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  • How to bake soft pita bread. Homemade lavash stuffed with crab sticks

    How to bake soft pita bread. Homemade lavash stuffed with crab sticks

    For a long time I was going to try to cook Armenian lavash at home and now the moment has come. Now I will share with you a recipe without yeast lavash, and soon a version with yeast. As always, we choose what we like best. Already several times I baked ruddy cakes. They are absorbed by the household very quickly, just have time to fry them.

    From the specified amount, approximately 10 to 13 pieces are obtained. The thinner the cake, the better the lavash, therefore, we will sharpen the skill of thinly rolling the dough together. Each time the cakes are getting thinner, and the result is better.

    What to strive for?

    We need to make thin Armenian lavash, which a) is completely baked, b) has a layered structure, c) has nothing to do with rubber.

    Therefore, the dough must be kneaded very well, without using additional flour. The specified amount in the recipe is sufficient. We try to roll out a thin, thin cake, they are fried quickly, so first we made the blanks, and only then we start frying. If everything is done correctly, when frying in a pan, pita bread swells in one large ball or many small bubbles, this is what you need. This means that then we will get a thin layered cake.

    On a note: initially you need to make all the blanks and ensure that they do not wind up and do not stick together. To do this, dust each lavash with flour and can be folded one by one. Flour will keep the dough from winding and the cakes will not stick together. Before sending the pita bread to fry, shake off the flour a little.

    How to make thin Armenian lavash


    • Flour - 3 tbsp
    • Hot water - 1 tbsp
    • Salt is an incomplete teaspoon


    Before the start…. My 250 ml glass, now let's start.

    A budget option for bread, practically out of nothing. I wonder if it can be attributed to a healthy diet? No yeast, no fat, even fried in a dry pan? Okay, let's get to the recipe. That excites me, after all, this moment, who will prompt, eh? It will be useful for us losing weight.

    Initially, I suggest putting the kettle on to warm up. In the meantime, we take our work bowl and sift 3 cups of flour into it, make a depression.

    In the meantime, the water has already boiled, pour it into a glass, add salt and stir. Let it stand for 3 minutes, cool down a little, we need hot water, but not boiling water.

    Now pour water into flour and stir at the same time with a spoon. The dough begins to form, we do not try to knead it with a spoon, but immediately onto the work surface and begin to collect it with our hands and knead it very well.

    Stretch the dough with your hands, roll it into a roll. Knead and stretch again. With such simple actions, we saturate the dough with air, it is only good for him. Do not add additional flour, that's enough! The dough behaves well, does not stick to the hands and work surface. By the time this procedure takes about 15 minutes.

    After that we cover the dough with a bowl, plastic wrap or a napkin and go to drink tea, we don't go to the dough for half an hour.

    Rested dough becomes elastic and pliable, it is a pleasure to work with it. Divide it into about 10-13 parts and roll out the cakes. I take the bowl in which I made the dough, turn it over, dust it with flour and put my Armenian lavash on it. Do not forget - we use flour for each cake.

    All the blanks are ready, let's start frying.

    Heat the frying pan, we do not need any oil. What I want to say about the frying pan, do not use a ceramic one for this purpose - then it will be difficult to wash it from small brown lavash stains. For this purpose, I adapted an old pancake house, it fit perfectly!

    Lavash is fried very quickly, put the cake and observe, bubbles should appear. As soon as beautiful brown (just beautiful brown, not burnt) dots or spots appear on one side, immediately turn over.

    Lavash is an integral part of oriental dishes, which fast food quickly adopted and popularized. After all, it is very simple and very easy to prepare, and the ingredients for its manufacture are available to everyone.

    It has become an irreplaceable part of shawarma, burrito, and also as an addition to salads and kebabs.

    Lavash recipes

    There are several options for making lavash, depending on the purposes for which you need it. There are two types of lavash: thin Armenian and more luxuriant - Georgian.

    Armenian lavash

    Despite the fact that such pita bread can be baked in the oven, it is best to cook in a non-stick pan.

    Three glasses of wheat flour, a glass of hot water, half a teaspoon of salt.


    1. Dissolve salt in water.
    2. Flour should be poured on the table in a slide and, making a depression in the middle, pour in water little by little.
    3. Now is the time to knead the dough until smooth.
    4. Let it brew for half an hour under a damp towel.
    5. At this time, lightly grease the pan with vegetable oil and heat over the fire.
    6. Pieces the size of a chicken egg should be torn off the dough and rolled into flat cakes.
    7. Fry the cakes in a skillet until spots and bubbles appear.
    8. Then turn and fry for another half hour.
    9. The finished cakes should be thrown onto a dry wooden board and sprinkled with water.
    10. Then they can be stacked like pancakes.

    Lavash on kefir

    More dense and fluffy pita bread.

    A glass of kefir, two and a half glasses of flour, a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, half a teaspoon of soda.


    1. Pour kefir into a bowl.
    2. Add salt, soda and oil there.
    3. Sift flour, adding a little to the same, and then knead the dough.
    4. Cover the resulting dough with a towel and let stand for half an hour.
    5. Then knead and cut into small pieces.
    6. Roll the pieces into flat cakes no thicker than a millimeter.
    7. Heat a frying pan without oil over medium heat.
    8. Bake lavash on each side for fifteen seconds.

    Such pita breads are good for stuffing with various fillings and then baking in the oven.

    Georgian lavash

    This pita is more like a loaf of bread and is served as an addition to meals.

    Art. a spoonful of dry yeast, six hundred grams of flour, three hundred and fifty milliliters of water, a teaspoon of salt, three tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of sugar.


    1. Sugar and salt should be added to the yeast dissolved in water.
    2. Sift flour and knead the dough.
    3. Cover it with a towel and put in a warm place for forty minutes.
    4. Soak your hands in oil and knead the dough for seven minutes, then put it back in a warm place for twenty minutes.
    5. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Dough the dough in butter and form a bun.
    6. Flatten, giving the bun the shape of lavash, form the sides.
    7. Let the dough rest for a couple of minutes.
    8. Moisten the surface of the pita bread with your hands with water and send it to the oven, heated to two hundred degrees.
    9. Bake pita bread for half an hour.

    Lavash will be tasty, tender and fluffy.

    • Be sure to let the dough stand - it will turn out to be elastic and will roll out well.
    • To prevent the dough from puffing up and roasting evenly, press it against the pan with a wooden spatula.
    • You can use meat, vegetables, rice, herbs, fish, caviar and so on as a side dish.
    • Lavash rolls can be served in any form. You can also make puff pies and cakes from lavash.

    Video lessons

    Georgia is a very hospitable country with lavish feasts and ancient cuisine. Not a single meal is complete without national bread, which is cooked in special ovens called “tone”. They can be found on every street. The composition of the lavash and the cooking technique have remained unchanged since ancient times. It is of two types: a lush round cake called "Puri" and a rounded rhombus called "Madauri". The difference can be seen in the photo.

    Now everything is sold in the store, but it is clear to everyone that ready-made bread cannot be compared with delicious baked goods made by ourselves. Consider a couple of recipes for making Georgian lavash at home.

    Lavash in the home oven

    Having tried homemade bread, few people want to give it up in favor of store-bought bread. It is not so difficult to prepare it yourself, you need to accurately knead the dough for Georgian lavash.

    Two yeast cakes require:

    • premium flour, wheat - 0.5 kg;
    • baker's yeast (in a briquette) - pack (30 gr.);
    • sugar - 0.5 tbsp. l .;
    • salt - 1 tsp;
    • sunflower oil (refined) - 3 tbsp. l .;
    • purified water - 1/4 cup.

    Advice! Lovers healthy eating can use rye flour (no more than 40%), ground oatmeal or bran for the dough.

    The sequence of cooking Georgian lavash at home in the oven:

    1. Heat the water (no higher than + 40 0 \u200b\u200bС), add sugar, add chopped yeast and mix thoroughly until smooth. Leave to wait until the dough is covered with a foamy head.
    2. To saturate the flour with air, it must be sieved a couple of times and salted.
    3. Next, you need to combine the dough and flour, adding a little water if necessary. The dough should be free from hands and be elastic.
    4. Now you can pour in the sunflower oil and gently knead the dough again. Wrap the resulting mass with foil and forget about it for about an hour, putting it in a warm place. The dough should double in size.
    5. Divide the mass in half and roll out the workpieces about 3 cm thick. Put them on a baking sheet dusted with flour. Let it stand for 20 minutes.
    6. Bake in a preheated oven to 200 0 С for 20 minutes until golden brown.
    7. Sprinkle the prepared cakes with water, wrap with a cloth and leave to cool. This is necessary so that the pita bread is infused and becomes soft, the crust is crispy and not hard.

    Caucasian bread, baked at home, turns out to be very tender and aromatic.

    Lavash without yeast

    This recipe is considered classic. It contains only flour, water and salt. You won't be able to bake a cake in the oven and get the original taste. Without yeast, pita bread will be hard as a stone. They will help to do without the tone and give the bread baked goods splendor as in the photo kefir and soda.

    For cooking use:
    • wheat flour, premium - 0.22 kg;
    • kefir 3.2% fat - 0.5 cups;
    • salt - 0.5 tsp;
    • soda - 0.5 tsp.

    The recipe for making Georgian lavash step by step:

    1. For greater splendor baking flour should be sieved a couple of times through a fine sieve.
    2. Add salt, soda and kefir, knead until smooth and elastic. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, you can grease them with vegetable oil.
    3. The resulting mass is wrapped with cling film or placed in a cellophane bag. Leave the dough to rise. Soda with kefir will play the role of yeast, and will make the Caucasian bread soft.
    4. The mass turns out to be very sticky and you do not need to spare flour for rolling. The tortilla should be round, about 3 cm thick, and 25 cm in diameter.
    5. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper, put the resulting blanks and make several punctures with a thin sharp object (toothpick, fork). This is necessary so that the bread does not swell. Leave to stand for a few minutes.
    6. The workpieces are sent to a preheated oven to 220 0 С. There it is cooked for 5 minutes, then it should be turned over to the other side. It takes 10 minutes to bake pita bread.
    7. Cover with a damp towel until it cools completely.

    Advice! If the pita bread is dry in the oven, you need to grease it with butter.

    Caucasian bread goes well with sour cream and herbs, pickled cheese and, of course, meat.

    Georgian lavash in a pan

    If for some reason there is no stove in the house, do not despair. Cooking Georgian bread is possible under any conditions, even in a frying pan. Only it is advisable to choose it thicker, heavier, and then homemade lavash will turn out with a thin crispy crust and soft crumb.


    • wheat flour, premium - 0.5 kg;
    • purified water - 300 ml.;
    • dry yeast - 8 mg;
    • salt - 0.5 tsp;
    • sugar - 0.5 tsp

    Cooking lavash in a pan step by step:

    1. Dry yeast and sugar are diluted in warm water. Then they need to be left until they begin to bubble.
    2. Sift flour, salt. Add dough. Knead. The dough is sticky, so it is recommended to grease your hands and a container where the dough will rise with vegetable oil. Cover with cling film. Let stand in a warm place until the mass doubles. This takes about an hour.
    3. Take the yeast dough on the table, divide into equal parts (about the size of a large apple), sprinkle with plenty of flour.
    4. Shape into a skillet. This can be done with the edge of the palm without a rolling pin. The dough is pliable and stretches easily.
    5. Pita bread should be cooked in a well-heated dry frying pan sprinkled with flour, without a lid. When the bottom of the pastry becomes translucent and rolls easily, you need to turn the bread over to the other side. Frying in the same way.
    6. Put all the cakes in one pile, without smearing them with anything. Cover with a damp towel.

    Advice! Use fresh yeast to speed up the rise of the dough.

    Georgian bread, whatever it is called, will help diversify the table and give the dishes a Caucasian taste.

    For such a ubiquitous dish as pita bread, the recipe for home cooking is very simple. There is a wide variety of techniques to be found with different ingredients. But for a long time, lavash was considered a flat cake, which was made from flour and water. Usually it was served instead of bread for almost all dishes.

    To date, lavash has become widespread and slightly modified; it can be filled with both sweet and salty filling. But still it is worth distinguishing between different types of pita bread and recipes for cooking at home.

    Recipe for making thick lavash

    On the Internet, you can find a large number of recipes for making thick lavash at home. But the most famous and delicious is lavash made from the following ingredients:

    • Wheat flour - 500 g;
    • Hot water - 300 ml;
    • Dry yeast - 1 tablespoon;
    • Salt, sugar to taste;
    • Vegetable oil - 60 g.
    1. The flour is mixed with yeast and allowed to stand.
    2. Meanwhile, the water is boiled and mixed with oil. This consistency is poured into flour and mixed thoroughly so that no lumps form.
    3. The resulting mass is divided into several parts and rolled out up to 1 cm thick.
    4. Lavash is baked in the oven until tender.

    Armenian lavash

    Armenian lavash is the most widespread in the world. The homemade recipe is quite common and simple. Each housewife has a different cooking process, but the result remains the same. Such pita bread can be used both instead of bread and for cooking dishes of varying complexity. Here you can remember such goodies as rolls with various fillings or twisters, which have gained unprecedented popularity recently.

    To make Armenian lavash at home, we need 3 glasses of flour with a pinch of salt and a glass of water. Water should be used only hot, otherwise the result will be completely different. A depression is made in the sifted flour, into which hot water is gradually poured. Before rolling, the dough should be allowed to stand, and during the process itself, try to roll it into a completely thin layer. The size of the thickness depends on which pan you use. You need to bake pita bread over medium heat in the oven or on the stove.

    Uzbek lavash: a recipe for cooking at home

    To prepare this type of pita bread, it is worth remembering that it turns out to be airy and soft. This is why yeast is used here. For lavash, you should stock up on the following ingredients:

    • Flour - 5 glasses;
    • Salt 1 tablespoon;
    • Sugar 0.5 tbsp;
    • Pressed yeast - 5 grams;
    • Preheated water - 150 g;
    • Kefir - 150 g;
    • Sesame.

    Recipe for making Uzbek lavash at home:

    1. The flour is dry blended with yeast, salt and sugar.
    2. Kefir is mixed with water and poured into flour.
    3. We leave the dough in a warm place to rest.
    4. We form cakes, which we flatten in the middle and send to the oven until tender.
    5. After that, you can decorate the resulting pita bread.

    Another recipe for Uzbek lavash with milk can be distinguished, which includes the following components:

    • Flour - 5 glasses;
    • Salt 1 tablespoon;
    • Sugar 0.5 tbsp;
    • Yeast - 1 teaspoon;
    • Water - 150 g;
    • Milk - 150 g;
    • Baking dough - 16 g;
    • Butter - 100 g;
    • Egg (yolk only).

    The cooking recipe will be as follows:

    1. Pour the warmed milk with butter into a container, mixing with flour and baking powder.
    2. Add salt and sugar to taste.
    3. Let the dough rest and rise.
    4. We make small cakes, which we gently grease with an egg.
    5. We send to the oven and wait for cooking.

    Georgian lavash

    The recipe for making Georgian lavash at home is slightly different in the amount of its ingredients. This includes components such as:

    • Flour - 350 gr;
    • Water 40 ml;
    • Salt 1 tsp the spoon;
    • You can add a pinch of sugar;
    • Pressed yeast - 30 grams.
    1. In a glass of hot water, the yeast is mixed with salt.
    2. The mixture is poured into flour that has been previously sieved. The dough is kneaded until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
    3. Next, pita breads are molded, which are oblong flat cakes in shape. A recess is made in them in the middle.
    4. Lavash is placed in the oven and cooked until golden brown.
    5. To make the pita bread softer, it is wrapped in a wet towel and allowed to stand in this state for about half an hour.

    Thin pita bread: a recipe for cooking at home

    • Water - 300 ml;
    • Flour - 0.5 kg;
    • Butter - 2.5 tablespoons;
    • Yeast - 10 g dry;
    • A large pinch of salt.

    The recipe for making thin pita bread at home is simple:

    1. The flour is sieved through a sieve to be enriched with oxygen.
    2. Vol and salt are poured into a hill of flour. The dough is kneaded until a normal consistency is formed.
    3. The dough is placed in a cool place to rest. After that, cakes are laid out in a frying pan, which were previously thinly rolled out.
    4. Lavash is cooked on both sides without adding oil until golden brown.

    Yeast-free lavash

    To prepare this type of dish, we need:

    • 0.5 kg of flour;
    • 200 ml of water;
    • Egg;
    • 60 g butter;
    • 50 g of vegetable oil;
    • Salt to taste.
    1. To oxygenate the flour, sift it thoroughly before the process.
    2. Next, pour in hot water and stir.
    3. To prevent the egg from curdling, the dough must be allowed to cool and only then add all the remaining ingredients.
    4. Tearing off small pieces, they should be rolled out and fried in a pan.

    Please note that oil or fat cannot be used in cooking. This will help avoid a greasy and burnt taste. Another nuance that should be taken into account is that it is better to underfry lavash a little.

    How to make thin pita bread at home (video recipe):

    If you often cook this tasty dish, then the dough sheeter for pita bread will help you to make your work easier. With it, the cooking process becomes much faster.

    Lavash, widespread in many eastern regions, is a special bread with a rich history and traditions. These thin unleavened cakes made from wheat flour are treated with great reverence in Armenia, where they are a kind of national treasure. But in other regions of the world, lavash has many admirers.

    If you are one of them, make a simple Armenian lavash yourself. Eating golden, soft and very tasty cakes, it is difficult to imagine that they require a minimum of products - just flour, water and salt, and there is nothing complicated in cooking. This lavash will be a great addition to various appetizers, salads, soups and meat dishes.

    According to this recipe, you can bake unleavened bread not only in a frying pan, but also on a baking sheet in the oven at a temperature of 230 ° C. The baking time will be 3-4 minutes. Step by step.

    Cooking time: 40-45 minutes / Yield: 15-18 pieces


    • wheat flour 3 cups
    • hot water 1 glass
    • salt 0.5 tsp


    Big photos Small photos

      sift the flour in a large bowl.

      Pour salt into a glass of hot water and stir thoroughly until it is completely dissolved.

      Make a small depression in the flour pile. Pour salted water into it in small portions, while stirring with a spoon.

      Then transfer the contents of the bowl to a cutting board and knead the dough with your hands until smooth. The finished dough should easily come off your hands.

      Cover the lavash dough with a damp cloth and let it sit for 20-30 minutes.

      Heat a dry skillet over medium-high heat. Place the cake on top of it.

      Fry until light brown spots and bubbles appear on its surface, then turn the cake over to the other side.

      While one pita bread is fried, roll the other. Keep the main part of the dough under a napkin, as it tends to dry quickly.

      Remove the finished pita bread with a spatula and place on a wooden board. Drizzle the cake cold drinking water and cover with a clean towel.

      Bake all the pita bread in the same way and stack them on top of each other, like pancakes.

      Simple pita bread is ready - you can immediately serve it to the table.

      Note to the hostess: if you will not serve pita bread to the table immediately after cooking, then be sure to cover it with a towel. Otherwise, the top cakes can dry out quickly.