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  • Nikita Dzhigurda postponed the wedding with Marina Anisina. Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina: latest news, photo The secret of strong feelings between Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Aniskina

    Nikita Dzhigurda postponed the wedding with Marina Anisina.  Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina: latest news, photo The secret of strong feelings between Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Aniskina

    The scandalous Russian performer Nikita Dzhigurda in November 2018 was going to tie the knot with Marina Anisina. It has now become known that the ceremony has been postponed. The event was to take place after his entry into the legal rights of ownership of the property of the late Lyudmila Bratash.

    The reason for the postponement of the wedding of Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina

    For two years, Nikita Dzhigurda has been fighting for the inheritance of Lyudmila Bratash, who left him her property. Only to enter into the right of succession turned out to be a difficult task.

    Svetlana Romanova, who identified herself as the sister of the deceased, began a war with Dzhigurda. She also had views of the inheritance, only the notary refused her the right to receive it. After a lengthy trial, the case was decided in favor of Nikita Dzhagurda. But only because of all this fuss with the inheritance, the wedding planned for November with Marina Aniskina had to be postponed.

    Dzhigurda himself considers this wedding a symbol of victory over all the evil around them. And they moved it to the very end of winter. There is no special preparation for the celebration. The artist loves spontaneity, but says that the wedding will take place, and that he wants a third child.

    The most important thing for him is that this two-year hell has finally ended and a criminal case has not been opened against him. Now he happily went to Marina.

    The secret of strong feelings between Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Aniskina

    Marina Aniskina now lives in France, while Dzhigurda lives in Moscow. This does not interfere with their love, but only benefits. “Thanks to this, we manage to miss each other on a physical level,” Dzhigurda commented on the relationship between them.

    In general, it turns out to meet once or twice a month. Nikita is quite happy with this. His feelings are still strong and he wants a third child to appear in their family.

    Now Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina are raising two children - nine-year-old Mika-Angel-Krista and seven-year-old Eva-Vlada. Two years ago, in a certain way, circumstances developed and they were forced to divorce after eight years of marriage.

    The difficult situation with the inheritance and the lengthy legal proceedings gradually began to bring them closer, and as a result, the couple reunited. Nikita gave his word that he would marry Marina again when the unpleasant situation with the inheritance was resolved.

    Marina is a very jealous woman, but she reconciled and gave freedom to the outrageous artist. He has to constantly be surrounded by women, and she understands this very well. She allows him everything with them, except for sexual contact. Dzhigurda considers this normal and a kind of nourishment from admiration for him by other women. Moreover, it has a good effect on family life.

    Nikita Dzhigurda is a person around whom some kind of scandals are constantly developing. His shocking, non-standard and love for everything extraordinary leads to a negative reputation. Very often, relatives and friends of the actor suffer because of this. Now last news 2017 from the life of Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina are not always positive.

    Nikita Borisovich Dzhigurda, born March 27, 1961, is an artist, actor, film director, screenwriter, performer of great songs. Marina Anisina is a Russian figure skater who began her career in the USSR, an Olympic champion. Marina was born in 1975.

    Dealing with Channel One

    Relatively recently, an incredible incident happened to them. Having won an incredible inheritance from the late friend of the artist in the Kuntsevsky court of Moscow, Nikita Dzhigurda disappeared along with the Russian figure skater Marina. On the show "Actually," people tried to figure out if this will was just a fake for illegally obtaining a huge amount of money. Fortunately, the ex-director of Nikita Dzhigurdy helped to resolve this issue, who said that she overheard a conversation between Marina and Nikita, which said that the will was just a fake.

    This situation caused an incredible public outcry on the network. It was decided to make the discussion of the presented problem public. A number of television programs were created, where the issues presented were discussed.

    During the conversation, we managed to find out that Antonina fully supported Dzhigurda after her divorce from her wife. The woman pursued selfish goals and tried to take possession of Nikita's fortune. But there were completely different circumstances that significantly changed his life. Today, the artist has much more serious problems.

    As for inheritance, this question remains open. First of all, Nikita is suing the leadership of Channel One, as he believes that they slandered him and caused enormous moral damage. His most important statement is that all TV programs broadcast by Channel One are prepared in advance according to the script. Dzhigurda was repeatedly offered to work according to the same scheme. Even in the program about the inheritance of Bratash, a script and text were developed, but Dzhigurda refused to participate. Already in June 2017, it became known that the couple received a huge inheritance from girlfriend Nikita Dzhigurda in a large number of millions from Bratash.

    Nikita Dzhigurda set a condition for the staff of Channel One, if his name, and the name of his wife, are still blackened, then there can be no question of any filming. For the artist, this was fundamental, and he is going to achieve a decision in his favor.

    Currently, there is an active discussion on the network of the episode where Dzhigurda was on a lie detector. As it turned out, all this was a prepared action and the equipment worked according to a previously developed plan.

    A rigged lie detector misled a huge number of naive people. The audience is incredibly dissatisfied with what is happening.

    Then there was another TV show where the artist was invited. In the next broadcast of the "Actually" program, which took place on September 11, all the secrets and secrets of Nikita's relationship with his own director were revealed. It was an incredible blow to the Dzhigurda family. Not many people know, but Maria Anisina, after such an emotional breakdown, lost her child. Now they are trying with all their might to support each other and most likely will achieve their goal in court.

    On this moment the artist is sure that Channel One is going to take revenge on him for this exposure. This is due to the threats that are constantly sent to Nikita. He is under the constant sight of video cameras. On Channel One, programs began to appear very often that compromised Nikita and his family. In response, the artist is also not shy in his statements. But with all this, on his Instagram page, he did not hesitate to call Konstantin Ernst a "swindler."

    Despite the large amount of information that Dzhigurda cheated on his wife, Marina Anisina continues to support him in every possible way. This is evident in her actions and statements.

    Marina supported Nikita, confirming that it was not the first time Dmitry Shepelev was deceiving the audience, she said that they had already been repeatedly invited to participate in the program, and even offered large fees, but they did not at all believe in the veracity of this show. In addition, while talking with Aziza and Danko, the couple found out that the detector was not always true at all.

    Thus, we can say with confidence that all the secrets of Channel One have been revealed. The success of every talk show or TV show lies in the fact that the directors develop a script in advance that could interest the audience and cause dissatisfaction or special interest. Now everyone is awaiting the decision of the trial.

    Loss of a child

    In the sphere of recent events, an even more serious grief happened in the family of Dzhigurda and Anisina. Marina Anisina lost a child. All litigation with Channel One had a huge impact on her emotional and psychological state. Thus, it was not possible to save the child, which the couple had long dreamed of. Now Anisina is undergoing rehabilitation procedures and soon, we hope, she will be able to get pregnant.

    Thus, the latest news of 2017 from the life of Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisimova is not all joyful. The loss of a child also became an additional impetus to the escalation of the conflict. After such a serious disappointment, Dzhigurda became even more angry. Now he will not back down from his goal and will put pressure on Channel One in every possible way. For him, it became a matter of principle.

    Of course, receiving the inheritance from Bratash somehow calmed the situation, since at that time it was very important for Nikita. Currently, life in the family of Dzhigurda and Anisina is getting better. They spend time abroad together and enjoy their holidays.

    Anisina Dzhigurda: latest news

    More recently, Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisimova posted a photo on the Internet in which they are relaxing together on the coast of France. In her blog, Anisimova admitted that she forgave Nikita. Any loving person resolves his issues in non-chambers and tries to find any way of reconciliation.

    Now they enjoy their free time and spend it with each other. This is good news, since both had to live through one of the most difficult periods in their lives.

    Now relations in the family have improved, they are relaxing together at the resort and delighting fans with new joint photos. Upon arrival in Moscow, court proceedings will continue. Nikita hopes that he will still be able to prove his case. Most likely, the situation will be resolved by the beginning of 2018.

    Some of the loyal fans expressed their opinion that Nikita and Marina were again brought together by some joyful event, for example, a third child. The latest news in 2017 regarding the personal life of Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina makes sure that the couple supports each other in every possible way. Despite all the difficulties that have fallen on them for Last year they found the strength to recover.

    For almost two years, 57-year-old Nikita Dzhigurda fought for the inheritance of Lyudmila Bratash - the business woman wrote a will in the name of the artist, but he could not manage the property. The showman's enemy in this case was Svetlana Romanova, who called herself the sister of the late Bratash and also claimed her property, but the notary refused the woman the right to receive Lyudmila's inheritance.

    According to Dzhigurda, everything ended well, the court recognized Bratash's will as valid, and he achieved justice. That's just the wedding with Marina Anisina, which was scheduled for November, will not take place yet.

    “The wedding with Anisina is the final chord of our victory over the evil that surrounded us. There will be no celebration in the fall - they were postponed to the end of winter. I do not plan to conduct special training. Everything happens spontaneously for me. There will be a wedding, and then a third child. I want us to be parents again. Now I'm flying to Marina. Thank God we are fine. The two-year hell is over - not a single criminal case has been opened against me. The will was also recognized as valid, ”said Nikita Dzhigurda.

    Now Marina Anisina lives in France, and Nikita Dzhigurda lives in Moscow. However, separation, according to the scandalous showman, only benefits them. “For the first five years of our relationship, Marina and I lived together. At this time, we had a candy-bouquet period with almost daily sexual love games. But life so disposes that now we have to live in different countries. Thanks to this, we have time to miss each other on a physical level, ”Dzhigurda shared.

    The lovers meet once or twice a month, and this suits Nikita. According to Dzhigurda, he has the strongest feelings for Marina, and insists on a third child.

    “This is a normal situation when young people are saturated with each other, and then move on to another layer of relationships. We have children, household chores. But this does not mean my cooling off to the woman I love. It is clear that after ten years of life there is no such passion as at the beginning. But on the other hand, the cordial and mental connections developed over the years bring joy, which, in combination with a regular sexual life, even if not in the amount that one would like, cannot be replaced by anything. We know that we will not find better partners. Everything suits us, ”said Nikita Dzhigurda.

    Recall that two years ago Nikita Dzhigurda divorced Marina Anisina after eight years of marriage. However, when the showman had a difficult situation with inheritance and litigation, the couple reunited, and Nikita promised to marry Marina a second time. Now Dzhigurda is raising two children with Anisina - nine-year-old Mika-Angel-Christ and seven-year-old Eva-Vlada.

    The artist admitted that Marina Anisina was very jealous of him, but, given the peculiarity of the profession of an outrageous actor, she resigned herself to the fact that Dzhigurda is often surrounded by other women.

    “Anisina is very jealous, but she gives me complete freedom. I can hug women, squeeze them. Except for sexual penetration, everything is allowed to me. It is normal for women and men to feed on the energy of admiration or desire from other people, and then translate this into family life. This is natural and must be done. But at the same time, you need to love your partner, ”said Nikita Dzhigurda in an interview with Interlocutor.

    He promised: in the fall he would arrange a grand wedding with Marina Anissina. However, the celebration has yet to take place. In an exclusive interview, Nikita admitted: the marriage is postponed. Read about why this happened in our material.

    - The wedding with Anisina is the final chord of our victory over the evil that surrounded us, - says Nikita. - There will be no celebration in the autumn - they moved it to the end of winter. I do not plan to conduct special training. Everything happens spontaneously for me. There will be a wedding, and then a third child. I want us to be parents again. Now I'm flying to Marina. Thank God we are fine. The two-year hell is over - not a single criminal case has been opened against me. The will was also declared valid.

    According to Dzhigurda, separation from Anisina, who lives in France, and he is in Moscow, only benefits them. Thanks to the distance, the ex-spouses manage to avoid the routine in the relationship. At the same time, Nikita assures: he is constantly in touch with the eminent skater, talking to her on the phone every day.

    - The first five years of our relationship, Marina and I lived together, - the artist confesses. - At this time, we had a candy-bouquet period with almost daily sexual love games. But life so disposes that now we have to live in different countries. Thanks to this, we have time to miss each other on a physical level. Once a month, or even a couple of times, we meet with Marina. This is enough for us for today. It also depends on the initial conditions. I fell in love with Anisina in all energy centers. And my presence at the birth brought us closer. Therefore, neither the prankers nor the haters managed to separate us. Although there were difficult times: they called Marina, told about the orgies that Dzhigurda arranges, about his betrayals. But now everything is in place.

    Now love games with Anisina, for obvious reasons, do not happen every day, but Nikita is completely satisfied with this.

    “This is a normal situation when young people are saturated with each other, and then they move on to another layer of relationships,” the outrageous actor believes. - We have children, household chores. But this does not mean my cooling off to the woman I love. It is clear that after ten years of life there is no such passion as at the beginning. But on the other hand, the cordial and mental connections developed over the years bring joy, which, in combination with a regular sexual life, even if not in the amount that one would like, cannot be replaced by anything. We know that we will not find better partners. We are satisfied.

    The actor complains: despite the fact that Anisina lives in another country, she controls him. Although at the same time it allows a lot, given the peculiarity of his profession.

    - Anisina is very jealous, - says the artist. But she gives me complete freedom. I can hug women, squeeze them. Except for sexual penetration, everything is allowed to me. It is normal for women and men to feed on the energy of admiration or desire from other people, and then translate this into family life. This is natural and must be done. But you also need to love your partner. When there is no deep love, after two or three years of sexual intercourse, lovers scatter. How do young people today. Everything is different with Marina, which is why we have been together for so long.