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  • Skyrim cheat for appearance. Skyrim Level Up Code

    Skyrim cheat for appearance. Skyrim Level Up Code

    The elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the best game of 2011 according to the version of numerous game publications, one and only one of its kind. Of course, it's better to go through the game without using any cheats and codes, but if you are stuck at a certain point or simply want to have a good time, Skyrim codes are what Dovahkiin ordered.

    Let's start with the main one, namely, the inclusion of the English language in the console. First you need to go to the "Documents" folder, find the "My Games" folder there, "Skyrim" in it. In the Skyrim folder, find the Skyrim.ini file. Press Ctrl + F (search) or scroll down until you find the lines:

    sLanguage \u003d RUSSIAN

    after these lines add (do not replace):

    sConsole \u003d ENGLISH

    Close the file and save your changes. Congratulations, now the console has english language... If, for some reason, the language remains Russian, set the default English language in the operating system (Settings - Control Panel - Regional and Language Options - Languages \u200b\u200b- more. Then select English as the default language in the menu).

    Now, you can start entering the Skyrim codes and cheats. To do this, go into the game and press the tilde key on the keyboard ~ (in the Russian layout Ё) - the game console will open.

    The main and most powerful The Elder Scrolls V codes:

    tgm- god mode (health, mana and stamina are not consumed, weight does not matter - wear as much as you wish);
    player.modav carryweight X - where X is the weight that the main character can carry;
    tmm 1 - after entering this code, all markers will appear on the map and you can freely move between them;
    tcl - now you can pass through walls and fly;
    psb- adds all possible shouts and talents;
    tmm 1 - with this Skyrim code, you can open all possible locations;
    tim- in our opinion, one of the most useful cheats Skyrim - health, mana, energy decrease, but when health decreases to zero, the main character does not die;
    player.modav magicka X - where X is the number of points of magic that you want to add to your hero;
    player.modav health X - where X is the number of life points that you want to add to your hero);
    player.modav stamina X - where X is the number of points of stamina that you want to add to your hero;
    player.setav weaponspeedmult X - where X is the speed multiplier of the weapon strikes. For example, the code player.setav weaponspeedmult 3 increases the damage rate by 3 times;
    killall - with the help of this code you can kill all opponents around;

    The Elder Scrolls V codes for improving skills and abilities (perks):

    If you want to pump all skills at once, you can enter first several times
    advskill Destruction 999999
    and then:
    player.setav Destruction 0

    Repeat the operation until you have the required number of ability points. If you do not want to make an invincible superman out of the hero, but only pump some of his skills, then you should use the following Skyrim cheats:

    advskill X Y - where X is the name of the skill, Y is the number of experience points (not ability points!) that you want to add. For example, advskill Marksman 200 - add 200 experience points to the ability of Marksman (shooter);
    player.setav X Y - where X is the name of the skill, Y is the skill level you want to install. Example: player.setav Sneak 50 - set the skill Sneak (stealth) level 50.
    player.setlevel X - where X is your hero's desired level. Example: player.setlevel 100 - set the character to level 100.

    To use these Skyrim codes you need to know the name of all skills:


    Alchemy- speeds up the production of potions (Alchemy);
    LightArmor-increases the effect of wearing armor (Light Armor);
    Lockpicking- opening locks with master keys (Hacking);
    Pickpocket- the effectiveness of theft from other characters (Pickpocketing);
    Sneak- the main skill for a thief (Stealth);
    Speechcraft- increases the chance to persuade / intimidate / bribe characters (Speech);


    Alteration- needed to improve auxiliary and defensive spells (Change);
    Conjuration- it will be much easier to attract creatures to your side (Witchcraft);
    Destruction - enhances magic and elemental weapons (Destruction);
    Enchanting - strengthening things (clothes, weapons) with magic (Enchanting);
    Illusion- you will be able to better influence the minds of the characters (Illusion);
    Restoration- helps to quickly heal wounds and kill undead more effectively (Recovery);


    Block- increasing the quality of blocking damage with a shield or weapon (Blocking);
    HeavyArmor - increased effect from heavy armor + increased bonus from collecting all items in the set (Heavy armor);
    Marksman- increases the effect of using bows (Shooting);
    Onehanded- Improving the use of weapons in one hand + adding new techniques (One-handed weapons);
    Smithing- craft in the forge of weapons and armor (Blacksmithing);
    Twohanded- Improving the use of weapons in both hands + adding new techniques (Two-handed weapons).

    Skyrim cheats to enhance skills

    To increase weapon damage and armor effect, use the following code:
    player.setav X Y - where X is the skill you are upgrading and Y is the percentage of gain. For example the code player.setav OneHandedPowerMod 300 boosts the base damage of one-handed weapons by 300%

    Here is a list of skills that you can improve with this Skyrim cheat:

    AlchemyPowerMod - speeding up the preparation of potions (alchemy);
    AlterationPowerMod - strengthening of the "change" skill;
    BlockPowerMod- improvement of shields;
    ConjurationPowerMod- improving the skills of witchcraft;
    DestructionPowerMod- improvement of destruction skills;
    EnchantingPowerMod- increasing enchanting skills.
    HeavyArmorPowerMod- increasing the effectiveness of heavy armor;
    IllusionPowerMod- increases the influence on the mind of other characters (illusion);
    LightArmorPowerMod- increasing the effectiveness of light armor;
    LockpickingPowerMod- improving the skills of the cracker;
    MarksmanPowerMod- improving bow skills;
    OneHandedPowerMod- Improving the use of weapons that are used in one hand;
    PickPocketPowerMod- improving the skills of a pickpocket;
    RestorationPowerMod-a faster health recovery;
    SmithingPowerMod- improving the blacksmithing skill;
    SneakPowerMod- increasing stealth and stealth;
    SpeechcraftPowerMod- improving persuasion skills (eloquence);
    TwoHandedPowerMod- improving the skills of using a weapon that is used with two hands at once.

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim cheats for vampirism

    Vampirism is an integral part of all The Elder Scrolls games. After falling under the Life Drain vampire spell, you have a 10% chance that within three days you will become a vampire. In order not to wait for the vampire to think of bite you, you can use the code player.addspell 000B8780... After that, you need to wait three days in the hope of becoming a vampire (a sure sign that you have joined the vampire fraternity - in the section "Magic", "Active effects" you will see the inscription "Vulnerability to fire").

    If you change your mind or want to get rid (within 72 hours) of the evil virus of vampirism, then use the code player.removespell 000B8780... Please note that if you have already turned into a bloodsucker, then this code will not work.

    In this case, use the code setstage 000EAFD5 10 - healing from vampirism, but you can use it only once in the whole game. There are times that a player has become a vampire twice and the above The Elder Scrolls V code does not help, then try the following:

    Make a new save for the current game;
    - type the code in the console resetquest 000EAFD5, then make another new save and immediately load it;
    - type setstage code 000EAFD5 10.

    If you do everything right, you will cease to be a vampire.

    The Elder Scrolls V codes for working with objects

    Before writing the necessary code in the console, you need to select the object. To do this, open the console, go close to the desired object and click on it with the left mouse button - the object's id should appear in the console. Now you can enter codes:

    kill- kill (affects both characters and animals);
    resurrect 1 -resurrect (also affects the corpses of animals and people);
    resetai-reset the default dialogs (if during communication with the NPC you chose the wrong answer or simply refuse to communicate with you, then you can always "erase" the memory of the villain and start acquaintance "from scratch");
    Markfordelete-Completely and permanently delete this character or object (using this code, you need to be extremely careful - you can easily delete an object such as a whole building).

    The Elder Scrolls V codes for working with inventory:

    setownership- get the selected item into your own property;
    unlock- open / unlock the selected item;
    inv-show the object's inventory;
    openactorcontainer 1 - open the inventory of a character or creature to exchange items;
    removeallitems - - make the inventory of the selected creature empty;
    equipitem X - where X - item id - to give the selected character a certain item;

    With the help of the following command you can add / call the required number of items or creatures:
    player.placeatme X Y - where X is the id of an item or character, Y is the number of items. For instance, player.placeatme 000bad0c - calls the alchemy laboratory, player.placeatme 000f811d- Summons an ancient dragon.

    This category contains codes for Skyrim. The codes will help you go through especially difficult places in the game, which the absence of powerful weapon, mana, any spells, lack of gold or insufficiently pumped skills. With the help of codes, you can also increase the level of your character, experiment with skills and spells.

    What are Skyrim 5 codes?

    Let's take a closer look at what you may need codes for in Skyrim and what codes are in general.

    - these are "secret" commands that are introduced into games and programs in order to change the course of their work in the interests of the cracker, to get additional opportunities. Thanks to cheats, not very persistent and dexterous players can complete the game without thinking about the reserves of health, mana and gold. In Skyrim, codes also allow detailed exploration of individual aspects of the game, temporarily removing the restrictions that hinder exploration in normal game mode.

    As a rule, the official information about the game does not contain information about the codes. They usually appear some time after release. Sometimes the codes are discovered by hackers analyzing the game code, but more often the developers themselves "leak" information in order to whet fan interest in the game and increase the audience at the expense of less successful players.

    Often, a code is a sequence of characters (letters, numbers, and even whole sentences). For example, the most frequently requested codes for Skyrim 5 are as follows:

    • Level up: advlevel
    • Disable Discovery: TDetect
    • Immortality: tim

    How to use codes on Skyrim?

    To call the mode of entering codes, press the "~" key on the keyboard. A console line should appear at the bottom (if certain permissions the screen can not be seen, but the codes are still entered). Now you can enter the codes you need.

    Sometimes, instead of symbols, the console displays squares, and the codes themselves do not work. You can eliminate this problem as follows:

    1. you need to open a text file, which is located on the path "Skyrim \\\\ Data \\\\ Interface \\\\ fontconfig.txt"
    2. change the font line in the console to this: "map
    Now the squares will disappear and the codes for Skyrim will work.


    Be aware that there may be crashes when using codes in the game. In order for you not to overwrite an important save and to be able to roll back to the moment when the failure has not yet occurred, we strongly recommend that you save the game in a separate save before using the codes for the Skyrim game.

    It should also be remembered that you will not be able to receive Steam achievements in the session in which you used the codes. In order for the ability to receive achievements to return, you will need to restart the game.

    Cheating, in particular the use of skill codes on Skyrim, is often criticized. At the same time, it is not considered shameful to turn gaming flaws to your advantage. Few players have never attacked the unrequited Ralof or Hadvor on their way from Helgen.

    Probably, only a few did not take free shooting lessons from the trusting Fendal, and Talos himself ordered to practice combat skills on Shadow Mane.

    Fast character pumping with the help of codes, in principle, does not differ from the listed actions. This way of developing skills will take less time and save the keyboard and mouse from premature wear.

    Skill boosting codes for Skyrim

    The "player.setav" cheat is used to increase the real value of the skill, to which the base value is added, multiplied by the percentage specified by the player. Formula of introduction:

    player.setav [X] [Y]

    Instead of "X", the English name of the skill is put, and "Y" means the number of percent by which the skill will increase. For example, you can increase the skill of using a two-handed weapon like this:

    player.setav TwoHandedPowerMod 50

    Shooting (MarksmanPowerMod), blocking (BlockPowerMod) and one-handed weapons (OneHandedPowerMod) are pumped in the same way.

    All skill enhancement codes:

    The codeName
    TwoHandedPowerMod two-handed weapon
    MarksmanPowerMod bows
    BlockPowerMod shield
    SmithingPowerMod blacksmith craft
    HeavyArmorPowerMod heavy armor
    LightArmorPowerMod light armor
    PickPocketPowerMod pickpocketing
    LockpickingPowerMod breaking
    SneakPowerMod secrecy
    AlchemyPowerMod alchemy
    SpeechcraftPowerMod eloquence

    Cheats for Skyrim are bad form. But if cheating is carried out by legal means, everything changes! Using console commands, any player can do a lot, turning himself into the god of the game in the literal sense of the word! Here are some of the most interesting console commands in Skyrim:

    The video will show you a selection of the most interesting options, and then you can continue reading.

    God mode, you become invulnerable and can do whatever you want. The video shows what you can achieve:

    God Mode Supplement: You can go to heaven or underground, wherever you want, there are no barriers for you.

    The lock doesn't lend itself? There is no key, and lock picking is poorly pumped? Write this in the console and you become the best bugbear in Skyrim.

    You will learn all the spells in the game.

    You get to the next level! Leveling is easier than ever

    Completes all stages of the main quest, making playing Skyrim almost pointless.

    You can change the race, however this will reset all levels and skills.

    player.modav skill X
    Changes the skill "skill" to the amount of "x".

    player.additem ITEM ###
    Adds an item with the specified code and in the specified quantity to the player's inventory.

    player.additem 0000000f ###
    Adds from 1 to 999 gold coins.

    player.additem 0000000a “###”
    Adds several master keys.

    Disables all game menus, great for taking screenshots.

    Enables or disables pins on the map.

    Gives access to the flying map, allowing you to view the world from the height of a dragon's flight

    Disables artificial intelligence. Completely

    Turns AI on or off enemies, transforming dragons into pins and needles

    Enables or disables the ability to detect crimes: murder, theft.

    player.setcrimegold ###
    Can increase or decrease the player's "crime" level

    player.setlevel ##
    Increases or decreases the player's level by a specified amount.

    player.setav speedmult ###
    Allows you to increase the speed to transcendental values.

    Guides you towards the quest goal

    Kills the target. Simple and effective.

    Kills everyone. Nuff said.

    Shows all console commands

    Resurrects the target so you can kill it again

    player.modav carryweight #
    Changes the weight of the items worn by the player.

    setpcfame #
    Increases the fame of the character.

    setpcinfamy #
    Increases the glory of the NPC.

    player.setav fatigue #
    Allows you to get rid of the annoying feeling of fatigue that for some reason the character is experiencing.

    player.setav health #
    Increases health

    Leaving the game quickly and easily.

    Removes all items, including clothing, from the target.

    Changes the target's gender.

    set timescale to #
    Allows you to speed up or reduce the flow of time.

    Use these Skyrim console commands at your own risk. Remember - cheating on the first playthrough can kill all interest!

    Skyrim is an entertaining role-playing toy that opens up a huge world to explore from the very beginning. Players begin their story in the role of Dragonborn. Dragonborn is a dragonborn who finds himself in the province of Skyrim. What is the purpose of the game? You need to stop the great dragon king Alduin as soon as possible, who also has his own goal - to unleash all the fury of dragons on your game world. The player can choose himself how to go through this adventure: complete passing tasks or wander around the world.

    Let's see why codes are needed at all. Codes are the "easy way" to upgrade one or another desired item. These codes usually consist of a combination of letters and numbers. For example, pumping skill points. Perk is a distinctive feature of every hero in the game.

    To pump skill points and get all the perks, we need codes.

    • First, let's call the line where we write our codes.
    • Press the "x" key and start our "fraud";
    • First, enter the code.advskill N X. With this code, we raise the skill from N to X units. experience. This is one of the codes that exist in the Skyrim game world.
    • Next, enter player.setav N X. This sets the skill level X to N. This code will not add skill points to you, but you will need it when your skill levels reach 100.
    • Go to the code.player.setlevel N. Now we have set the hero's level to N (from 1 to 255). Used to lower the level of the hero after using the first code.

    To understand an ordinary person who does not play this game, but who wants to start, consider the simplest example, where we will look at how to step by step "pump" the level and skills of your character. Everything is outrageously simple.

    There are many different skills, such as alchemy, alteration, spellcasting, resolution, enchant, illusion, restoration, shooting, blocking, two-handed weapons, blacksmithing, etc.

    If you want to improve the skill "destruction" then use the code
    advskill Destruction 100. In this case, the skill is increased not by 100 levels, but by 100 points.

    But for the impatient players who want to get it all, another option will work right away.

    • First, let's use the advskill code that was mentioned above.
    • We improve the skill you need, which you will need to level 100.
    • The next step is to apply the code player.setav (write the skill you want in square brackets) 0 (no brackets).
    • We repeat all over again until you have improved all skill points.
    • Let's enter 2 lines as many times as you need points to improve:
      advskill Destruction 999999player.setav
      Destruction 0
    If you have coped, then you have the opportunity for any improvement in Skyrim, and then you will become almost invincible and be able to defeat any, even the most sworn enemy! Skyrim is a very interesting and addictive game, and with the knowledge of the codes, you will become the most powerful. Play and enjoy without denying yourself anything. Good luck!