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  • Gua compatibility. Gua number - the most favorable directions, how to calculate it Gua number compatibility 8 and 2

    Gua compatibility. Gua number - the most favorable directions, how to calculate it Gua number compatibility 8 and 2

    Quote post by silverhaska Gua number compatibility

    In order to determine gua number, you need to add the last two digits of your year of birth.

    Women should add 5 to the original figure - and by adding to get one figure again.

    For men, the original figure should be subtracted from ten. This is the Gua number.

    If you were born in January or February, then keep in mind that the Chinese year starts on February 4-5.

    So you should take the figures of the previous year when calculating. For example, a woman was born on May 16, 1971:

    Gua number - 4, personal direction for love - east.

    There is one more nuance: if, as a result of your calculations, the number five turned out, then it should be changed to 8 if you are a woman and to 2 if you are a man.

    Calculation of the number of gua online on the site -

    Using the following tables, you can easily determine the favorable and unfavorable Gua numbers for yourself and your man.

    If the Gua number of your man or business partner falls into four numbers that are good for you, then the marriage or business with him will be successful.
    If the number of Gua of these same people falls into a bad number for you, then most likely you will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve success, be it relationships or business.

    In feng shui practice, there are often times when a collapsing business begins to flourish after a person who does not fit the director by the number of Gua leaves and a person who fits comes.

    If a man and a woman match each other according to the number of Gua, then they will be accompanied by financial well-being, and there will be many children, and love will live longer in their home.

    While if these numbers do not coincide, a union is also possible, but you can predict thunderstorms and scandals in the family sky, problems with finances and childbirth.

    So if you have several candidates for husbands, then try to calculate a little at your leisure, with whom you will be better.

    How to calculate the Gua Number?

    It is not difficult to calculate the Gua Number - you just need to know the person's year of birth and gender. However, it should be remembered that New Year according to the Chinese Solar Calendar, it begins on February 4, and the year of birth should be adjusted taking into account this circumstance. For example, a person born on January 10, 2010 is considered to be born in 2009.

    To calculate the Gua Number for a man who was born before 2000, add the last two digits of his year of birth. If the result turned out to be two-digit, you should add its numbers again. Then the resulting single-digit number should be subtracted from 10. The resulting difference will be the Gua Number.

    If you want to calculate the Gua Number for a boy born after 2000, the one-digit number should be subtracted not from 10, but from 9. However, the Gua Number cannot be zero, so for those born in 2009 it will be 9.

    To calculate the Gua Number for a woman who was born before 2000, add the last two digits of her year of birth in the same way until you get a single-digit number, and then add 5 to it.

    In any case, the Gua Number cannot be 5. And if as a result of the calculations you get the number 5, then for a woman the Number is 8, for a man - 2.

    Eastern and Western groups

    You can conditionally divide the set of all people into two groups, focusing on the value of the Gua Number. To the first group, the Eastern, we will classify people whose Gua number is 9, 3, 4, 1. Favorable cardinal points for them will be the south, east, north, southeast. The second, Western, group will, respectively, include people with the Number Gua 8, 6, 7, 2. For them, the favorable cardinal points will be west, northeast, southwest and northwest.

    Gua Number Compatibility

    There are some successful combinations of Gua Numbers that affect marriage and promise good prospects for the union, but in general the purpose of the Gua Number is not this, and it is recommended to use other methods to determine compatibility. Nevertheless, it is much more convenient to plan the interior for people who are starting a family with a person of their own group (eastern or western), because such people have the same favorable zones, which means that it will be much easier to achieve a common harmonious Feng Shui. However, this is hardly the criterion that determines true love, is it?

    Favorable directions

    Thanks to the Gua Number, you will be able to understand which directions are favorable for you or your spouse. For this purpose, use a special table:

    • Direction Success (Sheng Qi) is the most favorable of all directions. It has the best kind of energy and is capable of ensuring success in any endeavor.
    • Direction Health (Tien-Yi) - is responsible for health, vital activity and well-being.
    • Direction Love (Yan-Nian) - will help create harmonious relationships in the family, as well as meet a suitable life partner for those who are still lonely.
    • Direction Stability (Fu-Wei) - is responsible for the clarity of thinking and your inner development, and therefore, for career growth.

    Unfavorable directions

    Also, the Gua Number will help you figure out which directions are unfavorable for you or your loved one. There is also a special table for this:

    • Direction Complete Collapse (Tszue-Ming) - the most dangerous and harmful direction, which should be avoided in every possible way, using every opportunity for this.
    • Direction Five Ghosts (Wu-Gui) is also a very dangerous direction, threatening accidents, serious financial losses, thefts and fires. serious illnesses and depression.
    • Direction Six Assassins (Liu-Sha) - an unfavorable direction that threatens family conflicts and legal problems at work.
    • The Direction of the Obstacle (Ho-Hai) is the least "strong" of the four unfavorable directions, which can nevertheless bring many small failures.

    Internal number value

    In Feng Shui, all people are born with the planned route called fate. He is sometimes called the prophet of destiny as he helps change karma. Each has its own inner strength, talents, inclinations that need to be developed all the time. There are also weaknesses - a tendency to disease. This technique will personally help to develop positive characteristics and protect against negative ones, will guide you how to organize the personal space in the room so that harmony occurs in contacts with loved ones.

    It is worth emphasizing once again that it focuses on the personal energy potential of the individual, which must be compatible with the directions. This means that a certain direction, ideal for one, is completely unsuitable for another. By choosing the direction corresponding to the number, everyone can achieve success in any field - whether it be personal contacts with someone, work activity, financial well-being. His financial affairs will creep up, health indicators will be normal, he will feel psychological comfort. Do we strive for this in our desires and how often do we fail because of the wrong direction?

    Success in a person's life is determined by the number Gua, which can be calculated using the formula below:

    The calculation of the number for both sexes, born before 2000, has its own peculiarities, different from calculating the number for those born in 2000 and later. Spending very little time on arithmetic, we will find our happy directions and change our lives for the better.

    Men and women, whose birthdays fall before 2000, can find out their fateful figure using the following formula:

    The last two digits are taken from the year of birthto be folded. If the sum is a two-digit content, it is also necessary to add from. As a result, you should get one digit from 1 to 9.

    Gender distribution

    • For men, the resulting total must be subtracted from 10.
    • Women need to add 5 to the total.

    For both sexes born in 2000 and later, the calculation formulas are not very different. You also need to add the last two digits of the birthday, repeating the action until one digit comes out. Further:

    • Men need to subtract the result from 9.
    • Women add 6 to the result.

    Nuances that are taken into account when calculating

    For those who, in principle, independently calculate their Gua figure, examples of such calculations may be useful:

    For example, a woman whose date is 1967 - calculate the Gua value as follows:

    • The last digits of the date are 6 and 7. Add them and get the sum: 6 + 7 \u003d 13.
    • The digits of the number 13 need to be added: 1 + 3 \u003d 4.
    • We add 5 to the total and we get the final result - 9. This is the value we need - the Gua figure.

    A boy whose birthday falls on January 23, 2010. New 2010 in China starts on February 4th. The child was born before it began, which means that all calculations for the Gua number are made for 2009.

    Knowing your number, a person can emphasize for himself his positive and negative sides

    Having decided on the fateful number, a person can now find out which of the two groups he belongs to - Western or Eastern. Each of them has both positive and negative energy directions. For both, there are four favorable and equally unfavorable directions.

    Gua number 2 in women, favorable directions - received the names: Sheng-Qi - Success; Tien-I - Health; Yan-Nian - Love; Fu-Wei - Stability.

    Unfavorable directions were named: Ho-Hai - Obstacle; Liu-Sha - Six Assassins; U-Gui - Five Ghosts; Tszue-ming - Complete collapse.

    The western group includes people with Gua numbers: 2, 6, 7, 8. Their favorable cardinal points: west, northwest, southwest, northeast.

    To the east are people with the numbers Gua: 1, 3, 4, 9. Their positive parts of the world: east, southeast, north, south.

    Those who are ideal for one group will have adverse effects on the other.

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    • fly-aunt 2 hours, sa-mo-years a little. worried.
    • what is it about me? I am 25.

    4. Hthe fourth number is called Fu-wei and offers a good life, but not overly fortunate in terms of wealth and prosperity. You will get a decent livelihood. This is your last support against failure and misfortune.

    4 degrees of trouble

    1. Xoh-hi, (first from the left in the four bad numbers) or "setbacks and accidents" is a number that can lead to disasters, but not one that means total collapse. You can, for example, lose the case in court or win it, but lose some money ...

    2. Have-gui, (in second place) or "five ghosts" is the second of the 4 bad numbers. Business failures (all your employees can leave you), losses from fires, thefts are possible. Quarrels at home and at work are not excluded. You may not have a peaceful atmosphere around you.

    3. Lyu-sha, or "six killers" - the third bad number for you GUA. May cause serious harm to family and business. In business, legal problems can arise, and in the family - illness ...

    4. Czue-min, (the number of GUA is on the far right) which can be translated as "unhappy fate" is the worst for you. You can lose descendants, all your wealth, and have regular health problems. Avoid this number at all costs, it's for you both fatal and fatal ...

    INit is important to remember that the degree of compatibility of people depends on 6 more factors: from the elements of the year, sign, month; aspects of Yin and Yang of the year, month and birthday. Using this information, you can find out - FULL COMPATIBILITY with any person.

    Each of us is born with a certain potential inherent in him at birth. The Chinese believe that the very moment of birth determines what character he will have, what he will be interested in, how he will manifest himself, and much more. In other words, at the very moment when a person comes to this world, certain energetic characteristics are laid in him, which, in addition to the above data, also determine his interaction with the energy flows of space, revealing favorable and unfavorable directions for him.

    In the article, we analyzed in detail the formula by which you can calculate your Gua number and what advantages this information opens. This article focuses on the characteristics of a person whose Gua number is 3.

    Gua: 3

    Group: Eastern

    Trigram: 震 Zhen

    Element: Wood

    Colour: Green, blue

    Basic qualities: sociability, purposefulness, optimism, emotionality, impressionability, insight, quick temper, aggressiveness, masculinity, reliability, ambition, straightforwardness, idealism.

    The predominant energy in Zhen - the trigram of Gua Number 3 is the passive Yin energy, represented by the two upper dashed lines. However, its passive nature is changed by the bottom continuous line of Yang energy, making it active, exciting, disturbing. This gives a person with the Gua Number 3 energy to solve difficult problems, makes him a rebel who seeks to destroy the foundations and disrupt the existing order of things, tear down the veils of secrecy, expose, take risks when necessary. And she can make him a leader and a pioneer if he can understand his nature and not be afraid of it.

    These people can be safely called a "generator of ideas", as they are always full of new ideas and are able to find unexpected solutions, they are emotional and impulsive. They responsibly approach tasks, preferring to do them on their own and not involve anyone else, not trusting anyone. At the same time, they are very sensitive to the family, showing great interest in the past and traditions, their roots and connections with loved ones. Although they are often accused of inattention and neglect of relatives, which can be avoided by devoting more time and attention to the family.

    People of Gua Number 3 are prone to introspection and self-improvement, always striving to gain new knowledge and master new skills, immersed in what they are doing. At the same time, they are not alien to the desire to share knowledge, although sometimes they can be superficial. They have a huge potential of energy, which makes them purposeful, although sometimes some stubbornness is shown. However, they always boldly enter the struggle with problems and difficulties, not always even being ready, acting impromptu.

    They know how to win over people and win the sympathy of others. And they themselves attach considerable, sometimes even exaggerated importance to external data, which can manifest in a craving for people with an attractive appearance, making women with Gua Number 3 rather jealous, although men are calmer in this regard. They are loving and mature early, which can lead to early marriages, however, if necessary, they can sacrifice the stamp in the passport for the sake of social or financial status.

    They are quite ambitious and independent, they know how to make money and start working early, they make good teachers, writers and medical workers. Singing and sports activities are also suitable for them if they have the ability. However, whenever possible, they prefer to create their own business, their source of income, rather than work for someone else. They are characterized by generosity and love for a good pastime, so sometimes this leads to unnecessary spending and difficulties in accumulation.

    Each person has his own gua number... To calculate it, you need to know the gender and year of birth. Also, every person has four and four unfavorable directions. These directions depend on the Gua number. Having found out the number of Gua of a particular person, you can determine which direction he should activate in order to get a certain type of luck, you can determine compatibility by the number of Gua.

    How to calculate the Gua number

    For the calculation, the Chinese solar calendar is used, each year according to which begins on February 4-5 (it is necessary to check the calendar). Therefore, you should pay attention: if the date of birth of a person falls in the period from February 1 to 4-5, then to calculate his Gua number, you need to take the previous year. For example, to calculate the Gua number for a person born on January 21, 1971, you should take 1970, not 1971.

    It is necessary to add the last two digits recorded in the year of birth. If, when adding, you get a two-digit number, then you need to add these two numbers again to get one. And add 5 to the resulting figure.

    If the Gua number is 5, then the favorable and unfavorable directions for such a woman are determined by the Gua number 8.

    Example 1. Let's calculate the Gua number for a woman born in 1965:

    2 + 5 \u003d 7. Thus, the number of Gua women born in 1965 is 7.

    Example 2. Let's calculate the Gua number for a woman born in 1972:

    1 + 4 \u003d 5. Thus, the Gua number of a woman born in 1972 is 5. The directions for her must be determined by the Gua number 8.

    How to calculate the Gua number for men.

    You need to add the last two digits recorded in the year of birth. Then reduce them to one if you get a two-digit number. Subtract your result from 10.

    If the Gua number is 5, then for such a man you should look at the directions according to the Gua number 2.

    Example 1. Let's calculate the Gua number for a man who was born in 1973:

    10-1 \u003d 9. Thus, the number of Gua for a man born in 1973 is 9.

    Example 2. Let's calculate the Gua number for a man born in 1977:

    10-5 \u003d 5. Thus, the Gua number for a man born in 1977 is 5. In this case, one should look at the directions corresponding to the Gua number 2.

    For children born after 2000, the Gua number is calculated differently.

    Example. Let's calculate the Gua number for a girl born in 2012:

    3 + 6 \u003d 9. Thus, the number of Gua for a girl born in 2012 is 9.

    Example. Let's calculate the Gua number for a boy who was born in 2012:

    9-3 \u003d 6. Thus, the number of Gua for a boy born in 2012 is 6.

    If, in the calculations, the number of Gua of a person turns out to be 1, 3, 4 or 9, then such a person belongs to the EASTERN group. If the number of Gua of a person is 2, 5, 6, 7 or 8, then such a person belongs to the WESTERN group.

    For all people of the eastern group, the directions are favorable: east, southeast, south and north. For all people of the western group, such directions are favorable as: west, southwest, northwest and northeast.

    Gua number compatibility.

    Usually, partners from the same group are more compatible. Therefore, it is good for people of the EASTERN group to marry people from their own group, and people of the WESTERN group - from their own. Partners from the same group have the same favorable directions, so it is easier to achieve good feng shui in their home. It is also considered successful when the Gua numbers of spouses represent "combinations of He-tu numbers."

    The Gua number indicates a person's personal energy. We can say that Gua number - this is your personal Feng Shui, which allows you to determine individual favorable and unfavorable directions. What does this mean?

    Different directions, depending on where they are directed, have different energy characteristics. For someone, a certain direction may be beneficial, bring good luck in business, promote health and success. And it may not suit another person at all. And to find out, you need calculate the number of Gua.

    How to calculate the Gua number

    Rthe calculation of the Gua number is simple and straightforward, however, some care and accuracy in execution is required. It is calculated using the following formulas:

    • For a man born before 2000, calculate the Gua number like this - first add the last two digits of the year of birth. If you end up with a two-digit number, add them up again to make one number. Then the resulting result subtract from 10.
    • For a woman, add the last two digits of her year of birth in the same way, bring the result to one and add the number 5.

    For people born in 2000 or later, the formula will be slightly different. So, for a girl, you need to add to the final result not 5, but 6. And for a boy, the result must be subtracted from 9 ... If he was born in 2009, then it is clear that the Gua number cannot be zero. And then it equals 9.

    Important points

    • Gua number 5 does not exist! When the final total is 5, then for a woman the Gua number is 8 , and for a man - 2 .
    • Keep in mind that the year on the solar Chinese calendar does not start on January 1, as it is generally accepted, but in early February. Therefore, if you were born between January 1 and February 4-5, then you need to carry out calculations as if you were born in the previous year.

    To simplify the task, use a special calculator on the site, where you can not only determine the Gua number, but also find out your personality element. What is the element of personality, or

    Calculation of the Gua number. Examples of

    • Add the last two digits of the year: 5 + 1 \u003d 6
    • Add 5 + 6 \u003d 11
    • Add 1 + 1 \u003d 2
    • So, the Gua number for her is 2

    New Year according to the Chinese calendar in 2010 comes on February 4, therefore, when calculating, we assume that the boy was born in 2009. That is, the Gua number is 9.

    Depending on the Gua, people are divided into eastern or western groups and have their own lucky directions. These directions point to the eight cardinal points. Four of them will be favorable, while the other four will not.

    If, after calculating the Gua number, you get one of these results - 1, 3, 4, 9 , then you belong to the eastern group, and the cardinal points are east, southeast, north, southwill be good for you . If you received - 2, 6, 7 or 8, then you belong to the western group and for you the best sides are west, northwest, southwest, northeast.

    Gua number compatibility

    There are some good combinations of numbers in Feng Shui. To some extent, this also affects compatibility between people.

    Partnership. Pairs of Gua numbers 16, 38, 27, 49 can be successful in joint activities. They are able to work together to achieve fame and recognition. This is a good equal relationship.

    Opportunities... Pairs of Gua numbers 19, 28, 37, 46 can give each other promising opportunities. This is support and patronage, an opportunity to advance and rise up the social ladder.

    Competition. Pairs of Gua numbers 14, 23, 69, 78 - can take away opportunities from each other, "pull" downward, lower self-esteem.

    However, the Gua number does not indicate the character traits of people, so in serious matters of love, marriage or business relationships, it will be more reliable to use the information from the Bazi card, which is compiled for the full date of birth.

    Feng Shui-friendly directions for Gua numbers

    Each of them has its own type of energy.

    • Sheng Qi - Success direction - the most favorable direction in feng shui with the best kind of energy. It ensures success in absolutely any endeavors, brings money, fame, high position in society. The direction is ideal to rotate the desktop in this direction. If the front door to the apartment and the worker "looks" in the same place, it will be just wonderful!
    • Tien-Y - direction Health... If the front door to the bedroom and the head of the bed are directed in this direction, or when you eat, you will face it, this will have a beneficial effect on your health and add vitality.
    • Yan-Nian - direction of Harmony helps to create harmonious family relationships for a long life together. For this purpose, it will be especially useful to install the bed with the headboard towards Yan-Nian. If you are single and dream of a life partner, then this destination is the best for you.
    • Fu-Wei - Direction Stability great for developing internally, it gives clarity of thinking. This contributes to professional development and, as a result, career growth. It will be good to direct your workplace in this direction.
    Gua number Success Health Harmony Stability
    Eastern group
    1 Southeast East South North
    3 South North Southeast East
    4 North South East Southeast
    9 East Southeast North South
    Western group
    2 Northeast West Northwest Southwest
    6 West Northeast Southwest Northwest
    7 Northwest Southwest Northeast West
    8 Southwest Northwest West Northeast

    Unfavorable directions

    Using them leads to various problems.

    • Ho-Hai - Obstacles - unpleasant, but of the bad, it is the weakest. Means minor failures and minor problems. Not so bad, but avoid it if possible.
    • Liu-Sha - Six Assassins. If a desk or bed is looking in this direction, then serious conflicts may appear in the family and at work, and legal problems may suddenly surface in business.
    • Wu-Gui - Five Ghosts - this direction threatens with accidents and loss of money. Fires and thefts are possible. If you sleep with your headboard in this direction, then you can get seriously ill or get depressed.
    • Tszue-Ming - Complete collapse. This is the most unfortunate and harmful place. Avoid him at all costs, do not sit facing him during work or important meetings. The bed should not stand in this part of the house as a headboard, otherwise you will have bad dreams and you simply will not be able to sleep. For the front door, this is also an undesirable place, because every time you leave the apartment, you attract negative energy along with failures.
    Gua number Complete collapse Six Assassins Five ghosts Obstacles
    Eastern group
    1 Southwest Northwest Northeast West
    3 West Northeast Northwest Southwest
    4 Northeast West Southwest Northwest
    9 Northwest Southwest West Northeast
    Western group
    2 North South Southeast East
    6 South North East Southeast
    7 East Southeast South North
    8 Southeast East North South

    How to apply good and bad directions for Gua

    After calculating the Gua number and determining your favorable directions in Feng Shui, you need to arm yourself with a magnetic compass and determine where you have which cardinal points.

    Gua is your Personal Palace

    Personal Palace - this is the name of the sector of the house, which belongs to a certain side of the world. With the birth date calculator, you can easily determine it. There is a strong bond between this sector and Gua. If the corresponding sector is damaged, cluttered or completely absent, then very often there are difficulties and troubles that will constantly interfere with implementation. And if a negative object with harmful Sha is located outside the house in this sector, then unpleasant events and serious disasters occur. The Personal Palace must be in good condition!

    In general, take care of your Personal Palace, more often try to adhere to directions that are good for your home and your gua numbers - improve feng shui, and then you will notice how your life will begin to change for the better!

    All about the compatibility of people in Feng Shui science

    TO everyone wants to get a wonderful destiny and avoid failures!

    Matushka - nature took care of people. Each person is a conductor of one of the qualities of the energy of the Cosmos, for people around him. The deepest knowledge of such phenomena is contained in oldest treatises Chinese Science Tao: Feng Shui. The ancient Feng Shui Masters divided people into two groups - eastern and western. Eastern people - for health, luck, wealth and happiness, the eastern parts of the apartment, house, plot and eastern directions for travel and relocation are more useful. Just like Western people are better off with everything Western ...

    Pabout the degree of compatibility, Eastern people feel better with Eastern people, and Westerners - with Westerners, says Feng Shui. In this case, one of the 4 degrees of happiness is born. And - if eastern people interact with western people or western people with eastern people - they get one of the 4h degrees of trouble. This is not about the character, place of birth or place of residence, not about upbringing, nationality and habits of a person, it is about a cosmic belonging, independent of a person.

    Ethat law manifests itself in all spheres of human life: love and friendship, marriage and children, partnerships and commonwealth, business, finance, contracts, etc. This is especially important in the long-term interaction of people.

    ANDyou can use this knowledge for your happiness, health, luck and wealth. You need to find, according to your year of birth, your GUA number - the first, and - the main factor of compatibility of people (look on the back with which you were born and it cannot be changed). You need to choose for yourself, loved ones compatible with you, friends, partners and colleagues (according to their numbers, GUA is happy for you). This knowledge will allow you to plan the birth of compatible children and have a very happy family.

    INyou can find out from the table your 4 degrees of happiness (good GUA numbers for you) and 4 degrees of unhappiness (bad GUA numbers for you).

    Table - overleaf

    The numbers GUA \u003d 1, 3, 4, 9 are oriental people,

    the numbers GUA \u003d 5, 2, 6, 7 and 8 are Western.

    T gUA numbers table.

    4 degrees

    Of happiness

    Good GUA numbers for you

    GUA number







    4 degrees of trouble GUA numbers are bad for you

    4 3 9 1



    7 8 6 2

    9 1 4 3



    2 6 8 7

    1 9 3 4



    6 2 7 8

    3 4 1 9



    8 7 2 6

    8 7 6 2


    3 4 9 1

    2 6 7 8


    9 1 3 4

    8 7 6 2



    3 4 9 1

    7 8 2 6



    4 3 1 9

    6 2 8 7



    1 9 4 3

    2 6 7 8



    9 1 3 4

    ANDshield friends and partners of your energy universal circle, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the abundance of gifts from the Universe and Nature!


    4 degree of happiness

    TOeach of the 4 lucky GUA numbers (the four numbers in the table to the left of your GUA number found in the middle) brings a specific kind of luck. Although they are divided into - the best, the 2nd in favor, etc. - this is done only for convenience. In fact, all 4 are excellent. They are described in the ancient treatises of the DAO as follows:

    1. Hand the best number for you GUA - (in the first place on the left in the four good numbers) whose name is Sheng-chi, means "producing energy QI, or QI (strength)". It brings good luck associated with money. If money is what you want, you should be with a person whose GUA number matches your Sheng-chi. Feng Shui Says It Can Make You Prosperous human. If you are in politics, this number will give you popularity and credibility. This, as our Chinese source points out, will allow you to have "five sons."

    2. INthe second most favorable number of GUA is called Tien-i, which translates as “doctor from heaven.” You will receive well-being at the level of the middle class, good friends and “three sons”. The Tien Yi number is powerful in maintaining the excellent health of all the inhabitants of your home.

    3. Tthe third on the left by the favorable number of GUA is called Nian-yan, which can be translated as "longevity". This number best creates harmonious family relationships.

    4. Hthe fourth number is called Fu-wei and offers a good life, but not overly fortunate in terms of wealth and prosperity. You will get a decent livelihood. This is your last support against failure and misfortune.

    4 degrees of trouble

    1. Xo-hi, (first from the left in the four bad numbers) or "setbacks and accidents" is a number that can lead to disasters, but not one that means total collapse. You can, for example, lose the case in court or win it, but lose some money at the same time ...

    2. Have- gui, (in second place) or "five ghosts" is the second of the 4 bad numbers. Business failures (all your employees can leave you), losses from fires, thefts are possible. Quarrels at home and at work are not excluded. You may not have a peaceful atmosphere around you.

    3. Lyu-sha, or "six killers" - the third bad number for you GUA. May cause serious harm to family and business. In business, legal problems can arise, and in the family - diseases ...

    4. Czue-min, (the number of GUA is on the far right) which can be translated as "unhappy fate" is the worst for you. You can lose descendants, all your wealth, and have regular health problems. Avoid this number at all costs, it's for you both fatal and fatal ...

    INit is important to remember that the degree of compatibility of people depends on 6 more factors: from the elements of the year, sign, month; aspects of Yin and Yang of the year, month and birthday. Using this information, you can find out - FULL COMPATIBILITY with any person.

    The relationship of the elements:

    (Second compatibility factor)

    TO friend of mutual support : Fire gives birth to Earth, Earth gives birth to Metal, Metal rusts and turns into Water, Water nourishes Wood, Wood supports Fire.

    friend of mutual oppression : Fire melts Metal, Metal cuts Wood, Wood destroys the Earth, Earth drinks Water, Water extinguishes Fire.