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  • Dream interpretation shave an intimate place. Why dream about Encyclopedia, epidemic, epilation, epaulettes - dream book Why dream about a guy doing depilation to me

    Dream interpretation shave an intimate place. Why dream about Encyclopedia, epidemic, epilation, epaulettes - dream book Why dream about a guy doing depilation to me

      Dream interpretation "AstroMeridian"

      For what dreaming Epilation according to the dream book: Painful removal in dream facial or body hair, at home or in the beauty parlor means illness in real life. For what dreaming Epilation - interpretation by day of the week. If a dreaming in dream Epilation on Monday Why dreaming Epilation in Tuesday If dreaming sleep about Epilation Wednesday If dreaming Epilation on Thursday.

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    • Dream interpretation "astroscope"

      Cutting hair in dream, Get your hair cut by the hairdresser in dream, Had a dream hair removal or epilation - the desire to get rid of the unnecessary part of yourself; otherwise - to waste. Dye your hair in dream, Dye hair roots, Dreamed hair dye, Change hair color in dream - dissatisfaction with oneself; otherwise, big changes in life. Changing Hair Color in dreamYou have shown an inner readiness for major changes, which are likely planned by you in real life.

    Women attach great importance to their night visions and their clarification. Dreams are a reflection of our subconscious, which is why their interpretation is so important.

    Often people wonder how important shaving legs in a dream is for a woman. This article will help you answer the question.

    All dream books agree that seeing legs during a dream means support in life. Legs are a symbol of support and reliability.

    Seeing clean and healthy feet is a very good sign. He says that a woman stands firmly on her feet, is able to help her loved ones.

    Seeing clean and healthy feet is a very good sign. He says that a woman stands firmly on her feet, is able to help her loved ones. If during a dream you can see many feet of people around you, this means that the necessary help will be received on time.

    Broken legs or with some kind of injury - such a dream means that problems will soon appear in life.

    Seeing hairy legs in a dream - various dream books explain in their own way. IN Noble dream book having hair on your legs in a dream is a very positive sign. This speaks of finding happiness in the near future.

    In the Noble Dream Book, having hair on your legs in a dream is a very positive sign. This speaks of finding happiness in the near future.

    The way the hair on the legs looks is of great importance:

    • if there is a lot of hair on the legs, then there will be great happiness;
    • the hair on the legs is curly, which means the sex life will be happy;
    • gray hair on the legs suggests that thoughts of old age and death come too often;
    • if the hair on the legs causes a negative reaction, then this means the unexpected appearance of relatives.

    Sometimes a woman in a dream begins to shave her legs. There are many transcripts for such a dream.

    Interpretation of hair removal itself

    You can analyze the question using the example of several popular dream books.

    Miller's dream book

    The dream interpretation interprets leg hair as making a profit. This profit can be not only monetary. The girl may have a rich husband, and will be offered a prestigious and monetary job. Shaving the hair on your legs in a dream is a bad sign.

    The dream that a woman shaves off the hair on her legs indicates some kind of error in behavior. For example, a girl may refuse a prestigious groom. You can agree to a job that will not suit you later.

    The dream interpretation interprets leg hair as making a profit.

    After such a dream, it is advisable not to make important decisions for some time, to refrain from unnecessary spending.

    Dream interpretation Hasse

    If a woman shaves her legs in a dream, and this is a pleasant activity for her, then after losses there will be a bright streak in life.

    The dream book recommends paying attention to the mood that accompanies the dream of shaving.

    Modern dream book

    For a long time, the image of hairy legs meant wealth and security. By shaving off the hair on her legs, a woman deprives herself of this. This happens if the events taking place around a woman are misinterpreted by her.

    For example, you can invest in a project that will not make a profit. A new job can be cheating.

    For a long time, the image of hairy legs meant wealth and security. By shaving off the hair on her legs, a woman deprives herself of this.

    Eastern dream book

    This dream book also believes that shaving legs in a dream for a woman is an unfavorable sign. Because of her frivolity, a woman can lose a rich and generous admirer or husband.

    If a woman shaves her hair with a straight razor, then such a dream warns of a dangerous situation. An ill-wisher may appear in the immediate environment.

    Attention! Often, such an image warns a woman of impending disaster. It is worth listening carefully to your subconscious. Thoroughly consider all the proposals, all your actions. Only in this case will the dream be favorable. It will help to prevent an error leading to negative consequences.

    It is worth listening carefully to your subconscious. Thoroughly consider all the proposals, all your actions.

    Sometimes it happens to myself to shave my legs in a dream. For a woman, such a dream may be incomprehensible.

    Why dream when a woman shaves her legs

    Not always shaving your leg hair in a dream is a bad omen. If a woman in real life is often engaged in depilation, then a dream may simply reflect reality at the subconscious level. He says that a girl always wants to be beautiful and well-groomed.

    Some dream books interpret such a plot differently. A woman who sees such a vision in a dream is extremely self-confident.

    If a woman in life is often engaged in depilation, then a dream can reflect reality at the subconscious level. He says that a girl always wants to be beautiful and well-groomed.

    Overconfidence is not always a negative quality. Such people often become leaders. They confidently manage their home, business.

    What does a dream say when a woman shaves another's legs

    If this is a beloved man, then a dream predicts a close separation from a lover. What you see means that there will be no romantic relationship with this person, or they will be very short-lived.

    If a woman in her dream shaves the hair on the legs of another person, then this always means parting with him.

    Sometimes a vision of the night speaks of a serious illness of a person whose legs are shaved.

    Freud's interpretation of the shave dream

    Freud uses psychiatric analysis to decipher dreams. According to Freud, all visions of feet are associated with sex life and marriage.

    Razor in Freud's dictionary means a break with a person. When a woman shaves her legs in a dream, then her power over her husband will soon end. For a girl, what she sees may mean that she is mistaken in choosing a groom.

    If a woman dreams of hairy legs, then this means that she plays a major role in the family. For a girl, a vision in a dream predicts a rich husband whom she will command.

    Note! If you had such a dream, a girl or woman needs to think about what to change in her life in order to correct the situation.

    Decoding sleep based on hair color

    Depending on the color of the hair on the legs, the dream can be deciphered ambiguously:

    1. If the hair is light in color or gray, this suggests that the attitude towards life is depressive. The woman is not confident in her abilities. This prevents her from achieving success in her career and personal life. The dream warns that you need to reconsider your attitude towards yourself and the world around you, and everything will work out.
    2. Black and coarse hair on her legs warns women that she has an ill-wisher.
    3. Reddish hair on legs is a dream of pregnancy. If the hair is long, then there will be a girl. And if they are short, then a boy will appear.

    What does it mean if you hurt yourself while shaving your legs in a dream

    When shaving your legs in a dream, you can cut your leg. For a woman, sleep will serve as a warning.

    A cut while shaving in a dream warns of minor troubles. Unplanned spending may occur that will cause annoyance. There may be some family problems. There may be a fine for late utility bills or a fine for breaking the rules on the road.

    A few days after the dream, it is advisable to pay attention to the little things.Some dream books say that cutting yourself with a razor in a dream predicts failure in some business started. A cut sometimes means plans that have not come true.

    Shave your legs with a blunt razor - interpretation

    When you dream about shaving your legs in a dream, the sharpness of the razor matters for a woman. If a dull razor is dreamed in a dream, then the explanation of the dream is unambiguous.

    This is always a difficult character of a woman, which can ruin relationships with people around her. Such night vision also means that criticism will be taken courageously.

    If a dull razor is dreamed in a dream, then the explanation of the dream is unambiguous.
    This is always a difficult character of a woman, which can ruin relationships with people around her.

    May be a warning of possible troublethat will happen at work or in the family. Most often, troubles are associated with the character of a woman.

    If the razor is so dull that it is impossible for her to shave, then such a dream portends sorrow and illness.

    Dreams don't always come true. Sometimes they can come true the next day, and sometimes after a few years.

    What day of the week does a shaving dream happen?

    The reliability of a dream depends on the time when it was dreamed. A list of dreams performed by day of the week is given below.


    Dreams before Monday can talk about mental and emotional workload. The patroness of sleep, the Moon, is responsible for the emotionality of a person.

    Such dreams speak of the state of the nervous system. The greater the psychological load on a woman, the more strange and incomprehensible the dream will be.

    The dream that I had before Monday does not come true. Such a dream can be ignored.

    Such dreams speak of the state of the nervous system. The greater the psychological load on a woman, the more strange and incomprehensible the dream will be.


    Before Tuesday, sleep is usually bright and emotional. The patron saint of dreams before Tuesday is Mars, militant and unpredictable. Dreams are so vivid and colorful that they look like a fairy tale or a movie.

    Such a dream must be remembered., but rather write it down. What matters here is what mood he left. If after sleep there is a good mood, then there will be good luck in all matters.

    Such a dream must be remembered, but it is better to write it down. What matters here is what mood he left.

    If in the morning the dream has an unpleasant aftertaste, then it is better not to start new business in the near future.


    Before Wednesday, dreams usually have a lot of detail. It is almost impossible to interpret such events. Visions flash there like pictures in a kaleidoscope.

    Mercury is the patron of sleep on Wednesday. Such a dream is almost never remembered.

    Before Wednesday, dreams usually have a lot of detail. It is almost impossible to interpret such events. The dream is almost never remembered.


    Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are very important. They help to get answers to many pressing questions. Such a dream can be of crucial importance and will help you find a way out of many difficult situations.

    The practical Jupiter guides this dream. Most of the visions before Thursday are related to professional activities.


    On Friday night, there are dreams related to a woman's personal life. After all, the patron saint of such dreams is Venus.

    Many scenes seen at night will happen in real life. Sometimes such dreams become prophetic. The emotional component is also important in this dream.

    On Friday night, there are dreams related to a woman's personal life. After all, the patron saint of such dreams is Venus.

    If a dream about shaving legs in a dream is satisfying, then such a dream for a woman will be a harbinger of a successful family life.


    Sleep before Saturday is important not only for the woman herself, but also for her closest relatives and friends. The fateful Saturn guides sleep this night.

    This dream can predict the future fate of a person. If the dream was happy, then in the coming days there will be many happy events in life.

    This dream can predict the future fate of a person. If the dream was happy, then in the coming days there will be many happy events in life.


    What will dream on the night before Sunday will come true on the same day. Visions on this night are often prophetic. If you dreamed of something good, then it will surely come true. If the dream was negative, then it would not affect real life in any way.

    In this dream, it is important to remember the words of people. This will help to correctly interpret the dream. People who dreamed at night will help you solve important issues. They can become friends or life partners.

    In this dream, it is important to remember the words of people. This will help to correctly interpret the dream.

    If you meet an acquaintance in a dream, you must definitely communicate with him. The patron saint of such a dream is the Sun.

    Important to remember! Dreams that happened before Monday and Wednesday do not need to be paid attention to. They usually don't come true. On other days, it is important to analyze the vision of the night.

    To understand the dream correctly, you need to remember the emotional state, hair color, and also take into account the day of the week when he dreamed.

    The dream when a woman shaves off the hair on her legs does not happen often. To understand the dream correctly, it is necessary to remember the emotional state, hair color, and also take into account the day of the weekwhen he dreamed.

    In this video you will find out what legs dream about.

    This video will tell you what it means when you dreamed about hair.

    In this video for you information about the meaning of sleep, where was the razor.

    If you dreamed about a man, then you will have some kind of pleasure. If you see a stranger in a dream, this portends the commission of some kind of adventure. Seeing yourself as a man in a dream means getting into some kind of piquant situation with far-reaching consequences.

    If the man seen in a dream is in prison, then this promises you the implementation of your long-cherished plans.

    Seeing a man-actor in a dream means an upcoming quarrel with friends or the loss of someone close to you. Resentment, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, trouble.

    If the man you saw in the dream was an obstetrician, this means an early illness.

    Seeing the man of your dreams in a dream and enjoying communication with him means that you will have to cry a lot and worry about trifles.

    If in a dream a small man tries to start a quarrel or a fight with a person superior to him in strength, this means that you are exchanging for trifles. Also, a dream promises an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which a lot of joys will appear in your life.

    By the way, various historical sources give numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that actually happened later. Such facts are cited in his Comparative Biographies by the ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (c. 45 - c. 127), the Roman historian and writer Guy Suetonius Tranquill (c. 70 - c. 140) and many other ancient authors tell about prophetic dreams.

    About one visionary dream, which predicted misfortune, Plutarch's story from his famous "Biographies" has been preserved. One night on the eve of the assassination of the Roman dictator and commander Gaius Julius Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up in sobs: she dreamed that she was holding her murdered husband in her arms. Her feelings were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the Senate meeting scheduled for that day. If he had attached importance to this warning from above, given to his wife, he would have remained alive (in the Senate he was stabbed with twenty-three knife wounds, in which all the senators took part) and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have developed differently.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation for women

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    Working with an encyclopedia or an encyclopedic dictionary, looking for something, writing out information portends - success in literature. For this activity you will sacrifice your comforts and material wealth.

    Looking at or looking for help in an encyclopedia in a dream means that you will achieve significant literary success at the cost of giving up comfort and well-being.

    Great interpreter of dreams based on Miller's dream book:

    An encyclopedia in a dream suggests that you have a tremendous talent for writing books or articles, but in order to develop it, you will have to sacrifice well-being and financial wealth.


    Modern family dream book according to Freud:

    Dreams about a dangerous epidemic predict overwork from mental work, the solution of very troublesome issues, or the illness of one of the relatives.


    Modern family dream book according to Freud:

    Painful removal of hair in a dream, on the face or body, at home or in a beauty parlor, means an illness in real life.


    Modern family dream book according to Freud:

    To be in a dream in luxurious epaulettes or to put them on a uniform - to be awarded a high honor and deserve the friendship of the authorities and influential persons. If a soldier dreamed of officer epaulettes, he will receive a reward after a difficult period of disfavor.

    Only for women

    If in a dream you were introduced to a military man in epaulettes, then in reality you will fall madly in love with a person whose connection with whom will end in a scandal.

    What do dreams mean? - new dream book of Juno:

    If in a dream you see yourself with beautiful epaulettes embroidered with gold, then this is a sign of high dignity.

    Putting on epaulettes or seeing them on yourself can also mean the favor of noble ladies.

    Here you will find the interpretation of the dream in which you see and you dream: encyclopedia, epidemic, hair removal, epaulettes. You will find out what it means if you dream about an encyclopedia, epidemic, epilation, epaulettes in a dream.