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  • How to cook semolina porridge in milk proportions. Semolina porridge without lumps: the best recipes for adults and children

    How to cook semolina porridge in milk proportions. Semolina porridge without lumps: the best recipes for adults and children

    Since ancient times, porridge has been one of the foundations of Russian cuisine. No wonder there are so many proverbs and sayings about this dish in folklore: "Cabbage soup and porridge - our food", "Porridge is our mother", "Good porridge, but small cup". Until recently, semolina was considered a delicacy product and was served only on the table in wealthy houses. Now it is available to everyone, but to cook it correctly, without the hated lumps, is a whole art.

    About the product and its benefits

    Semolina is produced from wheat and has all the properties of refined grain. There are few vitamins, macro- and microelements in it, but a high content of starch and vegetable protein. This makes it a valuable product for getting energy quickly.

    The use of semolina

  • It is used in the postoperative period to restore strength.
  • Due to the small amount of dietary fiber, it is quickly digested, which allows it to be recommended for the nutrition of the elderly.
  • The only cereal that is absorbed in the lower intestine without irritating the stomach. Recommended for diseases of the digestive system, cleanses the intestines.
  • The calorie content of semolina is quite high - 320 kcal per 100 g of cereal, which allows it to be used when depleted.

    Cereal for baby food is used with caution due to the content of gluten, phytin and gliodin. Gluten (gluten) can provoke allergic reactions, phytin is an antioxidant, but interferes with the absorption of calcium, gliodin slows down the absorption of nutrients by the baby's intestines.

    Choice of cereals

    Before boiling porridge, choose the right cereal for it. On sale is a semolina from different varieties of wheat with the appropriate marking:

  • hard (T);
  • soft (M);
  • mixed (MT).
  • Cereals labeled T and MT are considered more useful - they have a lower glycemic index - an indicator of an increase in blood sugar after consuming the product. Such cereals are more expensive and are not sold in every store. Porridge from M-cereals turns out to be more viscous, with a pronounced taste, it is cooked faster, but there is less benefit in it.

    Groats with TM marking are made from durum and soft wheat

    Buy semolina in factory-made transparent packaging. It is sealed, does not allow excess moisture to penetrate into the package. In addition, you can visually evaluate the product: it must be free-flowing, without lumps, litter and bugs.

    The color of the cereal also matters. The correct color is cream or yellowish. Too white groats or a grayish tint is a sign of a poor-quality product. Groats marked M are usually mealy, opaque, T is clean with translucent calibrated grains, TM combines the features of M and T.

    Do not chase after cheapness, perhaps a low-quality product is hidden behind a low price. Look for GOST on the packaging, this ensures that the product is produced in large-scale production in accordance with the standards.

    Food proportions and secrets of lump-free semolina

    Now about the proportions. The consistency of the finished semolina depends on the ratio of cereal and liquid. The classic proportions and cooking times are shown in the table. They may vary slightly depending on the quality of the cereal and the preparation method.

    Table of the ratio of cereals and liquid for cereals of different viscosity

    A few nuances of cooking porridge without lumps

    The biggest challenge in cooking is to avoid lumps. Compliance with several rules will help in this:

  • Pour the groats in a thin stream into a boiling liquid with continuous stirring.
  • It is convenient to pour the semolina through a sieve or paper roll with a cut off tip.
  • Dissolve the cereals in cold milk or water, and then add them to a boiling liquid, there will be no lumps.
  • Rinsing cereals before cooking will help to avoid the formation of lumps.
  • Stir the dish all the time while it is cooking.
  • Important! Semolina has the ability to absorb a lot of moisture and swell. The longer the porridge is infused, the more it thickens.

    How to cook correctly - step by step recipes

    Semolina porridge, habitual for us since childhood, was cooked in milk. It is this type that should be learned to cook first.

    Three ways to make lump-free milk porridge

    What you need:

  • milk - 1 glass;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • salt to taste.
  • For cooking you need milk, cereals, sugar and a little salt

    Method 1

  • Boil the milk.

    Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat

  • Combine semolina with sugar and salt in a cup.
  • Stir the milk in a circular motion and add the dry ingredients in a thin stream.

    Pour the cereal in a thin stream while stirring continuously

  • Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, stirring continuously.

    Cook until tender, stirring constantly

  • Advice! Use a stainless steel or non-stick pan for cooking. Rinse steel with cold water, the food will not burn.

    Video: how to cook semolina porridge in milk without lumps

    Method 2

  • Sift semolina into boiling milk through a sieve.
  • Cook porridge for 1-2 minutes.
  • Remove heat and cover the cookware with a lid.
  • Leave the dish to sit for 10-15 minutes.
  • Such porridge swells well, but the cereal does not boil. Its taste will differ from that prepared in the previous way.

    Method 3

  • Heat the cereals in a skillet with butter until they turn yellow. Take a deep frying pan.

    Heat the cereal with oil in a skillet

  • Pour hot milk directly into the pan, stirring vigorously.
  • Add salt, sugar, and cook for 2-3 minutes.

    Add liquid and cook until tender

  • Close the skillet tightly and let it swell for 10-15 minutes.
  • Such porridge has excellent taste, but it is better to cook it for adults.

    Advice! If you follow the figure, cook porridge in a mixture of milk and water in equal proportions. The porridge will retain its milky taste and reduce the number of calories.

    If there is no regular milk, dry milk will do. Dilute the powder with water according to the instructions on the package, and prepare according to one of the recipes provided. Or use such an unusual way.

    Powdered milk

    What you need:

  • water -500 ml;
  • cereals - 0.3 cups;
  • powdered milk - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt to taste.
  • Preparation:

  • In a dry saucepan, combine the semolina, milk, sugar and salt.
  • Pour the cold liquid in a thin stream. Stir the mixture with a whisk.
  • Simmer over medium heat with continuous stirring until it boils.
  • Reduce heat and cook for another 3 minutes.
  • Leave the dish covered for 10 minutes.
  • The volume is designed for 3 servings. If everything is done correctly, the dish will turn out to be homogeneous, and the taste will not differ from that cooked with regular milk.

    Advice! Cook the porridge in baked milk and season with melted butter. The taste of the dish will turn out to be rich, with a nutty flavor.

    Three milk intolerances porridge can be cooked in water. The principle of its preparation is the same as milk, only filtered water is taken instead of milk. There is another way.

    On the water

    What you need:

  • water - 350 ml;
  • semolina - 30 g;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • salt to taste.
  • In case of individual intolerance to milk, porridge is prepared in water


  • Soak the cereal in cold water for 15 minutes.

    Before placing in a saucepan, grits are soaked

  • Drain and transfer the semolina to a cooking bowl.
  • Add the required amount of water and place over medium heat.

    Put cereals with water on fire and bring to a boil

  • While stirring continuously, bring to a boil.
  • Add salt and sugar, reduce heat to low.
  • Simmer for 10-15 minutes with continuous stirring.

    Cook over low heat with constant stirring

  • Put a piece of butter in a saucepan, cover the dish with a lid and let it brew for another 10 minutes.

    Add oil and let the porridge steep

  • Such porridge is not inferior to milk porridge in taste, but it is less nutritious and easier to digest. You can also boil savory porridge by seasoning it with fried onions.

    Introduce a new product into the diet gradually, for a start it is enough 1 time in 1-1.5 weeks. Up to a year, complementary foods are allowed if the child has rickets, lack of weight.

    Cooking for children

    The dish is cooked in a mixture of water and milk, pure cow's milk is heavy food for a baby. For babies, they boil a liquid porridge so that it can be poured into a bottle. Salt is not added to the food.

    The ratio of products for 5% porridge (from 5 months):

  • milk - 1 glass;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • cereals - 4 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tsp.
  • For 10% porridge (from 6 months):

  • milk - 3/4 cup;
  • water - 1/2 cup;
  • semolina - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Select the ratio of milk to water depending on the tolerance of the product by the baby.

    For a child from one year old:

  • milk - 125 ml;
  • water - 125 ml;
  • semolina - 4 tsp.
  • sugar to taste.
  • The preparation method is the same as for ordinary semolina porridge. After boiling, the porridge is boiled for 2 minutes, then 10 minutes. insist under the lid. The porridge for the baby is cooled to the required temperature.

    From the age of three, a child's porridge can be cooked in pure milk without adding water. If the child does not eat well, pour jam or other additives over the food and there will be no problem.

    The child will eat well-cooked porridge with pleasure

    Advice! Mix semolina with a small amount of cocoa before pouring into the liquid, and sprinkle the finished dish with grated chocolate. Children will be happy to eat this "chocolate" porridge.

    Young moms can also benefit from an article on proper nutrition during breastfeeding:

    What to add - filler options

    Semolina porridge is delicious on its own, but it gets even tastier, served with all kinds of additives.

  • Oil. Traditional supplement. Makes porridge more tasty and nutritious. Instead of creamy, you can pour in a little nutty.
  • Dried fruits. Steam raisins, dried apricots, prunes or other fruits, cut into large pieces. Add to the finished dish.
  • Fresh fruits and berries. Decorate the porridge with fruit pieces or berries. The taste will become more interesting and the view more attractive.
  • Jam, jam, jam, syrup. Children are very fond of such additives. Draw a funny face with syrup and the children will eat it with pleasure.
  • Nuts. Peel the kernels and chop. Such porridge is not only tasty, but also healthy.
  • Grated or melted chocolate. This additive will make the most stubborn "reluctant" people eat porridge.
  • Vanillin. The sweetish aroma of the seasoning goes well with semolina. Add it to the dish while cooking.
  • Cinnamon. The spicy aroma of the seasoning combined with apple pieces will give the dish a unique taste and aroma.
  • Pumpkin. This healthy fruit is also used raw, but it is better to stew or add it when cooking.
  • Fruit puree. Enrich the dish with vitamins and add color to it.
  • Fried onions. Unsweetened porridge on water with this additive destroys the traditional idea of \u200b\u200bsemolina. It's delicious.
  • Eggs. Semolina porridge with eggs is called bubert. This is a national dish of German, Latvian and Estonian cuisine. For porridge of medium density, 2 eggs are taken from 1 glass of milk. Separately, grind the yolks with sugar to a creamy consistency and whip the whites into a fluffy foam. First, the yolks are introduced into the finished dish, and then the whites. The porridge turns out to be airy and very tasty.
  • Gallery: serving semolina with various additives

    Traditional seasoning for semolina - butter Cheerful drawing of jam or syrup on porridge will not leave a child indifferent Nuts and berries go well with the milky taste of porridge Berry syrup with fresh fruits will make a real dessert from porridge Guryev porridge is a time-tested tradition

    Recently widespread opinion about “empty” calories of semolina is somewhat exaggerated. There are no useless foods when cooked and served properly. By learning how to do this, you will turn an ordinary dish into a real dessert.

    There are many ways how to cook semolina porridge in milk - on the stove, in the microwave or in a slow cooker. Regardless of how the dish will be prepared, it is important to adhere to several rules - the porridge should be free of lumps, of the correct density and pleasant to the taste. A properly prepared dish will appeal to children and adults. It will be an ideal breakfast, and if you season the dish with honey, add berries or dried fruits, you can get a portion of nutrients and provide the body with energy until the next meal.

    Many people are familiar with the taste of semolina porridge since childhood, and not everyone is pleased with these memories - a thick white brew with unpleasant lumps stuck in the memory and left negative emotions. However, others are happy not only to remember, but also continue to cook semolina in milk, enjoying a light pleasant taste. The thing is that semolina porridge in milk has its own nuances of cooking, which will help you get an ideal, appetizing, correct consistency dish.

    1. To prevent milk from burning during cooking, it is necessary to pour some clean water into the bottom of the container. If this has not been done, you can avoid burning the white liquid by adding a pinch of salt to it.
    2. Quite often, experienced and not-so-experienced housewives run out of milk, leaving an unpleasant mark on the stove and a fairly persistent burnt smell. A piece of butter, which should be used to rub the sides of the pot on top, will help prevent this.
    3. Semolina is a carbohydrate-rich product, against which many experts respond negatively. In order not to harm health and in particular the figure, it is recommended to dilute milk with water. It is especially important to do this if the product is homemade and has a high fat content. The ideal option is to dilute milk with a pure liquid 1: 1.
    4. It is imperative to observe the proportions of cereal and liquid to obtain a dish of the correct consistency. So porridge of medium density will turn out if you take 3-4 tablespoons of 0.5 liters of milk. decoys. For children, the ratio of liquid to cereals should be at least 1 tbsp. cereals for 400 ml of liquid (the older the child, the more you can increase the amount of semolina).
    5. To avoid the appearance of unloved lumps in the porridge, it is important to properly pour the cereal into the heated liquid. To do this, semolina is pre-mixed with sugar in a separate container, after which it is introduced into boiled milk in a thin stream and stirred intensively. It is important to avoid boiling the food during cooking, otherwise lumps cannot be avoided.
    6. It is good to take a container with a thick bottom for cooking cereals. Do not cook porridge and other dishes with milk in aluminum pans.

    After cooking, you can whisk it with a blender or whisk to make it more fluffy and fluffy. Dried fruits, berries, jam or honey will help improve the taste of the finished dish.

    How to cook with water?

    Water when boiling semolina in milk not only does not harm, but also has a positive effect on the taste and beneficial features dishes. She will make porridge a lighter and more dietary product, moreover, this option is ideal for small children. The proportions of water and milk when boiling semolina porridge are selected depending on the fat content of the cow's product and the age of the child (if the dish is prepared as baby food). How to dilute milk with water when cooking cereals for babies, a specialist will tell you.

    To prepare a traditional dish, you should take:

    • water - 250 ml;
    • milk - 250 ml;
    • semolina - 4 tablespoons;
    • some salt and oil;
    • granulated sugar to taste.

    First, water is poured into the cooking container, after milk. All this is sent to the stove and cooked until it boils. After turning on the fire, the liquid must be slightly salted so that it does not burn.

    Separately in a bowl, sugar and semolina are stirred until smooth. When the liquid on the stove boils, you need to reduce the heat and pour out the sugar-semolina mixture, stirring vigorously with a spoon.

    You need to cook porridge for 4-6 minutes, stirring the product all the time. After cooking, it is important to let the dish brew, and then pour into plates, not forgetting to season with honey or delicious jam.

    Semolina on milk in a slow cooker

    Semolina porridge is prepared in milk in a slow cooker quickly, using a minimum set of products. The advantages of cooking in this wonderful saucepan is that it will surely turn out delicious without scorching and lumps.

    A meal is prepared based on:

    • milk - 350 ml;
    • butter - 12 g;
    • semolina - 70 g;
    • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp.

    First, liquid is poured into the multicooker bowl, after all the bulk components. Fall asleep slowly, stirring constantly. Then the container is closed, and the dish is cooked in the “milk porridge” mode for 12 minutes. Before serving the dish, you need to season it with butter. On top of the semolina, laid out in portioned plates, you can put fresh mint leaves.

    Powdered milk

    Cooking semolina in milk powder cannot be called traditional, but the taste of the dish will turn out to be quite appetizing and, importantly, without lumps. In addition, milk powder has a longer shelf life than fresh milk, so it can always be purchased in advance and then used for cooking.

    To cook delicious porridge without lumps, you should stock up on:

    • dry milk - 4.5 tablespoons;
    • water - 0.5 l;
    • semolina - 80 g;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • butter - for dressing;
    • fruit, jam - optional.

    Pour cereal with milk into a saucepan for cooking porridge and stir everything well. Next, you need to send the rest of the bulk components. Next, clean cold water is poured into the container and everything is thoroughly whipped.

    When the mixture is ready, put it on fire and cook after boiling, stirring constantly, for 4-6 minutes. If the dish seems thick during cooking, you can safely dilute it with boiled water. Add butter and sweetness to the finished dish.

    Liquid porridge for children

    It is much easier for small children to eat a liquid semolina dish without lumps.

    You can cook such porridge from:

    • semolina - 2 tablespoons;
    • milk - 200 ml;
    • water - 200 ml;
    • sahara.

    Water and milk are mixed and put on fire. After boiling, cereals with sugar are added to them and everything is cooked for 4 minutes. If the baby is small, up to 8 months, more milk can be added to the water. Sugar is added to children in small quantities. For older children, you can season the finished dish with your favorite jam or chocolate.

    Thick semolina porridge

    Thick semolina porridge with milk is a favorite delicacy of many athletes who want to build up faster muscle mass and keep it in this state constantly. If you eat it in the morning with your favorite dried fruits, the body will receive the necessary supply of energy for a long time.

    For 1-2 servings of the dish you will need:

    • semolina - 2.5 tbsp.;
    • sugar - 2.5 tsp;
    • milk - 250 ml;
    • some salt.

    In a separate container, you need to mix bulk products, then pour them into a cooking container and add milk. In the microwave, the dish should be cooked at full power, for 4 minutes. Every 60 seconds it needs to be taken out and stirred to achieve the perfect consistency.

    Doctors and nutritionists around the world advise not to get carried away with semolina, preparing it only a few times a week as an addition to the main diet. For children and people with problems in the digestive tract, it is better to cook the product in low-fat milk, with the addition of honey and dried fruits.

    Delicious semolina porridge without creepy lumps is the pride of every housewife. To cook this popular porridge in milk properly, the following tips and a recipe proven over many generations will come in handy.

    6 secrets of the perfect semolina porridge with milk

    If you are just on the way to gaining experience in the culinary art, it is better to start preparing semolina porridge by studying the features of the technological process. Sometimes, these details are often overlooked, so the porridge is not very tasty.

    • Secret number 1: For a dish to be delicate and aromatic, with a subtle creamy aftertaste, milk must be included in its recipe. If you are trying to limit this product, it is quite possible to dilute it with water. Even the ratio of milk to water 1: 3 will improve the taste of porridge several times.
    • Secret # 2: While semolina may seem like a simple dish that doesn’t require a strict dosage, it’s not entirely true. So that its consistency is not too liquid and moderately thick, a certain ratio of products will have to be adhered to. The ideal combination is 6 tbsp. l. cereals per 1 liter of liquid.
    • Secret number 3: You need to be able to put semolina in milk in time. The groats are always dipped only into boiled milk, this must be done very slowly and be sure to stir the porridge. This will prevent the appearance of tasteless lumps. You can do this in another way: moisten the porridge with a small amount of cool water, then pour the boiled milk into it and cook until tender.
    • Secret # 4: Improve the taste of semolina. Salt and sweetener should only be added when the milk is boiling. And butter, dried fruits, berries and other additives are sent to the porridge after it is ready.
    • Secret # 5: Boil milk properly. It tends to burn during the cooking process. To prevent this from happening, rinse it with very cold water before pouring it into the pot. After that, the porridge will not burn.
    • Secret # 6: Don't cook the porridge for too long. It will be ready in 5-7 minutes. After that, you can add oil and beat the semolina porridge with a whisk. Believe me, its delicate taste will seem excellent to you.

    Step-by-step recipe for semolina in milk

    Now you can start cooking semolina. What you need for this:

    • Milk - 500 ml.
    • Semolina - 3 tbsp. l. with the top.
    • Granulated sugar - 2.5 tsp
    • Salt is a small pinch.
    • Butter - 1.5-2 tbsp. l.
    • Berries, jam, cocoa or other filler - to taste.

    So, how to cook delicious semolina porridge:

    • Rinse the container with ice water, pour in the milk, bring to a boil. At this stage, if desired, you can dilute it with water.
    • Add salt and sweeten the milk.
    • In a thin stream, begin to introduce semolina, remembering to stir the porridge.
    • Cook the dish for 5-6 minutes over medium heat. During this time, the semolina will swell well.
    • Now you just have to put in the butter, beat the porridge and pour into plates.

    Semolina porridge with milk can be served with your favorite jam, aromatic jam, or melted chocolate. In the summer season, you can add fresh or grated berries with sugar to the porridge, and in winter - dried fruits. Enjoy your meal!

    There is no need to specifically learn how to cook semolina porridge. The secret to making a delicious meal lies in the right amount of ingredients. Plus it's worth adding the total cooking time. If you digest the porridge - you cannot avoid lumps, undercooked semolina tastes unpleasant, crunches on your teeth.

    General principles

    It is most delicious to cook semolina in milk. To prevent the porridge from burning to the bottom of the pan, which happens quite often with this cereal, you need to pour some water on the bottom. You can also cook semolina to a one to one ratio of milk and water. This recipe is suitable for those who are counting calories and want to cut calories in a cooked meal. Here's a great selection of recipes.

    Semolina porridge: the proportions of milk and semolina are calculated after the dishes are correctly selected. It must be emphasized that it is great when the pan has a special protection against sticking (stainless steel items work well). A thick pot bottom will also have a positive effect on the overall cooking process.

    Cooking proportions! A glass of liquid is taken for seven teaspoons of cereal. These are the generally accepted starting proportions, then, if you wish, you can add cereals to achieve the ideal density for a particular case.

    What else is important to consider:
    You need to pour cereals only into milk, which is already boiling. This is done slowly by constantly stirring the liquid. Take a glass of cereals in one hand, a tablespoon in the other. Only intensive stirring in this process will relieve the finished dish from lumps.
    When the cereal is poured and stirred, salt and sugar must be added to it. Continue stirring until the semolina boils. Then make minimal heat and cook porridge for literally five minutes.
    The dish is best served with butter and jam.

    Classic semolina

    So, to calculate the proportions of milk and per liter of milk for semolina, you can use this recipe. Here less milk and cereals are taken, respectively, but it is clear how and how much to increase the amount of products used.

    Required ingredients:
    A glass of milk. You can also take half a glass of milk and half a glass of water;
    20 grams of butter;
    Seven teaspoons of cereals;
    A teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt;

    Pour milk into a saucepan, first pouring some water on the bottom. Bring to a boil, add salt and sugar, stir. Now start pouring in the cereal, while stirring the semolina vigorously. While stirring, bring porridge to a boil and reduce heat to low. Cook for another five minutes, you can also stir. Arrange on plates, season with butter or jam.

    Interesting! Semolina is perfect for culinary experiments. For example, you can cook porridge in condensed milk, which is previously diluted with water. The porridge will turn out to be sugary sweet: just the way the sweet tooth likes it. Dried fruits, nuts, poppy seeds can be added to semolina when serving.

    On cranberry juice

    This dish has a rich, bright color. It looks beautiful and it is difficult even to imagine that such culinary beauty can be made simply, quickly and from ordinary semolina.

    Required ingredients:
    Two and a half glasses of water;
    A glass of cranberries;
    Half a glass of semolina;
    Half a glass of cream;
    Two tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt;

    Rinse the berries well, and then crush them. Only juice will be used for cooking. The pomace is poured with water and boiled. Then you need to strain the broth, add salt and sugar to it, bring to a boil. Dilute the groats with juice, stir constantly so that there are no lumps. Pour the ready-made mixture into the broth, which boils. Cook porridge until boiling, and then over low heat for another five minutes. Remember to stir.

    This dish can be served not only hot, but also cold. For the second serving option, cool in a special form, and then cut into squares, serve with whipped cream. Currants and other berries can also be used instead of cranberries, but they must be sour.

    Compliance with the proportions when preparing porridge with semolina is the first important step in making the dish ultimately tasty. Observing other important recommendations, you can add the fact that semolina soon became a favorite delicacy of every family member. It is very tasty to serve semolina, seasoned with lemon or orange zest.

    It would seem that there is nothing easier than to cook semolina porridge. However, there are some subtleties here. A classic recipe for semolina porridge and tricks you should know to avoid lumps. Video recipe.
    Recipe content:

    In childhood, every child perceives semolina porridge as a punishment. But with age, we realize that it is tasty and healthy. However, only when properly prepared. There are several varieties of cooking semolina porridge: in milk or water. Knowing the intricacies of cooking, you can not only use it on its own, but also on its basis to prepare delicious desserts, like cold pudding, which is in no way inferior to the Italian panna cotta. It is used for casseroles, cake cream and more.

    Semolina does not contain a lot of vitamins and fiber, but there are healthy carbohydrates and easily digestible protein. It charges you with useful energy for the whole day. Porridge is recommended for people with poor gastrointestinal tract function and stomach problems. It has enveloping properties, which helps soothe exacerbations chronic diseases... At the same time, one should not forget that semolina porridge is very high in calories, so people with excess weight should use it in dosage.

    Cooking secrets

    • Even for those who strictly monitor the amount of milk consumed, porridge should always be boiled with its addition, at least in a 1: 3 ratio in favor of water. Then its taste and aroma will be better.
    • If the milk is low-fat, then add more of it, respectively, and vice versa - if the percentage of fat is high, add less.
    • Observe the proportions of the products. To make the porridge the perfect consistency, pour 8 tbsp into 1 liter of milk (or a mixture of water and milk). By the end of cooking, the porridge will be of medium density.
    • If you don't like the taste of this dish at all, then add dried fruits, candied fruits, seeds, nuts, fresh berries, jams, fruits.
    • You can cook porridge in baked milk, then its taste will become softer and with a creamy note.
    • To make the porridge more delicate, after cooking it can be whisked with butter. Then the porridge will become airy and fluffy.
    • Use a non-stick or thick-walled cooking pot.
    • Caloric content per 100 g - 76 kcal.
    • Servings - 1
    • Cooking time - 10 minutes


    • Milk - 250 ml
    • Sugar - 1 tablespoon or to taste
    • Salt - a pinch
    • Butter - small piece
    • Semolina - 2 tablespoons

    Step by step cooking semolina according to the classic recipe, recipe with photo:

    1. Pour the milk into a cooking pot and place it on the stove. Bring milk to a boil over medium heat.

    2. When the milk boils, add a pinch of salt to the saucepan.

    3. Then add sugar. You can add a spoonful of vanilla sugar if you wish, it will add a tremendous flavor.

    4. Into boiling milk very slowly, in a thin stream, introduce semolina, stirring constantly so that there are no unpleasant lumps.

    5. Continue to cook the porridge, stirring continuously, until the milk boils again.

    6. Once it boils, turn the heat to the slowest possible. Don't stop interfering with her.

    7. The porridge will gradually thicken.

    8. It is brewed no more than 5–7 minutes after boiling milk.

    9. Remove the pot from the stove.