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  • To trust or not to trust, that is the question. Is it true that you can't trust anyone? Remember: you attract what you believe in.

    To trust or not to trust, that is the question.  Is it true that you can't trust anyone?  Remember: you attract what you believe in.

    Jean-Paul Sartre was born on June 21, 1905. Life and philosophical concept of the famous French writer who refused the Nobel Prize in Literature

    "People are like dice: we throw ourselves forward through life"
    Jean-Paul Sartre was born in Paris in 1905. The future Nobel Prize laureate in literature received his education at the Lyceums of La Rochelle, then graduated from the Higher Normal School in Paris with a dissertation in philosophy and trained at the French Institute in Berlin. In the periods from 1929 to 1939 and 1941 to 1944, Sartre taught literature at various lyceums in France

    “The world would be fine without literature; even better he would have done without a man "
    Since 1944, Jean-Paul Sartre has taken up exclusively literary work, although his first novel, Nausea, was published six years earlier (in 1938). Many consider this work to be the best in the writer's career: according to a number of critics, in it Sartre "rises to the deepest ideas of the Gospel, but from an atheistic standpoint." It is known that Sartre's worldview was formed under the influence, first of all, of the philosophers Henri Bergson and Edmund Husserl, the writer Fyodor Dostoevsky and another philosopher - Martin Heidegger

    "You are always responsible for what you did not try to prevent"
    In October 1945, Jean-Paul Sartre founded the literary and political magazine New Times, whose position was close to Marxism and existentialism. The writer and philosopher acted as a supporter of peace at the Vienna Congress of Peoples for Peace in 1952, and in 1953 he was elected a member of the World Peace Council. Sartre distanced himself from accepting the idea of ​​French Algeria and analyzed violence as a gangrenous derivative of colonialism. After repeated threats from French nationalists, they blew up his apartment in the center of Paris twice, and nationalist militants seized the editorial office of Novye Vremya five times.

    "In order to sympathize with the suffering of others, it is enough to be human, but in order to sympathize with the joy of others, you need to be an angel."
    Jean-Paul Sartre (pictured center) supported the 1959 Cuban Revolution and wrote a series of articles on the topic, and later took an active part in the Russell Tribunal to Investigate War Crimes in Vietnam. In particular, in 1967, at a meeting of the International Tribunal for this trial in Roskilde, Sartre made his infamous speech on genocide, including in French Algeria

    "Freedom is what I myself have made of what they have made of me"
    One of the central concepts for the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre (pictured on the right) was the concept of freedom. For Sartre, freedom was presented as something absolute, once and for all given and even antecedent to the essence of man: this is quite fully expressed by his phrase "Man is condemned to be free." Sartre understood freedom not as freedom of the spirit leading to inaction or justifying it, but as freedom of choice, which no one can take away from a person. So, according to Sartre, the prisoner is free to make a decision - to accept or fight for his liberation, and what will happen next depends on the circumstances that are beyond philosophical competence.

    "We will win the right to love by blood"
    Jean-Paul Sartre was a participant in the 1968 revolution in France and partly even a symbol of it: for example, the students, seizing the Sorbonne, let only Sartre inside - the author of Being and Nothingness (1943), which became like a Bible for young French intellectuals. The arrest of the philosopher during the next protest of youth, which escalated into riots, aroused the indignation of the students. When Charles de Gaulle learned about this, he gave the order to release Sartre with the words: "Voltaires are not imprisoned in France."

    "We cannot tear out a page from our lives, although we can easily throw the book itself into the fire."
    In the postwar years, Jean-Paul Sartre became part of numerous democratic, Maoist movements and organizations. The philosopher and writer took part in protests against the Algerian War, the suppression of the Hungarian uprising of 1956, the Vietnam War, publicly opposed the invasion of American troops into Cuba, against the introduction of Soviet troops into Prague, as well as against the suppression of dissent in the USSR

    "A writer should not allow himself to be turned into an institution, even if, as in this case, it takes the most honorable forms."
    In 1964, Jean-Paul Sartrou was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "for a creativity rich in ideas, imbued with the spirit of freedom and the search for truth, which has had a huge impact on our time." The writer refused to accept the high award: he was not satisfied with the "bourgeois" and pronounced anti-Soviet orientation of the Nobel Committee, which chose, according to the philosopher (and on this occasion he wrote "Why I refused the award"), an unfortunate moment - when Sartre openly criticized the USSR. In addition, the writer did not want to be indebted to any social institution.

    “Love has nothing to do with possession. Its highest manifestation is to provide freedom "
    Jean-Paul Sartre met Simone de Beauvoir (pictured) in his student years, and she was not just a companion of his life, but also a like-minded author. Moreover, the couple did not become a husband and wife. Instead, they entered into an agreement with each other, according to which they became partners, maintaining intellectual loyalty to each other, while not counting the betrayal of love affairs on the side

    “We make up values. A priori, life has no meaning. We create meaning for her. "
    Throughout his life, Jean-Paul Sartre hesitated in his political views, but his positions always remained left, and Sartre always tried to defend the rights of a disadvantaged person

    "But I don't see anything else: no matter how much I rummage in the past, I extract only fragmentary pictures from it, and I don't really know what they mean, whether it is memories or fictions."
    Jean-Paul Sartre died on April 15, 1980. Shortly before his death, the philosopher and writer asked not to arrange an official funeral for him, so the funeral procession was made only by those close to Sartre. However, as the procession moved through Paris past the favorite places of the thinker, 50 thousand people spontaneously joined it.

    “I am my past, and if I am not, my past will not exist longer than me or anyone else. It will no longer have any connection with the present. This definitely does not mean that it will not exist, but only that its being will be undiscovered. I am the only one in whom my past exists in this world "
    Photo: funeral of Jean-Paul Sartre on April 19, 1980

    The trust - the guarantee of a strong relationship... But is everyone worth trusting and how to stop being overly naive?

    About this, as well as about the reasons for the opposite phenomenon - doubts about everything, we understand this article.

    The reason for the massive distrust

    Why do they say that you can't trust people?

    Today it is often said that trusting others, even very close, dear people - not worth it.

    Allegations like "You can't trust anyone" are heard everywhere.

    The reasons for this are simple.- everyone in life one way or another had to involuntarily deal with deceivers, swindlers, liars.

    Some of the above were interested in money, someone in non-material gain, and someone was just a pathological liar or insensitive, cold to the feelings of others. One or two of these types came across to everyone.

    And given that we were all once inexperienced and gullible, there were cases of "scammers" and deception. And if money can be returned or earned, then what can we say about situations in which a loved one committed betrayal.

    Losing trust in your loved ones is always unpleasant. So the main the reason for the massive mistrust is personal experience, in a collision with unscrupulous people. In addition, there are a number of other reasons:

    Trust yourself

    What is not always worth trusting - what does it mean? Trust isn't just about relationships between people. It is sometimes said that you don't always need to trust yourself.

    It is primarily about feelings.

    When we are experiencing an emotional outburst (both up and down), we are not always accurate in interpreting what is happening.

    The emotional component comes from the ancient, animal nature of man.

    But since instinct is stronger, the mind is often blocked... That is why it is important to have the skills of self-knowledge and self-criticism, to be able to ask the questions “Am I wrong?”, “Maybe I’m wrong?”, “What makes me act in this way”.

    Despite the large role of the emotional sphere, rationality can make adjustments in behavior and help not to do stupid things.

    Do I need to trust people?

    Suspicion, distrust should be rational.

    Deviation to either side will lead to conflicts and loss of connection with the person.

    therefore best strategy- initially treat a person positively, slightly better than neutral. And wait for him to prove himself.

    It is important to understand that there are accidents, as well as actions committed by stupidity... Your right is to give a person a chance to prove themselves. If he has demonstrated his frivolity, unreliability - take a closer look and understand the reasons and motives for his behavior.

    If a person realizes that he has done a bad deed, realizes the harm done to you and is ready to sincerely correct it - you can give a second chance... But not more.

    If this happens again, it means that you are either a hypocrite, acting completely deliberately and with cold calculation, or a fool.

    Both options are unpleasant, and therefore it is better to distance yourself completely from these people. As an option - to make communication and any contact minimal.

    Sometimes it's better to play it safe. Yet vigilance is far more productive than carelessness. Moreover, a frivolous perception of the world and people can lead to problems - loss of money, disappointment in people, relationships.

    Therefore, a critical look at others and an analysis of their actions is a useful skill, worth developing it.

    Pathological suspiciousness

    I don’t trust anyone: is it good or bad?

    Pathological distrust, is a negative line. But the situation can be corrected.

    The first step is to determine the reasons why you cannot trust anyone.

    Traumatic wholesalers in the past? No sense of security in the company? Negative feedback about the person you are dealing with in each case - hotel algorithm of actions.

    But one thing can be stated unequivocally - pathological mistrust makes it difficult to establish contact with the interlocutor. Suspecting everyone and everyone, you run the risk of alienating even those closest to you.

    How to be? If you are characterized by distrust, then examine each person individually, try to check its reliability in practice. Give him a credit of trust, however small, and see if the person lives up to expectations. The main thing is that they are not overpriced.

    How to stop being naive and gullible?

    How not to be deceived, to protect yourself from betrayal? A question that interests many, and especially those who have already faced loss of trust... To stop being overly naive, you can apply the following tips in your life:

    The trust - an important element in a relationship. But it should be based on objective factors. Trusting everyone, just like being suspicious of anyone who suspects everyone of cheating is not the best way of development.

    Whether a particular person deserves trust or not can only be verified in practice, in a difficult situation.

    How to stop being a naive fool:

    Trust is fragile ...

    Trust is fragile. Like a crystal vase, breaking which, you cannot glue it in its original form. All the same, there will be cracks that will remind of what happened.

    Trust can be lost very quickly, but it takes a long time to earn it - sometimes a lifetime.

    It is not always easy to determine who from our environment will support and help in any situation. This is because people change.

    There are certain signs that will help you understand whether you should trust a person or not. So, here are five types of people you can't trust:

    1. Overly nice and courteous people.

    There are people who try to charm in order to cause harm in the future. Such people are very courteous. They say words that are good to hear and give a bunch of little gifts.

    There is a definite difference between those who are truly courteous by nature and those who only pretend.

    Truly suave people don't hesitate to tell you about themselves and their lives. The pretenders will tell you only fairy tales about themselves, and not a word of truth. Fairy tales that are too good to be true.

    2. People who do not know how to empathize and empathize.

    People who can betray your trust lack empathy and empathy. This is because they do not intend to put themselves in the place of another person.

    If they did, they would know how a person feels when he is betrayed. But they only think about how to get benefits, regardless of the fact that they cause harm and pain.

    If you meet such a person, be careful.

    3. People who do not know how to keep secrets.

    If someone from your environment (even if it is a close friend) has a habit of telling you other people's secrets, be sure that he will also spread your secrets.

    Have you decided to entrust such a person with something about yourself that no one should know about? Be sure, everyone will know about it soon.

    Such people simply do not understand why it is so important to keep the secrets entrusted to them. If it is possible to derive some benefit from this, then they will surely blurt it out.

    4. People with a narcissistic complex.

    Such people consider themselves to be the center of the universe. They will convince you of your own importance. They will flatter you so that you open up to them and get closer to them.

    That's just ... When something does not go as planned, such a person does not admit his mistakes. He will misinterpret the story of what happened in such a way as to blame you for everything. He will talk in paints about how you forced him to commit certain actions that turned out to be erroneous.

    He will even try to turn everything out as if he is a victim of your actions.

    Beware of such people. The most important thing for them is their ego.

    5. People who cannot make up their minds.

    Indecisive people cannot be relied on. You can never know for sure if such a person really supports you or not.

    In addition, such people do not have a clear position. In their opinion, they are fickle.

    Today such a person may say yes to you, but tomorrow his opinion will change to the opposite. You cannot be sure of anything.

    Live and learn ... And yet ... Not everyone comes with wisdom over the years ... They don't become wise, they are born wise ... It's just that it is revealed later ...

    Especially for our readers, we have selected the 30 best quotes of the week.

    1. Do not complain about life - someone dreams of the kind of life you live.

    2. The basic rule of life is not to be overwhelmed by either people or circumstances.

    3. Never show a man how much you need him. You will not see anything good in return.

    4. It is impossible to expect from a person that which is unusual for him. You don't squeeze a lemon to make tomato juice.

    5. After rain always comes a rainbow, after tears - happiness.

    6. One day you will accidentally find yourself at the right time in the right place, and millions of roads will converge at one point.

    7. What you believe in becomes your world.

    8. A diamond that has fallen into the mud is still a diamond, and dust that has risen to the skies remains dust.

    9. Do not call, do not write, do not take interest - that means they do not need. Everything is simple and there is nothing to invent.

    10. I know people are not saints. Sins are spelled out by fate. For me, it's better to be honestly evil than people with deceitful kindness!

    11. Be like a lotus that is always pure and blooms even in troubled waters.

    12. And God forbid everyone to be with those with whom the heart does not seek others.

    13. There is no better place than home, especially if there is a mother in it.

    14. People constantly come up with problems for themselves. Why not invent happiness for yourself?

    15. It hurts - this is when a child wants to see mom and dad, but they are not. The rest can be lived through.

    16. Happiness is near ... Do not invent ideals for yourself ... Appreciate what you have.

    17. Never lie to someone who trusts you. Never trust someone who lied to you.

    18. Mom, even if she is prickly, is still the best!

    19. There is no need to be afraid of distances. And far away you can love deeply, and close you can quickly part.

    20. I always consider the last book I read to be the best until I try something new.

    21. We give LIFE to children, and they give us SENSE!

    22. A happy person is one who does not regret the past, is not afraid of the future and does not climb into someone else's life.

    23. Pain sometimes goes away, but thoughts remain.

    24. How much wisdom is needed to never lose kindness!

    25. Having abandoned me once, no longer meddle in my life. Never.

    26. Appreciate the one who cannot live without you. And don't chase after someone who is happy without you.

    27. Remember: you attract what you believe in!

    28. There is only one thing you can regret in life - that you once did not dare.

    29. The most natural thing in this world is change. Living things cannot be frozen.

    30. One sage was asked: "What to do if they stop loving you?"

    “Take your soul and leave,” he replied.