    No. 6. Maceio, Brazil.

    820 homicides per 930,750 inhabitants.

    No. 5. Torreon, Mexico.

    Although Torreon is an important economic and political center of Mexico, the crime rate here is off the charts: 1,090 murders per 1,147,650 inhabitants.

    No. 4. Francisco Morazán Federal District, Honduras.

    High crime, 1,126,560 inhabitants account for 1,150 murders a year, no one in the district is surprised. There are 1,700 inhabitants per police officer. The authorities are not even trying to bring the situation under control.

    Number 3. Caracas, Venezuela.

    3,862 murders per 3,247,971 inhabitants. Out of a hundred crimes, only 7-8 are investigated by the police.

    No. 2. Acapulco, Mexico.

    The once very popular tourist city is losing its tourists. The crime rate is growing every day. In 2013, there were 1,170 murders in a population of 818,850.

    No. 1. San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

    The city is recognized as the most dangerous point on earth: every year there are more than 700 murders per 100,000 inhabitants.

    Which inquisitive travelers can study all their lives. But there are other places that are by no means recommended to visit even by the most courageous thrill-seekers. Especially do not go to the dangerous cities of South Africa, Mexico and Colombia.

    Bloody wars of drug cartels, political turmoil, mass violence and terrorist activities in these places can make your vacation not only unforgettable, but in general - the last in your life ... In this rating, we will tell you about the 15 most dangerous cities on the planet, where the life of any adventurer is constantly hanging by a thread.

    1. Cali, Colombia - home to drug cartels

    Cali is the most dangerous city in Colombia. It is not dominated by official authorities, but by criminal groups such as the Cali cartel, the Norte del Valle cartel and Los Rastrogio, who are constantly at war with themselves and corrupt guerrilla groups.
    Crime thrives in the city, and according to the latest statistics, for every 100,000 inhabitants, 83 inhabitants are killed as a result of gang warfare. Locals say about Cali that this city is beautiful like a butterfly, but it can sting like thousands of bees.

    2. San Salvador, El Salvador Over 2,000 residents killed in 2015

    San Salvador is the capital of El Salvador, a tiny state in Central America. Only 570,000 people live here, and the number of violent deaths is off scale. There are 45 killed per 100,000 inhabitants. In fact, in 2015, the criminal situation in San Salvador deteriorated sharply, the bandits killed more than 2,000 people!

    The perpetrators of such a brutal bloodshed are two powerful and well-armed gangs: MS - 13 and Barrio 18. The endless war between them leads to numerous casualties among the civilian population, who accidentally fell under the crossfire of "thugs". In addition, these gangs are not as well organized as the Yakuza or the Sicilian mafia and have no other sources of income other than banal extortion and robbery, which often end in the death of the victim.

    3. Karachi, Pakistan - the most dangerous metropolis

    The city of Karachi in Pakistan is the capital of the province of Sindh and one of the most densely populated cities in the world. It is also considered one of the most dangerous cities on the planet, which is worth knowing if you ever decide to visit Pakistan.
    Political instability reigns here, constant armed conflicts between foreign and local terrorist groups.

    Among the serious crimes committed daily in this metropolis, contract killings, domestic murders, kidnappings, acts of terrorism and robberies are in the lead.

    According to the latest statistics, there are 12 killed for every 100,000 residents of Karachi, but international experts say that in 2015 the number of crimes in the city began to decline.

    4. Detroit, USA - the most dangerous city in America

    In 1987, the film "Robocop" was released. According to the plot of a fantastic action movie, because of the rampant crime in Detroit, the authorities had to create a humanoid cyborg to fight the bandits who had lost all fear. If we forget about cyborgs and robots, then probably the filmmakers themselves did not expect that their fantastic idea would become a harsh reality in the future ...

    Detroit was named America's Most Dangerous City in 2013 and 2014, and it retains the same infamous title in 2015. This is the very US city that you definitely do not want to visit when traveling around America. Now just over 700,000 people live here, and the number of crimes is a staggering number - 2072 per 100,000 people, of which 45 are murders.

    Most of the city's residents live below the poverty line, they simply have nowhere and nothing to leave this dying city. Maybe in fact, a humanoid robot police officer, charged with an ulcer of crime in Detroit, is what is really needed.

    5. Sanaa, Yemen - the most dangerous city in the country

    Due to political instability, after the riots in the country and the rebellion of the opposition Hashid tribe in 2012, the once flourishing capital of Yemen, the city of Sanaa, has become one of the most dangerous cities on the planet.
    A sharp deterioration in the standard of living led to a massive surge in crime. Constant explosions, murders and acts of terrorism, in their background overlap with smaller crimes like theft and robbery.

    Electricity is cut off very often, every day it becomes more and more difficult for local residents to get fresh water and food, and life in the city is gradually fading away. Currently, all tourists are advised to stay as far away from Sanaa as possible.

    6. Mogadishu, Somalia - the capital of the state without a government

    Over the past few years, the population of the entire globe has associated Somalia with pirates, crime and Tom Hanks, who starred in the movie Captain Phillips. And the most dangerous place in the country is its capital - the city of Mogadishu.
    Since the political collapse in the state in the 1990s and all embassies and UN representatives left Somalia, there has been no effective government in the country.

    An unceasing, bloody civil war has been raging here for two decades. For a while, the Al-Shabaab group, one of the divisions of Al-Qaeda, held power in the country, until they were forced out by the fighters of the African Union in the 2000s.
    Poverty, corruption, mass violence and crime are the companions of this gloomy place, which has long earned the title of one of the most dangerous cities on the planet.

    7. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico - Murder Capital of the World

    Ciudad Juarez enjoys a dubious reputation as a city where the drug cartels hold power and is rightfully considered the most dangerous city in Mexico. Also known as the “murder capital of the world”, Ciudad Juarez is not worth visiting even for very brave tourists, it is very easy to part with your property and even life here.

    This is a place of utter lawlessness controlled by drug lords. Drug trafficking, murders, brutal violence reigns on the streets of the criminal metropolis, and the local police are practically useless. All the ranks of law enforcement agencies, from the top to the police officers, were bought “with giblets” by drug dealers.

    Although the statistics are slowly but surely showing a decrease in the number of serious crimes. If in 2010 in Ciudad Juarez an average of 8 people were killed a day, then in 2013 there were 530 murders, and in 2014 - "only" 434.

    8. Baghdad, Iraq - the most dangerous city in the Middle East

    Ever since US troops entered Iraq to liberate locals from a brutal dictator and show them what real democracy and true freedom are, Baghdad has become one of the most dangerous cities on earth.

    After many years of war, the city's infrastructure and economy were almost completely destroyed. Daily explosions, shootings and murders have become commonplace for local residents. And since the US troops left Baghdad, the war-torn city is on the verge of survival, and the threat that ISIS terrorists may soon take over Baghdad is also very strong. Then visiting the city by non-Muslim travelers will most likely become a one-way road for them.

    9. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil - Heist Capital of the World

    Despite the fact that there are many other cities in Brazil where a huge number of especially serious crimes are committed, Rio de Janeiro is the most visited city by tourists in the country and the second largest in Brazil, which makes it a real hotbed of criminals of all stripes and the center of crime in the state .

    The number of murders in Rio has decreased in recent years, if in 2005 there were 42 violent deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, then in 2014 this number dropped to 24 murders per 100,000 citizens.

    And if the probability of being killed in Rio has become less, then the chances of becoming a victim of a robbery have become more. Street crimes, disorderly conduct, robbery and theft increased from 6,626 in 2013 to 7,848 crimes in 2014. The number of mobile phones and smartphones stolen from tourists increased by 74.5 percent over the same period.

    10. Cape Town, South Africa - the most criminal city on the continent

    Cape Town is the capital of the Western Cape province and the second most populous city in South Africa. But despite the status of one of the most beautiful cities, it is also considered one of the most dangerous. Here is the worst crime situation in Africa. There are 8,428 crimes committed per 100,000 inhabitants, which is just an insane amount of crime when you consider the fact that the city has only 3.75 million inhabitants.

    Cape Town is also called the most violent and violent city on the continent because of the unthinkable number of murders., on average, 50 citizens are killed per 100,000 inhabitants. With social and economic disparities between classes and a growing number of gang wars, rapes and kidnappings, when visiting South Africa, make sure your travel itinerary is as far away from this capital of crime as possible.

    11. Guatemala City, a city where violence reigns

    Guatemala is considered by many tourists to be the most beautiful city in Central America, but behind the numerous tourist attractions and beautiful views, there is also the other side of the city, where lawlessness, rampant crime and drug trafficking reign.
    Guatemala borders on Honduras, Mexico and El Salvador, which has an extremely negative impact on the crime situation. The city is at the crossroads of drug trafficking, and given the extreme poverty of part of the population, the abundance of firearms in the hands of citizens, it is not surprising that in Guatemala there is a huge number of robberies, robberies, kidnappings and car thefts.

    It is one of the most dangerous cities in Central America in terms of murder rates, with an average of 42 murders per 100,000 inhabitants. It is useless to turn to law enforcement agencies for help, they are all corrupt and are on the payroll of bandits. Add Guatemala to the "black" list of cities that should not be visited in any case.

    12. Kabul, Afghanistan - a city in the flames of war

    As in Baghdad, where murder and brutal violence engulfed the city in the aftermath of the US invasion, so in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, the presence of American fighters has made the city one of the most dangerous in the world in a single decade.

    Kabul is a collection of all the worst problems that can happen to one single city. There has been no economic and political stability here for many years, the extreme poverty of the population leads to numerous crimes among the townspeople. The city is dominated by a constant struggle for power between various terrorist groups, of which there are a great many. No, Kabul is not at all the place where you can profitably spend your vacation.

    13. Caracas, Venezuela - street violence is the order of the day

    Caracas is famous for three things: being the capital of Venezuela, the number of brutal, street killings, and the widespread drug trade. Just think about it - according to statistics, there are 134 murders per 100,000 inhabitants of the city, most of which remain unsolved! And in general, the situation in the state is very criminogenic; in 2014, more than 24,000 murders were committed in Venezuela.

    14. Acapulco, Mexico - the most corrupt city in the country

    The city, which is considered a tourist resort, where movie stars, celebrities often rest, where various famous sporting events are held annually, is not so beautiful and tempting. Under the glossy beautiful cover of the metropolis hides the dirty, smelly insides of the drug business and street crime.

    Just try to take a step away from the paved tourist routes, as you may be drawn into the criminal showdowns of local gangster groups. In 2014, Acapulco had the highest number of homicides in Mexico, with 104 victims per 100,000 inhabitants.

    The local police are completely corrupt and it is likely that if you are robbed on the street, then instead of helping, the police themselves will start extorting money from you.

    Another main problem of Acapulco is the drug trade and, as a result, the constant showdown of bandits. In the slums of Acapulco, it is not uncommon to see dead bodies left on the streets after drug-related shootings or domestic quarrels.

    15. San Pedro Sula, Honduras is the most dangerous city in the world

    San Pedro Sula, a city in the northwest of Honduras, is annually at the top of the list of the most dangerous cities in the world. In 2014, the highest number of murders on the planet was recorded here in a city where there is no armed conflict or military confrontation - 171 murders per 100,000 citizens.

    Illicit trafficking in drugs and weapons, endless showdown between gangs for spheres of influence in the city, lead to numerous casualties among ordinary citizens. Unfortunately, the safety of the townspeople is absolutely indifferent to the local authorities, who are most interested in the division of bandit handouts. And local law enforcement agencies here serve as watchdogs for drug lords, and not guardians of law and order.

    Cities can be dangerous, and far from everywhere you can safely walk around without too much fear of trouble. In some parts of our planet, going to the grocery store is like a whole adventure, and with an unknown outcome. For obvious reasons, the most dangerous cities are located on the territory of not the most prosperous countries, although there are exceptions to this rule.

    Top most dangerous cities

    1. The wonderful city of Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, has been considered one of the most dangerous in the world for several years. And in recent years, the situation has been worsening more and more due to the hyperinflation of the Venezuelan currency and, as a result, the extreme impoverishment of the population (facts about Caracas).
    2. The Colombian capital of Bogotá is also not far behind. Here, unlike Caracas, there are areas that are safe during daylight hours. True, local residents even prefer not to carry mobile phones with them, because there is a high risk of parting with the device on a voluntary-compulsory basis. Part of the problem is caused by the fact that almost 90% of Bogotá is occupied by slums, where you definitely shouldn’t go.
    3. Ciudad Juarez, the Mexican city with the highest number of murders per capita in the world. Ironically, it is on the opposite side of the river from El Paso, one of the safest cities in the US.
    4. The capital of Honduras, Tegucigalpa, is also included in the list of the most dangerous cities in the world. At night, it is not recommended for anyone to go outside here, and especially for people of European appearance, by which it is immediately clear that they are foreigners. Tegucigalpa is constantly shaken by wars of local gangs dividing spheres of influence and territory (facts about Honduras).
    5. Johannesburg, located in South Africa, is also not far behind. In South Africa, in general, there is still a lot of tension caused by an old ethnic conflict between the black and white population, and Johannesburg is considered the most dangerous city in this country. People of Caucasian appearance are doubly dangerous here, especially in the city center. The outskirts are more respectable and safer.
    6. There is a city in Pakistan called Karachi. It sometimes attracts especially desperate expats because you can live here well on $400-500 a month, but all the pluses are crossed out by the fact that the former Pakistani capital is in the top of the most dangerous cities in the world. Contract killings, kidnappings, shooting in the streets - there is an abundance of all this (facts about Pakistan).
    7. And again South Africa! Only this time we will focus on the capital, Cape Town. The crime situation here is a little calmer than in Johannesburg, but still remains extremely tense.
    8. The country of Somalia has long lost all signs of the state, falling apart into a handful of territories claiming independence. The city of Mogadishu, still the Somali capital, is a haven for pirates and robbers of all stripes. Even teenagers are armed here, and the market sells grenades and assault rifles along with bananas and rice. The few hotels for foreigners are protected by round-the-clock and heavily armed guards, high walls and fortified machine-gun towers (Facts about Somalia).
    9. Brazil is generally unsafe. How can it be safe in a country where every city has terrible slums - favelas? It is dangerous everywhere, and in Rio de Janeiro, and in Sao Paulo, and in Brasilia, but the most dangerous Brazilian city is Maceio. This resort town only seems attractive in the photo, but in fact, the number of murders per capita here rolls over.
    10. The Iraqi capital of Baghdad has also long and firmly established itself in the ranking of the most dangerous cities in the world. Alas, the city with an ancient history, insanely beautiful, has now turned into a seething cauldron, and military clashes still periodically take place on its streets.
    11. The most dangerous city in the world in every respect is San Pedro Sula, another city in Honduras. It has the highest homicide-to-population ratio, and the police are practically powerless. Even if you are an experienced and courageous tourist, you do not need to go here. Truth.
    12. The Mexican resort town of Acapulco is sung in numerous frivolous songs. It’s really very beautiful here, but tourists always attract those who don’t mind profiting at their expense. The tourist flow in Acapulco, by the way, does not subside, despite the fact that this city is one of the most dangerous in the world, according to statistics.
    13. Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea, is also not very hospitable to guests. A mouldy-covered hotel room with a rusty fan costs about $100 here, and most of the streets are dangerous at any time of the day.
    14. The Colombian city of Cali is very beautiful, which attracts tourists who fly here like butterflies to a fire. In fact, the dark underside of Cali lies behind the colonial architecture, and this city contests the most dangerous city in the country near Bogota (Bogotá facts).
    15. The country of El Salvador has a capital called San Salvador. Leaving aside the richness of the imagination of the locals, let's just say that this city is the most dangerous in this country, and in terms of the level of crime, it is comparable to the aforementioned Tegucigalpa.
    16. The Yemeni city of Sana'a has also firmly nestled in this dubious ranking over the past decade. The political instability of the state, coupled with its poverty, caused the rapid development of crime in these parts (facts about Yemen).
    17. In the Republic of Guatemala, the role of the capital is played by the city of the same name - Guatemala, which is the most dangerous in this country. It is very beautiful, no doubt, but due to the country's poverty, proximity to Honduras and significant social stratification, it is very restless here.
    18. Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, is another place you definitely shouldn't visit if you don't want to suddenly lose your life. The Taliban still regularly carry out terrorist attacks here, and foreigners often become a priority target.