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  • Mistress left how to forget her. Why are lovers abandoned

    Mistress left how to forget her.  Why are lovers abandoned

    Does a man worry about this? the women will ask. After all, the stronger sex is strong enough to endure love trials. The opinion is very popular, but no less erroneous. Science confirms - the strong half of humanity endures a gap love relationships heavier than the weaker sex.

    And if you delve into the analysis of family psychology, then one more fact will be revealed - the psyche of guys is generally weaker than the psyche of girls. And it turns out that the stronger sex also cries, only inside itself. They are also capable of sentiment: remember the first meeting, touches, kisses. The only difference is that they don't share it with anyone.

    Okay, but if this is just an affair “on the side” and there is an alternative option - to return to your spouse and live as before - do men experience a breakup in this case? Logically, there is no place for suffering. After all, a person has an outlet - a legal wife and, probably, children, on whom you can immediately switch. In addition, there is always a chance to get yourself a new partner for sex.

    All this is true and it seems to be so, but in reality it is not so. We agree right away that we are not considering a one-day romance with a friend whose name is forgotten the next day, but a long-term relationship of lovers in which feelings have already appeared. So, for any normal person, no matter how many “vents” he has, parting with his beloved will always be something unpleasant, often associated with pain and depression.

    What stages does a person go through after parting with his beloved? The rupture of a love relationship is considered by psychologists as a type of loss. Therefore, a lover who decides to stay with his wife and for some reason leave his second beloved will not be able to quickly enter the usual rut. Here you will have to go through several emotional (and not entirely pleasant) stages. Some of them can be observed by a wife who is nearby.

    Stage one is denial, stage two is anger

    In case of denial, the partner does not believe that he could lose his mistress, or rather, that he is irreparable this event. In his head, plans are still being made for spending time together, and there is a glimmer of hope that this is just another quarrel, after which reconciliation will come.

    Anger comes after realizing that the relationship is no more. Under the influence of anger, the behavior of a strong half is not always predictable: emotions can manifest themselves openly, or they can rage inside and be invisible to others.

    This stage is characterized by hidden accusations of a friend in her passivity, anger because she could not prevent his departure. Then the accusations fall on himself. Often the victim can be a spouse. Especially if she is aware of what happened and the couple had a conversation on this topic. Often a husband can hold a grudge and mentally wage a “cold war” with his wife, or openly declare his indignation, finding fault with every little thing.

    The third and fourth stages - bargaining and depression

    He bargains with himself or gets in touch with his former beloved and arranges bargains with her. What does bidding mean? When a man experiences a breakup, he tries to set some kind of time frame in order to determine the time interval needed for the return of his beloved. And this is normal, because this is how the psyche tries to cope with negative emotions and get used to the thought of parting.

    At some point, the realization comes that it’s too late to do anything, and it’s pointless to deny what happened. A person comes to indifference, sadness and depression.

    Fifth and final stage - new life

    Depression turns into the understanding that all this time you have not lived, felt sorry for yourself and were in search of something indefinite. That's when the man is "rebooted". He pulls himself together, begins to make new plans and again feels the strength and desire to implement them.

    Actions and deeds of men

    How do men experience a breakup? If a married man breaks up with his mistress, and if the end of the novel is put on the female initiative, he feels a terrible emptiness - a vacuum, as psychologists call the phenomenon. This is especially acute when everything collapses suddenly, groundlessly, as if from scratch.

    The situation is even more aggravated by the presence of emotional dependence on a former passion. This case suggests all the reasons for the stress that the body is subjected to at all levels.

    One of the reasons for this reaction is the secretive nature. Holding emotions in oneself, unwillingness to splash them out leads to an adrenaline rush in the blood. How does a man behave when he experiences this? He rushes into all serious. For example:

    • He goes into an alcoholic binge. Sometimes it turns into an addiction.
    • Goes to the gym and expels anger there (usually breaks his hands into blood).
    • He gets into the car and rushes at high speed.
    • Finds active physical occupation, for which he spends the whole day. So not only aggression spills out, but also a state of physical exhaustion comes, which helps to “turn off” the thought process.

    If a relationship is an addiction

    According to research by psychologists, it is the dependent partners who are most affected by the breakup with their beloved. Such people are advised to immediately contact a psychotherapist, otherwise, trying to switch to something else, it is easy to fall from one addiction into another (for example, alcoholism).

    Addicts confuse their feelings with love. In fact, addiction is inherent in those who do not love themselves. That is why they are desperately trying to find love in another, believing in the illusion that he will make him happy and protected. But reality proves the opposite - if love is not inside the personality itself, then it will not be outside either.

    An abandoned person needs to realize that his salvation is only in respect and love for himself. If he is terrified of losing, it will definitely happen. This is the law of the universe.

    But there is another option for parting - by mutual agreement. Here the situation is a little easier, and farewell, most likely, will be painless. The time spent together will leave the couple with pleasant memories and slight sadness, and instead of regret and pain, people will experience mutual gratitude. In this situation, it will be easier for the representative of the stronger sex if a loving spouse is nearby, ready to forgive the betrayal and start everything from scratch.

    Proper parting, according to psychologists, is when the void formed after a break with a partner is filled with something pleasant, new. So, in some cases, a married man himself introduces his girlfriend to a new gentleman (one of his acquaintances) and unobtrusively brings them together. This method is called "leaving unnoticed."

    How to get through a difficult period?

    How to survive a breakup with a lover? Is there a recipe for how it is easier to survive a breakup with a mistress? If the event is experienced hard, psychologists advise to find the "pros" (and they certainly are) and concentrate on them.

    For example:

    1. Set a goal - to forget about what happened once and for all - and relentlessly follow it. Try to provoke yourself: arouse sports interest, start a competition with yourself, test your inner strength.
    2. You need to forget about text messages, phone calls and letters from a man to his mistress. Delete previous conversations, don't go to social media to check when she was last online, and don't keep your phone near you for a long-awaited call. Believe me, the less time you devote to such actions, the less pain you will experience.
    3. Think about your wife. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and try to imagine how she feels. If the spouse knows about the campaign "to the left", believe me, it is even harder for her than for you. If she doesn’t know, then she probably noticed from your atypical behavior that something happened and is no less worried.
    4. Think about it, sooner or later it had to happen. And be glad that it happened right now, and not later, when the situation would have escalated to a peak, and your spouse would have found out about the betrayal. Or you would have to take responsibility and make a choice between women.
    5. It is wonderful that now you do not have to be torn between two fires and excel in lies and tricks.
    6. Go away when you leave. Do not respond to calls and SMS, no matter how much you want.
    7. Take your wife, kids (if you have any) and take a two-week trip. Men after such a test more than ever need to get closer to their family, change the situation and new experiences. Perhaps, after all the storm of emotions, you and your wife will begin a new stage in marriage.


    Bridging a gap takes time and can be frustrating. Be patient, you should feel like yourself again in six months, says David Wexler, a psychologist quoted in the article “ The best ways deal with a breakup." In the meantime, cheer yourself up and refrain from making important decisions.

    It so happened that you cheated on your man, and now the lover is constantly present in your life, although initially you planned the relationship only for one night. What to do if you now want to leave your lover, break off relations with him and protect your personal life from other people? What to do if a lover becomes a threat to your family relationships? Let's figure it out right now!

    How to leave a lover once and for all

    Try talking to the man first. Explain that you have made the decision not to see him anymore, but to attend to your family. Thank the person for the pleasant moments, because, most likely, if you met a man, you felt good with him. If you talk tactfully and calmly with your lover, he will understand you and will no longer pursue you.

    Very often, women cannot openly say "No", and this gives a person vain hope. So, it is quite possible that this is your case. Once again firmly state that your relationship has no future. But don't say you want to leave your lover - that's insulting.

    Sometimes it happens that a person does not hear or does not want to hear some things, and therefore, no matter how much you say "No" to him, there will be no reaction. At this moment, the lover is driven by feelings and passion, and therefore, he simply refuses to believe that nothing will happen between you.

    In this case, try to clearly demonstrate to your lover the fact that he does not interest you. To do this, you can appear in front of him along with a new gentleman. Perhaps he will be offended and you will not have to leave your lover - he will disappear on his own.

    If your personal life is now completely calm, just ask someone you know to play the role of your fan. When a lover sees you in the company of another man, it is quite possible that he is aware of the fact that you are not interested in him.

    If you have mutual friends, then before you leave your lover, ask them to talk with the latter. Perhaps he will listen to the opinion of strangers.

    You can find a new passion for your lover! Think about whether there are lonely friends in your environment. Perhaps you should try to introduce them to a man who is now openly interfering in your life. Most likely, in itself such a man is not bad, otherwise you would not pay attention to him. And good men are valued today, so, if possible, imagine former lover to one of your girlfriends - maybe this will be the beginning of a great love.

    By the way, about how to break off relations with a lover, you can talk on specialized forums on the Internet, where people from all over the world share their experiences. Maybe you will adopt a couple of tricks.

    You can always just ignore the person. Do not answer emails and phone calls. In casual encounters, speak emphatically politely and without emotion. Sooner or later, a person will realize that they are no longer interested in him.

    If your husband knows about your infidelity, you can ask him to talk to a lover who keeps up with you. Of course, this option is not suitable for everyone, since most women still do not admit to their spouses about the fact of deception. In addition, if your husband or lover is hot-tempered, it is better never to bring them together, otherwise the matter may end tragically.

    It is known that a man in love often hears only himself and refuses to believe that he is rejected. How to leave a lover if you are talking with a man, but he stubbornly does not want to leave you alone? Maybe the option that we will offer you will help. Appear before your lover along with another man. It could be your spouse. If you are single, ask a friend to help you and play the role of your date. Such a technique will have a sobering effect on the lover, and, most likely, he will understand that you are not interested in him.

    And the last tip. If your lover does not lag behind you, and you see that the person is clearly inadequate, call the police. Don't put your life in danger!

    How to end a relationship with a lover

    How to end a relationship with a lover and make it so that both of you do not suffer too much after the breakup? What to do if the lover is too stubborn and does not want to understand that you no longer see a future in your relationship? What do you do when you decide to live your life? We will talk about this and much more right now.

    So, you have carefully considered everything and decided to break off relations with your lover. Now it is very important to inform your lover about this. No matter how scared you are, in no case do not send an SMS message or an email message - you need to talk with the person in person. If it is very difficult for you to tell your lover about your decision, write a regular letter and hand it to the man. Let him read it in front of you, and then you can talk. But in any case, try to end the relationship nicely.

    So, you have decided to leave your lover, when you talk to him, do not give him false hopes. Let him hear that you are parting once and for all - no attempt should be made to return and restore what was. The more clearly you say this, the better and the easier it will be for you to break off relations with your lover.

    How to part with a lover if he does not want to understand and accept your decision? Start ignoring the man. Be emphatically polite, do not agree to meet somewhere. You can also appear before a lover in the company of another person. In this case, the man will see that you are no longer interested in him at all. After that, he will stop interfering in your life. If in this moment your heart is free, you can just ask a friend (of course, whom the lover does not know) to play the role of your gentleman.

    Another situation may arise. You clearly do not want to part with your lover, but deep down you understand that your relationship has no future. This can happen if your temperaments coincide only in intimate terms, and in real life It turns out that you have completely different views on everything. In addition, a lover can have a family, and it becomes clear to you that continuing a relationship with a man in this case is immoral. Find the strength in yourself to break off relations with your lover. Don't try to save a relationship if it's impossible. It's better if you finish them and open your heart to a new one, true love!

    Of course, sex on the side, it's not entirely good in relation to their spouses, but still, such relationships happen from time to time. And when they lose their novelty and charm and begin to be a burden, the question inevitably arises of how to break off relations with a lover, because they usually have no future. A double life is a tough enough challenge and not everyone likes to endure it for a long time, no matter how good the sex is. But getting rid of attachment is not always easy, and this process can bring a lot of suffering.

    · First of all, you will need a suitable excuse to leave your lover. It all depends on what type your lover is. You can simply disappear from his life, without unnecessary words and promises of goodbye. And if you know that you will cause a lot of suffering to a person by such an act, maybe you should somehow prepare him for such a decision beforehand.

    · Alas, but a man may have a different attitude to such an act of yours. And he can be understood - after all, for some time he gave you part of his life and perhaps you gave him unreasonable hope. Not everyone is able to calmly accept the breakup and let go of the relationship without question. So maybe you should prepare for a serious conversation.

    · This conversation is better to start on the territory, which is commonly called neutral. In other words, it should not happen either at your place or, especially, at his house, since he may simply not let you go. These are extremes, of course, but they also happen, so everything should be foreseen ahead of time.

    · Having decided to leave your lover, think over in advance the words that you will say to him. You can even rehearse a short speech in front of a mirror. The best thing you can think of is to let the person know that your relationship has no future, and therefore he should not spend all his time on you.

    · But if you believe that no reasonable arguments can convince your friend, you can simply try to end the relationship not immediately, but gradually. Meet less often. Increasingly, reporting that you have some urgent business at home or that you are sick and therefore cannot devote time to him yet. In the end, he himself will lead you to the right conversation and. maybe even offer to leave. And here you can agree to his proposal. It will be even better if you make sure that the breakup initiative comes from him.

    Hello my wonderful ones!
    Today in the section "Questions and Answers" we have a letter from a reader. Her name and some facts have been changed.

    Good afternoon Geneva!
    Please help me, I don't know how to live. I have been married for 7 years and have a 6 year old child. I always loved my future husband, as he did me, but the impetus for marriage was pregnancy.

    Relations began to deteriorate almost immediately. Quarrels, tantrums, swearing, he was not even stopped by the fact that I was pregnant. He is 10 years older than me and always believed that he knew everything better than me, at first I looked into his mouth unquestioningly, but I changed, matured, but he never accepted it. I always wanted to spend time together, but he moved away. Irregular schedule, friends, fishing, cottage. I tried to follow him for a long time, but he did not want to. My self-esteem has dropped below the floor.

    After another quarrel, I decided enough was enough! I put myself in order, began to take care of myself, went to the gym, got a job. I got a huge number of fans. And I fell head over heels in love with one of them!

    Our secret romance lasted 2 years. And so he decided to stop it, said that it was unbearable to be the third wheel, that he loved me, but I would never leave my husband. And I decided that I want to be with him. But this guy was scared. He was afraid of responsibility for the child, for me, he is afraid that I will start cheating on him, he says that he does not feel that he will be happy with me, although he has been happy all this time. I asked him why he hadn't thought about it before. He replied that he had not thought about the future before.

    I gave him 2 months to think. He asked him not to touch it yet, not to call or write. And now I’m at a crossroads ... On the one hand, a husband who needed me only when I turned away from him, whom I don’t love anymore, I can’t even be around, on the other hand, a lover whom I love madly, but I perceive his cowardice like a betrayal.

    And these 2 months of uncertainty are killing me. I think about him every day, I see him in my dreams, although I try to occupy every minute of my life. Recently, she could not stand it and wrote to him, asking if he needed this time at all. Answered yes, yes...

    Regards, Anna.


    Hello Anna!

    From your story, I realized that you failed to create a relationship with your husband. Surely no one taught you this. As a result, you did not know how it was done, so now you are in deep despair. Fortunately, it is never too late to learn this in order to avoid such suffering in the future.

    After an unplanned pregnancy and marriage, the husband apparently felt caged. This often happens, therefore, in forced marriages, it is especially important to quickly build deep relationships with a man so that he sees them as a benefit for himself and does not want to get rid of them as a heavy burden.

    You write that you tried to be with him all the time, but he moved away. For a man, this is normal. He wants to have his own territory. He cannot be with a woman all the time, he needs to work, relax alone, communicate with friends, do his hobbies. In all this, he begins to miss his woman. And if a woman does not let him go there, swears and demands to be with her all the time, he will do anything to be left alone. Because he literally suffocates, the woman strangles him with her love. He can't help himself.

    And he also wants to be interesting with a woman. To have some business of her own. Sometimes she must be inaccessible to him, because she went to some courses, to the gym, beauty salon or to get-togethers with girlfriends. And then she tells him where she was, what she saw, and with what incredible colors her life is seething. Everything is so bright and festive with her that he will want to join this fun. Few people want to join boredom.

    From the very beginning of your relationship with him, you should not have neglected yourself and your interests. After all, after you returned all this to your life, began to look good and do interesting things, your husband again reached out to you. Because we are interested in those people who are interested in their own lives. You yourself would not like to live with someone who is not fond of anything and looks bad, constantly scandals and demands your full attention.

    Of course, your husband could also behave differently in order to give you the opportunity to relax and flourish. But it was not he who asked me for advice and he does not want to correct the situation, so I am describing your mistakes here. If you understand them, then you will have the opportunity not to step on the same rake in the future. Therefore, do not think “why only I owe everything, he is to blame himself.” Both are equally to blame, but in this case, we analyze your part of the responsibility.

    You say that you and your husband had love at the very beginning. If it once was, then it can always not only be returned, but also made much stronger, brighter and deeper, taken to a new level. This is a big topic for conversation, so in the near future I will write an article “I fell out of love with my husband - what should I do?” Subscribe to the newsletter so as not to miss this article.

    Here I will briefly note that you should start the practice of forgiving your husband, in a couple of weeks it will become much easier for you. And then you have to start loving him. Love is not just some feeling in the stomach. This is action. Loving a person means trying with all your might to help him maximize his potential, realize his goals in life and chart the path to them.

    Your help will be in sincere conversations with him on this topic, and in motivating him first for small, and then for big victories. Read articles in these sections: Happy relationships and How to inspire a man.

    You should also think about joint interests and entertainment with your husband. Think about what kind of events you can organize, what surprises you can arrange for both of you to enjoy. In a relationship, surprises and dates are women's responsibility. I understand that you are not at all up to your husband now, but you at least practice on him.

    If you don’t succeed with him, you don’t want to continue and give up, then at least you can truly create your next relationship. To make a man want to be with you long years, and not just a couple of years, while the hormones of love are hitting the head. If you train on your husband, you won’t lose anything, especially since now you don’t have any options yet. Divorce is not an option if you have a child. And I will write about this in detail in future articles.

    As for the lover... From your letter, I concluded that he enjoyed you, took from you everything that you can give him, and he became bored. If you were to drive a donated car for two years and suddenly you were asked to pay full price for it, how would you react? Surely they would prefer something new, fresh emotions. Therefore, it can be understood and released. And continue not to give a man such serious two-year advances.

    Yes, it's rude of me to compare a person with a thing. But that's exactly what they did to you. Used and thrown away when no longer needed. And the saddest thing is that you yourself allowed it, maybe even initiated it in many ways. Therefore, the responsibility for the current situation is not only on him, but also on you for allowing such an attitude towards yourself. As a result, you cheated on your husband with him for a long time, and he betrayed you as soon as he got bored a little, and wanted to spit on your feelings. Do you think this is a good start to a relationship and a strong family?

    In addition, your lover immediately warns you that jealousy will destroy your relationship with him, he will not be able to trust you. Trust is the foundation of relationships; you cannot build a family on scandals and suspicions. Do you want a happy family with a responsible man, or do you just want to be with your lover together on any terms and you don't care about the rest? For a husband, a child, your own life and happiness ... Whether the game is worth the candle - you decide.

    In any case, your lover will be able to decide on something only if you completely stop communicating with him and force yourself to become happier in all ways. Unhappy people, begging for attention and demanding sympathy, are not needed by anyone. Everyone needs happy, fulfilled, inspired and inspiring. And he may feel that he misses you only if you do not impose on him at all. I already wrote about this in the article Pause in a relationship at the initiative of a man.

    Is your husband a drug addict, alcoholic, gamer, mentally ill? If not, then I strongly recommend that you start creating a relationship with him. You can always quit. It is never too late to leave a child without a father. Recently I met some interesting statistics somewhere: women in most cases are the initiators of divorces, and in most cases it is women who later regret it.

    Because it is not easy to find a decent man who will not run away when you need to take responsibility for your actions, and your husband once proved that he is responsible. It's not easy to find someone who is willing to make commitments even for a woman, let alone someone else's child. And it’s not at all a fact that you will be able to create a happy relationship with another man, if you don’t start learning this, little happens “by itself”. We most clearly understand WHAT we have lost when it cannot be returned. But the child certainly cannot avoid suffering from parting with his father.

    It's easy to break. Try to create your own happiness, and don't wait for someone else to do it for you.

    Dear readers, I now turn to all of you. Did you like my answer? Share the article with your friends, perhaps one of them really needs it now!

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    Submit it here and it is very likely that the answer to it will also be published.

    All happiness! With love,
    Geneva Kaul

    The high demands of a woman, her whims, as well as “wrong” behavior with others can cause a man to run away without looking back. If a lover demands to spend too much time with her, constantly forces her to buy expensive things and give gifts, is naughty, even the most ardent admirer can quickly cool down.

    It is especially unpleasant when a woman shows feelings in front of everyone, does a lot of stupid things when communicating with her lover's acquaintances. This is very relevant if the relationship must be kept secret.

    One of the reasons for the gap may be the loss of interest from the man. Over time, the first passion passes, and a person can understand that his mistress is by no means as good as it seemed at first. The problem often lies in boring, not giving pleasure sex, lack of common interests.

    They also throw lovers who prefer to meet with several partners at once. The more frivolous a woman's behavior, the higher the risk that she will come across as too accessible. Even if a man is not in love, and he cannot be called an owner, he may simply be afraid that he will receive some kind of disease “as a reward”.

    Why mistresses are abandoned for wives

    Much more common are situations when men leave their mistresses, not wanting to leave their spouse. Alas, the girls who covet the married do not want to understand this until they encounter such a situation themselves.

    Even if a man claims that he does not love his wife and stays with her only for the sake of children, because of her health, money problems and so on, this is most likely nothing more than just excuses. He lies to you, as he lies to his missus.

    The most common mistake that lovers make, leading to a breakup, is an attempt to give an ultimatum. A woman demands that a man leave her from his wife or even from children, forbids communicating with them, insists on a divorce. Often mistresses do this, who sincerely believe that they will win in this situation. Faced with such pressure, a man returns to a comfortable home with a well-established life and never returns.

    Finally, even if a man left for a mistress for a while, he can leave her forever for a strange, but no less popular reason - because she cannot replace her wife. Any whims, not good enough or just an unusually well-established life are serious problems for a man who wants to have fun with his mistress, but not “get used to” her.

    Unfortunately, not everyone relations develop with the opposite sex, so some women have to put up with the role of mistress. For some, this is like work, because often married men keep their mistresses quite well, but for some it is love, for which a girl is ready for anything.

    Relationship can drag on for a long time, but often this is a hobby for which a man does not have the patience. Mistresses are constantly faced with disappointment, because their romance often does not last so long.

    When do men leave their mistresses?

    1. When a lover starts talking about wanting to have a baby. This happens quite often, because a lover is also a woman who is not alien to the usual goals and desires. This happens both among those who meet with a married man in order to receive financial support, and among those who prefer relationships for love.

    In the first case mistress it is necessary to keep a man near her, and it seems to her that it is easier to do this with the help of birth, in the second case it is a sincere desire to give birth from a loved one. However, married men rarely decide to take such a step, because initially he began a relationship with his mistress in order to simply be distracted.

    There are isolated cases when man really falls in love, then he leaves the family and creates a new one, but most often after the mistress hints about the child, he simply disappears.

    2. If the wife began to suspect something. Incomprehensible questions, suspicions and some kind of reproaches men simply cannot bear, because this is a restriction of their freedom, an extra headache and problems. If the wife begins to suspect him of treason, then it is unlikely that he will be even more attentive and maintain a relationship with his mistress, most likely it will be easier for him to leave.

    Of course, suffers from this in the first place mistress, who did not count on such a quick end to the relationship at all, but it is almost impossible to change something in such a situation.

    3. Holiday Woman no longer eligible. Always bright, with beautiful make-up, stylish hairstyle, sincere smile. She should be cheerful and cheerful, light and not burdened with problems. Only in this case does the mistress have a chance to meet with a married man for a long time. He found her just to relax, so she should always be festive both externally and internally.

    As soon as she stops playing her role, he throws her, because why now he needs an extra problem? He can also discuss life issues and get home comfort from his wife, but a mistress is needed in those moments when you really want to enjoy communication and admire her impeccable appearance.

    4. Found another. No matter how sad it is, but if a man is prone to adultery, then he will not stop at choosing one mistress. He wants to constantly new, so the problem may not even be in the woman herself. A mistress is one who must fulfill her mission without any demands and high demands. She is a temporary toy, which sooner or later you want to change for a new one, brighter and still so unknown.

    Some men they prefer to break off relations with their current mistress in order to simplify their lives and worry less that his novels will be revealed, but there are also those who, in addition to their wife, regularly meet with different mistresses, periodically alternating them.

    5. no longer interested in him. Most often, married men have mistresses in order to get sexual satisfaction, which is not with their wife. But soon this woman may get bored with him. He unraveled her secrets, studied every mole on her body, now he wants new achievements. In order to cause a man to rise and desire constantly, it is important to be able to surprise him and come up with something new every day.

    Every man is looking for mistress for different purposes. Someone wants her to surprise him in bed, with her he will not be afraid of experiments, someone is waiting for interesting conversations, so that his mistress supports, praises and listens. But many women do not consider it necessary to develop, they stop there and think that a man will be ready for anything for her. This is not so, because the attention of a married man must be earned, the main thing is to choose the right method and constantly try to surprise him.

    6. She became a threat to the man's family. Often mistresses do their best to ensure that the man leaves the family and begins to belong only to them. Such a lover can call his wife, send compromising evidence, or try to make sure that one of their relatives or friends notices them together with the man. Most often, a man does not want someone else to know about his love affairs, therefore, as soon as he realizes that his mistress is intriguing, he immediately leaves her.

    In such a situation, it is unlikely that he will try to express his position and explain something, more often married men simply cut off all contacts and disappear from view.

    7. Tired. No matter how good he is with his mistress, you should never forget that he has a wife. Even if she does not know how to listen to him and does not often have sexual relations with him, then she is still his comfort zone. Coming home, he gets a delicious dinner, clean clothes and a pleasant atmosphere for himself. At home, he can scatter his socks, lie in front of the sofa and sleep peacefully until lunch on the weekend. In order to visit his mistress, it is always important for him to be prepared, there he must seem better than he really is.

    Even if this he has enough time, sooner or later he will want to return to his comfort zone. Everything is dear to him there, he is confident in stability and gets everything he needs for a comfortable existence. If he is tired of not getting enough sleep, giving gifts and traveling from one end of the city to the other, then he will simply part with his mistress and return home.

    8. Financial difficulties. In order for his mistress to give him everything he needs, he needs to give her gifts, take her to restaurants and provide her with the standard of living she needs. Not all married men who have mistresses are millionaires, many of them are ordinary ordinary office workers. Therefore, sooner or later, it may happen that he will not be able to support his wife, children and mistress, therefore, in order to make his life easier, he will part with his mistress.