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  • Pharmaceutical preparations to increase the effectiveness of training. How to increase motivation and force yourself to exercise

    Pharmaceutical preparations to increase the effectiveness of training.  How to increase motivation and force yourself to exercise

    Greetings to all readers. This article is about the issue how to force yourself to exercise. A feature of this material is that sport will be considered as a tool for self-development, and not just as a means of strengthening the body. So, this is not an ordinary article on this topic. My idea is that everything should be taken from sports, because this is a unique school of self-development, instead of being limited to a purely physical component, I will explain this situation further.

    In view of this, the advice given in this article will be somewhat more difficult to follow than recommendations from materials of similar content from other sites. But, on the other hand, they will give a much more significant result, because here we will talk about how, with the help of sports, in addition to a healthy body, to achieve a strong-willed character, developed independence and self-discipline. Probably all kinds of motivational, stimulating programs and advice in the spirit of “hang a photo of Schwarzenegger on the wall” or “Work out with a coach who will motivate you” will help you quickly and easily immerse yourself in the rhythm of sports without much resistance from your side.

    But they will not give you the most important thing: the ability to overcome your character on your own, in the absence of external incentives. And this is a key human skill. Therefore, in accordance with the established tradition, I will advise those who do not want to work on themselves and are looking for the easiest, and not reliable ways to achieve their goals, turn to other sources, and not read my articles. Everything is not too simple for me, but, for sure.

    Why do you need to play sports?

    So, why do you need to play sports why is it a source of development of important human qualities? Let's try to find out. “A healthy mind in a healthy body,” we often hear. But, despite the fact that this proverb is on everyone's lips, rarely does anyone try to understand its meaning or, nevertheless, having penetrated, this meaning is not realized. What does "healthy mind" really mean? A healthy body is understandable, but with a spirit, not so much.

    The peculiarity of the early education of human thinking lies in the fact that the child begins to divide the world around him and himself into imaginary opposites: brain-body, material-spiritual, evil-good.

    This is called dualism. This type of thinking greatly simplifies everything, since the subject begins to see many opposites in the world, instead of observing the unity of diversity, the interconnection of everything with everything. The consequence of this is a false conviction that the spirit (brain, consciousness, thinking, I) is autonomous, separated from the body, and a healthy spirit can be enclosed in a sick physical shell.

    This is wrong. More precisely, not quite. The imperfection of the body does not necessarily entail the imperfection of the intellect, an example of this is Stephen Hawking (brilliant scientist, astrophysicist, wheelchair-bound, paralyzed for life). I would say that there cannot be a healthy spirit in a neglected body, due to the negligence and irresponsibility of its owner. I think the great astrophysicist is doing everything possible not to aggravate his illness, but if you have been voluntarily destroying your body for many years, then there cannot be a healthy spirit in you.

    A healthy mind in a healthy body

    You can try to figure it out. The fact is that a person is not some kind of autonomous spirit, independent of the body, enclosed in a physical shell. Not only does our consciousness depend on the state of our body, but it is, first of all, an extension of this body. A person is a single organism in which everything is interconnected, and not an arena of confrontation between the soul and the body.

    Our physical health strongly determines our intellectual and emotional life. High or low blood pressure affects our ability to think, our emotions; when our nervous system is excited, this negatively affects our decisions, we can break loose, say something to someone, which we later regret; vascular problems make us depressed and gloomy. There are many more examples of how the physical state determines our "spiritual" world, but this is not the only thing.

    Why are athletic people more attractive?

    The most important thing is that a person who takes care of his health and leads an active and healthy lifestyle demonstrates strong character traits. Have you ever wondered why fit and strong people are more attractive to the opposite sex, all other things being equal, than fat and loose? Firstly, this is because, starting from the cell level, we have the function of maintaining and developing the life of our entire species. Therefore, biologically, each person strives to leave offspring after himself, and this offspring must be healthy in order to withstand the conditions of selection and leave behind also healthy offspring, our grandchildren, in turn, and not to sleep somewhere in the alley.

    Therefore, physically healthy and strong people of the opposite sex with a toned body attract us more than fat and flabby ones, since we subconsciously consider them as potential partners, carriers of our offspring, which will be healthier, the healthier its parent is.

    Secondly, our appearance, our health bears the imprint of our personality. An athletic body tells us that its wearer does not neglect his health, has a strong will, strong self-discipline, is not a hostage to his weaknesses, and has the strength to resist numerous temptations. A healthy body says a lot more positive things about a person's character than we used to think about it. And such qualities as weak will, dependence on base pleasures, various vices and laziness leave prints on our body: we swim in fat, lose shape, our face swells, and our voice becomes rough. As a result, we become less attractive, also due to the fact that we demonstrate what we are inside, how lazy and weak we are.

    The imperfection of our spirit gives rise to the imperfection of the body

    Unhealthy, excessively fat people, most often such because they do not know the measure in food and / or move little, cannot resist temptation, allow themselves such weaknesses that other individuals hold back. Yes, of course, someone can suffer from all sorts of metabolic diseases, but I'm talking about general rules, not exceptions. This is the case in which the external, physical imperfection reflects the internal, spiritual. (But if a person who has been fat since childhood manages to get in shape, he deserves much more admiration than someone who was originally thin.)

    The same applies to individuals who are used to spending their leisure time drinking, smoking and eating in bars and restaurants, in the company of painted girls. Does such a pastime speak of the spiritual wealth of this person? It is clear that he is ruining his health, but such a lifestyle testifies in favor of spiritual narrowness: all he is interested in is sex, food and drink. Basically, this person lives on the genitals and stomach.

    Can a healthy spirit be contained in it? Of course not. Here's what else this saying is about: not only that our state of mind is determined by the physical, but, on the contrary, the state of our spirit is reflected in the body. (In the famous novel by O. Wilde - "The Picture of Dorian Gray" - the "spiritual" vices of the protagonist begin to appear in his portrait, in facial features, in posture and figure. And this fantasy is not like that, I mean not what is happening with portrait, but the fact that vices can be reflected in appearance its carrier.)
    You can even supplement this proverb a little, and it will sound like this: "A healthy mind in a healthy body, and a healthy mind has a healthy body."

    I bring to the fact that sport brings up not only a strong body, but also a strong spirit. An athletic body can speak eloquently about your personal qualities, but sport also cultivates these same skills.

    Sport is hardening for our character and willpower

    Sport, physical activity is a constant overcoming of ourselves, laziness, inaction and vices. In this process, your will and character are tempered. These are very useful personal qualities that affect many areas of life, and not just your health. Sport teaches to neglect momentary desires (sleep longer, eat, suffer nonsense), for the sake of achieving long-term goals(become healthier, stronger, more attractive, etc.).

    Do you really think that non-lazy people simply do not have bouts of laziness and everything is easy for them? Laziness appears in everyone, but someone learned to step over it, but someone did not.If you get used to indulging the body in everything, its momentary desires, then this weakens you: it becomes more difficult for you to set global tasks for yourself and fulfill them, since you are only interested in momentary comfort, “here and now”. You become a hostage of your body and present moment, your everyday desires that prevent you from realizing your potential, turning your life into something worthwhile, embodying all your dreams and goals in it. Any desire of the flesh (to smoke, eat, drink) becomes an order for you that requires immediate execution without the right to discuss!

    And the sports school is a great training ground for controlling your desires, because you need to do contrary to what you want in this moment. A person who plays sports, like anyone else, can still feel laziness and a desire for inactivity. But he learned to manage it: the desires of his body ceased to be an order for him, they became proposals that this person has the strength to reject. The body says: “Maybe there is nothing to do? You are comfortable here too! ”, But in response he hears:“ Not now, now I need to work, train, go on business, study (underline as necessary).

    That is why it is easier for those who go in for sports to achieve their goals. These people have more power over their bodies than everyone else, they do not fully depend on the state of short-term comfort. It is even easier for them to part with bad habits, not only because they are sometimes incompatible with their studies, but also because these individuals have learned to tolerate signals of unmet needs.

    In general, sport, among other things, is an excellent training of willpower, character, endurance, patience and the ability to achieve a useful result. In addition, a healthy body can say a lot of positive things about your inner world.

    So what does sport give?

    • Developed willpower, strong character (it is easier to achieve goals and deal with difficulties, endure hardship and pain).
    • Good health, getting rid of many diseases (including mental ones, such as depression) and preventing these ailments.
    • Strengthening your energy potential: energy and a surge of strength.
    • Relieve stress and increase stress resistance.
    • Improved mood and general tone.
    • A healthy body that emphasizes the beauty of the spirit.
    • Increase in life expectancy.

    That's actually so many bonuses awaiting us, sport is not only muscles.

    Now let's move on to the main part of this article. I will try to answer the question of how to force yourself to go in for sports.

    What if you can't force yourself to exercise?

    Let's say you understand all the benefits of exercising, you want to look your best and get in shape, but you just can't get started. You feel that you lack motivation, classes are boring for you, you find it difficult to get up early, etc. and so on. Let's try to analyze each of these questions in order.

    Lacking motivation?

    Forget about motivation, or rather about what they used to understand by this! In my article, I explained in great detail why one should not, with manic persistence, seek incentives for useful activities, in particular, for sports. Here I will describe this issue briefly. In an article on motivation, I urged people not to be guided by popular advice like “if you can’t play sports, then find an incentive for yourself, for example, buy a subscription to the gym right away for a year, hire a coach, go with friends, etc.” These tips are harmful.

    Because when you can't do something without an incentive, you start depend on him. After all, an incentive is a transient phenomenon, moreover, it is subject to inflation and depreciation. If you decide to visit the gym with friends, counting on the fact that each of you will be “embarrassed” in front of others if he misses a class, then do not forget that friends can also somehow decide to “score” and then you will lose your incentive, on which your "motivation" rests entirely. You begin to depend on external circumstances, on the mood of your friends.

    Incentive inflation, in this example, is that, over time, a possible sense of shame in front of your comrades will be more and more drowned out by your laziness, and, then, it will not be so important for you what others (friends, coach) think of you. Any stimulus tends to lose its power as time passes.

    Understand that you go in for sports not to prove something to someone, but then to have good health, live longer, etc. and so on. You are doing it for yourself, and that is what should motivate you, and not some metaphysical carrot or stick.

    This does not mean that you should shy away from any incentives, because one way or another, they will appear, and there is nothing wrong with that. You just need to stop trying, by all means, to find this incentive and drop everything as soon as it disappears.

    Stimulus dependence is a sign of lack of will and lack of self-organization, and when you look for stimuli, you are only pandering to these qualities. Sport is a school of self-discipline, because it teaches you to step over your “I don’t want to”. And if you are trying at all costs to find an incentive, then you can consider that you simply skipped these valuable lessons.

    Takovo summary articles on motivation, but I recommend reading it in full after you read this one.

    Are you bored of exercising?

    Boredom, as well as lack of motivation, should not be an obstacle to your activities. I will not advise you to take a player with you to training or come up with some kind of entertainment program. Since sport is a great reason to unload your head and be alone with yourself! If you work all day, then your brain is constantly processing tons of information, busy with something. Give him a break, no need to continue to bombard him with an avalanche of data during classes. Relax and get busy.

    And what to do with boredom? Boredom is a painful need for a brain accustomed to constant stimulation to new information. There is nothing good in this state and you do not need to follow its lead. I wrote about this in an article. When you start exercising after a busy day, the amount of data you receive is drastically reduced. This is especially true for monotonous exercises in the gym and running. Therefore, the brain begins to experience information "breaking" and demand a new "dose".

    The danger of this is that when you are constantly overwhelmed with information, your brain gets tired and worn out quickly. So take a break during your workout. Calm monotonous exercises are not only good for the body, but also give a rest to the head.

    And boredom must be tolerated. Do not be afraid, then you will get used to it, think about something during classes. Learn to be alone with yourself, this is a very useful skill. (I also wrote about this in an article about boredom)

    Don't like sports?

    Well, firstly, if possible, find a sport that you like. And if this is not possible, then what else is left? Who said you have to enjoy sports at all? For example, I have no idea how much running can be fun, but in winter I force myself to run, because on a bike, riding which is much more fun than running, there is not much opportunity to ride at this time of the year, and skiing is possible only on weekends. Do not get hung up on your addictions, “like”, “dislike”, why should a person suddenly enjoy everything he does?

    Yes, the very process of running down the street gives me little joy, but after it I feel much better and more alert, my mood improves and it's worth the half-hour "torment", not to mention the long-term results.

    All this may sound a little harsh, a little Spartan, but well, it will not be superfluous to repeat here that sport develops our ability to step over ourselves, including “I don’t want” and “I don’t like it.” Let's not neglect this and try to take everything from classes, including what concerns personal development, and not just muscle training.

    Not enough time?

    And it is not necessarily a lot required for sports. A 20-minute jog will not take much time, and if you do it regularly, your tone and well-being will rise significantly. I believe that for the sake of your own health, for your own sake, you can sacrifice some other things. Don't worry about missing out on something else because every workout you do is designed to strengthen your body, improve your well-being, and increase your lifespan. It seems to me that against the background of this global goal, many daily activities are not so important.

    If you constantly stay late at work, come late and have many other things to do, then think about changing jobs or not allowing yourself to be exploited. Recycling is very unhealthy and no matter how important your work goals may seem to you, remember that nothing is more important than your health. Well, if the bosses demand delays, then know that you have the legal right to a reasonable working day, no matter who tries to inspire you about the importance of the tasks set and the need to complete them on time.

    When you play sports, yoga or, you spend time on yourself, on your health. Don't forget this, because taking care of yourself is much more important than anything else.

    “Before I do sports, I need to quit smoking”

    I often hear this from my lazy friends. They themselves do not suspect how they drive themselves into a vicious circle. They can't quit smoking because they don't have willpower, and they don't have willpower because they're not used to forcing themselves to do something they don't want to do (particularly exercise). Therefore, if they do not start at least with the smallest, with a banal morning exercise, then it will be difficult for them to quit smoking and they will never go in for sports.

    Sport disciplines and develops willpower. And it is not necessary to have clean lungs to do the simplest exercises: exercises at home or on horizontal bars, for example. So don't wait until you give up all your bad habits, it won't happen by itself, if you can't do it now, why should it happen later if you don't have any changes? Therefore, do not delay, go in for sports, and get rid of all your weaknesses later, when you, thanks to training, develop a will. Start small (read the next paragraph).

    Now let's move on to practical recommendations.

    Start Small

    This is the motto of my self-development plan. I wrote above that many people think that they cannot train because of a lack of self-discipline. Therefore, your first task will be the formation of some kind of strong-willed, personal springboard for future classes. There is no need to strive for what your will is not yet able to: go to the gym four times a week, run every day. Start small, with what your character can handle.

    Even if you really want to lose weight or gain muscle mass, but feel that you lack willpower, be patient. If you start exercising abruptly, you will quickly get tired of it and you will lose all desire and eventually score. Will, as well as a muscle, (because I call the will - the muscle of our mind) needs to be developed gradually. without overloading it at first.

    Therefore, start small. For example, five times a week, do 10 push-ups and 20 sit-ups every morning (you decide for yourself how much it will be, the main thing is not to be heavy). Yes, from the point of view of the development of the constitution, this is ineffective: in a month you will not have any relief, you are unlikely to lose much weight. But, on the other hand, you will slowly accustom yourself to the system, to the regularity of classes, mobilize and focus your will for further exercises. And you will achieve your sports goals later, when you are ready. It is easier to start doing something at home than to go somewhere. But only this must pass strictly and without fail! Once you've made a promise to yourself, train the habit of keeping it! This is the main goal of your training.

    This advice is suitable for those who feel that it is difficult for them to force themselves to start physical activity. If you are sure that you have enough willpower for something more serious, then you can not start so smoothly, but, anyway, do not overwork.

    Make a training program and stick to it

    The program is designed to organize the frequency and content of your classes. The program is not necessarily some piece of paper, the plan can be in your head. It should reflect the goal that you are pursuing in each session (“do so many approaches, so much time to do”) and contain information about how often you will be exercising and at what time. If this information does not fit in your head, then write it down. When visiting the gym, a program compiled by a professional (not necessarily made for you personally, you can take a ready-made one on the Internet), in my opinion, is mandatory. Since unsystematic classes in the hall are of little use.

    You must strictly follow this program and if you have any reason to miss a class, make it a rule to make up the gap. Missed in the evening - transfer to the next morning or every other day. This approach is good because it deprives you of the tempting opportunity to find any reasons not to train. After all, it makes no sense to come up with reasons: you still have to study on another day.

    The program will also serve as an additional incentive for your classes: you will want to do everything to the end and, at the end of the lesson, triumphantly check the box on a piece of paper or in your mind. Although I advise against chasing incentives, this does not mean at all that you cannot have them. You just don't have to depend on them.

    Many underestimate the value of any programs, consistency. I see a lot of benefit in this, which is why I compiled it, which you can read later.

    Pay attention to how you feel after class

    Despite the fact that we often have to overcome the resistance of our body in order to engage in some kind of sports activity, the survival of man as a species has always depended on movement. Therefore, wise Nature has provided encouragement for those who go in for sports. Did the exercise - get a candy. This candy is not simple, but neurochemical. After physical exertion, mood rises, this is due to the biochemistry of the brain, this is such a kind of reward for efforts.

    Of course, this should not be the only purpose of your classes, but it will be a nice addition. In addition, sports, especially outdoors, relieve nervous fatigue, energize, and relieve stress. Have you ever wondered why many athletes cannot live without their training? Because they are used to the effect of their activities, to how good they feel after them. Just like a drug addict gets used to the effect of the drug. But in the case of an athlete, there is nothing bad in the aspect of “addiction”, because sports are only beneficial, and the habit of loading oneself with activity is a good habit.

    So notice how morning work-out invigorates you naturally even before you drink the first cup. Pay attention to how an evening run clears your head from the veil of fatigue, you feel cheerful and rested, because your body has received what it really needs.

    Don't expect instant results

    Alas, nothing can be achieved immediately. You should tune in to the fact that at first you will not notice any special changes. This is a test for your will: reality is in no hurry to indulge you with incentives, a sharp increase in muscles or an increase in endurance. Therefore, you must train without seeing any results. And if everything was easy and the body became much stronger and stronger after a single workout, then sports would not develop willpower so well, and a developed body would not at all indicate a strong character. That is, the fact that everything is not so simple is actually good, not bad. Take advantage of this and let sport serve as an excellent, effective tool for self-development.

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    Those who exercise regularly know that each type of training has a different effect on all muscle groups. But few people know that sports exercises directly affect our brain, activating its various centers and helping to better cope with the tasks.

    We are in website decided to find out how various kinds sports, you can effectively pump your mental abilities and become not only stronger, but also much more successful. We are sure that now no one will speak disparagingly about the mental abilities of athletes!

    1. Tennis

    Did you know that tennis is called "chess in motion"? In addition to endurance, tennis players have excellent skills in predicting the actions of an opponent, and they are also able to understand and evaluate the trajectory of the ball in a split second.

    2. Team sports

    3. Long distance running and golf

    It seems that there is nothing in common between these two sports, but this is only at first glance. Both stayer running and "pensioner" golf contribute to the active development of strategic thinking. Otherwise, how else to endure a path of several tens of kilometers or get into exactly the “same” hole?

    By the way, Bill Gates is an avid golfer.

    4. Yoga

    The main benefit of yoga, beloved by many, is the harmonization of thoughts and emotions, the ability to focus on the main thing and discard the superfluous, which turns out to be an extremely useful skill in our troubled world. And peace of mind, of course, is the key to success in any business.

    5. Climbing

    All exercises where you need to move and think at the same time are excellently trained, which allows you to quickly use the information received.

    6. Swimming, cycling and other cardio workouts

    Strength training is considered the prerogative of men, but this is a serious misconception.

    Any strength training stimulates the work of the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for complex thinking, the ability to multitask, the ability to find the right arguments and defend your position.

    That is why deadlifts and other power loads should already be included in their workouts for almost everyone.

    Now I have grown up, I live in Europe, and I am surrounded by people for whom sport is an obligatory part of life. Today is cardio, tomorrow is an hour-long workout at the gym, for which they pay as much as they pay for groceries in the supermarket for a week. On other days - sports classes and group activities.

    You probably know many people who do the same. The only possible reaction to this is: “Well done!”, “Keep it up!”, “I would like your willpower!” However, most people who train quite intensively have not lost weight since they started doing it.

    During periods when I start to train intensively, I do not lose weight either. There are a huge number of overweight physically active people in nature, and this is the hardest part for them: they hear all the time that if they don’t lose weight as a result of free weights, then they don’t do it enough. Or wrong. Or not enough and wrong.

    Let's turn to statistics. Her testimony is paradoxical. We are becoming more physically active every year: in the 80s, only 47% of the population regularly went in for sports, now these figures have increased to 57%. At the same time, obesity rates have also increased. What's the matter here? Could physical activity, so popularized and beneficial in the fight against certain diseases, prevent weight loss?

    According to Eric Ravussin, director of the diabetes and metabolism laboratory at Louisiana State University, "sports in the weight loss business is completely useless." The reason is that by burning calories, exercise stimulates hunger. When we exercise, we eat more. Thus, sports can not only not help, but also prevent us from losing weight.

    The result of training is not only an increase in the feeling of hunger, but also a feeling of “permissibility” of the forbidden

    In 2009, a remarkable study was conducted by Tim Church, a colleague of Eric Ravoussin at Louisiana State University. A group of 464 women who had significant excess weight were divided into four subgroups. Three subgroups were assigned a personal trainer who worked out with them, respectively, 72 minutes, 136 minutes and 194 minutes per week for six months. In the fourth group, women continued to lead their normal lives. The nutrition of all four groups did not change.

    As a result, all women from all subgroups lost some amount of weight. Those who worked out at the gym several times a week under the guidance of an experienced trainer lost no more weight than women in the control group. Some women from each group gained weight.

    Tim Church described this as a compensation effect: the result of training is not only an increase in hunger, but also a feeling of “permissibility” of the forbidden, the opportunity now, having worked in the gym, to enjoy your favorite food in full. Simultaneously with the increase in the duration of training in the gym, the usual physical activity- you walk less, move less around the house, because you have already worked out “your own”.

    I know what can be said to this: “We didn’t lose weight, because there’s nothing to eat everything in a row!”, “If we didn’t lose weight, it means we didn’t train enough!” But my experience shows that there is no greater threat to health than an attempt to limit oneself in food, this leads to both physical and mental health disorders, primarily the development of eating disorders, for example, bouts of overeating, which dieters have so love to blame everyone else.

    But now it's not about that. If you need to exercise enough to lose weight, then the question arises: “How much is enough?” We see that people leading a so-called "healthy lifestyle" go to the gym 3-4 times a week or more. On the days when they are not working with a trainer, they run, attend group classes.

    The motto of bodyrockers - popular among people who are passionate about interval strength fitness - is not a day without a workout. "Breaks" in training are only possible if you do cardio that day - run, ride a bike.

    A few years ago, psychologists started talking about the formation of a new mental disorder - overtraining syndrome. It was originally found in young anorexic and bulimic women who felt the need to compensate for any calorie intake through movement. This syndrome is described in terms of other disorders of the compulsive spectrum - for example, compulsive handwashing, compulsive counting of objects.

    The problem is that a person who washes their hands 25 times a day is clearly identified by us as having psychological problems, a person who exercises compulsively receives huge public approval and support.

    “I would like your willpower,” comments on Facebook photos in the gym: wet sportswear, tousled hair, a contented and proud face. “Yes, nothing complicated, you just need to want,” the “hero of the day” condescendingly replies. Or, even more so, with hidden pride, he tells how he almost lost consciousness in the hall and how a “colleague” urgently shoved caramel into his mouth.

    All of this is a symptom of overtraining syndrome, a disorder that, like other obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders, is largely genetically predetermined.

    It seems that we started training to improve our health, but we get sick more and more often

    The biological theory of the development of anorexia says that anorexics appeared in ancient cave times and their appearance was evolutionarily determined: they adapted to many days of hunger, were able to maintain and even increase physical activity in conditions of exhaustion in order to lead a weakened tribe in search of food. People with compulsive training syndrome are just descendants of the ancient saviors of the tribe.

    I was once told in an online discussion that “it’s better to be compulsively involved in sports than drinking or using drugs.” Is it better? Research shows that overtraining is detrimental to health, especially when you're underweight. Bone density decreases, overworked muscles cannot absorb the shock of exertion, and the bone becomes covered with small cracks, becoming vulnerable to injury. The heart muscle is depleted - arrhythmias, tachycardias, and pulse disorders develop. Reduced immunity.

    It seems that we started to train to improve our health, but we get sick more and more often. Increased production of cortisol and adrenaline hormones - stress hormones. The body of a person who is overloaded feels the same as the body of a man or woman at the stage of a difficult divorce process with scandals and tears.

    Reduced production of estrogen and testosterone - female and male sex hormones. Women become less feminine, and men less masculine - and the point here is not in the amount of muscle mass, but in the hormonal profile. A large number of intensively exercising women of childbearing age develop amenorrhea. The body goes into standby mode - protecting itself from the danger of becoming pregnant, because the body is afraid to simply not cope with the bearing of a child.

    How much is too much, too much? Redundancy criteria have not yet been fully developed, researchers are looking for precise definitions, but something is already clear. If you train for an hour or more a day, if you have less than two days of rest per week, if you train 4-5 times a week for three months or more, there is a high probability that you are training in a regime that damages your health.

    If the need to interrupt or skip a workout causes you anxiety and spoils your mood, if you train without fully recovering from an illness and despite injuries, you are in danger. I know, now many readers will grab their heads - does that mean I am a victim of excessive training? Do not hurry.

    Sports can be a great way to take your mind off problems - and if you remember how every day you ran for an hour and a half in the park after breaking up with your boyfriend, then you don’t have any overtraining syndrome, you just experienced a breakup.

    Once upon a time, cultural standards of beauty demanded from us exclusively thinness, now the requirements have increased - thinness should be “muscular”, and the only justification for existence is high physical activity of a given format - yoga does not count, running is for freaks, you need to do it in the gym, with a trainer, to sweat...

    Violence against the body is not just part of the modern cultural code, it is also a kind of modern magic, rituals that, it seems to us, provide us with salvation from old age, illness and death. However, in fact, excessive immersion in these rituals, accompanied by mass approval and support for a "healthy lifestyle", can lead to a frightening result much faster.

    What to do if you suspect you have overtraining syndrome? Psychotherapists do not yet give an answer to this question - the problem is too new, young. So far, there is only one recommendation: abstinence from sports for a long time has a beneficial effect on the psyche.

    Natalya Govorova

    Reading time: 3 minutes

    A A

    "WITH tomorrow I’m starting to run! ”, We resolutely say to ourselves and, opening our eyes in the morning, we smirk and turn over to the other side - to inspect dreams. Forcing yourself to get up and go to training is almost impossible. Either laziness, then you want to sleep, then there is no time, then you just ate, but you can’t have a full stomach, etc. In three words, without motivation - nowhere!

    What will help overcome your laziness, and what are the most effective motivations for sports?

    • We define goals. Every business needs a goal. In this case, there may be several goals: a beautiful figure, health, vitality, weight loss, muscle mass etc.
    • Fight depression and stress. The phrase about a healthy body and a healthy mind can be changed in any direction, and the meaning will not change. Because it is important, in general, both the state of the soul and the health of the body. But if you are haunted by stress and depression, and you dream of regaining your love of life and optimism, then start with training. An excellent physical shape and a healthy body is the tone that determines your success, your attitude to situations, your love of life.
    • An athletic strong-willed person is more attractive to the opposite sex. No one will be inspired by a loose, blurry creature with a dull look and pessimism in every word. A fit, strong person is initially considered by the opposite sex as a potential partner with whom you can connect your life and continue your family line.
    • Sport trains willpower. Physical activity is the need to constantly overcome oneself, fight vices, and perform daily feats. In the process of training, character is tempered and a strong immunity to laziness is developed. Already after 2-3 months of daily activities, laziness is perceived by the body with hostility. Waking up, I want to immediately get up, I feel sorry for the time on TV, I want to replace the chips with something useful. That is, a person begins to control his desires himself, and not they control him.
    • Sports are incompatible with bad habits. Once you start exercising, you will no longer be able to habitually smoke under a cup of coffee - you will have to stop smoking. Moreover, it is not necessary to quit smoking first, and then start training (this is almost impossible with weak willpower). It’s easier to start training, and only then you will come to the realization that sports bring more pleasure and vigor than smoking.
    • A good motivation is awareness of your friends that you are starting to play sports and plan to achieve certain results. Suffice it to say - "I promise to lose 10 kg in 2 months." And you will have to work daily so as not to be empty-handed and not ruin your reputation.
    • Set yourself small goals- no need to immediately rush to the big ones (press cubes, elastic buttocks, waist 60 cm, minus 30 kg, etc.). Small goals are easier to achieve. Dropped 3 kg? Set the next goal - another minus 5 kg. Dropped? Aim for a narrow waist. Etc.
    • Find yourself a good training company. If you feel awkward or bored doing it alone, invite a girlfriend (friend) - it will be more fun together, and it’s interesting to compete in the results.
    • Buy yourself an expensive beautiful tracksuit. Not just an old T-shirt and leggings, but for men to turn their necks when you run past them. And, of course,
    • Find a coach for you. You are unlikely to pay for his services all the time, but this period of time will be enough for you to get used to training.
    • If you really, really can’t force yourself to go for a run or start training,. Swimming in itself is pleasant, and it trains muscles, and you can defile in a swimsuit.
    • Take a photo before training starts. After a month, take another photo and compare the results. The changes that you will see in the photo will inspire you to further exploits.
    • Buy your jeans 1-2 sizes down. As soon as you can fasten them on yourself without serious efforts and pulling in your stomach, you can buy the next ones (an even smaller size).
    • Try to choose a motivation that is not subject to "inflation". For example, training with friends is good. But as soon as your friends get bored with classes, you will lose your incentive. Therefore, learn not to depend on external circumstances and train for your health, increase life expectancy, etc.
    • Music certainly increases the desire to move. But training is one of the reasons to unload the brain from tons of unnecessary information. Therefore, if you can't resist the temptation to shove headphones into your ears, then at least put on neutral music that allows you to disconnect from thoughts and focus on the exercises.
    • Any business only gives results when done with pleasure. If you, having clenched your teeth, go out for training in the morning and already at the exit from the entrance you dream of returning home, then such training will not bring any benefit. Look for the kind of sport that will bring you joy - so that you wait for classes with anticipation, and not go like hard labor. For someone, boxing will be a pleasure, for someone jumping on a trampoline, for a third - ping-pong, etc. If only you feel good and your muscles work.
    • Little time? It just seems that sport takes up a lot of your useful time, which can be used for more important things - social networking, meeting friends at McDonald's, etc. In fact, even 20 minutes of training a day will give results - improve well-being, strengthen body, increase your demands on yourself and your overall mood.
    • Start your journey to sports small! Do not immediately rush into multi-kilometer races and swims, do not set yourself difficult tasks. Start, for example, with 20 squats. But every day! After a month, add 20 push-ups to them. Etc.
    • Morning exercise in the fresh air invigorates better than a cup of strong coffee. And an evening jog relieves fatigue and heaviness after work. Just 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes before dinner - and you are a completely different person. Cheerful, positive, doing everything and splashing with love of life. These people are always attractive.
    • Don't try to be like anyone. Someone else's model of training, life, behavior may simply not suit you. Find your workout program. Those exercises that will bring you joy and benefit. Even if it's a "bicycle" and push-ups from the bed within the bedroom.
    • Can't stand being looked at strangers? You are nauseated by the smell of sweat in gym? Train at home. And save money, and training will be more effective.
    • You have been exercising for two weeks, and the arrow on the scales is still on the same number? Throw away the scales and keep enjoying the activity.

    If you want to be smart, go in for sports. Read:

    • how sport and intelligence are interconnected, how sport affects the brain;
    • Where do you get the motivation to go in for sports?

    The desire to play sports comes along with the realization of the word "why".

    I know of three good science-backed reasons why exercise I started regularly

    1. healthy, young brain cells;
    2. correct balance of neurotransmitters;
    3. good blood supply.

    Now let's take a closer look:

    • How does sport affect the brain?
    • the relationship of physical activity and intellectual abilities;
    • how to catch a wave of enthusiasm and stay passionate about sports;
    • Where do you get the motivation to go in for sports?

    and evidence-based research on sports and intelligence.

    How does sport affect the brain?

    Let's turn to research.

    People who play sports have better cognitive scores than people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

    The ability to analyze information, solve problems, make quick decisions, easily focus on what is important - all this has a close relationship with sports.

    How to improve all these abilities? And how exercise helps balance the shakeneurotransmittersin the brain?

    Neurotransmitters are chemicals through which brain cells, neurons, interact with each other.

    And it's the right amount of the right neurotransmitters in the right areas of the brain, as well as physiological things like sleep, weight, nutrition.

    Neurotransmitters and Mental Health

    Neurotransmitters have the following effects on mental health:

    • affect mood and thought process;
    • control the ability to concentrate and remember;
    • control the appetite center in the brain;
    • regulate sleep.

    Ready for training!

    First. It is physical activity that helps to optimally balance neurotransmitters at the right level. She enhances them naturally.

    By motivating the body to move, you force the brain to perceive life in its entirety ~ John Ratey "Light yourself up!"

    From this point of view, sport has a tremendous effect on the whole body and on all areas of our lives, including not only our cognitive abilities, but also sleep and intelligence.

    Physical activity affects our perception of life, how sad, tired, full of energy or optimism we are.

    This is one of the good reasons that answers the question: " How to force yourself to exercise every day?

    The three most important neurotransmitters: serotonin dopamine, norepinephrine

    Serotonin(happiness hormone) is responsible for self-control. It helps to control emotions, anger, impulsiveness, emotionality. If it is not enough, depression occurs.

    Dopamine (dopamine) is a desire hormone that helps us learn, is responsible for motivation, for pleasure.

    Norepinephrine (norepinephrine) responsible for attention, self-esteem growth, "awakens" the brain.

    Serotonin deficiency is feelings of guilt and worthlessness, suicidal ideation, and impaired appetite.

    Deficiency of dopamine and norepinephrine is apathy, executive dysfunction, fatigue.

    Shortage of all neurotransmitters in the complex indicates a depressed mood, psychomotor dysfunction and sleep disturbance.

    Click to enlarge

    Second. During exercise, the blood vessels release nitric oxide. It is a substance that helps distribute blood flow in all organs and tissues organism.

    The blood begins to circulate better, the vessels expand, the brain refreshes and "reboots", its natural purification from toxins and toxins occurs.

    Improve blood circulation as well get rid of headachesYou can also use a contrast shower.

    The best body workout is aerobic (when the brain is oxygenated). For example, cycling, when you walk for a long time, jogging.

    !!! This is interesting!!!: Pythagoras was a champion in fisticuffs!!!

    This is to ensure that his brain activity is beyond doubt.

    Third. Sports stimulate the production of a protein in the brain, which scientists call "fertilizer for the brain." Why? Protein helps keep existing brain cells young and healthy.

    Why do you need to exercise regularly?

    According to studies, the optimal effect on the influence of cognitive abilities is achieved after 4 months of training for 30 minutes 2-3 times a week.

    But it is important to consider the following: if you stopped playing sports, then your cognitive abilities return to the level which you started.

    That's why you need to exercise regularly.

    If you play sports correctly, there will be health and a good figure, and success in business (in school, at work).

    But we are not talking about exhausting workouts that exhaust the body, but about moderate physical activity, which naturally "recharges" the brain and heals the entire body.

    It's important not to overwork.

    If you want to be smart, train your body too.

    Dancing, playing tennis, skiing, swimming - all that requires complex motor movements also help to "recharge" the brain.

    The best option is to combine, for example, running (simple motor movements) with dancing or swimming (complex motor movements).

    The main thing is regularity.

    It's never too late to start.

    Go in for sports. You will be healthy and everything will be in order with the intellect.

    P.S. Useful