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  • A tendency to abstract thought. Examples and applications of abstract thinking by a person

    A tendency to abstract thought.  Examples and applications of abstract thinking by a person

    Abstract thinking is one that allows you to abstract from small details and look at the situation as a whole. This type of thinking allows you to step beyond the boundaries of norms and rules and make new discoveries. The development of abstract thinking in a person from childhood should occupy an important place, because this approach makes it easier to find unexpected solutions and new ways out of the situation.

    Basic forms of abstract thinking

    A feature of abstract thinking is that it has three different forms - concepts, judgments and conclusions. Without understanding their specifics, it is difficult to sink into the concept of "abstract thinking".

    1. Concept

    The concept is a form of thinking in which an object or group of objects is reflected as one or more features. Each of these signs must be significant! The concept can be expressed both in one word and in a phrase - for example, the concepts of "cat", "leaves", "student of a humanitarian university", "green-eyed girl".

    2. Judgment

    Judgment is a form of thinking in which any phrase describing the world around, objects, relationships and patterns is denied or approved. In turn, judgments are divided into two types - complex and simple. A simple proposition may sound like, for example, "the cat eats sour cream." A complex proposition expresses the meaning in a slightly different form: "The bus started moving, the stop was empty." A complex proposition usually takes the form of a declarative sentence.

    3. Inference

    Inference is a form of thinking in which, from one or a group of related propositions, a conclusion is drawn, which is a new proposition. This is the basis of abstract-logical thinking. Judgments that precede the formation of the final version are called prerequisites, and the final judgment is called the "conclusion". For example: “All birds fly. Sparrow flies. Sparrow is a bird.

    The abstract type of thinking involves the free operation of concepts, judgments and conclusions - such categories that do not make sense without correlation with our everyday life.

    How to develop abstract thinking?

    Needless to say, the ability for abstract thinking is different for everyone? Some people are given to draw beautifully, others to write poetry, and others to think abstractly. However, the formation of abstract thinking is possible, and for this it is necessary to give the brain a reason for reflection from early childhood.

    There are currently many printed publications, which give food for thought - all kinds of collections, puzzles and the like. If you want to engage in the development of abstract thinking in yourself or your child, it is enough to find only 30-60 minutes twice a week to immerse yourself in solving such tasks. The effect will not keep you waiting. It is noticed that at an early age the brain is easier to decide this kind of problem, but the more training he gets, the better the results.

    The complete absence of abstract thinking can give rise not only to many problems with creative activities, but also with the study of those disciplines in which most of the key concepts are abstract. That is why it is important to pay much attention to this topic.

    Properly developed abstract thinking allows you to know what has not yet been known by anyone before, to discover various secrets of nature, to distinguish truth from lies. In addition, this method of cognition differs from others in that it does not require direct contact with the object under study and allows you to remotely draw important conclusions and conclusions.

    You need to think abstractly, broadly. What does it mean? Dont clear. In the note, the site will consider what abstract thinking is in simple terms.

    Concrete thinking is unambiguous. Example: Vasya, if you do not remove this brick from the edge, then Andryukha will hit it with his elbow and we will smash those cars down there.

    Abstract thinking is ambiguous, inaccurate. Example: it is possible to die from a brick falling on your head, bricks are heavy and due to negligence they are killed every day.

    The product of abstract thinking are conclusions that come from generalizations. Extra information is cut off. This speeds up the process of analyzing the situation with the brain.

    With abstract thinking:

    • A person tries to combine in a logical chain the general properties of various phenomena, events and objects;
    • The process of thinking is limited by the amount of knowledge that a person possesses. It is an "internal dialogue".

    Processing the information received, a person forms new knowledge and fixes it in his memory. In the course of abstract thinking, a person uses tools: concepts, evaluation criteria, generalizations, analysis, information, knowledge.

    Abstract thinking tools help build causal relationships. Abstract thinking allows you to find correspondences between seemingly unrelated objects and phenomena.

    A distinctive feature of abstract thinking is the ability to separate from conventions and particulars, to assess the situation in a clear way.

    If you do not develop abstract thinking, you are a fool!

    Why celebrate the little things and ignore the big things if it doesn't work? Abstract thinking is possessed by people with high intelligence, thanks to abstract thinking, the horizon of perception of the surrounding world expands. It pushes the limits of judgments, conclusions and conclusions.

    6 Types of Abstraction Everyone Should Know

    Abstract thinking is closely related to imagination. Their origins are sensory knowledge. In psychology, there are various classifications of types of abstraction. All of them are based on 2 processes: distraction and replenishment. There are abstractions:

    1. Isolating or analytical. Fix the properties of objects. For example, "heat capacity", "moisture resistance", "truthful", etc.;
    2. Generalizing. Formulate the general properties of objects. Example: "sour", "green", "hard", etc.;
    3. Constructivism. Develops real ways to solve problems;
    4. Idealizing. Exaggerating the merits of objects: "absolutely pure water”, “ideal figure”, etc.;
    5. Actual-infinite. Excludes the possibility of fixing something;
    6. Primitively sensual. They divert attention in the process of thinking from some feelings and concentrate it on other emotions.

    Forms of abstract thinking

    From the general classification of forms of abstract thinking, at least 3 can be distinguished:

    1. Concept: reflects the general features and properties of objects, phenomena or events that can be characterized as the most significant for them. Concepts are divided into scientific and worldly. The first are formed on the basis of knowledge, the second - on personal experience;
    2. Judgment. They have 2 forms - negations and affirmations. The components of judgments are the subject and the predicate (its affirmation or negation). Judgments can be general, singular or particular;
    3. Inference. This form of thinking is the product of the analysis of judgments. On its basis, a conclusion is drawn, which is a new knowledge.

    Practical examples of abstract-logical thinking

    In the life of every person you can find a lot of examples of abstract thinking. All of them show an extraordinary approach to solving a particular problem. A vivid illustration of abstract thinking is the example of how Winnie the Pooh hot-air balloon tried to extract honey from the hollow of the "wrong" bees. You can find examples of abstract thinking not only in the life of fairy-tale characters.

    An example of abstract thinking #1. Numbers

    Mathematical calculations on paper are described using various numbers and signs. And how do calculations occur in the head of a person without paper and a pen? The result of the calculations arises from the game with images. Many people don't even try to visualize the picture of stepwise calculations.

    An example of abstract thinking #2. life planning

    This element of human life always includes elements of fantasy. For example, someone bought a lottery ticket and, even before the start of the draw, begins to make plans to spend the unreceived winnings.

    An example of abstract thinking #3. Idealization

    It happens that men and women endow their partners with qualities that they do not have (and never have). The ideal image invented by him can live in their minds until the end of their lives.

    The development of abstract thinking in children

    There are special programs for the development of abstract thinking in children. It is good for parents to know about them. Child development classes need to start at an early age. To do this, they need to offer them to perform various exercises that develop imagination, logical thinking.

    Early childhood development activities may seem simple. Among them: drawing, folding cubes with letters into words, jointly inventing fairy tales and stories. It is very useful to play thinking games. For example, show the child objects and ask him to talk about the associations associated with them.

    A child who has not mastered such skills at an early age will not be able to single out something specific from the general in the future. The development of abstract thinking will allow the child to quickly master the school curriculum.

    The development of abstract thinking in adults

    Despite the fact that learning something new in adults is much more difficult than in children, it is simply necessary to engage in self-development. This develops creative thinking and assists in expanding the range of thinking. To do this, you need to perform a number of specific exercises:

    • Learn to create images of various emotions in your imagination;
    • Give visual images to ideas;
    • Read books upside down
    • Draw as much as possible.

    The process of development must be daily and constant. The results of the classes will help change a person's life for the better.

    Conclusion: abstract thinking is the foundation of human creativity. It allows him to go beyond what is permitted. People with abstract thinking will always be able to come up with a way to fry eggs on stones in the desert or boil them in sand without water, they will be able to increase sales due to non-standard presentation of goods or replace a torn car belt with women's stockings or pantyhose on the road.

    Zhanna Nechaeva

    Chief editor of the magazine site. Responsible for the quality of the content. Child of the late 80s, relative experience professional implementation. She shoveled about 150 books on psychology, personal effectiveness, finance, motivation and some classics. More details on the page.

    - this is one of the types of thinking, thanks to which it is possible to abstract the situation from minor details and look at it as a whole. Abstract thinking allows every person to take a step forward, to cross the border of rules and norms, to make new discoveries. The ability to think abstractly should be developed in a person from a very early age, and the more actively it is developed, the better. After all, by presenting the situation in a different light and looking at it differently, you can provide yourself with invaluable help in finding new solutions and getting out of a difficult situation.

    How to convey the necessary information and understand.

    Forms of abstract thinking

    Abstract thinking is divided into three forms, without understanding which it will be very difficult to understand what abstract thinking is.

    1. Concept. It implies a special one, in which an object or a set of objects is displayed as one or more signs. This feature must be significant. Basic concepts can be expressed both as a phrase and in one word, for example “leaves”, “dog”, “school student”, “brown-eyed guy”.
    2. Judgment. During judgment, there is an affirmation or denial of any phrase that describes the surrounding objects or space. Regularity and interrelation is established. But the judgment is divided into complex and simple. For example, simple, can be voiced as, "a boy is walking on the street." A complex proposition is expressed a little differently: "It's raining, it's getting cold" and has the form of a declarative sentence.
    3. Inference. One of the forms of thinking, during which one or more interconnected judgments are linked together and one conclusion is made. This conclusion is a new judgment. This is the basis of logical-abstract thinking. The judgments that further lead to the formation of the final option are sometimes called premises, and the final judgment is called the "conclusion". Abstract thinking implies free thinking, operating with judgments, concepts and conclusions, categories without which there would be no meaning, without correlation with our everyday life.

    Vadim Lyovkin - What is the price of logical errors

    Abstract thinking is very important in human life, therefore it has a number of characteristic features:

    1. Able to reflect the world around without affecting the human senses. In other words, a person does not need direct contact with a phenomenon or object to obtain new information. A person gets the result based on his knowledge. (For example, a student, when solving a new problem, relies on previously acquired knowledge).
    2. Phenomena are summarized to identify patterns. Each person seeks to simplify the process of thinking, which increases its efficiency and speed. This is where generalization comes in. Information about a phenomenon or object is reduced, and access to it is accelerated. For example, when thinking, a person is looking for something in common between different objects, thereby putting them on the same line. Now he does not need to remember all the data about the subject from one row, only his salient feature. For example, it is enough to imagine an animal, a certain object appears in the imagination, which is characterized common features, head, torso, paws, etc. And then specify the type of animal.
    3. There is an inseparable connection between thoughts and language expression. We can conditionally divide the process of thinking into two stages: thinking without the help of language and “internal dialogue” that occurs in communication with oneself. We will not deny that the bulk of information comes from books, the Internet, and the media. Everything is done with the help of written (spoken) language. Those. man gets new information from the source, recycles it, creating something new, and reinforces it again. Therefore, language is not only a way of expressing, but also a means of fixing information.

    Conscious and subconscious

    What needs to be done to develop abstract thinking

    Abstract thinking cannot be the same for everyone. Some have the ability to paint, others to poetry, others can think abstractly. But it is necessary to form abstract thinking, and you need to start from a very early age, you need to give the opportunity to think, reflect and fantasize.

    Today, on the shelves of stores, on the Internet pages there are many puzzles, logic puzzles that give "food" for the mind. If you have a desire to develop abstract thinking not only in a small child, but also in yourself, take only 40 to 60 minutes twice a week to immerse yourself in solving logical problems. The effect will appear very quickly. In childhood, the child's brain is able to solve complex problems very quickly, but the more active the training and the more difficult the tasks, the better and more amazing the results.

    In the absence of abstract thinking, many problems can arise not only with creative activity, but also when studying some disciplines where abstract thinking skills are needed. That is why it is worth involving children in solving puzzles and tasks.

    Abstract thinking helps to discover the secrets of nature, to know the truth, to distinguish lies. This method cognition is significantly different from the rest, because it does not require direct contact with the object being studied, it makes it possible to remotely draw conclusions and conclusions.

    Sofoos contactee. Channeling. Introduction to free thinking. Practical Approaches

    Man with abstract thinking

    Probably, many people thought about how a person with clearly expressed abstract thinking looks like.. Such a person constantly has reasonings, thoughts, facts, chains, etc. flowing in his head. they speak the language of complex concepts, symbols, and this gives them great pleasure. Most often, men have brightly developed abstract thinking, women are much rarer. Such people go to study at physical-technical, mathematical-mechanical faculties, this is their element. They dress casually, do not think about style, may not notice unbuttoned buttons. Energy is not observed in the physical plane, all its activity is contained in. They are inattentive to other people, in a conversation they build complex chains, sometimes they forget where the conversation started, or what it is about. Home problems are insignificant for them, they do not give them special attention. Such people live in their own world, sometimes far from reality.

    Main qualities:

    • Great working capacity, passion for the profession;
    • They can represent the situation from different angles, they think in a complex way;
    • They can refuse the physical plane.


    • selfish, focused only on themselves;
    • inattentive to relatives and friends, scattered;
    • too active abstract thinking leads to impractical conclusions;
    • zealous in theory, but passive in practice.

    Abstract thinking is an integral part of a successful and helping him not only in self-development, but also in building a career and family.


    ) - mental distraction, isolation from certain aspects, properties or relationships of objects or phenomena to highlight essential features.

    The word "Abstraction" is used in two senses:

    • Abstraction process, same as abstraction»
    • Abstraction - « abstract concept», « abstract”, the result of abstraction.

    An abstract concept is a mental construct that is a concept or an idea that can personify certain objects or phenomena of the real world, but at the same time abstracted from their specific incarnations. Abstract constructions may not have direct analogues in the physical world, which is typical, for example, for mathematics (in general, probably the most abstract science).

    The need for abstraction is determined by the situation when the differences between the nature of the intellectual problem and the being of the object in its concreteness become apparent. In such a situation, a person uses, for example, the possibility of perceiving and describing a mountain as a geometric shape, and a moving person as a certain set of mechanical levers.

    Some types of abstraction, by types of non-essential:

    • general abstraction- gives a generalized picture of the phenomenon, abstracted from particular deviations. As a result of such abstraction, a common property of the objects or phenomena under study is singled out. This type of abstraction is considered the main one in mathematics and mathematical logic.
    • idealization- replacement of a real empirical phenomenon with an idealized scheme, abstracted from real shortcomings. As a result, the concepts of idealized (ideal) objects are formed (“ideal gas”, “absolutely black body”, “straight line”, “spherical horse in a vacuum” (from a joke about idealization), etc.)
    • isolating abstraction- isolation of the phenomenon under study from a certain integrity, distraction from options that are not of interest.
    • abstraction of actual infinity- a distraction from the fundamental impossibility to fix each element of an infinite set, that is, infinite sets are considered as finite.
    • constructivization- distraction from the uncertainty of the boundaries of real objects, their "roughening".

    By goals:

    • formal abstraction- isolation of properties important for theoretical analysis;
    • meaningful abstraction- isolation of properties of practical importance.

    The concept of "abstract" is opposed to the concrete (concrete thinking - abstract thinking).

    See the epistemological law "Ascent from the abstract to the concrete".

    Abstract thinking implies operating with abstractions (“man in general”, “number three”, “tree”, etc.), which can be considered a more developed level of mental activity compared to concrete thinking always dealing with specific objects and processes (“brother Vasya”, “three bananas”, “oak in the yard”, etc.). The ability to think abstractly is one of the distinguishing features a person who, apparently, was formed simultaneously with language skills and largely thanks to language (for example, it would be impossible even to mentally operate with the number “three in general” without having a specific language sign for it - “three”, since in the world around us such an abstract, unattached concept simply does not exist: it is always “three people”, “three trees”, “three bananas”, etc.).

    • In software engineering, abstraction refers to an algorithm and method of simplifying and separating details to focus on some concepts at the same time.

    see also

    • Abstraction layer (abstraction level) in programming

    See what "Abstract Thinking" is in other dictionaries:

      abstract thinking- 3.2 abstract thinking: Thinking, which is the ability of the operator to form general concepts, breaking away from reality in perceptions, to reflect (to be in a state of reflection). Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

      Abstract thinking Dictionary-reference book on educational psychology

      Abstract thinking- thinking, operating with complex abstract concepts and conclusions, which makes it possible to mentally isolate and turn individual aspects, properties or states of an object, phenomenon into an independent object of consideration. Such a distinct and... ... Dictionary of Educational Psychology

      Abstract thinking- the same as conceptual thinking, i.e. the ability of a person to form abstract, indirect, not visual, purely mental ideas about objects, in which the main properties of specific things are generalized ... Beginnings of modern natural science

      ABSTRACT THINKING- See abstraction; thinking... Dictionary in psychology

      abstract thinking- Relying on language, the highest, actually human type of thinking, carried out in the form of concepts, judgments, conclusions ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

      Abstract thinking operator- Abstract thinking: thinking, which is the ability of the operator to form general concepts, breaking away from reality in perceptions, to reflect (to be in a state of reflection) ... Source: GOST R 43.0.3 2009. National standard ... ... Official terminology

      Directed process of information processing in the cognitive system of living beings. M. is realized in acts of manipulation (operating) with internal mental representations that obey a certain strategy and lead to the emergence of ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

      Abstraction, or abstract, (from Latin abstractio "distraction", introduced by Boethius as a translation of the Greek term used by Aristotle) ​​mental distraction, isolation from certain aspects, properties or connections of objects or phenomena for ... ... Wikipedia

      thinking- I thought/nee \u003d we/thinking; see think 1) A person's ability to think, reason, draw conclusions; a special step in the process of reflection by consciousness of objective reality. Scientific thinking. The brain is the organ of thought. Develop thinking... Dictionary of many expressions


    • How emotions affect abstract thinking and why mathematics is incredibly precise. How the cerebral cortex is arranged, why its capabilities are limited and how emotions, complementing the work of the cortex, allow a person to make scientific discoveries, A. G. Sverdlik. Mathematics, unlike other disciplines, is universal and extremely accurate. It creates the logical structure of all natural sciences. "The incomprehensible efficiency of mathematics", as in its time...
    • How emotions affect abstract thinking and why mathematics is incredibly accurate How the cerebral cortex is arranged, why its capabilities are limited, and how emotions, complementing the work of the cortex, allow a person to make scientific discoveries, Sverdlik A.. Mathematics, unlike other disciplines, is universal and extremely accurate. It creates the logical structure of all natural sciences. "The incomprehensible efficiency of mathematics", as in its time...

    Abstract thinking is a type of thinking in which it is possible, abstracting from small details, to look at the situation as a whole. This property allows you to cross the border of rules and norms to some extent and make new discoveries. In childhood, the development of this ability should be given enough time, because such an approach in the future will help to quickly find non-standard solutions and the most optimal ways out of the current situation. Very often, when hiring, employers test abstract thinking in potential employees. The test helps assess coping with problems, finding solutions, and processing unfamiliar information.


    Features of abstract thinking are its various forms: concept, judgment, conclusion. For a correct perception of the term under consideration, it is very important to understand the specifics of each of these definitions.


    This is one in which one or more items are perceived as one or more features, each of which must be significant. Both one word and a phrase can define a concept, for example, “chair”, “grass”, “math teacher”, “tall man”.


    This is a form in which there is a denial or affirmation of a phrase that describes objects, the world around us, patterns and relationships. Judgment, in turn, is of two types: simple and complex. A simple proposition, for example, might sound like this: "a boy is drawing a house." A complex proposition is expressed in a different form, for example, "the train started moving, the platform was empty."


    This is a form of thinking in which a conclusion is drawn from one judgment (or several), which is a new judgment. The sources that help form the final version are the prerequisites, and the result is the conclusion. For example: “All birds can fly. The tit flies. The tit is a bird."

    Abstract thinking is a process in which a person is able to freely operate with a concept, judgment, conclusion, that is, categories, the meaning of which can only be understood in relation to everyday life.

    Development of abstract thinking

    Naturally, this ability is developed differently for everyone. Some people draw beautifully, others write poetry, others can think abstractly. However, it is quite possible to form it; for this purpose, already in early childhood, the brain should be given reasons for reflection.

    Today, there are a huge number of different specialized printed publications that train the mind: puzzles, collections of tasks for logic, and so on. To develop abstract thinking in your child or in yourself, you need to devote only 30-50 minutes to such activities twice a week. The effect of such exercises will not be long in coming. It has been proven that at an early age it is much easier for the brain to cope with this kind of tasks. The more training there is, the faster the result will appear.

    With a complete lack of skills to think in general, it is difficult for a person not only to realize himself in creative ways. Also, problems may arise with the study of disciplines in which there are a lot of abstract key concepts. Right advanced thinking the abstract is an opportunity to discover the unsolved secrets of nature, to know what no one has known before, to distinguish lies from truth. Besides distinctive feature this is that it does not require direct contact with the object under study, and important conclusions and conclusions can be made remotely.

    Psychology: thinking, types of thinking

    IN thought process the ratio of the word, image, action can be different. Depending on this, some types are distinguished.

    Thinking in the process of historical development

    Initially, the formation of human intellect was directly influenced by practical activities. So, empirically, people learned to measure land. On this basis, the formation of a special theoretical science - geometry.

    The earliest type of mental activity, from a genetic point of view, is practical-effective thinking, the primary role in it is played by actions with objects (in animals, this ability is observed in its infancy). It becomes clear that this type of cognition of oneself and the surrounding world is the basis of the visual-figurative process. His characteristic- operating in the mind with visual images.

    The highest level is abstract thinking. However, here, too, brain activity is inseparable from practice.

    Depending on the content, mental activity can be practical, artistic and scientific. Action is a structural unit of a practical-effective way of cognition, an image is an artistic one, a concept is a scientific one.

    All three types are closely related. Many people have equally developed ability to act, and abstract perception. However, depending on the nature of the tasks to be solved, one type comes to the fore, then it is replaced by another, after - the third. For example, practical and effective thinking is required to solve everyday issues, and abstract thinking is required for a scientific report.

    Types of cognition by the nature of the tasks set

    The tasks assigned to a person can be standard and non-standard, depending on this, as well as on operational procedures, the following types of thinking are distinguished.

      Algorithmic. Based on pre-established rules, a generally accepted sequence of actions that are required to solve typical problems.

      heuristic. Productive, aimed at solving non-standard tasks.

      Discursive. Based on a set of interrelated inferences.

      Creative. It helps a person to make discoveries, to achieve fundamentally new results.

      Productive. Leads to new cognitive results.

      Reproductive. With the help of this type, a person reproduces the results obtained earlier. In this case, thinking and memory are inseparable.

    Abstract thinking is the most important tool in human hands, which makes it possible to comprehend the deepest layers of truth, to know the unknown, to make a great discovery, to create a work of art.