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  • Which resort in the UAE to choose. UAE: which resort to choose

    Which resort in the UAE to choose.  UAE: which resort to choose

    In our article, we will consider different options for where to have a good rest in the UAE. Note that the United Arab Emirates is a state of contrasts. Here you can meet very handsome men in national costumes who drive a Bentley studded with diamonds. At the same time, builders living in slums, exhausting themselves with hard work, walk along the same streets. In the United Arab Emirates, unimaginable luxury borders on deep poverty. Therefore, you need to carefully choose the place where to go on vacation in the UAE. In our article we will look at different resorts, tell you why it is good to spend your vacation there.

    Seasons in the UAE: when is the best time to visit this country?

    Before starting a conversation about where to relax in the UAE is good, let's talk about the time of year when it is better to go to this country. This state has a dry subtropical climate. It almost never rains here. Approximately from May until September in the emirates there is an unbearable heat. Therefore, if you are thinking about where it is better to relax in the UAE in August (the peak of holidays in Russia), be prepared for high temperatures.

    The period from May to September (inclusive) is considered not a very good time to relax in this country. In summer the air temperature rises to +50°C in the shade. On this indicator worth paying attention to those who have heart problems, or families going on vacation with children. If we talk about the positive aspects of a holiday from May to September, then these are low prices for tours and a warm sea.

    Peak season in this country falls on October - November. During this period, the temperature during the day is already about + 30 ° C degrees. At the same time, prices for holidays are the highest during this period of the year.

    Those who are thinking about where it is better to relax in the UAE in February, it will be interesting to know that from December to March, the cost of tours is reduced. At the same time, the air temperature is lower: only about + 25 ° С. The water also cools during this period. But for many vacationers, the cold snap is not critical. Therefore, beach holidays do not lose their relevance almost all year round.

    Already in April, the heat gradually begins to return to the United Arab Emirates, the temperature rises to plus thirty degrees. With this indicator, prices for tours are also growing.

    Where is it good to relax in the UAE? All seven emirates are great. Vacationers in the UAE can satisfy any of their needs. Next, we will talk about the most popular and sought-after tourist destinations.

    Amazing and modern Dubai is a great place to spend your holidays

    Where is the best place to relax in the UAE? In the reviews, many tourists write that it is worth going to Dubai. This is a fairly modern and progressive region of the country. This emirate is divided into eleven districts. Each of them will be interesting for travelers with their own features. Next, we will consider the sought-after areas of this emirate.

    Jumeirah: what is interesting?

    This popular area of ​​Dubai is home to the best hotels. It is the center of beach holidays in the UAE. Adjacent to this elite resort is the famous Palm Jumeirah archipelago. It is an artificial island in the form of a palm tree, which protects an eleven-kilometer sandy crescent from the waves. The “trunk” was occupied by various restaurants and shopping centers, and the villas of famous people were located on seventeen “leaves”. The "half-moon" houses elite hotels of leading international chains.

    Another big project is The World. It is located four kilometers from Dubai itself. The World is an artificially created archipelago consisting of three hundred islands. They form a bird's eye view of the world map. Islands are divided into three types: commercial, residential and resort.

    Also in The World is the famous Burj Al Arab hotel, which is made in the shape of a giant sail.

    What is interesting about the prestigious area of ​​Downtown Dubai?

    At the heart of this prestigious area is the tallest building in the world - the Burj Khalifa skyscraper. It offers a unique view. Here you can dine in the highest-rise restaurant. Also at the base of the building is a well-known dancing fountain.

    If you are planning to combine leisure and shopping, then visit Downtown. There is Dubai Mall (the largest shopping mall). Souk Al Bahar is located on the opposite side of the road. The complex is stylized as an Arab market. The center presents a wide range of national goods.

    Abu Dhabi is not only the capital, but also a great resort to relax with friends and family

    Where is it good to relax in the UAE? In Abu Dhabi. This is the official capital of the country. The city is considered one of the richest in the world. The largest oil companies are located here. Abu Dhabi has not only chic boutiques, but also attractions. Therefore, tourists can go on a bus tour.

    Vacationers should visit the Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque. It is the sixth largest shrine in the world. This mosque has 82 domes and 1000 columns. The shrine can accommodate more than forty thousand people. But just remember that there is a strict dress code for visitors to Muslim temples. Women should be especially attentive to these rules.

    You can go to Abu Dhabi with children. After all, there are various amusement parks with many attractions.

    On the island with the interesting name Yas is the themed Ferrari World. This park is stylized as a Ferrari GT car. Its area is two hundred thousand square meters. The park has dozens of attractions in the style of the famous brand. There is also a car museum there.

    Beach holidays in the UAE: what to look for?

    Where is it good to relax in the UAE for beach lovers? The length of the coastline is more than 700 km. The beaches are washed by the waves of the Oman and Persian Gulfs. The season in the UAE lasts a whole year. Now consider the popular beaches in different cities:

    1. Abu Dhabi. The beaches of the capital are located far from the city, on the island of Bahrain Island. There are both equipped and wild beaches. The only way to get to Bahrain Island is by water.
    2. Fujairah. This emirate is most loved by fans of fishing and diving. Scuba divers are attracted not only by exotic fish that live in coral reefs, but also by the wreckage of sunken ships. The most popular beaches in Fujairah are Shark Island and Al Aqah.
    3. Sharjah. Perfect cleanliness reigns on the beaches of this emirate. Sharjah differs from others in the severity of prohibitions and rules. Not on all beaches of this emirate, women are allowed to undress to a swimsuit. If somewhere this taboo is not there, then you still have to forget about the bikini. In order not to swim in clothes, you should choose beaches and hotels in advance, specifying the dress code.

    Dubai's Famous Beaches

    Dubai is an emirate that is considered the leader in beach holidays. This resort is admired by many. Now consider the most popular beaches of the emirate:

    1. Jumeira Beach Park. It is located in the Jumeirah region. The municipal beach park is enveloped in the scent of flowers and filled with the chirping of birds. There are many tropical plants and lawns on the territory. Entrance to the park is paid, five AED per person. For children, admission is free. The entrance to the water is gentle, so rest with a child is most popular here. Note that only children under eight years old and women are allowed on this beach on Monday.
    2. Al Mamzar Park. Located in the Deira area. This beach park is the second most popular. Its main feature is the houses with terraces and air conditioning. The park also has a swimming pool. In addition, the coastline is beautifully landscaped. Here you can see an unusual wooden fortress. Entrance to the territory is paid. The ticket price is 5 AED. On Wednesday, men are not allowed to rest on this beach.
    3. Jumeirah Open Beach. This beach is free. It is very popular, especially among tourists from Russia. The main advantage of the beach is the view of the main sights of the city. Here you can also use the locker room, shower, toilet, barbecue terrace and playground for free. Monday is the day when only children and women can visit the beach.
    4. Jebel Dhanna is an uninhabited beach. Located 400 km from Dubai. The depth at 50 meters from the shore does not exceed the level of the belt. But the atmosphere here is very pleasant, one might say heavenly.

    Vacation with children

    The entertainment complex receives more than seven thousand tourists annually. This place has become popular for families. There are green parks, terraces where you can sunbathe, as well as various attractions, both on land and on the water.

    In Dubai, you can also find a place to relax with a child. The famous amusement park Wonderland is located there. It is considered one of the best places for family holidays. There is also a water park in Dubai, of course, it is not as big as Dreamland, but it is also quite modern.

    If you are planning to go on vacation with a teenage child, then you can go for experiences in Abu Dhabi. This city is one of the most modern in the world. Teenagers will definitely appreciate Abu Dhabi. After all, the city has very beautiful fountains, palaces and modern skyscrapers. And on the neighboring Yas Island there is a unique park - Ferrari World.

    With kids, you should definitely visit the zoo in Dubai. It contains more than 1500 animals from different parts of the world. There is also a huge aquarium Lost Chambers, which will also be of interest to children of any age.


    Now you know the regions of the UAE. Where is the best place to relax in this country? Each tourist must answer this question himself, because a lot depends on personal preferences. There are many good resorts in this state.

    Traveled with Lik Tour and their host Best Time Travel. We were lucky with the guide, Andrei Gorbach, opened his eyes to this country. He has lived in the Emirates for 17 years, and despite the fact that neither he nor his children born in the Emirates enjoy the benefits of UAE citizenship, Andrei speaks very warmly of the government. During the trip, we met a lot of foreigners. Someone lives for a year, someone for 8 or 10 years, but everyone definitely does not want to return home. Moreover, these people are not from Bangladesh or the Philippines, but from Germany, Italy, Spain, i.e. developed countries of Europe. The UAE is very similar to the US in terms of free enterprise. Here, the chances of earning a million honestly are much greater than ours. Or simply to provide yourself with a normal standard of living is quite easy, since the salaries of skilled workers are high, there are no taxes. Women say that this country is the safest country, children are loved here and women are respected. Having been in the Emirates, you will definitely see the other side of Islam, not the one shown on TV. No one observes religious rules as strictly as we think, no one rushes at women in revealing outfits.

    Everything is tolerant, respectful, peaceful and hospitable. It is understandable, because the UAE is built by ambitious sheikhs and hungry foreigners. Of the 9 million population, only 950 thousand people are indigenous Arabs. Highly skilled as well as unskilled jobs are performed by foreigners. Locals prefer public service.

    Interesting Mr. UAE device. 7 emirates form the federal budget, the communist principle “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” operates here. As a result, 89-90% of the budget is contributed by Abu Dhabi, 8-9% by Dubai and 1-2% by the other 5 emirates. This is probably why, since the foundation of the federation, the ruler of Abu Dhabi has always been elected president, and the vice president, who is also the prime minister, the ruler of Dubai. Elections are held by voting of all 7 sheikhs. The sheikhs of the emirates can be respected only for the fact that oil revenues make up only 36% of the country's income. Remaining faithful to religion, they stopped blindly following the dogmas that hinder the development of other Arab countries.

    If I were faced with the issue of emigration, I would choose the UAE. Because the heat, the sea, the multicultural and multiethnic society, the dynamic economy, which allows you to find a suitable job and quickly provide a normal standard of living, the police, who simply check the rights will never stop.

    The disadvantages of the UAE, I would include censorship, lack of freedom of speech and freedom of the Internet. Lack of competition in the telecom market, as a result of which the tariffs are quite high.

    I used to think that Dubai is developing solely on petrodollars. It turns out that Dubai began to develop back in the 50s, while oil was found only in 1958, and then on the territory of another emirate, Abu Dhabi. Dubai was founded in the 19th century by people from Abu Dhabi.

    The ruler of Dubai has relied on free economic zones, attracting foreign investment through the abolition of taxes, minimum tariffs and loyal business conditions. As a result, Dubai is now the most developed emirate, with a high concentration of skyscrapers, expensive shops, and a lot of the “best” entertainment. To attract tourists, such a policy is being pursued when in any object they are looking for a characteristic to call it “the most-most”. Those. they not only built the tallest building in the world, they made the biggest singing fountains in the world, they will soon build the biggest ferris wheel. But the area around the Burj Khalifa is also called the most expensive square mile, they built the metro in a record short time, or, for example, when a hotel was built in Abu Dhabi in the style of some kind of Louis. It was called the tallest hotel in the style of classicism of the 17th century :)

    Abu Dhabi is the capital of the UAE, the oldest and richest emirate. Although in the dynamics of development it is inferior to Dubai. Actively began to develop after the discovery of oil here. We must pay tribute to the sheikhs of Abu Dhabi, they invest income from oil in culture and new technologies. Abu Dhabi seemed to me a city more comfortable for life than Dubai. There is not such a dense and high building, more green areas. It is a pity that there is no metro and tram like in Dubai. But when the “cultural district” is completed, where for the first time in the Emirates, there will be an opera house, a Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art, a branch of the Louvre, this will be a significant reason for a tourist to replace a hotel in Dubai with a hotel in Abu Dhabi.

    As the locals say, "Dubai is for the young and ambitious, Abu Dhabi is for families, and Sharjah is for retirees." If I chose where to live in the Emirates, I would choose Sharjah. This is also a modern city, unlike Dubai, there are no ubiquitous construction projects here. It is green, spacious, there are many historical and cultural sights. In Dubai, they build only what can then be sold at a high price, i.е. housing and offices. And in Sharjah, on the contrary, they are demolishing newly built houses off the coast to rebuild the old city. There will be a huge cultural district of museums, galleries, cafes and shops. All buildings are restored traditional way buildings, i.e. exactly as they were built in the 18th century. For this project, the ruler of Sharjah has great respect. Yes, in Sharjah you can not drink and smoke, even a hookah, but only in public places. Nobody comes home to check. And you can buy any alcohol in another emirate, in 20 minutes. ride.

    Ajman is a small but also rapidly developing emirate. In terms of the quality of emotions, Ajman eclipsed all the memories from other emirates. This happened because we visited the Sheikh's stable, where the most beautiful and expensive horses in the world live. This stable is run by the heir of the ruler of Ajman. There, horses are groomed and bred to take part in the most prestigious “horse shows”. Those. such competitions where they choose the most beautiful horse. And of course, the multiple winner of the most famous Paris Salon under the patronage of the King of Morocco lives in this stable. This white stallion is worth 7 million euros! He never went under saddle. A doctor was discharged to him from Brazil. And the food is delivered from the UK. In general, in this stable, only two horses are saddled. And the coat of all horses is silkier and softer than that of many domestic cats.

    And the second place in Ajman that made me think about immigration to this country was the project of the Libyan real estate company, Alzora. Among the mangroves and bays, they began to build a residential and business area. Everything that is necessary for life will be built on a large territory, using the latest technologies to save the environment around. Mangrove groves are carefully guarded; not a single pink flamingo left them during construction. I saw with my own eyes that there are hundreds of them. Since the country is small and the roads are good, it will be very convenient to work in Dubai and live in Alzor, in Ajman. Plus, Alzora will be a free economic zone, i.e. without taxes and fees, with preferential tariffs for electricity and water.

    Ras Al Khaimah

    The sea and beaches are in every emirate, but the residents of the UAE themselves consider Ras Al Khaimah the best place for a beach holiday. Liberal regulations in the area allow the sale of liquor in hotels and restaurants. And Rixos Bab Al Bahr even works on the All Inclusive system and includes alcohol in the price. The second advantage is the price. The average room rate is several times lower than in similar hotels in Dubai.

    Like Dubai, it has its own artificial Marjan Island. Marzhan is the name of a seahorse that is common in local waters. However, you need to have a rich imagination to see this fish in the outlines of the island. So far, there are only a few hotels of famous world brands operating on the island, and the island looks deserted.

    Wanting to keep you busy, the emirate's Ministry of Tourism offers the following two-week program:

    1 day. We arrive, we settle down. We get acquainted with the guests and the hotel staff (by the way, there are many Russians and Ukrainians among the staff).

    Day 2 City Tour

    Day 3 Rides on the yacht Prince of Sea for the whole day.

    Day 4 Visit to a Bedouin settlement in the desert, with barbecue, jeep safari, and possibly overnight in the desert.

    Day 5 Vacation on the beach.

    Day 6 Learn to fly airplanes at Aljazirah Aviation Club.

    Day 7 We play Golf.

    Day 8 We swim in the IceLand water park.

    Day 9 Learning to sail a sailboat.

    Day 10 SPA in the hotel.

    Day 11 I'm going to the mountains.

    Day 12 We ride horses and camels at the RAK Country Club.

    Day 13 We watch falcon shows and walk in nature.

    Day 14 Farewell evening, flight home.

    We almost forgot about the beach :-) But now let's take a closer look.

    Ras el Khaimah is not deprived of natural resources. In addition to good beaches on the ocean, the emirate has a picturesque desert with red sand. Part of the desert is a nature reserve and wild camels live here. You can meet them if you turn off the asphalt road and drive a little deeper into the desert.

    One of the attractions for tourists is visiting Bedouin camps. A copy of an ancient settlement has been restored in the middle of the desert. Tents, bonfires, carpets and hookahs... For the evening or for the whole night, you can immerse yourself in the charm of the red desert. An extra cup of Arabic coffee will surely inspire you to active entertainment. For sand-boarding (descent from the sandy mountain on a snowboard) a rather steep slope is used. The resistance of sand is much greater than that of snow, so the speed of descent is low, and there is no need to turn over. It is enough to keep your balance and choose the right trajectory ... you are guaranteed a lot of laughter, great photos and sand in all your pockets. A more traditional extreme is camel riding. Sit down and hold on tight to the handle of the saddle! However, a sharp rise of a strong animal to its feet will still take you by surprise.

    Traditional food, a fire and a hookah imperceptibly bring the night closer and open another desert overhead - an endless sky with millions of stars.

    If you get bored with a regular beach holiday, you can stay at the Banyan Tree Desert Resort. This is a famous Thai chain of luxury spa hotels. Banyan Tree Desert Resort is located in a protected area of ​​the desert. Unusual, relaxing and beautiful stay.

    Another exciting adventure in Ras Al Khaimah is flying in small sports aircraft. The flight takes place at a speed of about 100 km / h at an altitude of about a kilometer, in a small two-seater Aeroprakt-22L of Ukrainian production. According to Indian instructors, they are very reliable, unpretentious in operation, and practically have no competitors in price. The club has as many as 50 of them. There are two seats and two steering wheels in the cockpit, an instructor sits at one, and you sit behind the other! After climbing, the instructor willingly allows you to control the aircraft in the air. Suddenly, the pilot turns off the engine and the plane glides. Flying an airplane is no more difficult than driving a car. During a half-hour flight, you have time to see the artificial islands of Marjan Island, the entire coastline, huge hotels, luxurious villas, and the vast territory of the ceramics factory, which stretches for many kilometers. If you are lucky, you will see flocks of pink flamingos in shallow water, and huge turtles under water, the path of which passes by the shores of the emirate. All this costs 250 dirhams (approx. $70).

    Four shopping malls located on the territory of Ras al Khaimah will not satisfy an experienced athlete of this sport, so I recommend shopping in Dubai. Dubai is only 40 minutes away and all hotels in Ras al Khaimah have paid or free shuttles (usually AED 100 or $30). Taxis are also very cheap.

    For children, the IceLand water park will be a great entertainment. Imagination is not shocking, and the prices are rather big. However, it is necessary to leave for the day in the "Ice Country".

    Ras al Khaimah is home to the most high mountains in the UAE. The name of the emirate is translated as "the top of the tent."

    The UAE is one of the richest countries in the world. According to Forbes, the country ranks sixth in this indicator. And, despite this, the tourism sector of the United Arab Emirates continues to develop, dozens and hundreds of new hotels, numerous entertainment complexes for tourists appear every year.

    And the answer to the question of where it is better to relax in depends on what exactly you expect from the rest.

    Where are the best beaches in the UAE?

    White sand beaches, picturesque nature and excellent infrastructure - this is what travelers can enjoy in the United Arab Emirates.

    In Dubai the most impressive beaches are in the Jumeirah area. These are islands that resemble palm trees in outline, and they were created not by nature, but by people, so, one might say, they are works of art. Here you will find an idyllic vacation and a lot of new sensations.

    Attracts urban beach, on the territory of which there are paid and public areas. A separate place is reserved for small children, so families often come here. The beach is attractive because there are many options for recreation: on the sand, in the shade of trees, and on the grass ...

    Holidays in the UAE for lovers of vivid impressions

    If you want to relax so that you are overwhelmed with emotions, then you just need to go to. It is a city of contrasts with huge skyscrapers, six-star hotels and two of the tallest buildings in the world. In addition, this is the most loyal of all the emirates, so you should not be afraid to break some oriental tradition here.

    Where is the best place for lovers of history to relax?

    If you want to get acquainted with the historical sights and traditions of the UAE, then you should go to Sharjah. This city - the capital of the eponymous emirate - is located just 15 minutes from Dubai. Muslim traditions and customs are sacredly honored here, so travelers can plunge headlong into the true life of the East.

    In Sharjah, you can’t drink alcohol in public places, walk bare-chested and bare-legged, but there are many interesting places worth visiting for tourists. Heritage Eria is considered to be the most beautiful part of the city, where the villa of the Sultan ibn Sakra al Qasim is located. Nearby is the eastern market of Souq al-Azra. Another important attraction is the fountain that spouts directly from the bay. It is the third fountain in the world in terms of the height of the jets. There are many museums in the city, so you won't be bored.

    Where is the cheapest vacation in the UAE?

    Everyone knows that the United Arab Emirates is far from the cheapest country, including for tourists. If you want to save money on a trip, you can choose - the smallest emirate in which there are no oil fields, but rest here can give wellness procedures in mineral springs. From here you can go on excursions to different parts of the country, trips to the Square Watchtower are especially popular. In the main city there is a fort, which houses the rooms of the National Historical Museum, and the old sheikh's palace.

    Where is the best place to relax in the UAE with children?

    We can say that the United Arab Emirates is a great place for a family vacation. The infrastructure is well developed here, and the cleanliness of the beaches is constantly monitored.

    First of all, for a trip with children, it is worth recommending Dubai where the children's playground is located. It includes several exhibition halls, including those dedicated to marine fauna and astronautics. In addition, there is a planetarium, a theater, various attractions.

    There are several water parks in Dubai that will appeal to both children and adults. Worth mentioning are Wonderland and Wild Wadi.

    Children's rest in Sharjah is also attractive, primarily due to the Arabia Wildlife Zoo. Here you can see panthers, Nubian ibex, baboons, flamingos, etc.

    The answer to the question of where it is better to relax in the UAE should be given based on several criteria: with whom, when and for what purpose you are going to this country. In addition, an important role is played by the budget that you are willing to spend on the trip.


    Once upon a time, only wealthy tourists could afford a trip to the UAE. IN last years tours in the UAE have become very popular and quite affordable. And the simplification of the visa regime for Russians (now you can get a visa directly at the airport of this country, upon arrival) has become an additional incentive for traveling to the Emirates.

    At the same time, many tourists have a question - where is it better to go to the UAE? The answer to this question depends on the purpose of your trip.

    If you have never been to the country of the most expensive hotels, the highest skyscrapers, the coolest water parks and the most unstoppable shopping, read this article. And then it will become clear to you where it is better to go to the UAE with a child, which resorts and hotels to choose for a beach holiday, and where to go for rampant shopping.

    Where to go in the UAE and what to do there

    As you know, the UAE consists of several emirates, which have their own characteristics: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Fujairah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain and Ras Al Khaimah.

    All of them are of interest to tourists, each has its own zest. But what pleases some tourists may be an unpleasant surprise for others.

    For example, the “dry law” in force in Sharjah prohibits serving alcohol in hotels and selling it in shops. Even tourists. Not even Muslims.

    Love an all-inclusive holiday? Great! There are such hotels in Fujairah. And they are all located almost right on the beach. Only now there will be nowhere to go for a walk outside the hotel.

    So, let's deal with all these emirates.

    Abu Dhabi: the green city

    So, Abu Dhabi is the capital of the UAE. In all respects, this is a very interesting option for recreation. Firstly, Abu Dhabi remained in my memory very green, compared to the same Dubai, and, secondly, more calm and measured.

    There are many good hotels to stay in Abu Dhabi. And the most famous of them is Emirates Palace 5 *, which reminded me of the Hermitage - with its size and interiors.

    I can also recommend the following hotels: InterContinental Abu Dhabi 5*, Khalidiya Palace Rayhaan by Rotana 5*, Al Raha Beach Hotel 5*, Beach Rotana Hotel & Towers 5*, Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel & Resort 5*, Le Meridien Abu Dhabi 4*.

    From inexpensive options: Al Ain Rotana 5 *, Golden Tulip Al Jazira Hotel & Resort 5*, Grand Millennium Al Wahda 5*, Corniche Hotel Abu Dhabi 5*, Crowne Plaza Abu Dhabi 5*.

    Perhaps the best hotels for tourists now are hotels on Yas Island which is an artificial island and was built relatively recently - in 2009. Because there are the best beaches.

    See these hotels here: Radisson Blu Hotel Abu Dhabi Yas Island 5*, Yas Viceroy Abu Dhabi 5*, Yas Island Rotana Abu Dhabi 4*.

    And that's where the famous Formula 1 Grand Prix race track and the largest indoor ferrari theme park .

    Yas Waterworld is also located on Yas Island. On the territory of 15 hectares, there are 43 attractions, slides and entertainment that will not leave anyone indifferent.

    Another attraction of the UAE, the largest mosque - sheikh zayed mosque Also located in Abu Dhabi.

    So, there is definitely something to do and see in Abu Dhabi.

    Mom, I'm in Dubai!

    The Emirate of Dubai is the most visited emirate by Russians. It is here that many tourists come to shop and look at the incredible architecture. When our plane flew up to Dubai airport, it seemed to me that we had landed on another planet - the view from the window was so amazing!

    The 7-star Burj Al Arab sail hotel is located in Dubai. Like the hotel Atlantis The Palm 5 * , located on an artificial bulk island in the form of a giant palm tree.

    And of course, the famous tower Burj Khalifa - a skyscraper with a height of 828 meters, the tallest building in the world! Climb to its observation deck - and you will see a truly fantastic sight!

    And the fountain show below, near the tower, which takes place in the evenings, will be the final chord in your Dubai sightseeing program. Then you can safely move on to shopping!

    And you won’t have any problems with shopping in Dubai – in terms of the number of shopping centers, it is ahead of all other emirates combined. Each of these shopping centers is a small microcosm that has everything: shops and restaurants of all stripes, beauty salons, cinema halls, aquariums, children's attractions and even a ski slope and a tubing track! You can spend every day in a new shopping center.

    For a beach holiday, Dubai is also quite suitable. If funds allow, book yourself one of the hotels on Jumeirah or on the Palm.

    If not, take a city hotel in Bar Dubai or Deira . They do not have their own beaches, but for swimming on the coast of Dubai, two well-known beach complexes are equipped, which are used by vacationers of most city hotels - Al Mamzar Park And Jumeirah Beach Park. From most city hotels in Dubai, a free (less often paid) transfer to these beaches is organized.


    Dubai's closest neighbor is the emirate of Sharjah. This emirate also has its own airport, and many charter flights from Russia fly to Sharjah airport.

    What might you like Holidays in Sharjah ? Advantages of this emirate:

    • Quick access to the infrastructure and attractions of the emirate of Dubai
    • Holiday prices in Sharjah are generally 30% lower than similar prices in Dubai hotels
    • The beaches of Sharjah with imported white or local yellow sand are clean, safe and great for families with children
    • In Sharjah big choice hotels with direct access to the beach

    Beach hotels here are cheaper than in Dubai, but they are not as luxurious, sometimes quite modest.

    Of the decent ones, we can recommend the following: Hilton Sharjah 5*, Coral Beach Resort Sharjah, Lavender Hotel Sharjah, Lou Lou'a Beach Resort 3*, Al Seef Beach Hotel, Beach Hotel Sharjah, Sharjah Premiere Hotel & Resort 3*, Citymax Sharjah 3*, Verona Resort Sharjah.

    Shopping centers in Sharjah have their own, and Dubai is within easy reach. The only thing that is worth remembering for those who like to break away to the fullest is that in this Emirate there is a “dry law”. In a state of intoxication, you can’t even appear on the streets here, not to mention public places.


    Modest and quiet Ajman is located just 10 km from Sharjah.

    Its territory is the smallest of all seven regions of the country. But in Ajman there is no "dry law". In contrast, Hole in the wall, next to the Ajman Beach Hotel, sells imported alcoholic drinks without any restrictions. True, it is strictly forbidden to take them out of the territory of the principality of Ajman.

    The small size of Ajman more than compensates for its nature: beautiful palm trees, snow-white beaches and an atmosphere of comfort and goodwill. When the city cools down, whole families pour out onto the waterfront to barbecue on soft sand, under palm trees, or on special white tables with blue picnic umbrellas.

    The tourist infrastructure here began to develop not so long ago, but there are good hotels, and they have everything for a relaxing holiday.

    The following hotels are recommended: Ajman Hotel 5*, Bahi Ajman Palace Hotel 5*, Fairmont Ajman 5*, Ramada Hotel & Suites Ajman, Ramada Beach Hotel 4*, Ajman Saray A Luxury Collection Resort 4*, Radisson Blu Hotel Ajman.

    Umm Al Quwain

    Umm Al Quwain is an even quieter and more provincial emirate, 34 km north of Ajman, and 50 km from Dubai, perfect for a relaxing holiday. Our tourists have already fallen in love with it for its good value for money.

    In the emirate of Umm al Quwain, old traditions and lifestyle. Here you can see the life of this country without a glamorous touch.

    Umm Al Quwain is a real paradise for fishing lovers. Beautiful beaches and lagoons, historical and architectural monuments are complemented by the Dreamland amusement park and quiet clean beaches. In addition, there are spectacular camel racing .

    The emirate has a marine club (Marine Club) with windsurfing, water skiing, sailboats, etc.

    The choice of hotels is still small, but they are inexpensive and quite decent: Umm Al Quwain Beach 4*, Bin Majid Flamingo 3*, Palma Beach Resort & Spa 4*.

    Ras Al Khaimah

    Ras Al Khaimah, the northernmost of the seven emirates, has abundant greenery and is considered one of the most beautiful holiday destinations in the UAE. favorable climate and fertile soils made it a real blooming oasis on the border of the mountains, which came close to the seashore. Tourists with children will be very pleased Iceland WaterPark which was built in 2010. Also, travelers are waiting for a truly unforgettable adventure - a flight on a light sports aircraft or an aerochute.

    Perhaps, Ras al-Khaimah is the most favorable price offer for a beach holiday in the UAE. There are magnificent beaches and a decent hotel base - from 3 to 5 stars. Of those that have already fallen in love with our tourists, I want to note Hilton Al Hamra Beach & Golf Resort 5*, Bin Majid Beach Hotel 4*.

    In my opinion, the region of Ras Al Khaimah is ideal for families with children.


    So we got to the last emirate - Fujairah. It is located farthest from Dubai Airport, on the coast of the Indian Ocean, in the Gulf of Oman.

    Most of all, Fujairah is loved by supporters of a relaxing beach holiday. And for those who are fond of diving, this is just a paradise.

    There are no unpretentious hotels in Fujairah - there are only chic "five" hotels, several of them work on the "all inclusive" system. And this is quite reasonable, because. you won’t be able to go outside the hotel and buy something - there are no shops and restaurants here. There is almost no tourist infrastructure outside the hotel.

    Hotels in Fujairah: Radisson Blu Resort Fujairah 5*, Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort 5*, Fujairah Rotana Resort & Spa - Al Aqah Beach 5*, Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort 5*, Fairmont Fujairah Beach Resort 5*, Oceanic Khorfakkan Resort & Spa 4*.

    Another pride of Fujairah are hot springs of Ain Al-Ghamur formed by a volcanic eruption. Due to the incessant movement of sulfur, the springs always remain hot. The average temperature of the spring is around 60 degrees Celsius and never drops below 40 degrees. Water is rich in various beneficial chemical elements. Every year people come here who want to cure musculoskeletal system and skin diseases.

    So here they are different, these United Arab Emirates. Now that you know what each emirate is interesting for, you can easily choose and book hotels for your vacation in the UAE: Choose an inexpensive tour in the UAE

    Choose and relax!

    See you on the blog!

    We are planning a trip to the UAE.
    What is the best emirate to visit?
    Abu Dhabi
    Ras Al Khaimah
    Umm Al Quwain

    1. Abu Dhabi
    For whom: for everyone
    The city is unique in its combination of history and modernity - oriental bazaars here coexist with modern universities, mosques with supermarkets, museums with entertainment complexes.
    The opportunities for excursions and entertainment here are truly enormous - the Sheikh's Palace, the old Al Husn Fort, the oasis city of Al Ain, the Al Ain Zoo and Aquarium, the Ferrari World theme park, the carpet and camel bazaars - this is just a small part of what you can visit while in the largest and richest emirate of the country.

    ➕ Many sights, interesting places and entertainment opportunities
    ➕ The streets are very clean, as the fines for abandoned garbage are very high

    ➖ From all the hotels, the view is not on the sea, but on a narrow strip of water and nearby islands
    ➖ Some city parks are paid

    2. Dubai
    Who it's for: those who value shopping and who love cutting-edge technology
    Here everything is the most - high, big, expensive. The coastal waters of the resort are the place for the implementation of ambitious projects to create man-made islands "Palma" and "Mir".
    Dubai is interesting for shopping, which can be done both in the old oriental bazaars and in ultra-modern shopping centers. In addition to shopping, the resort will impress with the architecture of skyscrapers and luxury hotels, as well as beaches with sand brought from Egypt.

    ➕ It is possible to go skiing at any time of the year at Ski Dubai
    ➕ Relatively large amount of entertainment and attractions
    ➕ Excellent transport system
    ➕ Great shopping experience
    ➕ Active nightlife

    ➖ There are a lot of locals on the city beaches on weekends
    ➖ Fairly expensive

    3. Sharjah
    For whom: for families with children and those who dream of a relaxing holiday.
    Sharjah has a unique location - access to two ocean bays at once: Persian and Oman. In addition, the resort is convenient due to its close location to Dubai, which allows you to enjoy a relaxing family vacation and, if possible, visit the sights of a more famous neighbor or go to shopping malls at any time.
    Sharjah is considered the cultural capital of the country - there is an archaeological museum, a cultural center, a monument to the Koran, located in front of the largest mosque in the entire Middle East, King Faisal's mosque, which can accommodate 3,000 people. The Al Jazeera amusement park with a mini-zoo and swimming pools, as well as the Desert Park with a farm for children and a natural history museum await the youngest travelers.

    ➕ Life and hotels are cheaper than in nearby Dubai
    ➕ No public transport

    ➖ Virtually no nightlife
    ➖ Strict rules, laws and regulations, for example: you can swim on the beaches only during daylight hours and in clothes that cover your arms and legs; If you break this rule, you can go to the police station.

    4. Fujairah
    For whom: for lovers of outdoor activities, natural attractions, divers
    Sandy landscapes, so typical of the UAE, in Fujairah are diluted with the Hajar mountains and green oases. This is the only resort that has access to the Indian Ocean.
    Fujairah is famous for the best place for diving and snorkeling throughout the country. The underwater world of Shark Island is rich in lobsters, stingrays, many exotic fish, and near the Musandam Peninsula you can meet turtles, barracudas, dolphins and reef sharks. Those who decide to go to the mountains can visit the waterfalls, visit the hot springs and look into the gardens.

    ➕ Handsome undersea world
    ➕ Many excursions and entertainment

    ➖ Lack of nightlife, bars, discos
    ➖ Large distances between points of interest

    5. Ras Al Khaimah
    For whom: for everyone
    It has a milder climate, cleanest sparsely populated beaches and springs. mineral water. In the Old Town of Ras al-Khaimah, you can visit a dilapidated fort, ancient watchtowers, a national museum, and a local market. The more active ones are waiting for the Ice Land amusement park with numerous waterfalls, slides, play areas, pools and attractions.
    In order to improve your health, you need to go to the Masafi area - to collect natural drinking water or visit Hatt for a dip in the hot springs. Here, by the way, you can go through a complex of Ayurvedic spa treatments using thermal water - this is no longer the case in any other emirate.

    ➕ You can combine a beach holiday with treatment
    ➕ Good climatic conditions and gorgeous beaches

    ➖ No public transport, only taxis
    ➖ Tourism infrastructure is not very developed

    6. Ajman
    For whom: for everyone
    Here, among numerous palm trees and beautiful beaches, tourists will find a cozy and friendly atmosphere. In the evenings, both locals and vacationers go for a walk on the embankment - after the sun sets and the heat subsides, life begins to boil here.
    There is no dry law in Ajman, alcohol can be freely bought at any store, but it will not work to take it out of the emirate. You can diversify your vacation by visiting mineral springs, camel racing or water sports.

    ➕ Ajman is located just 10 km from Sharjah and 30 km from Dubai, so you can go to the neighbors for entertainment and shopping centers

    ➖ Few excursions, shopping

    7. Umm al-Quwain
    Who it's for: Families with children
    Those who want to see the real Emirati life need to go to the provincial Umm al-Quwain. Thanks to the territorial location, the inhabitants of the emirate were able to preserve traditions and their usual way of life. The city itself is located on a small peninsula, on the coast, indented with lagoons, bays and coves.
    Of the more active entertainments, there is an oceanarium and the largest Dreamland park in the Middle East with an artificial 18-meter volcano.

    ➕ Unique atmosphere and color

    ➖ Few hotels and accommodation options
    ➖ No public transport

    Raffles Dubai, Dubai, 5*

    Room types: all
    Accommodation: until 28.02.2015
    For example, 2 adults stay 7 nights February 15-22
    our price is 2190 euros including all taxes / "booking" 2327 euros + 20% taxes
    our price is 1319 euros with breakfast including all taxes / "booking" 2066 euros without breakfast + 20% taxes

    * airfare is paid additionally
    * for any booking we will make a UAE visa (requirement: mandatory prepaid hotel and air ticket any airline)

    Recommendations for profitable booking:
    - as a rule, UAE hotels give excellent special rates for early booking (the earlier, the cheaper - 2-3-4 months before arrival),
    - either we catch special last minute tariffs (but, in this case, it is already worth considering visa risks and we recommend laying down at least 3-4 working days for a visa, taking into account the fact that Friday and Saturday are official days off in the UAE)

    Do you need advice or calculation of the tour/accommodation?
    [email protected] or leave it in the comments!