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  • Saudi Arabia nationality. Saudi Arabia: population, area, economy, capital

    Saudi Arabia nationality. Saudi Arabia: population, area, economy, capital


    General information

    Geographical position. Saudi Arabia is a state in southwest Asia that occupies most of the Arabian Peninsula. In the north, it borders on Jordan, Iraq and Kuwait, in the east - with Qatar, in the southeast - with the United Arab Emirates and Oman, in the south - with the Republic of Yemen. In the east it is washed by the Persian Gulf, in the west - by the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. The area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 2.24 million square meters. km. More than half of Saudi Arabia's territory is desert. Rub al-Khali, or the Great Sandy Desert, with an area of \u200b\u200babout 650 thousand square meters. km, located in the southeast of the country. In the north of the country is part of the Syrian Desert, and the Nefud Desert, which covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 57 thousand square meters. km, lies further south. In the center of the country there is a plateau crossed by several small rivers that dry up in the dry season. In the south-west of the country there are small mountain ranges and the highest point of the country, Mount Jabal Sauda (3,133 m). Narrow coastal plains lie along the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Most of Saudi Arabia is in a hot and arid zone. January temperature in Riyadh ranges from + 8 ° С to + 2 ° С, and in Jeddah - from + 19 ° С to + 29 ° С. July temperature in Riyadh is from + 26 ° С to + 42 ° С, and in Jeddah - from + 26 ° С to + 37 ° С. However, in the mountains in winter, freezing temperatures and snow are observed. The average annual rainfall in the country is about 70 mm.

    Square. The territory of Saudi Arabia occupies, according to various estimates, from 1,750,000 to 2,200,000 square meters. km.

    Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital is Riyadh. The largest cities: Riyadh (2,576 thousand people), Mecca (1,500 thousand people), Jeddah (1,468 thousand people), Medina (500 thousand people), Ad-Dammam (200 thousand people). people). Administrative divisions of the country: 17 administrative regions.

    Political system

    Saudi Arabia is an absolute theocratic monarchy with a cabinet of ministers. Head of State and Government: King Fahd bin Abdel Aziz al-Saud (in power since June 13, 1982).

    Relief. Most of the surface is desert plateaus, in the west there are mountains up to 3 353 m high.

    Geological structure and minerals. The bowels of the country contain rich reserves of oil and natural gas, less significant reserves of iron ore, copper, gold.

    Climate. The climate is hot, dry, tropical, subtropical in the north, tropical in the south. Average temperatures in July are above 30 ° С, in January 10-20 ° С. Annual precipitation is about 100 mm (in the mountains up to 400 mm).

    Inland waters. There are no permanent rivers.

    Soils and vegetation. The vegetation is extremely poor, and date palms grow only in the oases.

    Animal world. The fauna is represented by antelope, fox, gazelle, hyena, ostrich, panther, wild cat, wolf, mountain goat. Among the birds, the bustard, dove, and quail are especially distinguished.

    Population and language

    The population of the country is about 20.786 million people, the average population density is about 9 people per 1 sq. km. Ethnic groups: almost all residents of the country are Arabs, among them are the indigenous Saudis, whose ancestors lived in the country for several centuries (82%); Yemenis and other Arabs who arrived in the country after the 1950s during the oil boom (13%); Berber nomads (their numbers are steadily decreasing). Language: Arabic (state).


    Almost all Saudi Arabians are Muslims, the overwhelming majority of whom belong to the Sunni sect.

    Brief historical outline

    In the 1st millennium BC. e. on the coast of the Red Sea, the Minea Kingdom arose with its capital at Karna (modern Hodeidah in Yemen). On the east coast was Dilmun, which was considered a political and cultural federation on the shores of the Persian Gulf. For almost 1,500 years, no important historical events took place on the territory of modern Saudi Arabia. In 570 A.D. e. the Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca, and the teachings of Islam literally turned the history of Saudi Arabia. Muhammad's followers, known as caliphs (caliphs), conquered almost the entire Middle East. With the emergence of the Caliphate, whose capital was first in Damascus, and later in Baghdad, the role of the prophet's homeland became less and less significant.

    In 1269, almost the entire territory of modern Saudi Arabia was under Egyptian rule. In 1517, power passed to the rulers of the Ottoman Empire. In the middle of the XVIII century. the state of Najd was founded, which was independent from the Ottoman Empire. In 1824 Riyadh became the capital of the state. In 1865, a civil war broke out in the country, and the weakened country was divided between neighboring states. In 1902, Abdul Aziz ibn Saud entered Riyadh and by 1906 his troops controlled almost all of Nazhd. In 1926, almost the entire country was under his rule. In 1932 he named the country Saudi Arabia. After World War II, Saudi Arabia is the main US ally in the Middle East.

    Brief economic outline

    The basis of the economy is the oil and gas industry. Oil refining, petrochemical, metallurgical, paper, textile., Food industry; production of building materials. Crafts. Large and medium land tenure and small lease land use prevail. Main crops: date palm, wheat, barley. Vegetable growing, fruit growing. Nomadic animal husbandry. Fishing; extraction of pearls, corals. Export: oil, oil products, liquefied gas.

    The monetary unit is the Saudi rial.

    A brief outline of culture

    Art and architecture. Riyadh. Museum of Archeology and Ethnography; Royal Palace; Jamida Mosque. Al-Taif. A popular resort and summer capital of the country, however, non-Muslims are prohibited from entering the city. Medina. The Prophet's Mosque, which houses the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad, the tomb of the Prophet's daughter Fatima and Umar (the second caliph of the Muslim Empire). Mecca. The al-Ha-ram mosque, on the territory of which the Kaaba is located, is a small cube-shaped building built by the Jewish patriarch Abraham. In the southeastern corner of the Kaaba is the Black Stone, given to Abraham by the Archangel Gabriel. There is also a sacred well Zamzam (Zemzem) on the territory of the mosque.

    Capital: Riyadh.
    Area: 2,149,690 sq. km.
    Population: 26 939 583 people.
    Official language: Arabic.
    Official currency: Saudi riyal.

    Saudi Arabia is one of the most "closed" countries in the world. To visit it, you will have to fulfill a number of conditions and rules. But those who at least once saw its endless deserts and felt the influence of local culture will hardly regret being there ...

    Saudi Arabia occupies about 80% of the Arabian Peninsula - the largest in the world. In the north and northeast, it borders with Jordan, Iraq and Kuwait, in the east - with Qatar and the UAE, and in the south - with Oman and Yemen. The huge King Fahd Bridge connects Saudi Arabia with the island state of Bahrain, which is located in the waters of the Persian Gulf. It sits entirely on piles driven into the bottom of the bay.

    On the political map between Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Oman, the border is drawn not by a solid line, as is usually done, but by a broken line, because this border is conditional. It runs through the desert and is not marked on the ground. Because of this, the area of \u200b\u200bthe country is always indicated approximately.

    The inhabitants of the country are Muslims. They live according to Sharia (Islamic law) laws, which will seem very strict to foreigners. For example, in Saudi Arabia, public entertainment (theaters, cinemas, etc.), rallies and parades are prohibited, there are no holidays here except religious ones, pets are prohibited, and a hand is cut off for theft ...

    Celebrating New Year and Christmas in Saudi Arabia is banned. These are Christian holidays for which punishment is imposed.

    Saudi Arabia is an absolute theocratic monarchy. This means that the power in the country (both secular and spiritual) belongs to the king and is not limited by anyone else. The role of the constitution in the state is performed by the holy book of Muslims - the Koran.

    King of Saudi Arabia Abdullah Ibn Abdel Aziz Al Saud is one of the richest rulers in the world. His fortune is $ 63 billion.

    At the beginning of the 20th century. Saudi Arabia was one of the poorest countries in the world, now it is one of the richest. Oil helped the Saudis to get rich, huge deposits of which were found in the country. Thanks to "black gold", over the past 20 years, Saudia has turned from a backward medieval state into a modern developed state.

    Saudi Arabia is the world leader in oil production.

    Gasoline in Saudi Arabia costs several times cheaper than water, and not because there is little of it in the desert, but because there is a lot of oil from which it is obtained.

    They say that in Saudi Arabia, men own everything and women own nothing. The woman has few rights here. She can only go outside accompanied by a man, even if he is only 6 years old! She is forbidden to drive or work. In the country, even shops are divided into women and men.

    Desert garden

    Go out of town - and find yourself ... in the desert. Yes, this is possible not only in imagination, but also in reality. The capital of Saudi Arabia - Riyadh - is surrounded by deserts. Walk quite a bit - and the city streets give way to endless hot sands.

    The life of Riyadh is divided into two periods: before the discovery of oil fields and after. When black gold was found in the country, the Saudi king spared no expense to rebuild the main city. He invited the best engineers, designers, who created an oasis called Riyadh (translated from Arabic, this means "garden".)

    You can find out how Riyadh looked like in the past by walking through the central part of the city - al-Bataa. A quarter with narrow streets and low adobe houses is still preserved here.

    At first glance, it seems that no one lives in them anymore. But satellite "dishes" on the roofs will tell you that this is not so.

    Riyadh is famous for its camel market, which attracts sellers and buyers from all over the Middle East. The price of a "desert ship" here reaches tens of thousands of dollars!

    Riyadh is a city of mosques. There are more than 150 of them, and each is not like the others!

    The capital of Saudi Arabia is considered one of the hottest cities in the world. In summer, the air temperature rises to +45 ° C! It almost never rains here. Despite this, the city is recognized as the greenest capital in the Middle East. This unusual fact is explained by the fact that Riyadh lies in a small but fertile lowland.

    Modern Riyadh is a city with wide streets and glass skyscrapers, among which there are very interesting buildings. For example, the Kingdom Center is the tallest building in Saudi Arabia. The height of the skyscraper is 311 m, it has 99 floors! Due to its appearance, the locals nicknamed it "opener".

    In the future, an unusual metro station should appear in Riyadh. It will be built in the form of a huge bowl with a large hole on top. Through it, the sun's rays will fall deep into the station and illuminate it. Thus, the Saudis are planning to use a natural light source.

    The old capital of Saudi Arabia, Diraya, is located 20 km from Riyadh. Once this city was very rich, trade routes passed through it, but then it was destroyed. Only a few palaces and mosques remained from it. Archaeological excavations are being actively carried out in the city.

    Football is very fond of Saudi Arabia. The national team of this country has become the champion of Asia more than once. King Fahd Stadium is one of the most remarkable buildings in the capital: it was built in the form of an Arab tent.

    In an ocean of sand

    On the physical world map, Saudi Arabia is colored yellow. This means that the territory of the country is occupied by deserts.

    The largest of the Saudi deserts is Rub al-Khali. Translated from Arabic, it means "empty quarter". Only the desert, contrary to its name, occupies not a quarter of the country, but its entire third! Rub al-Khali is a boundless sea of \u200b\u200bhot sand, which is constantly moving thanks to the wind. The height of sand waves (dunes) can reach 250 m, which is the height of a nine-story building! The sands of this desert are legendary. They say that they buried more than one caravan.

    And once the whole city - Ubar - drowned in a sand stream. It was a large shopping center where many rich people lived. But their wealth made them greedy and angry. There was a city, it was, and it swam ... As if it disappeared forever in the desert ...

    In the north of Saudi Arabia lies the "sister" of Rub al-Khali - the Great Nefud Desert. She is called the most beautiful in the world. The surface of this desert is bright red in the morning and white in the evening. She is transformed due to the fact that her grains of sand contain a lot of iron and change color depending on the lighting. This is the hottest and most stuffy place on earth. During the day, the temperature in the desert rises to 60 degrees, and the sand warms up to 70! There is life here only in oases where the “bread of the desert” - dates - grows.

    Fantastic phenomena can be observed in the desert, such as stone roses. Fancy flowers are created underground over the years. They consist of gypsum and sand, and are obtained due to the strong evaporation of water. Over time, thanks to the wind, they end up on the surface. These stone flowers are considered a trophy. They are hunted by fossil gatherers. One such desert flower costs thousands of euros!

    The King of Saudi Arabia regularly conducts prayers for rain. This ritual is one of the traditions of Saudi Arabia. It was started by the prophet Muhammad himself.

    The east and west of Saudi Arabia are different. The climate on the Red Sea coast is more favorable for life. The mountains of Hejaz and Asir stretch here, where the highest point of the country is located - the city of Nabi-Shuayb (3353 m). They prevent the penetration of heated air from the center of Arabia and serve as a sand barrier. The east coast is very hot and the humidity is so high that a wet handkerchief hung out in the sun does not dry out for a long time.

    Baboon monkeys literally attack the Saudis. In the mountains, because of the heat, they have nothing to eat, so they move closer to people. Baboons run freely through the streets of Saudi cities and rob local residents: they climb into houses or cars and steal vegetables and fruits.

    In summer, residents of Saudi Arabia, like Belarusians, travel to the south of the Arabian Peninsula. Only we strive for warmth, and the Saudis strive for coolness, because on the southern coast it is not as hot as in the center or in the north of Arabia.

    In winter, the wind rises over the Arabian Peninsula, causing strong sandstorms. Clouds of sand and dust cover most of Saudi Arabia's localities. In cities, car traffic is closed, children do not go to school, life freezes. Everyone is trying to sit out this period at home.

    Saudi Arabia flag

    The flag of the first state was a green banner with a white crescent. However, the Wahhibis used a green cloth with a shahada (Islamic creed: "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah") in Arabic as a banner. In 1902, he adopted the flag with the shahada as the state flag, adding a sword to it. The design of the flag changed several times: white edges appeared and disappeared, the font changed, there were two swords. The modern design of the flag was approved in 1973.

    Of the features of the flag, it should be noted that it is sewn from two panels so that the text can be read from both sides. Since the shahada is sacred for Muslims, the Saudi flag is forbidden to be depicted on T-shirts (in case of emergency, for example, on the uniform of athletes during international competitions, a flag is depicted with only one sword), and it is not lowered in case of mourning.

    Coat of arms of Saudi Arabia

    The coat of arms of Saudi Arabia was approved in 1950. It shows a palm tree and two swords. Palm is the main tree of Saudi Arabia, and two swords symbolize the two families that founded Saudi Arabia: and al-Wahhab.

    States on the territory

    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    المملكة العربية السعودية (Al-Mamlaka al-Arabiyya al-Saudiyya)

    Since the third millennium BC, the territory of the Arabian Peninsula was inhabited by nomadic Semitic tribes - the ancestors of the modern Arabs, who assimilated the Negroid population of the south of the peninsula. In the first millennium BC, in the south of the peninsula, ancient Arab states began to take shape - kingdoms. For a long time, tribal relations prevailed among the population of North Arabia, but gradually slave-owning states began to form there from tribal unions, in particular. In the 1st century BC, North Arabia came under power, and after its collapse it became an arena of struggle between and. As for the west and south of the peninsula (Hejaz, Asir and Yemen), they found themselves at the intersection of trade routes between the Mediterranean, India and Africa, which contributed to the emergence and growth of cities such as Makoraba (Mecca) and Yathrib (Medina). Simultaneously with the development of trade, Christianity and Judaism began to spread in these areas.

    By the 5th century AD in the central region of Arabia - Najdeh - an alliance of Arab tribes headed by the Kinda tribe was formed, which extended its influence to the south and east of the peninsula. Around 529, the union fell apart, and Arabia became the arena of struggle between Ethiopian and Persian rulers. The struggle against the invaders was led by a tribe of Quraish from Mecca. From this tribe came the prophet Muhammad, thanks to whose activities in the 7th century a new religion arose in Arabia - Islam. It was Islam that became the core around which the scattered nomadic tribes of the Arabian Peninsula united into an Arab nation, and a new theocratic state arose - with its capital in Medina.

    As a result of the rapid expansion, by the middle of the 8th century, in addition to Arabia, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Syria, Persia, Transcaucasia, North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula were under the rule of the caliphs. The capital of the Caliphate was moved from Medina, first to Damascus and then to Baghdad. This led to the fact that Arabia became the outskirts of a huge state.

    In 1901, against the background of the Kuwait crisis, in which the leading world powers were involved, resumed the struggle for Riyadh. In January 1902, as a result of a daring raid, the son took Riyadh, and by the spring of 1904 he had restored power over most of Najd. The Rashidids turned to the Sultan for help, but the Sultan's troops were defeated and were forced to leave the peninsula. The Sultan was recognized as his vassal in Najd. In 1906, the emir recognized power over Najd and Kasim, and the sultan confirmed this agreement.

    Najd and Hijaz in 1923

    After gaining independence, clashes between Arab states resumed. In 1920, the troops of Najd captured Upper Asir, and the next year it was annexed to the possessions. On August 22, 1921, he was proclaimed Sultan of Najd and dependent territories. In the next two years, they captured El Jauf and Wadi al-Sirhan and moved their troops north, to, and. Not wanting to over-strengthen Najd, the British supported the Hashemite rulers and. were defeated.

    In 1928, an out-of-control uprising broke out in the kingdom ikhvanov... After receiving blessings from the ulema, he formed a small army of members of the tribes loyal to him and drove the rebels into the territory. There they were surrounded by British troops, and their leaders were extradited. With defeat ikhvanov tribal associations lost their role as the main military base. During the civil war, the rebellious sheikhs and their squads were completely destroyed. This victory was the final stage on the path to creating a single centralized state.

    The new monarch embarked on a gradual modernization of the kingdom. Under him, the introduction of Western technologies in industry and the social sphere began, a reform of health care and education systems was carried out, and a national television appeared. In foreign policy, border disputes with, and were resolved. In 1970, the civil war in the YAR ended, where Saudi Arabia supported the supporters of the ousted imam. In the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, Saudi Arabia supported and even for some time imposed an embargo on the supply of oil to the United States. The normalization of relations with America occurred only after the signing of an armistice between Israel, and in 1974.

    In 1975, the king was assassinated by one of his nephews, and his brother ascended the throne. He was in poor health, and therefore the actual power was in the hands of his brother. He continued the conservative policy of his predecessor. Thanks to its huge oil revenues and its military-strategic position, the kingdom's role in regional politics and international economic and financial issues has increased.

    The Islamic Revolution of 1978-79 in Iran led to an outbreak of Islamic fundamentalism in the world. There have been major anti-government protests in Saudi Arabia. In addition, in the early 1980s, oil prices and demand fell sharply, which led to a crisis in the Saudi economy, another aggravation of internal contradictions and the foreign policy situation in the region.

    Gulf war

    During the Iran-Iraq war, Saudi Arabia supported. In response, Ayatollah Khomeini's followers regularly tried to disrupt the annual Hajj to Mecca. Saudi Arabia was forced to sever diplomatic relations with. During the Gulf War of 1990-91, Saudi Arabia was threatened by an Iraqi invasion. Thousands of American and allied military forces were deployed in the country. The king made a great personal contribution to the creation of the anti-Iraqi coalition of Arab states.

    After the Gulf War, under pressure from the liberals, he embarked on political reforms. In particular, the Consultative Council was created, the Council of Ministers was reformed and the administrative-territorial division of the country was changed. However, the reforms failed to resolve the contradictions that have matured in Saudi society. The presence of American troops on Saudi territory was contrary to Wahhabist doctrines, and in the 1990s, several terrorist attacks against Americans took place in the kingdom. Saudi Arabia was one of two countries that recognized the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Relations with the United States deteriorated further after the events of September 11, 2001. Washington accused Saudi Arabia of financing international terrorist organizations, in particular, Al-Qaeda. However, the United States did not agree to break off relations with Saudi Arabia.

    In 2003, two human rights organizations were established in Saudi Arabia, and in 2005, local elections were held for the first time.

    Despite the reforms carried out, Saudi Arabia is one of the most closed and conservative countries in the world. All power is in the hands of the king, he is also the spiritual leader of the country. His power is limited only by the norms of Sharia. This makes Saudi Arabia alongside the only absolute theocratic monarchy in the world. The throne is inherited. The right to the throne is legally assigned to the sons and grandchildren of the first king, but the order of succession is not clearly defined: the heir is chosen by a special council from among the most influential members of the royal family.

    The Koran is declared the Constitution of Saudi Arabia; all legislation is based on Islamic law. Any discussion of the existing system is prohibited in the country. Religious police ( muttava), monitoring the observance of the norms of Islam. The use of alcohol and drugs, theft and murder are severely punished; public executions are practiced. Women's rights are severely limited, and all restrictions also apply to foreign citizens in Saudi Arabia. Despite allied relations with the West, Saudi Arabia is often criticized for condescending to Islamic radicalism. Saudi Arabia is home to former international "terrorist No. 1" Osama bin Laden; many Islamic militants find refuge on its territory.

    The riots in the Arab world in 2011 hardly touched Saudi Arabia. Only the Shiite unrest in al-Katif was recorded, suppressed by the authorities with the use of weapons. Currently, any rallies and demonstrations in Saudi Arabia are prohibited as contrary to Sharia law. The police received the right to use any means to curb illegal gatherings.

    At the end of 2017, several dozen members of the elite, including princes, were arrested in Saudi Arabia. Officially, they are accused of corruption, but in reality, most likely, there is a process of "clearing" the political field for Crown Prince Mohammed ibn Salman from representatives of the conservative opposition.

    "The country of two mosques" (Mecca and Medina) - this is how Saudi Arabia is often called in another way. The form of government of this state is an absolute monarchy. Geographical information, a brief history and information about the political structure of Saudi Arabia will help you get a general idea of \u200b\u200bthis country.

    General information

    Saudi Arabia is the largest state on the Arabian Peninsula. In the north, it borders with Iraq, Kuwait and Jordan, in the east with the UAE and Qatar, in the southeast with Oman, and in the south with Yemen. It owns more than 80 percent of the peninsula, as well as several islands in the Persian Gulf and Red Sea.

    More than half of the country's territory is occupied by the Rub al-Khali desert. In addition, to the north is part of the Syrian Desert, and to the south is Al-Nafud, another large desert. The plateau in the center of the country is crossed by several rivers, which usually dry up during the hot season.

    Saudi Arabia is exceptionally rich in oil. The government partially invests the profit from the sale of "black gold" in the development of the country, partially invests in industrialized states and uses it to provide loans to other Arab powers.

    The form of government of Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy. Islam is recognized as the state religion. Arabic is the official language.

    The name of the country was given by the ruling dynasty - the Saudis. Its capital is the city of Riyadh. The country's population is 22.7 million people, mostly Arabs.

    Early history of Arabia

    In the first millennium BC, the Minea kingdom was located on the shores of the Red Sea. On the east coast was Dilmun, which was considered the political and cultural federation in the region.

    In the year 570, an event occurred that determined the further fate of the Arabian Peninsula - in Mecca, Muhammad, the future prophet, was born. His teachings literally turned the history of these lands upside down, subsequently influencing the peculiarities of the form of government of Saudi Arabia and the culture of the country.

    The followers of the prophet, known as caliphs (caliphs), conquered almost all of the Middle East by carrying Islam. However, with the emergence of the Caliphate, whose capital was first Damascus, and later - Baghdad, the significance of the prophet's homeland gradually lost its importance. At the end of the XIII century, the territory of Saudi Arabia was almost entirely under the rule of Egypt, and after another two and a half centuries, these lands were transferred to the Ottoman Port.

    The emergence of Saudi Arabia

    In the middle of the 17th century, the state of Nazhd appeared, which managed to achieve independence from the Port. In the middle of the 19th century, Riyadh became its capital. But a civil war that broke out a few years later led to the fact that the weakened country was divided among neighboring powers.

    In 1902, the son of the sheikh of the Dirayah oasis, Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud, managed to take Riyadh. Four years later, almost all of Nazhd was under his control. In 1932, underlining the special importance of the royal house in history, he officially gave the country the name Saudi Arabia. The form of government of the state allowed the Saudis to achieve on its territory.

    Since the middle of the last century, this state has become the main ally and strategic partner of the United States in the Middle East region.

    Saudi Arabia: form of government

    The Constitution of this state officially proclaimed the Koran and Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad. However, in Saudi Arabia, the form of government and general principles of power are determined by the Basic Nizam (law), which entered into force in 1992.

    This act contains a provision stating that Saudi Arabia is a sovereign system of government in which it is monarchical. the country is based on Sharia.

    The king of the ruling family of Saudis is also the religious leader and supreme authority over all forms of government. At the same time, he holds the post of supreme commander of the army, has the right to make appointments to all important civil and military posts, and to declare war in the country. He also oversees that the overall political orientation meets the norms of Islam and monitors the implementation of the principles of Sharia.

    Government departments

    The executive power in the state is exercised by the Council of Ministers. The king holds the post of its chairman, it is he who is responsible for its formation and reorganization. Nizams, approved by the Council of Ministers, enact royal decrees. The ministers are headed by the relevant ministries and departments, for the activities of which they are responsible to the king.

    Also carried out by the king, under which there is an Advisory Council with deliberative powers. The members of this council express their opinion on the projects of the nizams adopted by the ministers. The Chairman of the Advisory Council and sixty of its members are also appointed by the King (for four years).

    The judicial branch is headed by the Supreme Judicial Council. On the advice of this council, the King appoints and removes judges.

    Saudi Arabia, whose form of government and state structure is based on the almost absolute power of the king and the worship of the Islamic religion, officially does not have any trade unions or political parties. Serving a religion other than Islam is also prohibited here.

    Saudi Arabia, the map of which is presented below, is a country in southwestern Asia, occupying about 80% of the area.The origin of its name is associated with the royal family of Saud, which founded the state and continues to be in power to this day.

    general description

    Saudi Arabia's area is 2.15 million square kilometers. The state borders on Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Yemen and Oman. In addition, it is washed by the Persian Gulf, Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba. Its capital is Riyadh, which is home to more than five million people. Other major cities in Saudi Arabia are Jeddah, Mecca and Medina. Their population exceeds the one million mark.

    Political structure

    In March 1992, the first documents were adopted, regulating the state and the basic principles of its administration. Based on them, the country of Saudi Arabia is a theocratic absolute monarchy. Its constitution is based on the Koran. The Saudi dynasty has been in power since 1932. The king has full legislative, executive and judicial powers. Its powers are only theoretically limited by local traditions and Sharia norms. The government has been functioning in its current form since 1953. It is headed by a king who determines the main directions of its activities. There is also a Council of Ministers in the country, which is entrusted with not only executive, but also legislative functions. All decisions made by this authority are approved by decree of the king of the country of Saudi Arabia. The population of the state is obliged to comply with them. The country is administratively divided into thirteen provinces.


    The local economy is based on free private enterprise. Along with this, one cannot fail to note the fact that control over the key ones is carried out by the government. The state boasts the largest oil reserves on the planet. It accounts for about 75% of his income. In addition, Saudi Arabia is the world leader in the export of black gold and plays a leading role in OPEC. The country also has reserves of zinc, chromium, lead, copper and


    The first census of local residents was carried out in 1974. From that time to the present day, the population of Saudi Arabia has almost tripled. Now the country is home to nearly 30 million people. The overwhelming majority of local residents are Arabs, a significant part of whom retained a tribal organization. Now there are more than 100 tribal associations and tribes in the country. It should also be noted that foreign workers account for about one fifth of the population. Based on official UN statistics, as of 1970, the country's infant mortality rate was 204 babies for every thousand newborns. Now there has been a significant positive shift in this indicator. In particular, due to the improvement of the standard of living and medical care in the state, only 19 children die out of a thousand newborns.


    Arabic is the official language in a country like Saudi Arabia. The population in everyday life uses mainly the Arabian dialect, which comes from El Fushi. Within it, several dialects stand out at once, close to each other. At the same time, city dwellers and descendants of nomads speak differently. Literary and spoken languages \u200b\u200bhave minor differences between themselves. In a religious context, mainly the classical Arabic dialect is used. Common languages \u200b\u200bamong immigrants from other countries are English, Indonesian, Urdu, Tagalog, Farsi and others.


    Saudi Arabia is considered the center of the Islamic world. The entire population of the country professes this particular religion. According to various estimates, up to 93% of local residents are Sunnis. The rest of the representatives of Islam are mainly Shiites. As for other religions, approximately 3% of the country's inhabitants are Christians, and 0.4% are other confessions.


    Although higher education in the country is free, it is not compulsory. A good job and a comfortable life in Saudi Arabia are possible without him. Be that as it may, a number of programs are operating here, the main goal of which is to reduce the level of illiteracy of local residents. Currently, there are 7 universities and 16 higher educational institutions in the country. All of them are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Higher Education. About 30 thousand students study abroad every year. In the past few decades, the government has significantly increased spending on education. At the same time, the state needs a general reform in this area, which should form a new balance between modern and traditional teaching methods.

    The medicine

    Saudi Arabia is one of the most advanced countries in the world in terms of medicine. The population of the state has the right to receive free services related to it. This applies to both residents of megacities and representatives of Bedouin tribes who roam the desert. Every year the government allocates about 8% of the local budget for health care, which is simply a gigantic amount. Compulsory immunization of newborns is enshrined at the legislative level. The epidemiological control system, which was created in 1986, made it possible to completely defeat and eliminate such terrible diseases as plague and cholera.

    Demographic problems

    According to research by scientists, if the current number of inhabitants in the country remains (over the past 30 years, they have been about 4% of the population per year), then by 2050 the population of Saudi Arabia will reach 45 million. In other words, very soon the country's leadership will have to solve the problem associated not only with providing citizens with jobs, but also with ensuring a decent old age for the currently working Saudis. This task is not so easy even for a state with such impressive oil reserves. The emergence of such problems is associated, first of all, with positive shifts in the spheres of food and medical services, as well as with the improvement of living conditions in the country.