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  • Bailiffs can seize a credit card. The bailiffs seized the credit account

    Bailiffs can seize a credit card.  The bailiffs seized the credit account

    First of all, you need to figure out whether the bailiffs have the right to arrest the credit accounts of citizens at all? Let's turn to Art. 70 and 81 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings": bailiffs have the right to recover Money debtors, including bank cards, accounts and deposits.

    After the arrest of the credit account, the funds available on it are transferred to the account of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP). But at the same time, the law does not stipulate the arrest of the debtor's entire account. We are talking only about the amounts on the account, while nothing is said about blocking the account.

    In this sense, it is appropriate to consider the procedure for seizing the borrower's funds. After opening the enforcement case, the bailiffs send a request to the bank in order to find out information about the debtor's current accounts. By law, the bank does not have the right to hide seemingly confidential information, since bailiffs act on behalf of the court. As a result, the debtor's accounts are subject to arrest, whether it is a deposit or a credit account.

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    Here it is appropriate to note a legal conflict, which is expressed in the generalization of the arrest of the debtor's bank accounts. Since the law does not indicate specific accounts to be seized, it means that the bailiffs act in accordance with the stipulated provisions, without violating the principle of legitimacy.

    In what cases can bailiffs seize a credit account?

    After the arrest of the credit account, the debtor cannot dispose of the financial resources on it. Recovery is imposed in case of debts for:

    1. bank loans (for example, in Sberbank);
    2. alimony for children or elderly parents (on the basis of the same writ of execution);
    3. utility bills (for housing and communal services);
    4. customs fees (non-payment of car registration);
    5. fines (in case of violation of the law).

    But even if a citizen has a minor alimony debt, for example, for 2-3 months, and he has already begun to pay it off, the credit account will not be arrested. Collection is made on the basis of a court order in the event of a complaint from the lender.

    Arrest provides for the withdrawal of funds from the account in favor of repaying the debt. If the specified money is not enough to settle with the creditor, the bailiffs have the right to arrest the next amount received on the account.

    How to find out information about the arrest of a credit account?

    It is a mistake to believe that the arrest of a credit account is made only from debtors. Sometimes, errors creep into legal proceedings, as a result of which the accounts of conscientious payers may also suffer.

    In case of detection of arrest of the credit account, you should request an extract from the bank. This can be done either by visiting the nearest branch in person or by phone call. Bank employees will provide a detailed report that will indicate: who arrested the account, when it happened and how much money was transferred to the FSSP deposit account.

    A bank client can learn not only about the arrest of a credit account, but also about the recovery to other accounts, for example, personal or settlement. If there are several loans, then banks provide information about each of them. In this sense, the financial institution will become an assistant to the borrower rather than the opposite side, since the bank is also interested in repaying the loan.

    Note that the arrest of a credit account excludes further operations to credit money to a loan. Therefore, the debtor should find out about the reasons for the arrest as soon as possible and try to unblock the account with the bailiffs.

    Is it possible to challenge the arrest of a credit account by bailiffs?

    Before moving on to challenging the recovery, it should be recalled that the decision to block the credit account is made on the basis of a writ of execution. This is not just a paper, but a full-fledged court decision, which is enforceable for execution by bailiffs.

    1. The first step should be to focus on the study of the case materials. A copy of the writ of execution (if any) is sent to the address of the debtor by postal order. If the payer has not received a notice of opening a case, he has the right to visit the FSSP and demand clarification.
    2. The second step is to file a complaint against the actions of the bailiffs who did not notify the debtor of the opening of the enforcement case. The application can be sent to the senior bailiff or in the form of a lawsuit.
    3. Finally, the payer receives an answer - either with clarifications on the current situation, or on the termination of enforcement proceedings. In the second case, the arrest from the credit account will be successfully eliminated, and the money withdrawn by the bailiffs will return to its original place.
    4. But even if the case is successfully contested, the debtor will have to restore his credit obligations, proving that the arrest of the account was due to the fault of the bailiffs, and not the fault of the payer. In this case, there will be a review credit conditions and previously accrued interest will be considered invalid.

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    Features of the arrest of credit accounts for debts

    Recovery from the debtor's cash accounts is an executive matter that is aimed at repaying debts to creditors. There are some features here:

    1. Based on Art. 70 and 81 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings", the funds received on the credit account are transferred to the deposit of the FSSP, and then to the direct lender of the debtor.
    2. The law does not reflect the conditions for the arrest of bank accounts, therefore, it will not work to prove that a credit account has been arrested. At the same time, as already mentioned, the arrest of a loan account does not relieve the debtor of his obligations to pay the loan he took from the bank.
    3. Target payments of citizens, such as alimony, compensation for harm to health, benefits, travel allowances, cannot be subject to arrest. In the event of their arrest from a credit account, an individual has the right to file a complaint with the senior bailiff and demand their release from the penalty.
    4. The credit account is included in the list of the debtor's income, so the actions of the bailiffs to arrest the account are quite reasonable. By law, the borrower has the right to know why the account was frozen. All necessary information about the arrest can be obtained at the FSSP branch.

    When the borrower has several loan accounts, the bailiff must indicate how much is debited from each of them. Operations must be public and not infringe on the rights of the debtor in relation to their income.

    Free use of bank accounts is possible only in the absence of serious debts. If individual there are debts, the bailiffs can freeze the accounts. In fact, this is not just a withdrawal of funds, but also a blocking of the account itself, which excludes free use.

    But, like any legal procedure, the arrest of accounts by bailiffs has its own characteristics, which are expressed in the interaction of the bank-bailiffs-debtor-creditor. Is it possible to avoid account blocking? Should I be worried if bailiffs seized a bank account? Is it possible to find justice for illegal actions of authorized bodies? This will be discussed in our material.

    Can bailiffs seize a bank account?

    First of all, you should figure out whether bailiffs can arrest debtors' accounts? The answer is affirmative - the actions of bailiffs are based on Art. 71 and 80 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings". All bank accounts that the debtor has, which may contain monetary savings, are subject to arrest.

    The procedure for blocking the borrower's account is based on:

    1. writ of execution issued by the court;
    2. decisions of the senior bailiff;
    3. decisions of the preliminary investigation bodies.

    But in order to seize the debtor's accounts, the bailiffs must make sure that such actions are legal. Conventionally, if a borrower owes 2,000 rubles to a credit institution, most likely no one will block his accounts. Another thing is if the amount of debt is 50 thousand rubles. In this case, the creditor applies to the FSSP, and the responsible bailiff is obliged to accept the case for consideration.

    It should be noted that the bailiffs can arrest the account without notifying the debtor. Most often, this is what happens - a negligent payer finds out about the arrest a few days later. This is also due to the fact that the bank also does not inform the debtor about the blocking of his account.

    What accounts are subject to arrest for debts?

    In the event of opening an enforcement case against the payer on the loan, the bailiffs can freeze any accounts of the debtor:

    1. checking account;
    2. contribution;
    3. deposit;
    4. credit account;
    5. a number of electronic wallets (for example, Yandex money).

    An account is considered to be opened, which is located in a licensed bank by concluding a service agreement. On the one hand, an individual (citizen) acts, on the other, a banking institution.

    But here it is important to clarify one very important circumstance: arrest can only be imposed on financial resources and not on the account itself. For example, if the debtor has a debt of 15 thousand rubles, and the amount of 30 thousand rubles is in the bank account, bailiffs will be able to withhold only half of the finances from the account. The rest of the money will remain with the debtor, and their arrest can be appealed in court.

    Bailiffs do not ask for additional information about the type of account. In this sense, accounts to which social payments, child benefits, and compensations are transferred may fall under arrest. According to the law, these amounts do not go towards repayment of the debt, which means that their arrest can also be challenged.

    Procedure for blocking an account by bailiffs

    Having dealt with the features of the arrest of the debtor's accounts, we proceed to an overview of the procedure for imposing a penalty:

    1. When the debtor ceases to pay the debt, the creditor draws up an application and sends it to the court.
    2. The judge considers the case, after which he makes a decision on the beginning of the recovery. The order is issued in the form of a writ of execution.
    3. Having received the document, the bailiff notifies the debtor of the opening of an enforcement case, after which he sends requests to banking institutions in order to search for open accounts of the borrower.
    4. After studying the content of the writ of execution, the bank is obliged to inform the bailiff about all the accounts of an individual, but without specifying the type. As a result, the bailiff seizes the accounts, withholding amounts of money in the amount of the debt + the costs of the enforcement process.
    5. The arrest imposes a ban on the implementation of debit transactions with funds in the debtor's account. The bank is not obliged to report to the debtor about the arrest of his account, since the actions relate to enforcement proceedings.

    On a note! If the debtor himself submits a request for information about the write-off, the bank must notify the individual about the arrest of the account by bailiffs.

    What to do in case of arrest of accounts by bailiffs?

    Imposing an arrest on an account is not yet a reason to panic and lose your hard-earned money. Lawyers recommend doing the following:

    1. Contact the bailiffs. Upon learning that the account has been seized, the debtor should send a request to the bank and take a certificate of card blocking (withdrawal of funds). Next, you need to visit the FSSP at the place of residence and find out the reason for the arrest of the account. If you disagree, you can write a complaint about the actions of the bailiffs.
    2. Meet with the lender. Not very effective, but effective method can be a meeting with the creditor and partial repayment of the debt. With luck, the applicant will withdraw his application and the arrest of the account will be successfully lifted.
    3. File a lawsuit. The emergence of conflict situations pushes citizens to go to court. To do this, you need to collect all Required documents and draw up a statement of claim on the actions of bailiffs or on the terms of recovery on the loan.
    4. Pay off debts. When the debtor pays all the debts, the bailiffs will close the enforcement proceedings, thereby removing the block from the bank account of the individual.

    How to remove the arrest of the account in court?

    The last resort is to go to court. And there is nothing shameful in this - the court not only pronounces guilty verdicts, but also acquits citizens if their demands are recognized as legitimate.

    In our case, the appeal to the court is a violation of the law by the bailiffs or the incorrect calculation of interest on the loan by the lender. In both cases, it is necessary to prepare a statement of claim.

    1. information about the court or bailiff service that is considering the case;
    2. the location of the judicial authority;
    3. Full name of the responsible bailiff who arrested the bank account;
    4. Full name and contact details of the plaintiff (debtor);
    5. the number and date of the writ of execution on the basis of which the arrest occurred;
    6. information about the court decision (full name of the judge, case number, date of issue);
    7. information about the bank servicing the arrested account of the debtor;
    8. number of blocked account or card.

    Consideration of the application does not exceed a week. The overall result of the case is issued within two months from the date of filing the statement of claim. The court has the right to reject the claim or refuse to unblock the bank account.

    Before submitting a complaint, you should verify its content. If the debtor has a debt, and the bailiffs have seized the finances of the account, then the appeal will be declared unfounded. Another thing is if the bailiffs blocked the funds and account management, which in itself is a violation of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”. In this case, the complaint is appropriate and must be satisfied by the court in full.

    Can bailiffs arrest credit card - The question is ambiguous and requires careful study. Unpaid debts of the borrower are the cause of lawsuits. Banks win cases in court, debtors are obliged to repay the debt. After an official decision is made, the case is transferred to the bailiffs, who have the right to take a number of actions in order to withdraw funds on account of the debt.

    The term "arrest" in this situation means blocking the money on the credit card. The seized funds are intended to pay off the debts of the person who owns the credit card.

    The authority to seize funds is vested only with the authorized state body - the bailiff service. An arrest is made in the following cases:

    1. if there are debts on credit obligations;
    2. if a relevant court decision has been made;
    3. if a citizen has unpaid fines, debts on maintenance obligations and other debts.

    Bailiffs in their activities are guided by the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings". In Art. 81 of the law considers the procedure for seizing the borrower's funds. In accordance with the provisions of the article, an official applies to the bank to obtain information about the accounts of the debtor. The bank is obliged to provide such information. When the bank sends the details of the credit account to the service, it is arrested. Accordingly, the credit card is also arrested.

    Article 101 of this law deals with sources of income that cannot be subject to arrest. These include:

    1. money that is paid to a citizen as a result of harm to his health;
    2. work-related compensation;
    3. insurance coverage;
    4. "Children's" payments and amounts accrued for old age;
    5. amounts accrued on the loss of a breadwinner;
    6. allowance paid by the state for burial;
    7. maternal capital;
    8. alimony;
    9. material assistance under circumstances established by law;
    10. compensation to citizens affected by man-made disasters and radiation;
    11. compensation for the care of disabled persons;
    12. payments accrued to certain categories of citizens;
    13. compensation for travel to the place of treatment;
    14. funds accrued to persons who received damage to health at the time of performance of official duties.

    There is no credit card in the list of such sources, which means that the bailiff has no barriers to seizing. On the other hand, a credit card cannot be considered a source of income, which means that the actions of an official can be challenged in court.

    The bank, when transmitting information about the borrower's accounts, must put a note that the account to which the card is attached is a credit account and is intended for making loan payments. Such information confirms the fact that the credit card is not related to the sources of income of a citizen. In practice, banks do not always make the indicated mark, the bailiff does not have information about the purpose of the account, as a result of which the card is blocked.

    Consequences of a credit card seizure

    From the moment the credit card is blocked, the debtor loses the opportunity to make transactions with its direct use. A credit card has a certain limit, which is charged from the bank's own funds. A person using a credit card is not the owner of the funds contained on it. It is technically difficult to withdraw money from a credit card, but in practice there are cases of withdrawal of credit funds. Some banks give customers the opportunity to replenish the card with an amount greater than the limit allows, and these funds will be considered by law to be personal funds of a citizen that can be arrested.

    Often, in a situation where a credit card is seized, the debtor acquires new debt. In connection with the arrest, the fulfillment of credit obligations is much more difficult. Funds intended to repay a loan may simply not be credited to a blocked card. Late payments lead to sanctions: the borrower is charged fines and penalties.

    In order to avoid additional problems with the bank, it makes sense for the borrower to contact the branch with a request to provide other details for repaying his debt. You can pay at the cash desk of the bank.

    How to remove a charge from a credit card?

    The bailiff is obliged to search for the property of the borrower recognized as a debtor, but his duties do not include clarifying the purpose of the account. A person who is faced with a credit card arrest must contact a bailiff and provide information that the credit card is not a source of income. After studying the information provided by the person, the bailiff makes a decision to remove the arrest from the credit card and informs the credit institution about it.

    If the bailiff refuses to remove the arrest, the refusal can be appealed to the higher management, or you can contact the FSSP with an official statement about the official’s illegal actions and a demand to remove the arrest from the account.

    For a guaranteed response from government agency the application must contain the following information:

    1. name of the state structure;
    2. service address;
    3. last names, first names, patronymics of the officer who made the arrest and the citizen submitting the application;
    4. the applicant's residential address, or Email to which the response to the application can be sent;
    5. details of the credit card that was seized;
    6. Name financial organization that issued the credit card.

    A citizen has the right to apply to the court in case of refusal to remove the arrest after the official filed application.

    Arrest of a credit card by bailiffs possible, the law does not contain a direct ban on blocking such cards. A citizen has the right to appeal against the actions of the bailiff in a pre-trial order, or to restore his rights in court.

    In the article:

    Any state system is not something perfect, primarily because every person employed in the system plays a role in its formation. This means that the human factor cannot be excluded. This statement also applies to the system of work of bailiffs. There is no unequivocal interpretation of whether bailiffs can arrest a credit card. The whole point is what is considered the debtor's source of income.

    How is the process of arrest of funds

    When the Federal Bailiff Service receives a court decision to recover a certain amount from a specific individual, an enforcement proceeding is formed.

    The bailiff, appointed by the initiator of the process, makes a request to the bank, whose client is the debtor, with a request to obtain information about the status of the debtor's accounts.

    This seems outrageous to many, but this measure has been enshrined in law since recent years: banks do not have the right to hide information about the details and other data of the debtor from public services.

    But the question - can bailiffs arrest a credit card, for example, Sberbank - worries many borrowers. After all, we are not talking about the borrower's own funds, but about the bank's money borrowed from a financial institution on certain conditions.

    Upon completion of the arrest procedure, the client of the bank, if he has a mobile bank connected, receives an SMS notification about the debiting of a certain amount of money from his accounts. And here it does not matter what type of account was opened with the bank client - debit card, savings account (in this case, we mean a salary account or contribution) or some other.

    In case of withdrawal of funds from the account, the cardholder cannot use it in the future: pay with it when making purchases, replenish the account or withdraw funds.

    Of course, this only happens if the amount of debt exceeds the balance on the card. If the debt is less, then the card continues to operate. However, the balance of funds on it decreases exactly by the amount of the withdrawn debt. And to the question of whether bailiffs can arrest a credit card, the answer is obvious: they cannot.

    What to do if your credit card has been seized

    If you find a write-off of funds, first of all, the client should contact the bank branch. As a rule, a specialist issues a document - a certificate that confirms the debiting of funds on the basis of a court decision or enforcement proceedings. If the origin of such an amount is not clear, and the client can prove it, then in this case you should contact the executor - the bailiff, whose last name, first name, patronymic and contacts are indicated in the certificate issued by the bank.

    How to find out about your debts on the website of bailiffs

    The credit card holder should know for sure that the law is on his side, and the bailiff has no right to seize the credit card, regardless of the amount owed.

    When can a card be arrested?

    This may be the minimum fine of the traffic police, which came from CCTV cameras, and a significant amount of transport or property tax, which is listed as unpaid. It is worth considering the fact that a performance fee is added to the debt, the amount of which, depending on the region, can be one thousand and one and a half thousand rubles.

    If the client of the bank and the holder of the credit card have doubts about the legality of the actions, then in this case he must first contact the authority in whose favor the funds were collected (for example, the tax service) in order to obtain complete information on all payments made for the current year taxes, fines, penalties, fees and other types of payments.

    With this document, it is already possible and necessary to contact the Federal Bailiff Service to prove the absence of debt. If the FSSP specialist does not have any questions, then the arrest will be lifted and the money will be returned. However, for the future, it is worth remembering that bailiffs do not have the right to seize a credit card.

    They don't care at all. You can apply to the OSP UFSSP of Russia in your region with an Application (2 copies) addressed to the senior bailiff of the head of the OSP UFSSP, the main thing is that your copy be stamped, in. No. and signature.

    You can apply to the Court.

    Article 37 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" dated 02.10.2007 N 229-FZ. Quote: Granting a deferral or installment plan for the execution of judicial acts, acts of other bodies and officials, changing the method and procedure for their execution official, as well as changing the method and procedure for its execution to the court, another body or to the official who issued the writ of execution. 2. If the debtor is granted a delay in the execution of a judicial act, act of another body or official, enforcement actions are not taken and enforcement measures are not applied within the period established by the court, other body or official that granted the delay. 3. In the event that the debtor is granted an installment plan for the execution of a judicial act, an act of another body or official, the enforcement document is executed in that part and within the time limits established in the act on the provision of the installment plan. Article 99 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" of 02.10.2007 N 229-FZ. Hold out size wages and other income of the debtor and the procedure for its calculation debtor-citizen may be withheld no more than fifty percent of wages and other income. Withholdings are made until the full execution of the requirements contained in the executive document.

    Article 101 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" Types of income that cannot be levied

    1. Recovery may not be levied on the following types of income: 1) amounts of money paid in compensation for harm caused to health; 2) amounts of money paid in compensation for harm in connection with the death of the breadwinner; 3) sums of money paid to persons who have received injuries (wounds, injuries, contusions) in the performance of their official duties, and to members of their families in the event of death (death) of these persons; 4) compensation payments at the expense of the federal budget, the budgets of the subjects Russian Federation and local budgets to citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters; 5) compensation payments at the expense of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets to citizens in connection with the care of disabled citizens; 6) monthly cash payments and (or) annual cash payments accrued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to certain categories of citizens (compensation for travel, purchase of medicines, etc.); 7) amounts of money paid as alimony, as well as amounts paid for the maintenance of minor children during the search for their parents; 8) compensation payments established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor: a) in connection with a business trip, with transfer, admission or assignment to work in another locality; b) in connection with the wear of the tool belonging to the employee; c) amounts of money paid by the organization in connection with the birth of a child, with the death of relatives, with the registration of marriage; 9) insurance coverage for compulsory social insurance, with the exception of old-age pensions, disability pensions and temporary disability benefits; 10) survivor's pensions paid out of the federal budget; 11) payments to pensions in case of loss of a breadwinner at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; 12) allowances to citizens with children, paid at the expense of the federal budget, state non-budgetary funds, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets; 13) maternity (family) capital funds provided for by Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 "On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children"; 14) lump sum financial assistance paid at the expense of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, extra-budgetary funds, at the expense of foreign states, Russian, foreign and interstate organizations, other sources.

    If a person was recognized as a debtor during the trial, then further recovery will be made according to the writ of execution. Bailiffs have the right to describe the property of the defendant and restrict his access to bank accounts where his personal money is stored. Sometimes not only debit, but also credit cards fall under the distribution, which is contrary to legislative provisions. If bailiffs seized a credit card, you have the right to appeal such an order, but it can take a long time to cancel it.

    Consequences of the trial

    Current normative base allows you to foreclose on the client's money held in regular and bank accounts. Such a right is given to bailiffs on the basis of Article 81 of the Law "On Enforcement Proceedings". If funds are available or received on the account, they will be written off against the existing debt. It would seem that with this provision, everything is obvious - a person is obliged to pay off the debt, whether he wants it or not. However, from time to time there is talk of arresting not only debit accounts where own resources are stored, but also credit cards. At the same time, credit funds are not the property of the payer, because they belong to the bank until they are claimed by the holder of the "plastic" and cannot be offset.

    When a credit card is seized, the client loses the ability to use the tool to pay for services or withdraw cash. Money in payment of the debt will also not be credited, since the account is, as it were, “frozen”, and the amounts received go to the settlement with the person or company in whose favor enforcement proceedings have been initiated. Thus, the consequences for an unlucky cardholder can be very serious: he not only loses access to additional funds, but also cannot repay his debt in a timely manner, which is fraught with delays and fines.

    What to do if bailiffs seized a credit card?

    Credit card holders who have debts to third parties usually find out about the seizure of a credit card by bailiffs from their bank. In this situation, the credit institution can only clarify information about the grounds and date of arrest. Next, proceed as follows:

    1. Get a certificate stating that the card is a credit. It should indicate the nature of the account and other important parameters.

    2. Contact the bailiffs. The request to release the arrest will be granted if an agreement can be reached on regular payments on account of the debt. It is fixed in writing.

    3. Submit an order to release the arrest to the bank. You can, of course, wait until the executors send it themselves, but this can take much longer than hand-delivering the document to the creditor.

    Of course, debtors and bailiffs do not always manage to reach a compromise - both circumstances and the unwillingness of the parties to agree can prevent this. If the card remains blocked, you will have to look for another way out.

    Contact the bank

    The solution to the issue of seizing a credit card partly depends on how actively the plastic wallet is used, and whether it has current debt. In the absence of debt, it is enough for the cardholder not to take credit money until everything is settled.

    If there is a debt on the arrested card account, you can use the following calculation methods:

    • Transfer to other details. The bank can give the coordinates of another account to which you can transfer money by credit card. When applying for the same borrower, bailiffs can get to the account again, so it’s better to use some kind of common channel.

    • Payment through the bank. If you make a cash payment, the loan will also be repaid, although the transaction will be done manually.

    • Payments via notary's deposit. This option is used in cases where banks insist on accepting funds only through a frozen account. They have no right to refuse a borrower who is able and willing to pay his credit card on time. This is confirmed by Article 313 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the obligation of the creditor to accept the proper performance of the obligation.

    So, the problems that have arisen due to the fact that the bailiffs have arrested a credit card can be solved. When communicating with executors and representatives of the bank, one should show courtesy and correctness, while not forgetting about one's rights. If necessary, seek support from human rights defenders who can provide real assistance.

    After the court decision in relation to the debtor, bailiffs begin active actions. Based on the writ of execution and resolution, they have the right to make a search for accounts of non-payers. The arrest is imposed on all accounts on which there are personal savings of the client. Can bailiffs seize a credit card if there is no money in other accounts. Do creditors have the right to disclose information about accounts, and what to do if a card with a credit limit is already blocked.

    The funds on the credit card belong to the bank. The lender lends these funds to the borrower at interest. Thus, blocking money on a credit card is illegal, because the indicated finances do not belong to the debtor. As a rule, the user is not warned about the seizure in advance. The borrower receives an SMS message from the bank about the suspension of debit transactions on the card.

    At the request of bailiffs, the bank provides information about the current accounts of the borrower. The purpose of the accounts is not indicated, the bailiff does not know what kind of card it is, debit or with a credit limit.

    Important! The seizure of credit cards is most often due to the fact that the bailiff is not informed about the nature of the finances in the accounts of the debtor.

    Therefore, bailiffs can block any card, including a credit card. It is unprofitable for the bank itself to report data on credit accounts to judicial representatives. If such information is indicated, then most often due to a mistake made by bank employees.

    What to do if the FSSP has seized a credit account?

    • The arrest of a credit card is contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation, but if such a situation has happened, citizens need to competently defend their rights.
    • First of all, the borrower needs to contact the FSSP branch ( federal Service bailiffs), and clarify the reason for the arrest. Before visiting the bailiff, it is advisable to take an extract from the bank, indicating that the account is a credit one. This extract, as well as a certificate of debt and a loan agreement, are transferred to the bailiff. At the same time, an application for the removal of the arrest is submitted in two copies. With the bailiff, you will have to discuss ways to repay the debt, specify the terms and amounts of contributions. In practice, after the provision of these documents, the bailiffs remove the arrest, and the funds are returned to the plastic.
    • If, after these actions, the account is not in a hurry to unblock, then the borrower needs to go to court to invalidate the decision. A claim is filed with the judicial authorities no earlier than 10 days after the application is submitted to the FSSP.

    How to deposit money to a blocked credit card.

    Most often, money can be arrested from a credit card at the time of replenishment of the balance. That is, the loan limit itself is not affected, all receipts aimed at repaying the debt on the card are blocked. After depositing funds into the loan account, it takes a certain time for the money to be credited. It is during this period that funds can be withdrawn.

    A borrower can deposit funds to a credit card that has been seized in several ways:

    • Open an additional account for paying payments;
    • Payment at the cash desk of a financial institution servicing a blocked card;
    • Payment by notarial deposit.

    All these methods will allow you to make a payment on a credit card, even if it is blocked, and bypass the collection from the SSP.

    Advice! Cooperate with bailiffs on debt payment issues. If you know about current debts, for example, traffic police fines or unpaid taxes, then extinguish them as soon as possible. If the amount of the debt is unsustainable in order to pay it in full one-time, then agree with the bailiff on the schedule for making payments. This will save your cards from arrest, and you from worries and unpleasant situations.

    Credit account freeze - user reviews.

    Borrowers who actually faced arrest of a credit card by bailiffs indicate that they had to spend their time and energy on solving this problem. The bailiff searches for accounts in his region. Winners are cardholders of those banks that do not have branches in this region. Tinkoff Bank has a single office in Moscow, so bailiffs rarely make a request to this organization.

    At the same time, there is the experience of borrowers whose Tinkoff credit card was blocked and the entire amount of the debt on the writ of execution was removed from the credit limit. Consumers did not know that money was withdrawn from the account. This was found out from the monthly statement, which contains the total amount of debt on the credit card and the minimum payment. Such a collection of funds drives customers into a debt hole, because interest is charged on the withdrawn amount for use, and various insurance programs operate.