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  • DIY Nordic walking stick tips are durable. Sticks in hand

    DIY Nordic walking stick tips are durable.  Sticks in hand

    Nordic walking is a very common and popular activity among all segments of the population. But Nordic walking sticks can be used in many ways. You can do exercises with them, warm up and cool down. Pole exercises are more effective in strengthening the body than conventional exercises and contributing to the achievement of longevity. Proven advice: how to choose the right sticks, shoes and clothes, avoid common mistakes and correctly perform all actions, - gives an experienced "walker", leading naturologist of Russia G. Kibardin.

    A series: Treatment with available means

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    company liters.

    Improving skills

    Having mastered the basics of Scandinavian walking, you may not notice for a long time that your walking technique is far from perfect. In addition, shoes and clothing during exercise can cause discomfort. Even if you are doing well, do not be lazy and read this book. You will find in it not only useful advice for those who already know how to walk correctly, but also non-standard solutions to health problems for yourself and your close relatives and friends.

    You can practice Nordic walking all year round, although heavy rain or snow can make it difficult to get around and negatively impact your health. If you are persistent and firmly decided to start training, then you need to look at the equipment, if necessary, add it, and also purchase the appropriate sticks.

    You will need to resolve organizational issues:

    What time of day;

    How long;

    How to learn the correct movements;

    With whom to work together and where is it better to study.

    By time, you can adjust to your work schedule: for example, in the evening, to relieve fatigue after a working day, or in the morning, to be cheerful. On weekends, daytime is also fine.

    Do not be afraid of the initial difficulties along the way. Know, as soon as you start, all issues will begin to be resolved by themselves.

    Shoes and clothing. At first, ordinary, well-fitting sneakers and a comfortable tracksuit are quite suitable for Nordic walking. To maximize efficiency, you need to have a comfortable athletic form for different weather conditions, and shoes for hiking or running shoes.

    In winter, clothes that are usually used for skiing are suitable. In the cold season, dress for the weather and in layers, as climbers do. Then the air between the tissues will create the right microclimate. For example, a winter ski suit and thin thermal underwear will keep you warm even in severe frost. In summer, depending on the weather conditions, you can wear both a tracksuit (in cool weather) and comfortable shorts and T-shirts (in warm weather).

    Sneakers should fix the foot area well and firmly, have a dense, but bendable sole. In addition to being comfortable, your shoes should be tested. Do not wear new sneakers that you have not tried yet, otherwise the walk can turn into a real torment. Remember to wear two pairs of cotton socks for each session to avoid rubbing calluses on your feet. In general, your clothes, like your shoes, should be so comfortable that you simply do not notice them while walking.

    Special sticks with tips.

    They should be a must on your health and fitness trekking gear. (fig. 1). Let me remind you once again that ordinary ski poles are not suitable for two reasons: firstly, they are much longer, and secondly, they do not have special hand straps.

    Rice. 1. Poles for Nordic walking

    The choice of Nordic walking poles depends on various parameters. Beginner walkers can use the following simple advice for finding the right length: if you take one stick in your hand and place it near your feet on the ground, your elbow should form a right angle.

    Another simple tip: add two centimeters to your height and multiply the resulting number by a factor of 0.7.

    The wrong length will not give you the desired pleasure from exercising, as this will increase the load on the musculoskeletal system, especially on the shoulders, back, knees and ankles. As a result, you will quickly get tired, in addition, unpleasant pain sensations can appear in certain muscles of the body quite quickly.

    How to hold Nordic walking sticks? The correct girth of the poles will ensure lanyard- special fasteners on the stick handle (fig. 2). It is made either in the form of a loop that holds the wrist, or in the form of a half-glove that fixes the entire hand with a thumb.

    Rice. 2. Lanyard for sticks

    The lanyard will help to push off with sticks when walking, without constantly squeezing the handle, which prevents calluses from getting on the palms. An additional removable mechanism allows you to unfasten it at any time to drink water or tie a lace.

    Nordic walking poles end with a sharp spike, which helps when walking on loose surfaces: snow, ice, dirt paths, etc. For walking on hard surfaces - asphalt and concrete - a removable rubber tip is used on the poles. With prolonged use, it gradually wears off, so it will have to be changed periodically.

    Warm up. As in any other sport, a warm-up should be done before starting to exercise to warm up the working muscles of the body and ligaments. Typically, the warm-up includes breathing exercises, swinging arms and legs, flexion-extension of the trunk, raising on tiptoes for 2-3 seconds, gentle jumps from foot to foot and on both legs. In group lessons, the instructor or "veterans" of Nordic walking will certainly teach you special warm-up exercises with sticks: body bends to the sides, forward, backward, squats, stretching, etc.

    Since the purpose of the warm-up is to warm up the "cold" muscles, then when choosing specific exercises you should first of all focus on your own feelings and state of health. Different instructors offer different sets of exercises. But I prefer bending the torso to the sides, back and forth. These are normal bends, but you have Nordic walking sticks in your hands (outstretched).

    After the end of the warm-up, immediately before walking, carefully check the bindings on the poles again. This will help you avoid unexpected falls with the possibility of injury while exercising.

    Breath. During Nordic walking, it is recommended to breathe while moving as usual, that is, through the nose. However, it belongs to one of the types of active physical activity, so very soon in the process of movement you will have to start breathing a little differently. At the initial stage, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Later, as the load increases, you will involuntarily switch to inhale and exhale through your mouth. This is quite acceptable with increased physical exertion, but it is better to monitor this and inhale air through the nose.

    For the duration of inhalation and exhalation, instructors can advise you on various options. I try to keep my breathing rhythm as much as possible with an inhalation-exhalation ratio of 1: 2. That is, inhale in two steps, and exhale in four. However, not all people will be able to do this. At the initial stage, they will breathe in the way that suits them best. If during classes you will talk a lot with your companions, then you will definitely break the rhythm of your breathing, and at the same time your movement.

    The key to Nordic walking is that you enjoy it. It will take some time for the body to readjust to the new rhythm of movement and respiration. Personal experience of classes shows that for this it is necessary to practice regularly, without missing, at least 45 days. This is how much time the human body needs to change the state of homeostasis and switch to a new, stable rhythm of breathing and movement. The first positive changes in the state of health and getting rid of excess weight occur in about three to four months, and lasting changes will come only after a year of regular exercise.

    Posture and body position. When doing Nordic walking, periodically think about your posture. The back should be straight, the body tilted slightly forward, and the legs slightly bent (fig. 3).

    Rice. 3. Body position during Nordic walking

    I remind new beginners that your walking movements are very similar to skiing. And it's easy to master them. Think back to walking and cross-country skiing in your school years. Do you remember? Then it will be easier for you to understand: if you step on your left foot, then your right hand with a stick rushes forward, and vice versa. There are also some peculiarities: each step should be done with a base on the heel.

    While walking, try to maintain an even pace of movement, do not jerk. Keep the sticks near your feet and with each step transfer part of your body weight to the sticks, thereby removing some of the load from your knees. Gradually, you can start walking at a faster pace, but do not switch to run: it will not lead to anything good.

    Duration of classes. This criterion is determined by the individual characteristics of the organism and the goals that you strive to achieve in this lesson. Beginners can start with 15 minute walks every other day or two. The pace and duration of the sessions depend on the state of your health. Over time, to maintain good physical shape, you should practice every other day or every day (if possible), the duration of the workouts is 30 minutes or more.

    How long can you walk as long as possible? It depends on your fitness level. Amateurs say that they are gradually beginning to like the daily routine, which lasts about an hour, which gives a good boost of energy and positive emotions. When doing Nordic walking, remember that everything is fine in moderation. Therefore, you should not overdo it with physical activity and bring yourself to exhaustion. Strive to get the main thing - maximum positive emotions and good health.

    Completion of classes. After finishing the next lesson, stop, wave your hands arbitrarily and be sure to take a few deep breaths and exhalations. This will calm your breathing and relieve increased tension. After that, perform several typical exercises - a hitch, relaxation, which will help to relax the "petrified" muscles of the shoulders and back, thighs and calves. Relaxation exercises should not be too long and should be done in slow motion.

    Cooling down will allow the body to cool down, smooth the transition from high-intensity work to a state of rest.

    Hitch Benefits:

    Reduces heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature to normal values ​​(as before training);

    Reduces stress on the heart muscle;

    Prepares the nervous system for the transition from work to a state of rest;

    Accelerates muscle recovery by improving local blood flow;

    Metabolic products are removed, nutrients are supplied;

    Reducing the effect of post-workout pain;

    Relaxation of the whole body, including relaxation of the psyche after a hard workout.

    I suggest stretching as a cool down. Stretching the trained muscles is necessary to remove metabolic products and improve local blood flow. Stretching at the end of your workout (on hot muscles this is most justified and safe), you improve the flexibility and elasticity of muscles and tendons, which is a definite plus. Choose the stretching exercise that works best for you. Do not pull the muscles until it hurts; you should not tear them in jerks, trying to break through the dead center. You should feel them stretch, but not pain. Do a static stretch, holding the muscle tension for 15–45 seconds.

    Water procedures. After the first classes, it will be useful to go to the sauna or bath (if health permits). If this is not possible, be sure to take a warm bath to relax. As a last resort, warm up the muscles of the body well with a warm shower so that they do not hurt; especially helps after the first workouts. In the future, after each session, be sure to take a warm shower to relieve stress and fatigue.

    Nutrition. Eat early before your daytime or evening workout. It is best to do this an hour and a half before class. If you want to eat something "weighty", do it three hours or more before your walk. The closer the class time, the less calories you should have in your meal. Remember, in class, you need energy to move, not to carry extra ballast in your stomach.

    During and after classes, you can and should drink clean drinking water as thirst arises.

    But it is better more often and in small sips.

    In order not to disturb the water balance of the body, for every half kilogram of weight lost during a walk, it is advisable to drink at least 0.5 liters clean drinking water. For other fluids, avoid caffeinated drinks after exercise.

    In food, it is advisable to replenish only half of the calories just burned. Then nothing will go into the fat reserve, and you will begin to gradually lose weight. At the same time, your body will not "panic" from lack of resources.

    It is best to replenish energy reserves with carbohydrates (approximately grams per kilogram of weight) and proteins (there should be four times less of them than carbohydrates). A simple and correct set of food after class includes the following:

    Fresh Juice;

    Remember the rule of professional "walkers": after doing Nordic walking, first drink and only then eat. After eating, it is advisable to drink water or drinks again no earlier than an hour later.

    Additional Tips

    Having started active Nordic walking, you can quickly master the general skills of its implementation. There is nothing complicated about it. Nevertheless, for the first time, it will not be superfluous to heed some advice.

    So you've decided to start classes, which is great. However, for various reasons, there are no people near you today who would help in organizing and conducting these classes. It is also possible that you are stubborn enough and strive to achieve everything in life on your own, do not want to be taught. Step over your "I myself / myself" and then the advice will help you to be more successful.

    It is advisable to start studying on level ground. Also, the place of your first lessons should be located at some distance from the flow of pedestrians. This will help to avoid the surprised looks of bystanders. In addition, save yourself from ridiculous questions like: "Where are your skis?"

    A suitable place has been found, the warm-up is completed, you are completely ready for Nordic walking. Straighten up, tilt your body slightly forward. Then turn your attention to hand coordination. To this end, at first, simply walk a few steps forward. With your hands lowered down parallel to the ground, carry the sticks, it is better to take them by the middle. Walk slowly, listening to your feelings in your soul and body. Feel the difference in leg and arm movements that you may not have noticed with normal walking (fig. 4).

    Rice. 4. Test movements

    You should feel the left hand almost intuitively move forward along with the forward movement of the right leg. In this case, the left leg moves backward while the right hand moves backward. It is quite possible that you will smile at the fact that you have never paid attention to this, although during normal walking or while running, you did it all automatically.

    Your next action will be teaching the correct work with Nordic walking poles. To do this, you need to thread your hand into the lanyard - a special fastener on the handle of the stick - adjust it with the straps so that the wrist area is not pinched. Now the sticks will not fall out of your hands. Let me remind you that the lanyard looks like the sockets of gloves and, with the help of wide strips, covers the bases of the thumbs, which prevents unnecessary movements of the hand.

    Having done all this, lower your arms and sticks completely down. For now, there is no need to rely on them. When you next move forward, the sticks should slide freely behind you.

    Next, start moving your legs forward, ignoring the sticks, which drag freely behind you. In this situation, focus only on light, free walking with poles down and shoulders down.

    Next stage. Begin to swing your arms back and forth lightly and naturally with the sticks down. Note: Your arms move in time with the alternating movements of your legs. (fig. 5). Walk, gradually increasing the pace and step size. At this point in time, you already know that the main element of Nordic walking is the step.

    Rice. 5. Movement of arms and legs when walking

    With this in mind, we proceed to the next stage - to active work with sticks. In the process of movement, start alternately (in time with the movement of your legs) to raise either your right or left hand to about chest level and lean on the sticks. Keep them as close to your body as possible. Walk, rhythmically changing the position of your legs and at the same time leaning on the sticks.

    Do not forget the main rule of Scandinavian walking - counter movement. If you forgot, I will explain again: the left hand with a stick simultaneously with the right leg moves forward, while the right hand and left leg move back, etc. At a calm pace, continuously change the position of the arms and legs, move smoothly. There is no need to sharply lower the sticks (do not knock them on the ground), this will create an unnecessary shock load on the joints of the hands and disrupt the rhythm of movement. In the process, try to maintain an even pace of movement. Do not quickly pick up speed or slow down the movement of your arms and legs.

    Note that in Nordic walking, both arms move alternately from the shoulder. You push vigorously with a stick and smoothly shift your center of gravity. When taking a step, place the stick at about the middle of its length. In this case, each stick should be on the side of your feet, slightly at an angle.

    When the stick touches the ground, you should take a step: put your foot on the heel, then roll onto your toe. You should not put your feet on the entire surface of the foot at once.

    Legs should be slightly bent at the knees during a step forward. While moving, bend your arms slightly at the elbows and move them up and down when pushing off the surface. One hand is raised at an angle of 45 ° in the upper position, the other, the “lower” hand, is pushed back to the level of the pelvis. When you move your hand back, it should be relaxed. When the hand goes forward, you need to make some effort and squeeze the handle of the stick. During movement, do not tilt your body back, do not stretch your neck or slouch your back. Keep your head straight and look in front of you.

    Having mastered these simple actions, continue to select your own rhythm of movement, push off at the same time: with the left stick - with the right foot, with the right stick - with the left foot.

    Over time, as you master the technique, you will be able to slightly increase the intensity of your workout. What needs to be done for this? Not much at all: if you want to increase the load, then push harder with your hands or take wider steps. You can also (if possible) increase the length of the sticks. However, you should not lean on the sticks with considerable effort. Otherwise, it will create additional stress on the musculoskeletal system of your body.

    The pace of Scandinavian walking, as a rule, is somewhat more intense than the usual walking one. In this case, the amplitude of hand movement determines the step width and, accordingly, the total load on the muscles of the body. As you decrease your arm span, the stride becomes shorter and the load decreases. If you need to make Nordic walking more intense, the range of motion of the arms should be increased. It is important from the very beginning to choose the right intensity for yourself, which would give you the most significant results (weight loss, health improvement, etc.).

    For experienced "walkers", the Scandinavian walking technique provides various options: you can alternate between slow and fast walking, wide and shallow strides. For lovers of increased physical activity, special weights for sticks are provided.

    When driving on soft terrain, it is better to push off with sticks with thorns. When driving on a hard surface, you can put rubber tips on the poles for convenience.

    Your walk should be comfortable and not accompanied by joint or abdominal pain, shortness of breath and rapid breathing.

    Do not rush to increase the load, do it gradually, as far as possible.

    While walking, do not lower your head down, this will cause increased tension in the shoulders. Your shoulders should be relaxed and free, and your posture should be level.

    During class, try to smile more often and think about good things. Let me remind you that it is better to walk in ecologically clean places, where there is a lot of vegetation and there is no transport. The best option is the hilly paths of parks and squares.

    Also, to feel comfortable while doing Nordic walking, find yourself a companion or go with the whole family (especially on weekends). This will greatly increase your motivation, improve your training efficiency and raise your emotional state.

    Cool Down - This term is used to describe gentle exercises done at the end of a workout to allow the body to gradually transition from arousal to a calm or near-calm state.

    After active Nordic walking, the peripheral veins, especially within the muscles, are dilated to maintain adequate blood supply to the muscles. In doing so, skeletal muscles work like a pump, helping to return blood to the heart and keep it working. Sudden cessation of physical activity can cause most of the blood to remain in the veins of the muscles, forcing the heart to increase its frequency and stress to maintain blood flow to the organs. Cooling down helps prevent this condition. During exercise, the tone of the intramuscular veins will return to normal, and the heart will not experience overload at the end of the workout.

    Cooling down helps to remove lactic acid accumulated by the body during exercise from the muscles. Too much can cause muscle spasms and stiffness.

    A certain number of exercises are performed calmly and smoothly. They pay increased attention to stretching the muscle groups involved in the process of Nordic walking. Ultimately, a hitch helps a person's body recover faster. The hitch can be divided into two stages.

    End of introductory snippet.

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    The given introductory fragment of the book Treatment. Nordic walking sticks. Exercises for health (G. M. Kibardin, 2017) provided by our book partner -

    Nordic walking sticks are a unique form of physiotherapy exercises with a long history of origin. This manipulation effectively affects many muscles and helps to eliminate discomfort in the body. Also, the procedure affects the general condition of the body and significantly improves human health. A detailed description of the main characteristics of the method will help you find out the useful functions of the device and make the product yourself at home.

    Effectiveness of device exposure

    Nordic walking has a positive effect on the general condition of a person, and this technique provides the following beneficial properties:

    1. maintaining general muscle tone in the body;
    2. the involvement of all the body;
    3. spending more calories than normal walking;
    4. reducing pressure on the spine while walking;
    5. improving the work of the cardiovascular system;
    6. correction of posture in case of problems of this nature;
    7. auxiliary action of sticks when climbing a hill;
    8. improving and stabilizing balance and coordination;
    9. effective exercise in sports;
    10. rehabilitation after injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

    The correct use of Nordic walking poles is the key to obtaining positive results and noticeable progress in eliminating any pathology!

    Classification of devices and materials for Nordic walking

    Depending on the use, the following types of Nordic walking poles are distinguished:

    • fixed length fixtures are designed for permanent use. A feature of such sticks is the integrity of the frame and the elimination of vibration during movement. These devices are the most popular and have a low pricing policy available to all categories of the population;
    • Sliding walking aids come in different lengths as they move apart and fold as needed. These devices are effective for long hikes and large families, as they are easy to use and have several basic functions;
    • folding poles have a more complex design and a special mechanism that folds compactly. But at the same time, the device is not considered one of the most reliable. Basically, the device is used because of its ease of use.

    The choice of material for making sticks depends on a number of factors. The following compounds are mainly used:

    • aluminum is a lightweight material with medium strength and good flowing shapes;
    • carbon is the most suitable compound for the manufacture of Scandinavian poles and has good strength, excellent exploitation. The price of the material is in a higher category compared to aluminum;
    • other high strength materials are used as alternatives to base compounds and are also competitive substances.

    The fundamental difference between devices from ski and trekking poles

    The main distinguishing feature of Nordic walking devices from ski or trekking poles is the difference in length. The devices are shorter than with ski poles, since no repulsive movements need to be performed when walking.
    The nibs in Scandinavian poles have a soft rubber or plastic coating. The ski equipment is equipped with metal materials. This is due to the fact that when Nordic walking, you do not need to make sudden movements with your hands and push off with your whole body with the help of sticks.
    Many people ask the question is it possible to use ski poles for Nordic walking? In theory, this practice is not prohibited, but practical experience shows that such use is inconvenient and does not fully fulfill all the necessary therapeutic functions. Overcoming hard surfaces (cement, concrete, rock) causes severe stress on the elbow joints and muscles, which can subsequently lead to the development of injury or discomfort in the hands!

    Trekking poles can be used for Nordic walking, but they also have their own purposes. These products have distinctive handles and specially designed grips, ideal for climbing peaks or descents, and should therefore be used with extreme caution. The preferred method for Nordic walking is the use of special devices designed for this procedure.

    How to choose the right Nordic walking gear

    Methods for selecting poles for Nordic walking have a different direction. Devices should be sized according to the person's height for the most comfortable use. Below is a table of product sizes.

    Human height, cmStick length, cm
    200 125–135
    190 130–135
    185 125–130
    180 120–130
    175 125–130
    170 120–125
    165 115–120
    160 110–120
    155 110–115
    150 100–110
    145 100–105

    In the above table, you can choose the length of the stick based on human height. If, however, more accurate parameters are needed, you can use the following formula Human height * 0, 67 (special coefficient) = the desired length of the stick. When directly choosing a suitable device, you should personally check the compliance of the parameters and make sure that the device is comfortable.
    The choice of a suitable Nordic walking device depends on adherence to the following guidelines:

    1. the presence of a comfortable handle that prevents strong friction and the appearance of calluses;
    2. supporting straps should fit snugly to the hand and facilitate easy movement of the person;
    3. the straps on the device should not exert excessive pressure and impaired blood circulation in the hand;
    4. construction of a stick from durable and lightweight materials;
    5. selection of the appropriate stick using a special calculation formula;
    6. the choice of the corresponding indicator for the formula, which is taken on the basis of the pace of walking (with moderate movement 0.66, average intensity 0.68, sports loads 0.7);
    7. use of telescopic poles;
    8. use of special tips with a rubber, soft coating.

    Compliance with simple rules when choosing a device will help you choose a safe and effective device and provide a therapeutic effect on all muscles in the body! In this case, it is best to get the recommendation of a qualified technician who will advise the right device!
    In order to choose poles for Nordic walking, elderly people should choose devices made of lightweight and durable materials with maximum fixation. These devices will be easy to use and will not bring unnecessary stress and discomfort to the body.
    When choosing accessories for children, special attention should be paid to the safety and durability of the products, since the child's body is in the developmental stage, and the muscles and joints are not very strong and able to withstand disproportionate physical exertion. In this case, you need to use the recommendation of qualified consultants and choose a safe and effective device!

    Such companies as Leki and Gabel are especially popular when purchasing Scandinavian walking poles. The products of these manufacturers meet all quality requirements and necessary standards. At the same time, the pricing policy of the devices has a rather high range, but it is fully justified by the high exploitation of the device.
    As an alternative to well-known manufacturers, you can choose devices from the following companies: Marco, Fizan, SWIX, Nordic, Iluum. Among these representatives, you can also pick up devices that meet all the necessary requirements and requests. In this case, you should make sure of the original of the product, since the purchase of a fake will give negative results and other possible complications after using the device!

    Self-made devices

    In the absence of the possibility of purchasing Nordic walking poles or for some other reason, you can make the device yourself at home. Algorithm for manufacturing the device:

    1. the initial stage in the manufacture of the device is to use ordinary ski pole grips and remove them with hot water or a hair dryer;
    2. after the necessary pens are ready, you can start making a tip from soft rubber or other non-rigid material;
    3. it is advisable to use a stick for the device made of lightweight and durable material. Aluminum fixtures of the required circumference can be used as the main connection.

    After making a Nordic walking stick, you should check the device in operation and make sure it is safe and effective. The product must correspond to the height of the person and not cause any discomfort after long-term use of the device!


    Reviews of Nordic walking poles have a varied response. Many people write about the effectiveness of this method and its positive effect on the general condition of the body. At the same time, the demand for devices depends on the type of product and the desired effect. Experts also recommend this method for maintaining health and solving problems with the musculoskeletal system, neuralgic disorders. Below are the recommendations of doctors and active users of devices.

    Orthopedic surgeon in Moscow

    I am a qualified orthopedic surgeon and have been doing medical practice for over 15 years! During this period, I came across a wide variety of cases! Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are actually very dangerous pathologies that can lead to loss of physical activity and disability. When an injury or other illness occurs, it is important to start the correct treatment and use a range of comprehensive treatment measures to prevent the development of possible complications!
    I consider the use of Nordic walking poles as one of the simple and effective methods. This device has a simple device and at the same time has a good therapeutic effect on the body as a whole and on the site of inflammation. Depending on the course of the pathology, I prescribe exercises in a gradual increase in the load to achieve maximum results. All my patients were satisfied, and many of them constantly use the remedy to strengthen the general condition!

    Lilia Vitalievna, Kirov

    I have progressive arthrosis in my knee, and I regularly attend courses to restore joint mobility. Scandinavian walking is an excellent preventive measure. Here, the main thing is to choose the right sticks for its implementation! They should not be confused with ski equipment, as they are long and inconvenient for such a load.
    Exercises and walking directly with Scandinavian poles should be started gradually, since the muscles are not used to such a large load! In this case, it is important to correctly use the devices in use and get a recommendation from a qualified doctor! I want to say that this method is ideal for developing joint mobility and does not give severe side effects!

    Sergey, Kaluga

    I am a professional climber and I use Nordic walking poles for big and heavy climbs. I made them myself and they completely suit me, because when buying a device they are not so convenient! The product is very suitable for measured walking uphill and does not make you feel very tired when overcoming several kilometers! In addition, the entire muscle group is involved, which improves physical condition!
    I have been using Scandinavian sticks for more than 3 years and have never regretted choosing these devices for myself. The advantage of the products is also an additional therapeutic effect on the body and the absence of any negative manifestations! In general, I advise everyone as an effective tool for maintaining physical health! In the future, I plan to study constantly and use this method!

    Marina, Severodvinsk

    After a spinal injury, I periodically experience pain at the site of injury, and I constantly perform a course of therapeutic exercises. I use Nordic walking poles as an effective accessory. With their help, I take short walks, because such a load is beneficial to my back and reduces pain! The main thing is to use the product correctly and you can achieve good results!

    Anna, Vladimir

    Unfortunately, I have chronic arthritis of the knee and I am constantly doing a series of special exercises to restore joint mobility. The doctor advised Scandinavian sticks as therapeutic physical therapy to restore the site of injury. I want to say that the use of therapeutic walking really helps to eliminate discomfort and improves overall physical condition.

    When using Scandinavian sticks, you should choose the right device, since in direct use the product should be as convenient as possible and not cause unnecessary discomfort. This technique can be used with normal walking and for medicinal purposes. After 2 months of application, I began to feel much better, and my knee stopped hurting so much with every change of weather! I recommend the device as an effective and proven remedy!

    Marina Nikolaevna, Tyumen

    I have a sedentary job and as a result I got osteochondrosis and at one point I just could not get out of bed. After the rehabilitation course, there were minor pain manifestations with sharp turns of the body! The husband is an athlete and advised me to go in for Nordic walking with the use of special poles to improve the general condition and tighten the back muscles.
    The first lessons with sticks were rather difficult, and the load on the body was felt. But after 3 weeks I got into a rhythm and now I do Nordic walking every weekend. After the workout, I feel a surge of energy, and my back has completely stopped hurting! I really liked this technique and the possibility of healing in this way! Now I am constantly exercising and I feel just fine!

    Margarita, Krasnodar

    I also use Nordic walking poles for the prevention of physical health, since I have been involved in sports for many years and the muscles require constant stress. This device correctly distributes the load on all muscle groups and at the same time provides the desired effect! With constant exercise, you can get rid of the development of many diseases and prevent the rapid aging of the body!

    Oksana, Saransk

    Poles for Nordic walking are a unique invention, with the help of which you can easily correct problems with the spine, arthritis or other injuries of various origins. The advantages of the technique are called effective action in a short period of time and a good alternative to drugs containing chemical compounds! When using the device, you should follow all the recommendations described in the instructions and prescriptions of the attending physician!

    You should not start walking right away, you first need to do a little warm-up. Do 8-10 simple exercises in order to prepare the body for stress. When doing warm-ups, you can use one of them as a gymnastic stick.

    Instructions: correct Nordic walking technique with sticks

    The Nordic pole walking technique has a lot in common with skiing, but is characterized by its own nuances.

    Stand in the starting position - stand still, gaze should be directed forward. Straighten your back, the body needs to be slightly (not strongly) tilted forward. Straighten your shoulders, but do not raise them, there should be no strong tension.

    Then take the handles of the canes in your hands. The handle should be held securely with the brush, but without excessive tension. Place the locking strap on your wrist to prevent falling even if you accidentally release the grip from your hands. Next, start moving according to the principle of a diagonal stroke: when the right hand goes forward, the left leg moves forward at the same time, and vice versa.

    Walk a short distance and then concentrate on the sticks. When the hand with the cane goes back, push off with the stick and transfer the mass to it. The created load on the shoulder girdle depends on the repulsive force. When the hand is abducted behind the body, then at the final stage of the movement it should be straightened at the elbow joint.

    Strive to maintain a rhythm of walking and perform movements as synchronously as possible. Do not move your arms forward and backward at an angle greater than 45 ° in relation to the body.

    When the hand is pulled back, then the hand needs to be relaxed. You won't lose your reeds thanks to the locking strap. When the hand is in front of the body, then it becomes the support and the handle of the stick needs to be squeezed more tightly.

    In Nordic walking, care must be taken to ensure that a natural rolling motion is performed. When walking, you must first place your foot on the heel, and then transfer your body weight to the forefoot during the step, strive for the widest step, but also natural and comfortable for you.

    The most common mistakes in Nordic walking technique with sticks

    As in any sport, the practice of Finnish walking has revealed typical mistakes that are often encountered among beginners. In order to ensure the best possible results from your workouts, try to exclude them.

    1. "Pacing" - with this error, the principle of diagonal walking is violated, that is, an arm and a leg from the same side perform a movement at the same moment in time in the same direction;
    2. Do not place your elbows very close to the body;
    3. The body should not be in a straight position - you need to tilt the body forward a little;
    4. A common mistake is when the canes are simply dragged along, instead of leaning on them with your hands. In this case, one of the main advantages of Finnish walking is lost - the inclusion of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the arms and the shoulder girdle in the work;
    5. Also a common mistake is sometimes called "stick-crutches". With this error, both canes are pushed forward at once, and the person leans on them too much;
    6. When walking in Finnish, you should not spread your legs too wide;
    7. When walking, do not place walking sticks too far from your body;
    8. The shoulders should not be raised high, there should not be excessive tension in the shoulders.

    Finish Nordic walking at a slow pace. After walking, you need to complete the final exercises - a hitch. It should include stretching and breathing exercises, which can be supplemented, if necessary, with other exercises - for example, for.

    What is the optimal workout duration?

    The duration of your workouts is determined by the individual and the goals that you strive to achieve. It is believed that to maintain good shape, you should do 2-3 times a week, the duration of the workouts is 30-40 minutes. One way or another, one should not strive to immediately break records and bring oneself to severe fatigue.

    Strive to improve your Nordic pole walking technique, and after a few sessions you will begin to achieve the desired result.

    How to make Scandinavian sticks at home? The answer is very simple - no way... Equipment for the production of Scandinavian sticks (the whole cycle) costs from 15 to 20 million rubles.

    Scandinavian poles are specialized sports equipment produced for athletes. By chance, Scandinavian walking moved into public fitness, but the (original) products are still relatively expensive. What is sold on the Russian market is not Scandinavian sticks in 90% cases. Not to mention the incomprehensible products by 500-1000 rubles.

    Nordic walking is not a panacea - this is a view sports and fitness... Will she help the person who comes to her with health problems? Yes, it will definitely help, even if the person does not study anything and just starts walking. And if you go deeper and start working with a clearly set goal, the result will be many times better.

    If you do not have the opportunity to buy quality inventory. You don't have to buy something cheap and do it yourself. Just take a regular walk and there will already be a result... Add exercise, understand nutrition. Find a workout program for yourself.

    What Scandinavian sticks are made of.

    Each stick consists of:

    • Rod (can be made from carbon, composite, aluminum and aircraft aluminum). Arranged with correct balancing for walking with correct technique. The rod is tapered. When pushing off, poor-quality sticks "jump" from side to side and do not return to the palm, and therefore constantly interfere with your walking pace.
    • Handle: there are ergonomic shapes (as in the photo), there are classic straight ones. There are 3 main materials used: cork, cork composite or bi-material.
    • Lanyard: semi-glove lanyard (its quality is one of the main criteria for a good product). Without a lanyard, you cannot practice Nordic walking.
    • Tips: rubber (or rubber) boots for walking on asphalt and sharp (carbide, vicite or tungsten) for ground and other surfaces. They can be of different rigidity, depending on the goals.

    A half-glove lanyard, can I sew it myself?

    We've seen 1001 ways to make your own lanyards. Pupils came up with different versions of their own ideas. But it always ended in the same way - a person went and bought lanyards for his homemade sticks, and later sticks. Even if you managed to buy a fake, then the most cheap Russian-made lanyards are 300 rubles per pair... This is not the amount due to which it is worth "bothering" with the development of technology and sewing lanyards. It will take several times more money for materials and repeated samples.

    The half-glove lanyard is the key point. It accounts for 80% of the walking load and the better it is, the more comfortable your walking will be. One of the points is that if you practice correctly, then homemade lanyards (or cheap lanyards), which are not stitched with nylon thread and do not have several layers and reinforced straps, simply fly apart after a few weeks of training.

    The lanyards are made of nylon. They have a lock for attaching to the handle, a reinforced strap for adjusting the width of the palm, an anti-slip pad on the handle, a lining for rubbing the palms. If we are talking about European brands, then they are stitched with nylon and reflective thread.

    DIY Scandinavian sticks.

    2019 will mark 81 years since the start of Nordic walking poles production and the development of production technologies. Make a conclusion yourself. Do you have enough experience, knowledge. Do you own production technologies and do you have all the necessary equipment to make Scandinavian sticks, and not just sticks?

    The opinion about the independent production of sticks arises, as a rule, in the same situation. The man saw a cheap fake and thought, why pay money for it is complete nonsense. Sticks like sticks. But the problem is not that these are sticks like sticks. And the fact is that a person has not studied the question of what is Scandinavian walking and what kind of equipment should be for it.

    Hello dear readers! Everything is very individual in this world, especially what concerns you personally. This is health, physical fitness, emotional state. And classes that are suitable for everyone do not seem to exist. After all, everyone has their own "bouquet" of diseases and taboos, wishes, inclinations.

    Meanwhile, there is a technique that suits absolutely everyone. Sick and healthy, young and old, people with illnesses, the consequences of trauma, and so on. Are you intrigued?

    This is Nordic walking for beginners! This method of healing is now attracting millions of people in different countries. In fact, it is a special type of walking with sticks. It looks a little strange, but it is safe, effective and very useful.

    Gradually, it becomes popular with us. No one is shocked by people marching through parks and streets with sticks at any time of the year.

    Who came up with this - you ask. The history of the emergence of this sport is very interesting! Thus, with the help of sticks, even shepherds in antiquity walked. But the foundations of the methodology, in its current form, were developed by Marko Kantaneve.

    He is a Finnish skier and designed everything in the early 90s. I wrote down all the movements step by step, and started advertising my invention. Its original goal was to enable skiers to train in the summer when there is no snow.

    What's the use of that?

    The main benefits of Nordic walking are as follows:

    • It has an excellent effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
    • very useful for the spine, improves posture;
    • normalizes blood pressure indicators;
    • improves coordination of movements;
    • increases muscle tone;
    • activates blood circulation;
    • increases the body's endurance;
    • makes the immune system stronger;
    • removes muscle spasms;
    • accelerates recovery from injuries, operations, heart problems;
    • helps with stress and nervous experiences;
    • calories are spent, which is important for weight loss;
    • suitable for the elderly, young, everyone;
    • and most importantly - it raises your spirits and gives you the joy of life!

    About the additional advantages of such a walk.

    The main thing is to walk correctly, follow the instructions, do a light warm-up before starting classes. And then the consequences of this will be the most pleasant.

    How to walk in a Scandinavian style?

    Here are detailed descriptions of all the movements, in fact - Finnish walking lessons:

    1. Your starting position is with your legs slightly bent at the knees. The right arm is slightly bent at the elbow and stretched out strongly forward. The stick is pulled back at an angle. The left hand is at the level of the pelvis. It is not tense, but it stretches back.
    2. Take a step, taking your hand with the stick back. At the same time, push off, transferring your own weight to the stick in front. Keep your elbows straight. In the hand that is pulled back, the stick should hang from the straps. And the palm is to be in a relaxed state, not clenched.
    3. When taking a step, stand on your heel first. Then roll onto your toes.
    4. Inhale through your nose every two steps, and exhale through your mouth for every fourth step.
    5. Nordic Walking for beginners can start with regular walking, dragging sticks along with you. This will help secure the correct hand position.
    6. Later you start to push off, first from one stick, then - from two at once.

    Some helpful tips regarding correct technique and common beginner mistakes follow the link.

    Rotate your phone 90 degrees and watch a helpful video tutorial on the Nordic walking technique:

    How often should you practice?

    The best instructors in the world recommend that you practice as standard. Walk 2-3 times a week. Optimal sessions for beginners are 30 minutes. People who are more fit can continue to walk for an hour or two. This will give you maximum benefit. The rate at which the load increases depends on many factors. This is the state of health, the presence of diseases, physical fitness, age and others.

    The main condition is to walk in pleasure, and not to bring yourself to exhaustion. Excessive loads will only harm.

    And one more important rule. Remember to do a good warm-up before you start walking! The warm-up may include some of the simplest exercises you’ve known from childhood. These are swinging legs and arms, rotating the neck, bending, squatting, walking in place. Joint gymnastics will also be good in this case. Warm-up warms up the muscles and protects against injury, injury and pain the next day.

    How to find the right sticks?

    Not every beginner is able to choose the right sticks. Meanwhile, it depends on this whether the lessons will be pleasant and useful. The main thing is that ski poles are not suitable here. You need sticks with replaceable tips (sharp for walking on slippery or loose surfaces).

    With ergonomic, non-slip handles and a snug, wide lanyard (loop band).

    The height of the sticks is calculated as follows: your height in centimeters must be multiplied by 0.68. For example, if your height is 170 cm, the height of the stick that suits you ideally will be 170 x 0.68 = 115.6 cm.

    However, there are universal poles that can be adjusted to suit your height. And you can order such solid Scandinavian sticks from the link.

    Here is a short description:

    • 3-section adjustable telescopic pole. Height adjustment for any height.
    • Cork handle, very comfortable to hold and sweat proof.
    • Anti-shock spring mechanism reduces stress on hands and wrists.
    • Durable and adjustable wrist straps provide a safer, more secure grip
    • Manganese steel tip with removable rubber tip.

    Based on my own experience of finding suitable poles in sports stores, I will say that it is not easy for a beginner to do this. As a result, you can only spend money, but not get the desired product. In addition, usually, in online stores, goods of the same quality will cost less.

    Here are selected suitable Scandinavian sticks in two price categories, which you will be happy with. Scandinavian sticks (made of aluminum alloy) and ultralight sticks (made of carbon fiber) with a luxurious lanyard, but more expensive.

    Unjustified savings

    By the way, one of my acquaintances, a beginner "walker in the Scandinavian style," made such a mistake! She read about the benefits of such classes, watched videos, master classes of trainers, studied the instructions. Then I decided to start immediately.

    She did not want to order sticks for herself on purpose, wait for delivery, spend extra money. Her son's ski poles were gathering dust on the balcony, so she decided to take them for herself! In the end, nothing good came of it. The woman's back ached after class, her legs tensed.

    Later, she joined the training group, and the coach clarified her mistake. She ordered new sticks for herself, adjusted their height correctly. And now he gets both pleasure and benefit from Scandinavian walking!

    Finnish walking master class

    I suggest watching a video of a Nordic walking master class:

    That's all we wanted to tell you about Nordic walking for beginners. Do not be lazy, master this new technique for yourself. Independently or with the help of a qualified trainer. This is the path to your personal freedom, health, well-being and energy. And it doesn't matter how old you are! I also recommend a helpful article on my personal experience of Nordic walking here.

    Until next time! Don't forget to subscribe to this blog! We still have a lot of valuable, useful materials ahead of us, about Nordic walking and more. Share materials with your friends on social networks, they will certainly be interested in it too.