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  • Police - a year. The reform continues

    Police - a year. The reform continues

    It so happened that we live in a protracted era of change. The restructuring of society, which began in 1985 with the abandonment of the Soviet system in favor of democratic freedoms, continues to this day. 33 years have passed. Is this a lot or not enough to see the results of global changes? Let's try to answer this question by analyzing the police reform.

    We are new, we will build a bright world ...

    When, in the distant 80s, the Land of Soviets embarked on the tracks of democratic development and rushed into a bright capitalist future, no one could have imagined that in some 20 years the police would reappear in Russia. For a generation of people who grew up in Soviet times, the word police had a negative message, causing anger and rage. This is connected with the revolutionary past, when the tsarist police pursued revolutionaries, and with the war of 1941, when the policemen who served the German occupiers killed civilians.

    But time passes, a new generation has grown up, which was not brought up on the glorious Soviet past, and therefore now the word "policeman" does not hurt the ear. Why did you change the sign? Who and why needed to reform the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2011? To be more precise, the preparation of the reform began in 2009 with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures to improve the activities of the bodies of the Russian Federation." This decree was a response to the outrages that were happening in the law enforcement agencies.

    Police chaos

    One high-profile case after another: the Russian media only managed to cover serious crimes in which police officers were the culprits.

    2003 year. Six officers of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department and Lieutenant General of the Emergencies Ministry Vladimir Ganeev received 15-20 years in a strict regime colony. Since the beginning of the 90s, these guards of law and order, threatening with reprisals and imprisonment, robbed the entrepreneurs of the capital. The investigation found more than three million dollars in their safe deposit boxes. From this case, a stable expression came into use: werewolves in uniform.

    2004 year. Moscow police sergeant Sergei Kostruba was sentenced to nine years in a strict regime colony. On the last day of July, a citizen of Tajikistan, Rustam Baibekov, was unlucky: he had to pay with his life for a ticketless metro ride. The zealous guardian of order, having found a "hare" in the territory under his jurisdiction, demanded documents. Unfortunately, the detainee did not have a registration, and he still had the audacity to refuse to pay the fine on the spot. Without waiting for the trial and investigation, the sergeant sentenced the offender and immediately carried it out: he killed the free rider with a shot in the mouth.

    2008 year. Three employees of the Saratov OVD were sentenced to 23 years in a strict regime colony. Being very drunk, the militiamen beat the citizen of Armenian nationality and doused him with gasoline and burned him alive for refusing to take the blame for the theft.

    And the last straw was the high-profile case of the head of the Tsaritsyno police station Denis Yevsyukov. In 2009, while under the influence of alcohol, a police boss mortally wounded a taxi driver, opened fire on passers-by on Shipilovskaya Street in Moscow, but this seemed not enough to him. Bursting into the Ostrov supermarket, a distraught policeman shot the cashier and fired back at the law enforcement officers who had arrived for the arrest. As a result of the hostilities of the drunken major, two people were killed, seven were wounded, and the whole country was shocked. The court sentenced the former policeman to life imprisonment in a special regime colony.

    Preconditions for the reform

    The intensity of negative events, which cast law enforcement in an unattractive light, testified to the flourishing of corruption and the inability of the existing system to cope with modern realities. The reform in Russia was supposed to resolve the accumulated contradictions:

    1. The law on the police, adopted in the 90s, did not meet modern requirements. Numerous amendments to the bill, which have been introduced over 20 years, have created confusion in the powers of the police department. The inconsistency of the responsibilities of various structures of law enforcement agencies led to ineffective work, duplication of activities and the performance of functions unusual for the police.
    2. The law on the police and the acts that regulated the activities of law enforcement agencies often contradicted each other, which led to difficulties in their legal application.
    3. Abuse of official positions and repressive actions against fellow citizens finally turned the population against the police officers.
    4. The uncontrolled unlawful actions of law enforcement officers testified to the absence of clearly defined rights and responsibilities, internal discipline, and strict selection of candidates wishing to work in the police department.

    The legislative framework

    Life forced us to face the truth: it cannot continue this way. What is needed is not so much, maybe global, as real, working changes in the functioning of the law and order system. To solve these problems in 2011, Federal Law-3 "On the Police" was adopted, which clearly prescribed the following provisions:

    1. The Russian police protect residents of the country, its guests and stateless people. 12 types of bodies are aimed at this: protection, prevention of offenses and investigation of crimes, protection, protection of victims, witnesses, etc.
    2. The police reform affected the duties of the police officer. He must protect anyone in trouble. He is obliged to be attentive and polite in dealing with citizens. A police officer is prohibited from being a party member in order to maintain impartiality. Behavior during work and free time should not be different. The policeman is an example for citizens, etc.
    3. Law FZ-3 "On Police" introduced a number of prohibitions. It is strictly forbidden to use torture, cruel actions and humiliation of human dignity against people.
    4. The document specifically focuses on increasing public confidence in law enforcement agencies. The police officer is responsible for his actions. For violation of citizens' rights, the police must apologize, and the employee must be punished up to and including dismissal without the right to reinstatement.

    Internet edits the law

    An unheard-of thing was President Dmitry Medvedev's proposal to submit the law for public discussion on the Internet. As a result, more than 5 million Russian citizens took part in the controversy.

    The people did not believe that there would be radical changes from a simple renaming of the police to the Russian police. When people expressed their opinion in the comments, this mood was clearly traced. But, despite the skepticism of the population, their opinion was heeded.

    Articles were removed from the law that allowed police officers to freely enter the territory considered to be private property. The “presumption of police legality” also drew much criticism. So, in fact, any action by a police officer was considered legal until proven otherwise. Although there is no direct formulation in the law, the opposition believes that the presumption of legality is present in the document in a veiled form.

    Reform sweeps across the country

    Well, finally, we'll live: the law on police reform has been adopted and given for implementation. Now, as in the song, crime will decrease, and on the streets there are only polite and smiling police officers. But the flight of fantasy about the bright present will remain an unfulfilled dream. Let's not forget that we are in Russia. And the peculiarity of national reforms lies in the fact that they are composed by officials who are far from the life of ordinary people, and also in the state's unwillingness to adequately finance those reforms.

    There was enough money only to change the signs and raise wages ... "There is no money, but you hold on", - Dmitry Medvedev's famous phrase describes the true situation with salaries. To account for the successful implementation of the reforms, police chief Rishat Nurgaliyev is organizing staff reductions. 22% of employees were fired, and the freed money was redistributed to the rest - a magical increase in salaries took place. At the same time, not a single additional penny was spent. Once again, Russians are convinced that any improvement in their lives comes at their expense.

    What's happening? Police reform!

    The consequences of the downsizing were immediately reflected in the quality of work. The volume of tasks performed has remained the same, and the ranks of employees who must solve them have noticeably thinned. As the police themselves noted, there is no time for smiles, there is a lot of work, some issues are resolved hastily and somehow. In addition, the police reform also affected education. Of course, the very idea that police officers have a law degree is a good one. But life shows something else.

    Now, green and inexperienced university graduates are put in the place of police chiefs, and experienced and qualified personnel, due to the lack of higher education, remain in the wings. But this is not so bad. Many employees with rich experience have quit because they didn’t want to endure such injustice. And graduates of law schools, having worked for three months in unbearable conditions of a large volume of tasks and an eternal lack of time, also quit and prefer to find less nervous work.

    Oil painting: despite the increase in salaries, people are in no hurry to get a job in the police. The shortage of personnel is palpable in those professions that work directly with the population: district police officers, investigators, interrogators, etc. But the staff of executives, press service, educational, medical, legal departments is fully staffed. Further more.

    We wanted the best, it turned out as always

    The police reform provided for a revision of the staff of law enforcement agencies. For this, it was decided to change the staffing table and re-certification of employees. These steps were intended to improve the level of skills and exclude unscrupulous police officers. The staffing adjustments were supposed to cut managerial positions and streamline the performance of executive staffing units. But there were no clear criteria for evaluating employees.

    We wanted the best, but it turned out as always. In practice, the situation was different from what the ideal theory drew. The law on the police came out in February 2011, by July of the same year it was necessary to report on the results of certification and changes in staffing tables. Until May, the Ministry of Internal Affairs developed a standard staff, and in the field the document was finalized until July. As a result, there was not enough time for certification. Okay, it was extended until mid-August. But in such a short time, if the matter is approached in good faith, it is physically impossible to certify all employees.

    As a result, we ran at a gallop attestation events without understanding what to check, and the authorities managed to report on the work done in time. As it turned out later, the hasty staffing tables, which were done in a hurry, not only did not cut managerial positions, but also increased them, respectively, the number of actually working employees decreased.

    Good intentions

    The reform (from the police to the police) assumed that the work of law enforcement agencies should have become better, the negative image should remain in the past, and people's trust in the police should increase. However, the formal approach gave a formal result. There are, of course, changes: when you come for a certificate, you are first given a paper for signature, where you need to evaluate the activities of the police. How to evaluate it? An employee sits in the office and calmly issues certificates. Of course, the person will appreciate the work of this woman as good. Hence the positive numbers of social studies: the public's trust in the police has doubled, i.e., from 23% to 46%. Everything is formal again.

    For example, in Georgia, after the police reform, people's trust in law enforcement officers increased from 5% to 95%, and these are real numbers. The secret is simple. They really wanted to change everything for the better, so they didn’t set unrealistic deadlines and didn’t require formal reports. All those who did not meet the new requirements were fired, and new recruits were trained. They were imprisoned for 10 years for bribes. Several demonstration courts brought to the understanding that everything is serious. The bribes stopped. Thieves in law put everyone in one prison so that they could only rule themselves, and the rest left the country. Large funds were invested in the reorganization of the police: the patrol service received a fleet of new Skoda-Octavia and Ford cars.

    Beautiful and comfortable buildings of militia departments have been built throughout Georgia. And the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the capital is striking in its size and design. New uniforms and state-of-the-art equipment of police officers have also raised their status. All at the expense of the state. And, of course, high salaries. The profession of a policeman is very prestigious, and you can't just get a job on it, you must pass a strict selection process. Thanks to the reform, Georgia is recognized as one of the safest countries. Drivers can leave their keys in the car and leave safely. No one will steal her. Forgotten things will wait for the owner at the place where they were left.

    Future reforms

    How not to recall the catch phrase: "Oh, it's a shame for the state!" Why can't we, or what, right? But hope dies last. The Russian government is making another attempt to carry out a global reform of the Interior Ministry in 2019.

    The changes have two goals: reducing the management staff and reducing the cost of power structures:

    1. The global reform is called because its implementation period is planned for 5 years. During this time, salaries should increase, the social security of employees should improve.
    2. The merger of departments will reduce the staff of managers: the patrol service will connect with the traffic police, the issue of merging the prosecutor's office and the investigating authorities is being considered.
    3. The reform of the police reduces some of the functions of the department: now the MFC will be in charge of issuing passports. Also, civil organizations will take on the responsibility of issuing a driver's license.
    4. The auxiliary professions will lose their military status. Psychologists, accountants, forensic experts, and HR personnel will acquire the status of civilian specialists.
    5. Medical personnel will go under the wing of the Ministry of Health. Medical services for police officers will be carried out under insurance policies, and the results of the medical commission on fitness for service will be more objective.
    6. In order to save money and improve the qualifications of employees, the service life is increased from 20 to 25 years.
    7. The Federal Penitentiary Service will become part of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    The latest reform in government plans should significantly improve the work of the police. Life shows that the reforms continue, and they go with varying success. It would be great if the implementation of the new reform was carried out taking into account past mistakes, and was carried out not for show, but for the people.

    On January 21, 2010, at a meeting of the Association of Lawyers of Russia with the participation of Interior Minister Rashid Gumarovich Nurgaliev, Sergei Vadimovich Stepashin said, without disclosing the essence of the innovation: “The public security police, as far as I know, will no longer exist. And, probably, the creation of a professional police is an absolutely correct decision ”.

    This time, the authorities made it clear that they seriously intend to bring the reform to the end, and also decided to involve ordinary citizens in the drafting of the law. On August 6, 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, at a meeting on reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs, proposed the very next day to submit the draft law "On the police" for general discussion on the Internet.

    Then, on August 6, 2010, Dmitry Medvedev proposed to rename the police to the police.

    We need professional people, employees who are efficient, honest and well-coordinated in their work. Therefore, I believe that the time has come to give the law enforcement agencies their name - the police.

    Thus, on August 7, 2010, a new bill "On Police" was proposed (the same bill with the changed names "police" to "police").

    In general, the new bill is a continuation of the opposite policy of the reform in 2002, that is, even greater centralization. The institutions of the public security police and the criminal police are being abolished. Unlike the police, which is partially subordinate to the authority of the subject of the federation, the police are not connected with the subject of the federation (according to the bill).

    About 5 million people took part in the online discussion of the draft law "On Police", which is unique for Russia. As a result, the draft law, in comparison with the original form, has undergone significant changes related to the powers of the new structure. In particular, the provisions that police officers can freely enter the premises of citizens, land plots belonging to them, on the territory, land plots and premises occupied by public associations and organizations, as well as the most criticized "presumption of legality" of the police ( “The police officer’s demands addressed to citizens and officials and the actions taken by him are considered legal until otherwise established in the manner prescribed by law”), although, according to opposition politicians, this wording was only veiled and not excluded.

    The bill was adopted in the first reading on December 10, 2010. Initially, it was planned that the new law would come into force in January 2011, then the terms were postponed to March.

    Based on the results of the past nationwide discussion of the draft law "On Police" by citizens, representatives of the public, experts, a large number of useful and important comments and proposals were formulated and presented. It is not surprising that the text of the document, sent by the President of Russia to the State Duma, has been substantially corrected - as it seems to us, its developers have certainly improved, refined in the interests of society and citizens. In general, both changes and additions can be grouped into several conditional semantic blocks that we would like to present to the public.

    In 2011, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to understand the imperfection of the existing structure of internal affairs bodies.

    The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was the next most important step in the modernization of the country and the system of public administration. The reform of the department was initiated by the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, who in 2009-2010. made a number of fundamental decisions regarding the optimization of the activities of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The main goal of the ongoing reform was the creation of a modern and effective law enforcement system in Russia, the formation of a new image of the employee of the XXI century.

    Another initiative of the head of state, who proposed returning to the traditional name of a professional law enforcement structure and renaming the Russian militia into the police, has become fundamentally important for the internal affairs bodies. Since the new law provided for the formation of a modern law enforcement structure of the police type, this name is absolutely logical and adequate.

    The fundamental goal of the reform of the department was a radical change in the social role of the internal affairs bodies in society, first of all, providing for the gradual ousting of the punitive function from their activities.

    The main distinguishing feature of the police was to become its social function, expressed in protecting the life, health, rights and freedoms of citizens.

    An analysis of public opinion in 2011 showed that the basic needs of the Russian population for security and protection from criminal encroachments remain largely unmet. As evidenced by the results of public opinion polls conducted by various sociological centers and services, the level of public confidence in law enforcement agencies, including the internal affairs bodies, remained very low for a long time. The current situation is due to the fact that, in reality, neither an individual, nor society as a whole perceive themselves as those subjects whose interests are fully directed by the activities of the law enforcement forces.

    The return of mutual trust between the internal affairs bodies and the population is one of the most important tasks of the reform. The militia has traditionally been and remains a security agency that constantly interacts with the population. Therefore, the new laws and regulations governing the activities of the structure of the internal affairs bodies put in the first place the formation of a partnership model of relations between society and the police. The Federal Law of 07.02.2011 N 3-ФЗ "On the Police" contains a number of sections that regulate these relations in detail.

    The federal law "On the Police" was developed in the context of a high social need for a change in approaches to the organization of the activities of the law enforcement forces in the Russian Federation. The law summed up the results of many months of socio-political discussion of the future of Russian internal affairs bodies, securing the legislative basis for organizing police activities in Russia. The law was adopted after a large-scale public discussion, during which more than 33 thousand responses and specific proposals were received from citizens to improve the text of the bill. As a result, many provisions of the bill have been changed or supplemented.

    This legal act contains fundamental provisions aimed at increasing the level of protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, the effectiveness of the police in combating crime and ensuring law and order. Among them:

    Public control over the activities of police bodies, their officials; formation of a system for assessing the work of police units based on public opinion and the level of satisfaction of citizens with law enforcement services;

    Ensuring strict observance of the powers granted to police officers;

    Strict requirements for the professional suitability of persons serving in the designated state structure, continuous improvement of the level of professionalism of each employee;

    Development of law enforcement activities based on the use of the achievements of innovative technologies, etc.

    In general, it was assumed that the adoption of the law would provide conditions for solving a wide range of current political and legal problems related to the activities of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as issues of socio-economic development of the country associated with a decrease in the crime rate, the effectiveness of the system for the prevention of crimes and offenses, an increase in the level of security personality and quality of services provided to the population by law enforcement agencies.

    When developing the law on the police, the task was simultaneously set to comprehensively modernize domestic legislation relating to the sphere of activity of the internal affairs bodies, including: bringing it into line with the achieved level of public relations; elimination of inconsistency, fragmentation and gaps in the legal regulation of this field of activity; the concentration of the main activities of the law enforcement forces on the implementation of tasks for combating and preventing crime, protecting public order and ensuring public safety, as well as eliminating duplicate and unusual police functions Portal of the Krasnozersk region. -

    Human Rights Organizations Working Group on Engagement Strategy with the internal affairs bodies and promoting the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was established in autumn 2008. It includes organizations that consider the issues of human rights observance in the activities of law enforcement agencies among their priorities. Non-governmental human rights organizations - members of the Working Group - are constantly engaged in legal, informational, expert support of the "police" topic.

    The proposed Concept for reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs was prepared by the members of the Working Group on the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in January-March 2010, discussed and adopted by the Working Group at its meeting on March 18, 2010.

    The results of the reformAccording to the proposed Concept, the Concept of reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs was to be. Human Rights Working Group. - Site "" -

    The division of the militia into federal and municipal (two criteria: territorial feature and tasks of functioning). The main tasks of the federal police should be tasks of general federal significance: detection, prevention, suppression and disclosure of crimes in cases where the preliminary investigation is mandatory (grave and especially grave crimes), organizing and carrying out the search for persons hiding from the bodies of inquiry, investigation and court, evading from the execution of criminal punishment, missing persons and other persons in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Protecting victims and minimizing the consequences of crimes for them should be a priority for the federal police. The main task of the municipal police should be to ensure the security of society and protect the interests of citizens, taking into account their expectations from the work of the police. The activities of the municipal police should be planned and implemented taking into account the characteristics and needs of the municipality. The main tasks: ensuring the safety of the individual, the safety of the local environment, prevention of offenses, detection, prevention and suppression of crimes and administrative offenses, disclosure of crimes, in cases where the preliminary investigation is not necessary. The priority of the activities of the municipal police should be the prevention of offenses and the creation of a comfortable, safe environment in the municipality. The solution to these tasks should be carried out in daily interaction with other municipal services.

    Structural optimization, incl. exclusion of functions unusual for the Ministry of Internal Affairs (it is proposed to abolish medical sobering-up centers, expert institutions in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is proposed to remove the FMS from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, to remove the psychological service from the police system, etc., it is proposed to develop non-state forms of public order protection).

    Modernization of professional education and retraining of police officers (the following directions of modernization are implied: practice-oriented training, certification, priority of people's interests, change in training programs, public examination of training programs, differentiation of professional training of police / police officers and “civil” higher and secondary education. The proposed measures should lead to the fact that, within the framework of professional training, police officers will acquire attitudes and skills that allow them to perform their duties without violating human rights).

    Improvement of personnel policy in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the process of its reform (it seems advisable in the process of reforming to provide for a number of changes in the main criteria for admitting persons to serve (work) in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system: citizenship qualification, age qualification, health qualification, educational qualification, anti-corruption qualification, non-discrimination and compliance with the structure of society, the study of candidates, responsibility for recruitment, continuous professional development, regular certification of internal affairs officers, social benefits and incentives).

    Changing the assessment of the police activity (in the process of reforming it is important to separate the assessment system and the reporting system. The assessment system should become independent, not based on the reporting system, and the reporting system should become a source of reliable data from departmental statistics).

    Increasing public confidence in the police through the development of transparency in its activities (society must know the main budgetary costs of financing the police, have information about the rights of detainees, have access to by-laws restricting human rights; it is necessary to ensure transparency and accessibility of police reporting information for the population at all levels, to ensure the physical transparency of the duty units, all departments and police stations where investigative and operational actions are carried out, and there is a direct contact between police officers and citizens, to create an infrastructure of signs and announcements of the location of nearby police stations on the streets of Russian settlements, to ensure accessibility for the population of all administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to introduce into practice a system of video surveillance of the activities of the police inside the police premises, in order to protect police officers and citizens from mutual claims and opportunities for committing crimes both noah, and on the other hand).

    The Law of Ukraine "On Measures of Legislative Support for Reforming the Pension System" dated 08.07.2011 No. 3668-VI (hereinafter referred to as the Law), which introduces significant changes to the pension system of Ukraine, will enter into force on 01.10.2011. (with the exception of the provisions that relate to the accounting of the average wage for the last three years to determine the adjusted wage when assigning a pension (paragraph 11, paragraph 11 and paragraph 138, paragraph 17, paragraph 6 of Section II), which will come into force on 01.01 .2012).

    The main changes introduced by this Law relate to the increase in the retirement age and the length of insurance required for the appointment of a pension. Thus, it is envisaged raising the retirement age:

    • for women - up to 60 years old;
    • for men working in the public service - up to 62 years old with the opportunity to hold a position up to 65 years;

    increase in insurance experience :

    • from 20 to 30 years old - for women;
    • from 25 to 35 years old - for men;
    • from 5 to 15 years old - for disabled people.

    At the same time, the indicated increase in the retirement age will occur gradually by means of an annual increase by 6 months annually:

    • for women, starting from 01.01.2012;
    • for men working in the civil service - from 01.01.2013.

    So, for women born before 01.10.1956, the retirement age of 55 years is preserved, women born after 01.04.1961. will be able to retire not at 55, but at 60 years old, but for those who were born in the period from 01.10.1956 to 01.04.1961. raising the retirement age will be phased. For example, for persons born from 01.10.1956. until 31.03.1957, the retirement age will be increased to 55.5 years, etc.

    Similarly, the retirement age will be increased for men - civil servants. So, for persons born before December 31, 1952. - the retirement age will still be equal to 60 years, and for persons born after 12/31/1955. the retirement age will be 62 years. For all who were born in the period from 01/01/1953. until 01.01.1956, - \u200b\u200bthe hanging of the retirement age will be carried out gradually, as for women.

    Minimum pension by age in the presence of the required insurance experience is set in the amount living wage for persons who have lost the ability to work. Maximum size cannot exceed ten living wagesestablished for persons who have lost the ability to work. The positive aspect of this innovation is that the restrictions on the maximum amount of pension apply to pensioners who were assigned a pension before the entry into force of the provisions of this Law. However, for persons who are just about to go out to work and whose salary level significantly exceeds the maximum level, the established limit is by no means favorable. In our opinion, only opening a private pension deposit in one of the banks will be able to brighten up the negative consequences of such innovations, which will be able to provide at least partial compensation for the loss of income.

    Note that the above restrictions did not affect civil servants, which means that for them the size of the pension is still "tied" to the level of wages. However, the Law is still a minor "adjustment" to the size of the pension and for them. So, the pension will be assigned in the amount of 80% (and not 90%, as it was before) of the amount of wages from which a single contribution was paid for compulsory state social insurance, and until 01.01.2011. - insurance contributions for compulsory state pension insurance.

    Another innovation of the Law is the possibility of increasing the amount of pension for persons who have reached retirement age. So, in the event that a person, after reaching this age, expressed a desire to continue working and receive a pension from a later age, the pension benefit will be calculated taking into account the insurance experience on the day of applying for his appointment taking into account the increase in size by the next percentage:

    • by 0.5% - for each full month of insurance period after reaching the retirement age in the case of a delay in retirement for a period of up to 60 months;
    • by 0.75% - for each full month of insurance period after reaching the retirement age in the case of a delay in retirement for a period of more than 60 months.

    Thus, the possibility of increasing the size of the pension is provided only for those persons who continue to work and do not apply for an old-age pension. To do this, in our opinion, it is advisable for those persons whose size of the specified allowance at the time of reaching the retirement age does not exceed the maximum allowable amount and, continuing to work, they will be able to increase the level of their pension.

    It should also be noted that the Law does not contain clear norms regarding obtaining working pensioners both pensions and wages at the same time. Today, it remains only to await the settlement of this issue by making appropriate changes to the current legislation.

    The bill, approved by the President of the Russian Federation D.A.Medvedev, was preliminarily put forward for public discussion, and after a number of amendments received from the population came into force in the spring of 2011.

    Dmitry Medvedev: "The police must meet modern requirements"

    Commenting on this topic for the Rossiya TV channel, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev noted that the point is not in changing the name, but in having an effective law enforcement structure. Dmitry Anatolyevich said that many questions had accumulated for the police: the legislation, the appearance, the methods of work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were still Soviet, they were outdated. The police (police) must correspond to the level of development of the economy and society, he stressed.
    Medvedev also stated the need to change not only the legislation on the police (police), financing the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including improving the material base, but also the symbol of the law enforcement agency, which is also the name: the police are voluntary formations to protect public order, if you recall history. Professionals all over the world are called the police. This is not about ideology, but about a statement of fact, added Dmitry Medvedev.

    Vladimir Putin: "The main thing is to change the content of the work"

    Vladimir Putin, being the head of the Russian government, said at the Bryansk forum "Development of Central Russia - 2011 - 2012" that "reforms in the law enforcement sphere are long overdue, and the meaning of Dmitry Anatolyevich's proposal was to change not the name, but the content of the work of these departments. , to renew the staff, to make structural changes, to raise the level of material well-being of employees (up to 30-35 thousand rubles for beginners). " Putin said that the goal is correct, actions to reform the law enforcement agencies are in demand, and society must evaluate the changes by their result, which needs to be worked on.

    Khinshtein said about rash reductions of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

    Russian State Duma Deputy Alexander Khinshtein said in one of his TV interviews that the main goal of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was to reduce personnel at any cost by 22%, and the most efficient units - those on whom the maintenance of public order - the PPP - were subjected to the maximum reduction. Khinshtein said that the entire patrol service in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was reduced by 24%, and even by 45% in the Samara region. According to the deputy, during the reform, 970 departments of internal affairs were abolished, in 75% of cities and regions with a population of less than 30 thousand people there are no departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Khinshtein generally called the police-police reform campaign unsatisfactory precisely because of the massive layoffs of Interior Ministry officers in a number of units.
    The leader of the LDPR faction in the State Duma, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, cited the number of police officers dismissed as a result of the reform - 200 thousand people.

    How much did the renaming cost

    According to preliminary official information announced by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the fall of 2010, more than 2 billion rubles will be spent on all procedures related to renaming the police into police. Changing law enforcement badges alone should have cost half that amount. Another half a billion was planned to be spent on new plaques for the buildings of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other symbols. The main expenses were due to the increase in salaries of employees - they were going to find 22 billion rubles for this.
    At the beginning of 2013, at a meeting of the State Duma, the Accounts Chamber named the amount of activities aimed at reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs system at "over a billion rubles." The deputies confirmed that the aforementioned 1.125 billion was spent only on the manufacture of a new uniform, badges, seals, and certificates. The amount of 770 million was spent on renewal of documents and other needs.