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  • Ingeborga Dapkunaite: “Nobody will teach a person to be an actor. Coloring from Ingeborga Dapkunaite: the star acted as a colorist We understand the palette

    Ingeborga Dapkunaite: “Nobody will teach a person to be an actor.  Coloring from Ingeborga Dapkunaite: the star acted as a colorist We understand the palette

    Thin (a simple white top and pipe trousers only emphasize a fragile figure), with a radiant smile and a quiet voice, the actress does not at all like to be under the gun of cameras and a barrage of questions from journalists. "I always feel uncomfortable when asked to tell about me - well, think, what is it, I'm an ordinary person?" And yes: it immediately officially declares that it was painted with L "Oreal paint even before it became the face of the brand.

    We check in practice

    You can argue that the actress has not yet acted in such a role.

    The statements “I paint at home myself” usually sound a little strained: who in their right mind would believe that an actress for whom the image is important, like no one else, will literally risk her own head? It is quite simple to check in practice: those who really paint themselves at home know how to handle a brush and paint.

    Therefore, the first thing we did was to occupy the bathroom of the hotel room and handed Ingeborg paint, gloves and a comb. I, as a person who really paints himself at home (and still, about once every 2-3 months I go to the salon for total alignment of the shade), now I am absolutely sure that this is not the first time for her: Ingeborga coped with applying paint with that the same speed as my hairdresser, and certainly faster than me. At the same time, her ability to wield a comb and a brush can only be envied.

    I am an actress and I try to observe people. It's part of my profession - an actor can be inspired by real situations and real reactions. In the context of personal care, this also works: I was fortunate enough to collaborate with talented stylists and makeup artists, I looked at them, consulted with them, and learned to understand the shades of colors from my colorist.

    Ingeborga Dapkunaite

    Understanding the palette

    All paints are marked according to a single system: each number in the name indicates a shade. The first is the basic, basic tone, its intensity is distributed from 1 to 10, where 1 is black, and 10 is the lightest blond (and usually the "strongest" oxidants are used in such paints to ensure maximum results). With mix tones, which are responsible for shades, everything is more complicated.

    “If after the dot in the name there are numbers 1 or 2, the paint will give a cold undertone, ash or pearl,- speaks Alla Mimikina, Director of Education L "Oreal Paris. - Warm shades are hidden behind the rest of the numbers: golden - 3, copper - 4, mahogany - 5, red - 6 ".

    We select the tone

    Two living examples: the warm red shade almost merges with the tanned face of Blake Lively, but very softly plays in contrast with the cold skin tone of Rachel McAdams. At the same time, Blake is very much going to be a cold blonde, and Rachel, in a similar palette, becomes not so bright.

    Nature arranged for us very simply: if you have a warm skin tone, most likely, your hair is also "warm", and if you follow this uniformity in coloring, you get what stylists call a natural effect and like to add to this, except perhaps highlighting in the same sunny palette. “If a girl of a warm color type plays a little with tonality and makes the shade of her hair colder, then the image will be more dramatic,- confident colorist Christophe Robin. - The contrast in midtones makes the face brighter. But on this path you cannot go too far and you need to know when to stop. For owners of warm tanned skin, for example, coloring in fashionable shades of ashy and almost gray-haired is contraindicated, it looks very unnatural. "

    Follow the instructions

    This is not a prank by a manufacturer who wants to control the process even in your bathroom. “There are dyes that need to be applied to wet hair, this is a feature of the formula,- reminds Alla Mimikina. - This means that the paint is gel-based, and water is needed to activate the process, and if you skip this step, the color will not fall as evenly as we would like. Cream colors are usually applied to dry hair, and this is important if you want to get good results. ".

    You should be especially careful with ammonia-free paints. The chemistry of the process itself in such paints is not much different from ordinary paints, but here's the catch: ammonia plays its role in a chemical reaction up to evaporation. Therefore, if you accidentally overexpose ammonia paint on your hair, nothing terrible will happen - the dyeing process itself actually ends in about 20-30 minutes. The chemical reaction of ammonia-free dyes continues throughout the exposure time on the hair, so it is incredibly important to keep track of the timer here, and every minute can change the dyeing result.

    It is convenient to dye your hair at home. Each trip to the salon takes a lot of time - it's 2-3 hours, and it's a pity to waste them! Of course, in the event of a radical change in color, it is better to seek help from a stylist, but it is easy to tint the roots yourself.

    Ingeborga Dapkunaite

    Remember individuality

    Autograph for memory

    We explain with live examples. I usually paint with 5.21 paint from another line of the brand, Recital Preference. This shade was released in a special cold collection (you can identify it by the blue sticker on the number), and this means that there are a little more cold mix-tone pigments in the formula than in ordinary paints, and it is this "dose" that can muffle my very warm natural underton the hair and bring it to the desired dark blonde, but still natural.

    For the experiment, we took shade 5.02 from the Excellence palette - the base tone is the same, but there are fewer cold pigments in the paint, and the final result is more neutral light brown, such shades are usually called “nutty”.

    Ingeborga's example is much softer: since her initial shade of hair is quite cold, shade 8.1 gives the desired pearlescent light blond without yellowness, and colder shades would "take" him away from the natural palette and make her hair rather ashy.

    The same balm

    The most popular question on women's forums: what do they add to the balms that they put in paints, and why don't they release them separately? “The finishing balm included in the paint package differs from the usual ones in that it has a very high concentration of polymers, which are necessary to restore the hair fiber immediately after dyeing”, - answers Alla Mimikina... It will be good to use such a formula in everyday life except for very badly damaged hair, although at some point the brand increased the size of the bottle of balm itself so that it could be used about 5-6 times.


    Have any beauty curiosities happened to you?

    Back in Soviet times, at a rehearsal of a performance in Chicago, I confessed to my American colleagues that I was using mayonnaise instead of a hair mask. In Moscow, air conditioning was bad. Another time, the Americans learned from me that the styling gel can be replaced with flaxseed jelly. The entire dressing room came running, wrote down the recipe: “We will do this too! It's healthier for your hair. "

    Remember what your first beauty product was?

    I was given Lancôme mascara for 19 years. It was chic! Having applied my eyelashes for the first time, I simply could not recognize myself in the mirror. And recently I tested False Lash Papillon mascara, L'Oréal Paris. She is the best! L'Oréal Paris also has good eyeliners and Super Liner Blackbuster.

    PHOTO Alena Polosukhina


    PHOTO Press service archives

    Necklace from the spring-summer Etro collection. This is such a versatile thing that will "make" any image.


    PHOTO Alena Polosukhina

    I do not like to fry in the sun, I keep in the shade. I am saving myself. And I protect the skin with Vichy and La Roche-Posay creams. Where would you go on vacation? To the Maldives at the Shangri-La Hotel. Been there three times already. Such a separation from civilization. Then I love St. Petersburg, I have always dreamed of living there. After touring and doing business I often stay at Astoria.


    PHOTO Alena Polosukhina

    I wipe my face with L'Oréal Paris micellar water for sensitive skin. The whole cleaning line of this brand is good. It was developed by Joelle Siocco, a renowned French cosmetologist. These products are not inferior to super-expensive products. As well as creams of the Age Expert range, L'Oréal Paris, for different ages: 35+, 45+ and 55+.


    PHOTO Alena Polosukhina

    Face Fabric tone, Giorgio Armani, I mix with Génifique moisturizer or serum, Lancôme. The coating is thin. I apply it with my hands. I rub it between my palms, their warmth warms up the tone and lays down more evenly.

    Energetic, fit, laughing, she instantly energizes and optimizes those around her. He jokes with the waiters, gracefully accepts compliments from visitors to the cafe where we met for an interview. Her day is scheduled by the minute, but she is one of those people who know how to fully live here and now: Ingeborga listens attentively to the interlocutor and is completely sincerely happy to communicate. At the same time, in a conversation with her, the feeling that she is about to flutter up and fly away does not leave: she feels some kind of internal spring, a perpetual motion machine that does not allow her to stop. She is extremely in demand in theater and cinema all over the world, she is filmed in Hollywood, England, Russia, her native Lithuania. Among her films in recent years - Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in "Gregory R", Mrs. Hudson in the TV series Sherlock Holmes, the keeper of dreams in the mini-series "Heavenly Judgment". In the theater, she played with John Malkovich in the opera-drama Giacomo Variations, appeared on the stages of London and Manchester in the cult performance about female sexuality Vagina Monologues, in which at various times, among others, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, Jane participated Fonda, Susan Sarandon, worked with Kevin Spacey on The Cloaca at London's Old Vic. Now on the stage of the Moscow Theater of Nations is the play "Jeanne" with her participation, and in December the premiere of "The Idiot" based on the novel by Dostoevsky will take place there. And this is not an exhaustive list of her merits, about which Ingeborga Dapkunaite speaks casually, by the way.

    There is a kind of casual elegance in her appearance and manners - it is no coincidence that the cosmetics brand L'Oréal Paris chose her as their ambassador of beauty. Ingeborga Dapkunaite diligently protects her life and the life of her family from prying eyes, invariably avoiding answering personal questions with a radiant smile. She was married to the Lithuanian actor Arunas Sakalauskas, then to the British theater director Simon Stokes, her current husband is a restaurateur and lawyer Dmitry Yampolsky. That's all the general public knows. And everyone who is not included in the circle of her relatives and friends does not need to know more.

    MC: You just finished filming in Alexei Uchitel's Matilda, where you play Maria Feodorovna. How do you like being the Empress Dowager?

    Ingeborga Dapkunaite: Wonderful. This is not the first queen in my filmography. And queens are always great to play. I have a small role in "Matidda", but the picture itself is large-scale, and this is a whole year of life. It rarely happens that a movie takes so long to shoot if it's not a series. The teacher is a perfectionist, he put together an absolutely perfect cast, we starred incredible actors: Lars Eidinger, Zhenya Mironov, Galina Tyunina, Grigory Dobrygin, Danila Kozlovsky, and many others.

    MC: How, in your opinion, is a Western woman different from a Russian one?

    ID: Well, this is a difficult question, then you need to talk about how countries differ.

    MC: But still. Moreover, you live both in the West and in Russia, and you probably feel such nuances.

    ID: I think now the speed of information and the ability to read and see what is happening everywhere neutralizes the difference. If we talk about emancipation and other serious issues, in cities there is no longer that rigid division that existed several decades ago: a woman is at home with children, and a man earns money. Nowadays, many men are also involved in the home, children and kitchen. Although at the same time in all countries they say that women in leadership positions are still much less and they earn less. But this too must change.

    MC: Which way?

    ID: In the women's, of course.

    MC: Do you manage to devote time to home with your schedule? Cooking, for example?

    ID: Well, I somehow live ... I don't always eat in a cafe. And I don't always live in hotels. Home is home.

    MC: How is your time distributed between the cities in which you live?

    ID: Each time it depends on the work I do, where I do it.

    MC: In the last year, for example?

    ID: Oh, to remember where I was thrown. There were many in St. Petersburg, where the shooting of "Matilda" took place; in Moscow - starred in the American TV series Insomnia; in London starred in a small project. To be honest, everywhere.

    MC: Do you have a role model - in life, in your profession? The person you admire.

    ID: I admire many. I like a lot of people. In some people I like what unites me with them, in others, on the contrary, the opposite and unusual qualities for me. It's the same with movies - I watch almost everything except horror films. I am a good spectator.

    MC: Grateful?

    ID: Yes. I just understand that any film or performance, even if there are roughnesses, was created with difficulty, that people made efforts. Although there are, of course, absolutely mediocre things, but fortunately I rarely come across such things.

    MC: Do you manage to turn off the professional perception and be exclusively a spectator?

    Ingeborga Dapkunaite: When everything is fine, I forget everything and become just a spectator. And when something is not entirely good, then I begin to notice: there is not enough, there is too much, and this needs to be done differently.

    MC: Is there something about the acting profession that you don't already know?

    ID: I don’t know much. There is always what is called the mystery of talent. When I watch actors like Zhenya Mironov, it's a talent, and you can't get away from it. Talent can be wrong, but this is the essence of the artist - to seek, try, make mistakes.

    MC: But what do you teach your students at the Moscow Film School? What is the most important thing in the acting profession they need to know?

    ID: We can give them some skills, but they must learn themselves. Nobody will teach a person to be an actor. This is impossible. No one will hammer knowledge into your head with a hammer.

    ID: I don't have time for this. Maybe it is necessary, who knows, but I just didn't get my hands on it. Now I cannot answer all the business and friendly SMS and messages that I receive: cinema, theater, Moscow Film School, where I am the curator of the acting department ... And all this is not one message a day, as you know. And also the Vera Foundation and the play with the deaf-blind, which I co-produced. Where is there instagram or facebook.

    MC: What is this performance?

    ID: The play "The Touched", which was made by the Foundation for the Support of the Deaf-Blind "Union" and the Theater of Nations. This is the first production in Russia in which both deaf-blind and sighted actors are involved at the same time. And this is important: we practically live in different worlds and do not intersect. At first we played for an audience of friends, because we did not know what would come of it, but it turned out that it was interesting for the theatrical audience as well.

    MC: What do you do at the Vera Foundation?

    Ingeborga Dapkunaite: I have been on the board of trustees of the foundation for nine years. I need to tell you what a hospice is - we recently conducted a research, and it turned out that people do not quite understand what it is, they think that this is some kind of dark, scary place. But in fact, the opposite is true - this is a place that does not look like a hospital, where a person who cannot be cured spends his last days. When a child is in intensive care, the main problem is that relatives cannot get to him - you can imagine what happens to the child and the parents. And in the hospice, relatives can stay 24 hours a day without any restrictions. In addition, we have a large field service. The Vera Foundation is doing a lot of educational work: we organize seminars, train specialists - the country still has a modest experience in palliative medicine, that is, medicine that works with people who cannot be cured. We are also building the first children's charity hospice in Moscow.

    MC: How does it feel to communicate with a person, especially a child, realizing that he will soon die? Probably difficult?

    ID: No. We all die. I believe that any period of our life is all life. And why should the last two months be worse than the rest? And why does knowing that I will die in two months make my life worse? We don't want to think about it, but there is one unshakable, unconditional fact: we are all going to die.

    MC: What does a job at the Vera Foundation give you?

    ID: All, probably ... This should be done. If I don't, then who.

    MC: You are the beauty ambassador of L'Oréal Paris, you advertise the Age Expert line and the Excellence hair color. So what is female beauty? How is it expressed and how does it change with age?

    ID: I am deeply convinced that beauty is always from within. No wonder they say that we are getting old the way we lived. Everything starts to reflect on the face. If you were evil, you have evil wrinkles. And look at funny people - they have funny wrinkles. And it's great that there are L "Oréal Paris products that help a woman look good regardless of age. We still live in the 21st century, we won't chop wood with an ax, although sometimes it's nice.

    MC: You give the impression of an open person. Where is the border of personal space for you? Where do you keep strangers out?

    ID: Home. As you probably understood, I am reluctant to tell where and how I live. I'm not alone. The reason for our conversation with you is my profession. And this does not mean that relatives and friends who live with me also want to be public people. I see no reason to talk about my relationship with my mother, because it's only mine.