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  • Category Archives: UFO, space. Ufo, aliens, latest news, photos, videos Latest UFO facts

    Category Archives: UFO, space.  Ufo, aliens, latest news, photos, videos Latest UFO facts

    Most last news about UFOs are published in this section. The section includes unique photos, videos and eyewitness accounts.

    UFO(unidentified flying object, UFO) is an object at any distance from the earth's surface, the nature of which cannot be explained in terms of common sense. Usually, a UFO is a phenomenon associated with a compact moving or stationary object that can be luminous or dark, make sounds or remain silent.

    The name UFO appeared as a result of a direct translation from English into Russian of the term UFO(unidentified flying object), which came into use in the early fifties of the 20th century. The activity related to the study of UFOs is called "ufology", and people who collect and verify information about UFOs are called ufologists.

    Since there are numerous evidences of the appearance of UFOs, their existence is not denied, and most of the controversy around UFOs is about their foreign origin. Most of the phenomena, initially assessed as UFOs after study, are explained by meteorological or astronomical phenomena, but from 5 to 10% of UFO phenomena remain without a clear explanation.

    Versions of the origin of UFOs

    On this moment There are several hypotheses for the origin of UFOs, including hypotheses about the extraterrestrial, natural, psychosocial and supernatural nature of phenomena. Most ufologists adhere exclusively to the version that aliens from near and far worlds are visiting us. Some ufologists believe that UFOs are ball lightning, meteorites, birds, swamp gases and other quite understandable modern science phenomena. Some experts are of the opinion that "flying saucers" are visits to us by earthlings from another time or the result of the activities of quite earthly, but parallel civilizations. There is an opinion that UFOs are living objects.

    Varieties of UFO

    There are "solid" UFOs that look like objects made of matter, including metal. According to eyewitnesses who have been inside a UFO, flying saucers contain sophisticated equipment used for experiments on people. Contactees describe different types aliens, some of which look like people, but most often they are creatures with large eyes and a strange skull without ears.

    "Solid" UFOs include:
    disk-shaped different sizes and shapes;
    triangular UFOs that can dramatically change speed and direction of flight;
    spindle-shaped in the form of two cones with one base;
    egg-shaped UFOs;
    as unmarked terrestrial flying objects, including airplanes and airships;
    rod-shaped UFOs from a few centimeters to tens of meters in length.

    There are many reports of the arrival of "soft" UFOs that look like a strange fog, a mysterious glow or lights. Often, eyewitnesses like UFOs are compared with ghosts or angels.

    Places of the most frequent encounters with UFOs

    UFOs are found in different places on the Earth, but there are several areas - "windows" where their appearances are recorded most often. Usually "windows" are found in sparsely populated areas of the Earth, for example, in the desert regions of the USA and Australia, in the mountainous regions of France and Great Britain, in Brazil and Argentina.

    UFOs are unidentified flying objects that periodically appear in our sky in different parts of the world. Alien ships have constantly interested ordinary people and some scientists. Skeptical astronomers continue to argue that UFOs do not exist. Only one thing can be said for sure now: humanity has not yet been able to either confirm or refute the theory of the existence of aliens. This article contains the most interesting facts about UFOs, starting with information about the first alien objects seen.

    • The term "UFO" was first used in his book by D. E. Kehoe in 1953. By the way, the book is called "Flying Saucers from Space".
    • Attention to alien flying vehicles was attracted by the pilot K. Arnold, who in 1947 during the flight noticed 9 unidentified objects hovering in the air. The news of this quickly spread around the world, after which ordinary people began to literally seek contact with aliens. Arnold, in turn, saw objects over Mount Raynel, which is located on the territory of Washington. It was Kenneth Arnold who called UFOs flying saucers, after which this term became popular and often used.
    • Officially, the term "UFO" was introduced by the United States Air Force. It happened in 1953. Air Force employees called the above term not only unidentified objects in the form of plates, but also other devices of various shapes, the origin of which was difficult to determine.

    • Most modern scientists believe that alien ships do not deserve such attention, because they cannot visit our planet so often. It is known that news about UFOs appear on the Internet with enviable regularity. If all of them were true, then we would already be able to establish direct contact with the aliens.
    • In the late 1950s and early 1960s, UFO news was incredibly popular in the United States. Later it turned out that almost all such news was, in fact, about the "U-2" - reconnaissance aircraft, which for several years were classified.
    • All films about aliens and alien technology can be divided into two groups. The first group, which is the most popular, exhibits hostile alien behavior. In such films, aliens attack people, master our planet, turning our life into Hell. The second group of films shows us a completely different behavior of UFOs - friendly. In such a cinema, aliens are trying to teach us something high-tech, reveal their secrets and even save people. In addition, there is another category of UFO films in which we rescue aliens. Movies like this are rare. Based on the foregoing, we can assume what exactly we expect from aliens.

    • In ufology, there is a term "ufonaut" - an ancient astronaut. Representatives of this science believe that "ufonauts" often visited our planet in the distant past. This theory is proved by various archaeological finds and architectural monuments of ancient cities.
    • In 1967, over England, six unidentified vehicles lined up in a row in the sky. The government officially approved the plans of scientists and the military, who intended to study UFOs. This event attracted everyone's attention, but later it turned out that it was all a hoax.
    • The Bermuda "triangle" is also credited with a connection with aliens. Researchers believe that an alien permanent base may exist underwater in that area, which is often visited by aliens. This explains the mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft, which to this day have not been found.
    • The famous astronomer Carl Sagal has always been skeptical. He doubted that a highly developed alien civilization would be willing to make contact with us. Despite his beliefs, he still participated in the world-famous SETI project.

    • In the late 1930s, Orson Welles quoted the fantastic book The War of the Worlds in his radio broadcast. He so plausibly and realistically described what was happening in it that thousands of Americans believed that they were really attacked by aliens. Mass panic began about halfway through the book. People quickly packed their things and tried to leave. Fortunately, the shocked population was able to calm down in time.
    • On July 8, 1947, the wreckage of an alien ship was allegedly discovered in Roswell. A little later, the government announced that this ship was, in fact, an terrestrial experimental flying machine. For months, people refused to believe it, accusing the government of deliberately hiding the truth about UFOs.
    • In the USSR, alien saucers often turned out to be new types of military equipment.
    • A 1996 social survey showed that 71% of Americans believe that the authorities are hiding the truth about flying alien vehicles from them. Moreover, many were sure that the government had long established contact with the aliens and concluded certain agreements with them.
    • First photograph of an unidentified alien vehicle was made in 1883 by a Mexican astronomer named J. Bonilla.
    • The first people to report the alien abduction were Betty and Barney, surnamed Hill. The abduction, they said, took place in 1961 in New Hampshire. The testimonies of the spouses completely coincided, despite the fact that they were interviewed separately and under hypnosis.

    • In modern times, there are official organizations in the world engaged in the search and study of UFOs. The most famous are: MUFON, CUFOS and the Unidentified Flying Object Research Foundation.
    • Aliens abducted not only ordinary people, but also the military, and in front of their leadership. So in 1953, junior lieutenant F. Yu. Monkla disappeared without a trace. He was sent to intercept a UFO hovering over Michigan. Monkla's plane approached an unidentified vehicle, after which it was enveloped bright light, and when everything stopped, it turned out that the plane was no longer on the radar. Nothing more was heard about the pilot and his plane.

    Any observed object resembling an aircraft, the belonging of which is not identified by terrestrial observers, can be attributed to a UFO. It is most popular to assume that the UFO has the shape of a "flying saucer". Another theory says that other civilizations have never visited the Earth or its environs.

    While some scientists agree that aliens are not the fruit of science fiction, and that advanced and ancient technological civilizations can exist, others are skeptical. But we will find out the truth!

    Last week publishers The New The York Times and Politico published articles that reported that the US government had been funding programs aimed at studying . The mission of the Advanced Airborne Threat Identification Program (AATIP) was to "gather visual and audible evidence of sightings of unidentified flying objects."

    UFO- unknown flying object; in the media, any celestial phenomenon whose nature the observer himself cannot determine. This usually implies that a compact moving object was observed, similar to an aircraft, the appearance of which is associated with a visit to Earth by aliens from outer space. The term UFO is a direct translation of the English UFO - unidentified flying object, which came into use in 1950-1955. In Russian, especially in works attempting to provide a scientific basis for the study of UFOs, other related terms are sometimes used: anomalous atmospheric phenomenon (AAP), anomalous aerospace object (AAO), unidentified aerospace phenomenon (ANP).

    The observation of incomprehensible atmospheric and celestial phenomena is not an "invention" of the 20th century. In the history of mankind, many cases of "heavenly signs" are known. Especially many reports of UFO sightings came from eyewitnesses (and jokers) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, during the creation of the first airships and aircraft. The outbreak of mass interest in UFOs began in the era of the heyday of aviation and the creation of rocket technology.

    The birth of a sensation. The first UFO report, which caused huge public interest and an avalanche of publications, was made by the American pilot Kenneth Arnold. Flying on the afternoon of June 24, 1947 near Mount Rainier in Washington state, he noticed nine strange objects. One of them looked like a crescent moon with a small dome in the middle, and eight others looked like flat discs that shone in the rays of the Sun. According to Arnold, the objects that struck him were moving at a speed of about 2700 km / h. Talking about them appearance, Arnold compared them to "tailless aircraft". He noted that the movement of strange objects was "like a glider rushing through the waves," or "like a saucer thrown on the surface of the water." This is how the now popular term “flying saucer” or “flying saucer” arose.

    The first publication of the Arnold case was greeted with skepticism, but a few weeks later the press was filled with testimonies from other eyewitnesses. Magazines and books on the subject began to appear.

    Official UFO investigations. Since the armed forces of some countries were testing new weapons at the time, it was suspected that reports of puzzling phenomena in the atmosphere could be related to these tests. The US Air Force began in 1948 collecting and systematizing reports of UFOs in order to ascertain their military significance. Civilian scientists and engineers were involved in this work. Several times the collected facts were analyzed for the CIA and the leadership of the US Army. This work, known as Project Blue Book, continued with varying degrees of activity until 1969.

    A major outcry in July 1952 was caused by several reports of visual and radar sightings of UFOs near Washington National Airport. Given the public and government attention to these reports, the CIA sent fact-finding instructions to the army and intelligence, and also created a group of experts to analyze incoming reports, consisting of engineers, meteorologists, physicists and astronomers under the leadership of physicist H. Robertson (H.P. Robertson, California Institute of Technology in Pasadena). After studying the facts, experts came to the conclusion that 90% of UFO reports have an astronomical or meteorological explanation: the vast majority of them are associated with the observation of the Moon and bright planets (especially Venus), clouds and auroras, birds, airplanes, balloons, rockets, meteors , searchlights and other phenomena that are understandable to professionals, but occurred in unusual conditions or were observed by insufficiently qualified eyewitnesses. One of the members of the commission, the famous American astronomer Donald Menzel (D.H. Menzel) published in 1953 the book Flying Saucers, in which he explained the nature of some UFO sightings.

    Interest in UFOs increased in the early years of the space age. From the USA it spread to Western Europe, USSR, Australia and other countries. The second commission to study reports of UFOs worked in the United States in February 1966 and came to the same conclusions as the first. However, some scientists and engineers remained dissatisfied with the work of these commissions; meteorologist James McDonald (J.E. McDonald, University of Arizona at Tucson) and astronomer Allen Hynek (Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois) were especially vocal opponents of the "natural" UFO hypothesis. These scientists believed that some UFO reports clearly indicated the existence of aliens.

    In 1968, by order of the US Air Force, the University of Colorado organized a group of 37 experts led by a prominent physicist and atomic energy specialist Edward Condon (E.U. Condon). The report of the Scientific Investigation of UFOs group was reviewed by a special committee of the US National Academy of Sciences and published in early 1969. It analyzed in detail 59 reports of UFOs. In the "Conclusion" Condon categorically rejects the "extraterrestrial hypothesis" and recommends stopping further study of the problem.

    By this time, 12,618 UFO reports had been collected in the Project Blue Book archive. All of them were either "identified" with one of the known phenomena (astronomical, atmospheric or artificial), or "unidentified", often due to the low information content of the message. On the basis of the Condon Report, the Blue Book project was closed in December 1969. The only official and sufficiently complete archive of UFO reports was the Canadian one, which contained about 750 reports and was transferred in 1968 from the Ministry of Defense to the Scientific Council of Canada. Relatively small archives were also available in official institutions in Great Britain, Sweden, Denmark, Australia and Greece.

    In general, other commissions that studied reports of UFOs came to the same conclusions as the Condon Commission. In France, it was the Group for the Study of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (GEPAN = Groupe d "Etude des Phenomenes Aerospatiaux Non-Identifies), which has been working since 1977. In the USSR, this conclusion was made by a group of experts working on the topic "Grid" of the Ministry of Defense and the Academy of Sciences ( 1978-1990) True, it was noted that individual well-documented UFO sightings still failed to provide an exhaustive scientific explanation.

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