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  • The use of fat is beneficial for the body. The effect of fat on the body: benefit or harm? Why fat is useful

    The use of fat is beneficial for the body.  The effect of fat on the body: benefit or harm?  Why fat is useful

    Since overweight and obesity are rapidly spreading around the world, nutritionists habitually talk about the dangers of fatty foods. But not so long ago it became clear that the use of lard can bring truly invaluable benefits for such important organs as the heart, liver, blood vessels.

    Invaluable properties of the product

    Salted pork lard fits fairly well into the requirements of modern dietetics to eat natural forms of fat. Lard is rich in valuable fatty acids, which are involved in the construction of cells in the human body and can affect cholesterol metabolism and hormone production. These acids can bind and remove all kinds of toxins from the body. In addition, lard contains selenium, and, moreover, in an optimal, well-assimilable form. And this is very important, since selenium belongs to the substances, the deficit of which has to be experienced by eighty percent of our compatriots.

    Lard as a liver cleanse

    Experts say that lard is good for cleansing the liver. In the course of numerous studies, it has been proven that with daily use of lard in small quantities, it is possible to significantly improve the liver. Due to its ability to dissolve and remove carcinogens from the body, fat is considered a wonderful product for the prevention of cancer.

    The composition of lard includes arachidonic acid - an important substance for humans. This element is referred to as polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are found in the brain, heart tissue, kidneys. This acid is necessary in order to improve the functioning of these organs. All this is an integral part of cholesterol metabolism, helps cell and hormonal activity.

    Experts who are researching the beneficial effects of lard on the human body argue that in order to optimize the healing effects of lard, it is worth combining lard with garlic. Lard of this variety cleans blood vessels well from excess cholesterol. True, it is important that in the process of fattening pigs are not used hormones and the animal is not brought for slaughter from an ecologically contaminated area.

    Weight-tracking women have always considered fat to be a forbidden product. Well, of course, because it is fatty, it has so many calories. And the biggest enemy is cholesterol! However, recently this food product has begun to be rehabilitated, as, incidentally, some others have already been rehabilitated: eggs, potatoes, etc.

    Where is the homeland of Sala

    Most people think of Ukraine, borscht, gorilka, donuts and other delicacies, including “lard in chocolate”, when they say “lard”. But let's not rush! It turns out that Ukraine is not at all the leader in the consumption of this product. In fact, most of all it is eaten in Germany, Denmark and even ... in France. And Ukraine occupies only 14th place in this list. What a paradox!

    Researchers believe that the birthplace of this product is Ancient Rome... In the third millennium BC, it was given to slaves so that they could do hard physical work.

    It was also mentioned in ancient Armenian manuscripts of the 7th century. And historians studying the Middle Ages wrote that at that time Russia produced a lot of bacon and exported it abroad, as they would say now, for export. The most delicious varieties of bacon were produced in the central regions, which are now called the "golden ring of Russia".

    How is it useful

    First of all, this product is a powerful source of energy. After him, no physical work is terrible. Another useful property is that it stimulates the activity of the gallbladder and pancreas. And they are known to participate in the digestive process and facilitate the digestion of food.

    In Ukraine, as well as in Eastern Europe, ghee is common, which is called lard. It is spread on sandwiches, eaten with porridge, potatoes, etc. Some housewives add additives to onions, apples, etc.

    Ukrainian housewives are fried on lard, a favorite of many, brushwood cookies. In this case, it turns out to be more tender and crunchy.

    Debunking myths

    There is an opinion that, they say, cellulite appears from fat. This is a misconception. If eaten in moderation, no cellulite will appear.

    There is also an opinion that frying in lard is harmful. This is also not true. Frying foods in lard shortens the cooking time and creates a golden brown crust faster than frying them in vegetable or butter. Reducing the cooking time is good for food, it retains more nutrients.

    One more important property of this product: it never contains helminths.


    There are contraindications for the use of lard. It is not recommended for people with diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas. And, of course, it is not recommended for people who are overweight, as it is a high-calorie product.

    Man began to eat lard since time immemorial. This is explained not only by the taste properties of this product, but also by the fact that it is easy to store, and most importantly, the product has valuable nutritional properties. Despite this, discussions about the benefits and dangers of fat for the human body do not cease. There are many conflicting opinions about this product. There are supporters who talk about the benefits of such a high-calorie product, and there are those who are against eating pork fat.

    What is in lard?

    The main reason why the controversy does not subside is associated with the high nutritional properties of the product, namely, with the calorie content. Yes, there are almost 800 kcal per 100 g, but fat contains both saturated and unsaturated amino acids that are necessary for humans. In addition, if you eat a small amount of lard for breakfast, its calorie content will not affect your figure.

    In addition, lard contains a large amount amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. Arachidonic acid, which a person needs in an amount of 10 grams daily, can only be found in animal products. Concerning cholesterol present in this delicacy, it is simply irreplaceable for the brain. It is he who participates in the prevention of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, protects nerve cells from damage.

    Product benefits

    Despite the fact that pork fat is a high-calorie product, it is often used in dietetics.

    It would seem that it is a high-calorie product, and its use in small quantities every day helps to reduce weight. The usefulness of fat lies in its high nutritional value, since it allows you to saturate the body for a long time, using only about 50 grams. But this is not the only positive characteristic:

    The benefits of bacon are used as a remedy for colds, ointments and masks for the skin are made.

    When fat is harmful

    In addition to the positive qualities, like any, even the best product, fat has contraindications. Eating a small amount of the product will only benefit the body, since bacon does not cause allergic reactions, since its structure differs from, for example, meat. Therefore, almost everyone can eat it.

    But there are several diseases in which an appropriate diet is prescribed, when the consumption of fatty foods should be contraindicated:

    • diseases of the stomach and intestines in the acute phase;
    • severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
    • diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

    Promotes the acceleration of metabolic processes, therefore, it is harmful to use fat in large quantities during the recovery period, for example, after surgery... Also high calorie content of the product will harm if you have an inactive lifestyle.

    It is unlikely to be consumed by pregnant women, even boiled. Since lard is still a fatty product, it can cause nausea, weight gain and increase the load on blood vessels. It is harmful to use fat in the diet and lactating, as it can provoke dysbiosis and intestinal colic in the baby.

    Fat and diet

    Many nutritionists use pork fat for weight loss and have shown good results. A good way to combat excess weight is to consume 30 grams of unsalted lard in the morning without bread. Such a diet promotes weight loss due to the fact that the body begins to spend its own fat deposits much faster.

    In order to lose weight and not gain quickly lost pounds, fat must be consumed for at least 10 days.

    How Do I Pick Good Lard?

    First of all, you can buy fat only in a large store or market where pork fat has passed veterinary control, has a license and a stamp.

    pay attention to smell, it should be like a fresh piece of real meat... Only smoked varieties can be an exception. Color can also speak of freshness. Newly slaughtered carcass has a pink tint not only a layer of meat, but also the fat itself. Lard treated with harmful flavors can be identified by scraping the skin with a knife. If a lighter layer appears under the dark layer, it means that this sample was simply tarred.

    The consistency must be uniform, veins of meat and spices may be present in it, but the best product is considered to be a product consisting of lard, salt and garlic or pepper.

    How and with what is better to eat

    In order for calories to be consumed, it is better to eat lard for breakfast in thin pieces. Fat goes well with toast and whole grain bread, this sandwich will energize the whole day. In diets, it is often recommended to eat pork fat with breadcrumbs, which also contributes to weight loss.

    It is good to combine this product with vegetables, for example, make a sandwich with lettuce leaves. Boiled lard is no less useful. It is often added to stews and soups. Lard is also suitable for frying on it.

    Lard is often used in the manufacture of cosmetics. For example, a mask with its addition will protect the delicate skin of the face and hands from frost.

    Salo - unique product, the limited use of which helps a person to cope with many diseases, to heal the body.

    Liver fat harm or benefit

    The benefits and harms of fat - facts!

    Home »Women's health» The benefits and harms of fat - the facts!

    Recently, a friend of mine said that lard is unhealthy. As a true Ukrainian, I could not remain indifferent to this statement and decided to study the issue of benefits and harms from all sides. After all, it's not a secret for anyone: lard for many centuries has been the basis of the diet of most Slavic peoples, and it also enjoyed success among Europeans.

    True, it is also known that the peoples of Asia deliberately reject pork and its derivatives. Moreover, such food is even prohibited by their religions. But enough of the common truths for us. Let's figure out what are the benefits and harms of fat for human health.

    For weight loss and digestion

    Most often I heard that lard is a figure killer. Having carefully studied the materials on this topic, I (thanks to the publications of scientific works of eminent doctors) came to the conclusion that this is not completely true. Lard will harm the figure and will be deposited on the sides, legs and arms, if eaten without measure. And if you use small amounts, then vice versa.

    It turns out that the subcutaneous fat of a pig contains a certain amount of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E) and unsaturated fatty acids. It is these substances, together with the lecithin contained in fat, that cleanse our vessels from excess cholesterol plaques. There are other benefits to eating lard in the morning. It manifests itself in the form of stimulation of the production of bile. Thus, you will not have problems with stool when you chew one piece of bacon weighing up to 30 g for breakfast.

    The formation of stones in the gallbladder will also be difficult, since when you eat fat, you provoke the production of bile, the bile ducts expand and the fluid collected overnight, produced by hepatocytes of the liver, leaves in a timely manner, leaving no sediment.

    For the cardiovascular system

    If you dive into the study of the benefits and dangers of fat for the cardiovascular system, you should refer to the composition of the product. In addition to useful vitamins, fat contains unique substance- unsaturated arachidonic acid. It is she who is responsible for strengthening the walls of blood vessels and ensures the normal functioning of the heart muscle and other internal organs. The lecithin contained in fat is also very useful for the heart and blood vessels of the brain. In general, fat is beneficial for the heart, veins, arteries and capillaries. The only thing - remember about moderation!

    For men

    Lard contains such a trace element as selenium. It is very important for good male health, as it promotes the synthesis of sex hormones. The lack of selenium in men is especially noticeable, since it leads to a decrease not only in reproductive function, but also in potency. Think about this the next time you decide to ditch a piece of pork lard in favor of meat or butter.

    Other beneficial properties

    Salo also has a number of other healing qualities. You can list them for a long time. But let's dwell on the most important:

    • If you eat alcoholic beverages with lard, you will get drunk less. Fat coats the stomach and interferes with the absorption of alcohol, while alcohol at the same time helps to digest the fatty food faster.
    • Lard is a storehouse of energy. 100 g of lard contains 770 calories. It turns out that even from a small piece you can get a significant recharge with energy. This quality is especially appreciated with regular heavy physical activity. Do you have to work hard? Eat a lard sandwich! He will give you strength.
    • Lard helps to improve intellectual performance and strengthens the immune system. This is the conclusion reached by Canadian doctors. Before an exam or a serious "brainstorming" it will not hurt to eat delicious bacon!
    • Lard helps to remove toxins and radionuclides. At the same time, the product is absorbed much better than its closest "relative" - ​​butter.

    That's how good lard is. However, only a high quality home product has healing powers. Let's learn to choose it?

    How to choose lard?

    For those who value health, advice: buy only fresh lard. Salted food can be stored for a very long time (and the longer the product is saved, the less useful it is), but the industrially smoked is often simply soaked in chemicals. Of course, sometimes you can deviate from the rules of a healthy diet. But constantly eating smoked meat is harmful. Therefore, get the pieces fresher. You will be able to salt them at home yourself.

    But how do you know if a good product is on the counter? To choose high-quality lard, you need to perform several steps:

    • First of all, you need to make sure that the lard is sold to you from a healthy pig. Inspect the piece you like and find a veterinary stamp on it. Didn't find it? Go to the next seller! Is there a seal? It's time to scrupulously examine the fat.
    • With the back of the knife (the seller should have it), gently scrape the bacon near the skin. Does it spring and scrape (effortlessly) fails? The piglet was hungry, and therefore the lard will be tough, if you can chew this gum at all. Is the fat scraped off and looks like butter on the knife? The piglet was fed with corn. There is nothing wrong with this, but the lard will taste slightly oily. A quality product remains on the knife with small grains!
    • Smell the suggested piece. Good lard smells like great meat. There should not be any impurities of aromas. An exception is bacon with fumigated skin.
    • Often, traders resort to deception: they specially smoke stale pieces of bacon. Therefore, your next action is to study carefully the cut. It should be white with a slight pinkish tint. There should be no streaks and yellowness.
    • The seller claims that the lard skin was fumigated with straw? It is worth to be convinced of his words. Take a knife and scratch the skin slightly with the blade. If the fat has been processed naturally (and not soaked in "liquid smoke"), you will see how the upper dark layer of the skin is peeled off and the lighter one shines through.
    • Another important aspect is the absence of "beast". This is the name of the trembling abdominal layer of subcutaneous fat. He chews hard and is not that useful! The fat should be of a uniform consistency!

    What fat is harmful?

    Talking about the benefits of lard, one cannot remain silent about possible harm product. First, the volume of consumption is important. The product is beneficial to the human body only in small quantities. For an adult, 10-30 grams of lard per day is enough. Everything from above will already be deposited in the form of folds on the stomach.

    Secondly, fat should not be subjected to strong heat treatment. So, for example, as a result of heating pork fat in a frying pan, harmful carcinogens are formed. The same thing happens with vegetable oil when frying. That is why fried foods are considered to be the most harmful food.

    Thirdly, lard is consumed fresh, because of this it can become a source of infection with various helminths. For this reason, I recommend starting your selection by looking at veterinary certifications. Traders must have them.

    Fourthly, there are a number of diseases in which fat is categorically contraindicated. These include diseases of the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, as well as impaired cholesterol metabolism.

    Best regards, Evgeniya Lyubetskaya.

    Pork lard: composition, benefits and harms for the body and health, liver, what vitamins are there, what is the acid? Pork lard and skins: useful properties and contraindications for the body of women and men, during pregnancy, breastfeeding

    In the article you will find out how lard is useful. In what quantities you need to eat it so as not to gain weight.

    The well-known product - fat, now often causes controversy about the benefits, harm to the human body. Some people think that it is not worth eating, as it is too high in calories. Others, on the contrary, argue that only fat contains components that are simply necessary for a person for normal physiological existence. Let's take a closer look at how this product affects the body.

    Pork fat: composition, benefits and harms for the body and health of men and women, vitamins, contraindications. What is the acid in lard?

    Even in ancient times, the Slavs began to use lard as a snack, when nomads raided Russia. After all, a properly prepared product could be stored for more than one day, even without cold. In addition, lard with black bread saved from hunger, filled the body with the necessary kilocalories, thanks to which the strength for hard physical labor appeared.

    The most useful is the salted or pickled pork product. It stores:

    • vitamins: A, E, D
    • carotene
    • arachidonic acid (needed for the heart, kidneys, brain)

    If lard is eaten with garlic and pepper, then it can save you from the harmful effects of cholesterol.

    What acid is found in lard?

    IMPORTANT: The product also contains linolenic, oleic, palmitic, linoleic, stearic acids. Thanks to them, immunity increases, the elasticity of the vascular walls improves.

    The benefits of fat:

    • With moderate consumption (100 g per week) of this product, your immunity will improve.
    • If you drink alcohol while eating lard, then the risk of rapid intoxication does not threaten you.
    • A morning portion (10 g) of fat helps to improve the digestive tract.
    • Men need a daily portion of fat, because such food supplies the necessary selenium to improve potency.
    • Lard blocks the development of cancer. Removes harmful toxins.

    Salted lard with garlic - benefits

    Lard harm:

    • If you consume it in large quantities every day and lead an immobile lifestyle, then problems with excess weight will arise.
    • Excessive consumption of delicacies will lead to the occurrence of heart pathologies. There is a risk of developing strokes, heart attacks.
    • You should also not eat lard, which is stored for a long time, has a yellow color. It won't do any good.

    Pork lard: benefits and harms for the liver

    Of course, consumption of this food in large quantities will lead to problems with the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. Especially if the lard is consumed at night. Everything internal organs will be loaded with the processing of a high-calorie product. As a result, failure and aggravation can occur. The person will feel weak, nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant consequences are possible.

    The benefits of lard

    However, if you do not overeat, then the lard can get rid of the occurrence of gallstones. During normal operation of the bile and liver, the following will occur:

    • Bile will be released, which will provoke the expansion of the ducts of the organ.
    • As a result, the fluid produced by the hepatocytes of the liver itself will come out without even leaving a sediment behind.

    Fat during pregnancy: benefits and harms

    For pregnant mothers, fat is not contraindicated, but only if the woman does not abuse it. In addition, it is undesirable for future mothers to eat a smoked, fried delicacy, there is nothing useful for the body of the unborn child. However, as for the body of a pregnant woman. For the preparation of this type of product, stabilizers and preservatives are used.

    So, if expectant mothers consume the product, then only with good characteristics and in a salty form. Never eat rosé lard - this is a poor quality indicator.

    Can pregnant women eat fat?

    Can you eat lard while breastfeeding?

    According to the recommendations of doctors, lard is not included in the list of permitted foods for lactating women. This product contains components that are poorly absorbed by the human body. On the other hand, there are vitamins, minerals, useful acids that people need.

    Therefore, we can conclude: lard is allowed to eat and nursing mothers, but not constantly and in small quantities. Only periodically, when you really want to.

    Mom's menu on GV

    Lard skin - can you eat: benefits and harms

    How many people, so many opinions. Some argue that if you eat the skin, you can get appendicitis. Due to the fact that bristle roots remain in the untreated product. However, the skin has many positive characteristics, in particular:

    • it contains all the B vitamins
    • there are also vitamins: PP, H, E
    • the composition contains minerals: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, sulfur, iron
    • calorie content of the product 216 Kcal per 100 g

    Lard - good or bad?

    IMPORTANT: If the pork skin is properly cooked, or rather: scorched without chemicals, scalded with boiling water, then such a product will not harm the body.

    Which lard is healthier: salted or boiled?

    All of the aforementioned beneficial substances are preserved in salted lard. And when the product is boiled, part of the biologically active substances is destroyed, respectively, vitamins, acids, minerals in the original composition will not enter the body.

    How to cook lard?

    Is smoked lard healthy?

    The beneficial properties of smoked lard are significantly reduced compared to salted lard. With any even light heat treatment, some components lose their strength. Although this is not so critical if the lard is home-processed. And in cases when it was smoked without liquid smoke and other chemical additives that cause severe harm to the human body as a whole.

    Smoked bacon

    Interior fat, raw, fresh fat: benefits and harms. Application in medicine

    Raw lard is often used to treat various pathologies:

    1. In the form of ointments. It is enough to grind it and add honey. This composition is used to treat inflammation of the joints.
    2. Like a compress. Again, grind 125 g of product, add 30 g of salt. Next, apply to the sore spot, wrap with cling film, wrap with a warm handkerchief.
    3. Like a compress with spurs on the heels. Mix chopped lard with egg, vinegar essence (95 ml). Let sit for 14 hours in a dark place. Apply compresses at night on sore spots.


    There is nothing to say about the benefits of fried, fatty foods. Including about lard. And yet, if we compare the amount of carcinogens released when frying food in ordinary vegetable oil and in lard. In the second case, they stand out five times less. Therefore, if you want to fry potatoes, then use lard as fat. In addition, in winter it will be an excellent source of calories replenishment in the event that your work is associated with a high expenditure of physical strength, and you have to be in the cold for a long time.

    Fried bacon

    After the information provided, you yourself will draw a conclusion whether it is good to eat lard or not. The only thing to consider is that this product is contraindicated for people with diseases of the liver, gallbladder and impaired cholesterol metabolism.

    Lard: the benefits and harms of losing weight

    The benefits and harms of lard

    Meet - fat. This natural product has long divided nutritionists into two warring camps. Some consider it harmful and frighten with cholesterol.

    Beneficial features

    Fresh lard contains arachidonic acid (ARA). It helps the body fight viruses and strengthens the immune system. This is exactly what is urgently needed on the eve of regular epidemics of influenza and SARS.

    But even supporters of lard do not recommend it to be abused. This fatty animal product is extremely useful only if you know when to stop. 30-50 g is enough per day (just a few pieces). Although in the presence of certain diseases, such as atherosclerosis, the dose should be reduced.

    Almost all nutritionists recognize that lard contains vitamins (E, A and D) vital for humans and unsaturated fatty acids (including omega-6), which are necessary for building cell membranes.

    And the product is also good for the liver: the phospholipids in it help restore liver function, help regulate the metabolism of fats in the body, and stimulate bile secretion.

    The use of fat has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, increases their tone.

    It acts as a sorbent and removes radionuclides from the body together with toxins.

    Slimming fat

    Nobody argues that lard is a very high-calorie product. Indeed, his the nutritional value is approximately 770 kcal / 100 g.

    But a famous nutritionist from Poland, Professor Jan Kwasniewski, believes that lard should not be feared and should not be avoided. This man has developed a special diet, which involves eating exclusively fatty foods, among which fatty meat and lard always appear. In Poland, Kwasniewski's method found recognition and gathered thousands of supporters.

    Other nutritionists are strongly against this method of losing weight. They are convinced that by leaning on fat, in fact, you can lose extra pounds, but only at the expense of health problems. After all, an increase in cholesterol levels is inevitable, and this, in turn, can cause heart attacks and strokes.

    And fatty foods are rarely beneficial for the skin. Though…

    Cosmetic properties

    Our great-grandmothers actively used lard as an ingredient for home cosmetics.

    On the basis of rendered pork fat, face creams were made, with the help of which, in the old days, they saved skin in frosty and cold weather.

    The most widely used sea buckthorn cream. To make it, sea buckthorn berries had to be crushed, added boiling water and mixed with a certain amount of well-melted bacon.

    On the basis of melted lard (with the addition of eggs, garlic and herbal decoctions), masks were prepared to strengthen hair, as well as compresses for eyebrows and eyelashes.

    This fatty meat product has been used to treat dry lips. A few drops of beeswax or castor oil were added to the melted lard (today, instead of castor oil, you can add a few drops of liquid vitamin A or E). It is recommended to apply the finished cream to the lips before going outside in windy or frosty weather.

    Harmful properties of fat

    The customary tradition in Ukraine - to eat bacon with vodka - nullifies the majority useful properties this truly valuable product.

    However, it should be noted that it inhibits the absorption of alcohol by the body, slows down intoxication and helps to avoid the traditionally heavy morning hangover.

    At the same time, the combination of vodka and animal fats is too dangerous for the pancreas. The best company for lard is fresh vegetable salads, garlic and onions.

    Fresh lard has the most healing properties. A good option is salted lard with spices. As for smoked, you can pamper yourself with it only on holidays. The same applies to fried bacon: heat treatment completely kills most of the nutrients, and heavy fats make it even more harmful.

    On a long journey, it is preferable to take not sausage, but, for example, salted bacon - it will not deteriorate much longer.

    What is the use of lard

    Since overweight and obesity are rapidly spreading around the world, nutritionists habitually talk about the dangers of fatty foods. But not so long ago it became clear that the use of lard can bring truly invaluable benefits for such important organs as the heart, liver, blood vessels.

    What is the use of lard

    Salted pork lard fits fairly well into the requirements of modern dietetics to eat natural forms of fat. Lard is rich in valuable fatty acids, which are involved in the construction of cells in the human body and can affect cholesterol metabolism and hormone production. These acids can bind and remove all kinds of toxins from the body. In addition, lard contains selenium, and, moreover, in an optimal, well-assimilable form. And this is very important, since selenium belongs to the substances, the deficit of which has to be experienced by eighty percent of our compatriots.

    Lard as a liver cleanse

    Experts say that lard is good for cleansing the liver. In the course of numerous studies, it has been proven that with daily use of lard in small quantities, it is possible to significantly improve the liver. Due to its ability to dissolve and remove carcinogens from the body, fat is considered a wonderful product for the prevention of cancer.

    One of the most revered products of Slavic cuisine is lard. Salted, smoked, seasoned with spices and with layers of meat - how can you refuse such an appetizing gastronomic delight? Moreover, the health benefits of lard have been proven by scientists. How much do you need to eat it a day in order not to get sick? Let's figure it out with the MedAboutMe experts!

    Lard is a great food option for the cold season. Fatty and nutritious, it gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness and a pleasant heaviness in the stomach. When it is frosty, then hail outside, or a piercing prickly wind, such a "recharge" is definitely useful.

    But lard is opposed by many diet planners. You will not find it in any weight loss menu. But this is not surprising! The calorie content of a 100 g slice exceeds 800 kilocalories! But even such a “terrible” figure is not a reason to refuse useful “fuel”. After all, it contains just an incredible amount of nutrients!

    Scientists De Montfort University in England(De Montfort Univetsity), after 20 years of research, came to an unexpected conclusion. The use of lard for frying food is much healthier. vegetable oils... After heating the oil (olive, sunflower, corn and other types), aldehydes are formed - carcinogenic substances that increase the risk of oncology, impaired brain function and cardiovascular diseases. So, after frying fish, the concentration of aldehydes in the product exceeds the norm by 200 times! Therefore, it is better to cook food with solid fats - lard or butter.

    If you are not overweight and do not strive to lose weight "quickly but effectively", you should consider making lard a regular in the diet. But it is important to understand that this is exactly the product that requires a sense of proportion.

    Experts on healthy eating they say that daily rate for a person - 20-30 g per day, but if you are inclined to be overweight and a low-calorie diet is recommended by your doctor, your norm is 10 g per day, no more. This small piece of bacon can be eaten with whole grain bread, or used for cooking, such as frying for first courses. Lard is also well absorbed with stewed vegetables, it turns out almost a "dietary" dish.

    The introduction of lard into the daily menu during colds is a significant support for the immune system. Lard is a source of a rather rare acid - arachidic acid, which helps the body to resist viruses. This acid is found in the tissues of our body and is indispensable for the functioning of organs and systems - heart, kidneys, brain.

    In addition, lard has the ability to remove salt from the body. heavy metals, promote a speedy recovery from pulmonary diseases.

    Expert commentary

    Lard is animal, solid fat, which is formed in animals at the time of increased nutrition. This fat is considered as a nutritional reserve in the animal. Includes triglycerides and a large amount of saturated fatty acid residues. The calorie content of fat is 816 calories. Proteins - 1.4, fats - 90, carbohydrates - 0; contains vitamins A, E, D, B4, zinc, selenium, calcium, sodium; palmitic, arachidonic, linoleic, linolenic and oleic acids.

    Lard is well absorbed by the body, better than meat and fish, but for a long time. This can be considered a plus, as you will feel full for a long time. To digest fat, a sufficient amount of bile and lipases is required.

    This product is high in calories and should be consumed no more than 20-50 g per day. Combine lard with whole grain bread, vegetables, salad, rice, buckwheat, rye. From the point of view of benefits, we can say that lard helps the normal regulation of the hormonal system during cholesterol metabolism; nervous system and brain function due to selenium. It is not for nothing that lard has been used in many cuisines of the world for a long time, this is a quality product with which you can diversify your diet.

    It is better to eat natural lard without smoking, and not peppery or too salty. Regular fat helps the liver and adrenal glands function. Overeating fat is threatened with problems: cardiovascular diseases, obesity, a malfunction in the hormonal system. It is worth giving up fat for people with liver problems, bile production.

    To eat or not to eat lard is a personal matter, it only matters whether this product will not be hazardous to health. More and more experts are inclined to believe that if lard is eaten in moderation, there will be no harm, while the maximum amount of lard per day that can be consumed is 100 g. But there are other replicas!

    The first argument against lard is often the opinion that lard contributes to the accumulation of cholesterol. And yes, the latter is indeed present in lard, but what is interesting is that there is even less of it there than in butter based on cow's milk! In fact, lard has no effect on the amount of cholesterol, since subcutaneous fat is rich in lipids - special substances that keep cholesterol dissolved, thereby preventing its deposition on the walls of blood vessels.

    Expert commentary

    Pork products are considered the dirtiest, and some nutritionists advise abstaining from them. Lard is a fatty, heavy food and can only be consumed in small quantities. If there are streaks in the fat, you should be careful, as it is raw meat and may contain helminths.

    Many people are now beginning to cut back on animal products, or even give up on them altogether. This is due to 2 main reasons.

    First, we are what we eat. Almost all vitamins and minerals come to us from the soil, whether directly or through consumed meat. And we most often eat animals and birds from factories, where they are treated with feed that is beneficial for business, and not for our health. They are kept in close quarters, graze and feed on grass rarely, if ever. But animals also eat what they eat!

    Growth hormones can also be used in factories to help animals grow and sell faster, and antibiotics when they are sick. Is it healthy food? It's up to everyone to decide.

    Secondly, animal products oxidize the body, which can serve as a catalyst for many diseases of our time - diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, autoimmune and many other diseases. Plant foods, on the other hand, alkalize, contain vital fiber and antioxidants, so they are healthier.

    When choosing lard in the market or in the store, remember that you will be eating a raw product, which means that it must be of the highest quality. If the origin of lard is doubtful and the seller answers questions vaguely, all talk about the benefits of gastronomic delights can be forgotten. A dubious product cannot be a priori safe!

    What lard
    the most

    When frying, the pork product loses most of its nutrients, so if you want to get all the "bonuses" from it, eat lard in a moderately salty form. At the same time, both ordinary salt and various spices and seasonings can be used for salting. Do not get carried away with smoked bacon, it is certainly delicious, but fraught with health!

    If you are used to cooking lard yourself and buy it exclusively fresh, do a little check! Try to separate the skin from the lard, if it comes off easily - the product is really fresh, but if it stuck firmly - the lard is stale. But this does not mean that it is unsuitable for salting, it just takes more time for this. Assess its color and aroma, if they are normal, the product can be bought. Bon Appetit!

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