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  • Muesli is useful or not. Muesli: The Truth About Healthy Eaters' Favorite Breakfast

    Muesli is useful or not.  Muesli: The Truth About Healthy Eaters' Favorite Breakfast

    Each of us ate oatmeal, which is customary to give to young children not only at home, but also in kindergarten. At the same time, kids and adults give preference to muesli, which is distinguished by the presence of tasty pieces of fruit, as well as a variety of flavors. Today we will figure out how muesli is useful, whether we use them correctly, and what types of this oat product are.

    Calorie content, nutritional value and composition

    We will probably start our acquaintance with this "porridge" with its composition, nutritional and energy value, but first of all it is worth knowing that muesli is such a product in which the manufacturer can and must introduce various additives: for example, dried fruits, various cereal balls, and similar additions. Accordingly, any additive affects not only the composition, but also the nutritional and energy value, so we will consider the average indicators that are applicable to this product.

    The calorie content per 100 g is 355 kcal, and the main part is given by oatmeal, and not additional ingredients. It is also worth noting that the specified value applies specifically to the dry product.

    The nutritional value:

    • proteins- 9.1 g;
    • fats- 5.5 g;
    • carbohydrates- 72.9 g.
    Carbohydrates are divided into simple (31.1 g) and fiber (7.3 g). 5.5 g of fat gives us about 49 kcal, respectively, the body receives most of the calories from the digestion of carbohydrates.


    • oat flakes;
    • nuts;
    • seeds (sesame, flax, sunflower);
    • dried fruits;
    • candied fruit.
    Minerals present in the composition are:, iron, copper,.

    Vitamins:, B9, B12,.
    As you can see, the composition of muesli contains almost all known vitamins, as well as a huge amount of minerals that are required by the body and are necessary for the normal functioning of the organs and systems of our body. Finding a product that would contain the same amount of useful things is quite difficult, which is why muesli (or oatmeal) is such a popular product.

    Did you know? The presence of a large amount of B vitamins is responsible for the soothing and anti-stress properties of oatmeal. The product is indispensable for those who often suffer from blues, or are busy with hard work.

    The iron contained in muesli deserves a separate mention. 100 g of the product covers 45.6% of the daily value of an adult. This means that by eating 200 g (dry weight), you will fully meet the body's need for this mineral. In addition, the same one hundred grams is quite enough to fully cover the daily requirement for manganese (108%), as well as meet the need for vitamin A by 10%.


    Above, we said that the nutritional and energy value of muesli depends on various additives, however, there are two main varieties of this product, which will be discussed below.

    This is a standard product sold in 200-300 gram packs. The composition of such muesli is represented by untreated oat flakes, various dried fruits, seeds, nuts, and cereal balls. This variant cannot be consumed without preliminary processing, that is, it is "raw".
    Each of us has at least once seen cereal bars, which are in the markets either in the sweets section or in the healthy food section. These are small oblong sticks, which are a compressed mixture of fruits, oats, various grains and chalk. All of this can be spilled with juices, which improve the taste and make the product healthier. The main difference between these muesli is that they are considered completely ready-made and do not require additional processing. They are baked at a low temperature in order to preserve their vitamin composition, therefore they do not differ much from the "raw" types in terms of their usefulness.

    Important! The baked product has a higher calorie content, but at the same time it is digested faster.

    What are the benefits of muesli for the body

    Considering that muesli contains a huge number of compounds useful for the body, it is extremely difficult to talk about the positive effect of each vitamin and mineral, so we will consider the most important points.

    Cellulose. Muesli contains a huge amount of fiber (7.3 g or 29% of the daily value), which has a positive effect on digestion. Fiber not only improves the digestibility of food, but also speeds up the process of food processing, as a result of which constipation problems are solved. It also removes dangerous chemical compounds, radiation, and cholesterol from the body, reducing the burden on the cleansing organ (liver).
    Vitamins. Such a rich composition allows you to avoid a deterioration in the state of the body and the nervous system, even during the period of massive vitamin deficiency. At the same time, vitamins not only normalize the work of internal organs, but also improve the appearance. Hair, skin and nails get enough nutrients to look better. Such a composition has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system, therefore muesli is simply necessary during the period of massive epidemics, as well as when the weather changes abruptly.

    Important! There are special muesli for diabetics, so people suffering from high sugar levels do not have to give up such tasty and healthy food.

    How to cook and what you can eat with

    It would seem that making muesli is as easy as frying eggs, but this is not entirely true. The standard steaming method is only suitable for those people who do not have serious health problems. The same goes for various bright fillers, which must be treated with caution.

    What does muesli combine with?

    The first thing that comes to mind is milk. At the same time, people who are lactose intolerant should immediately refuse such an additive. Milk goes well with muesli, as it provides our body with an additional dose of calcium and various nutrients. At the same time, the calorie content of the finished dish does not increase much if you do not add sugar or honey.

    If you like to eat muesli with chocolate, then remember that sweets contain a huge amount of fat, therefore, the calorie content of the dish will go off scale. This combination is not suitable for people who are overweight.

    A tasty product, together with jam, will not leave anyone indifferent, however, it is worth understanding that although the usefulness of the dish increases, its calorie content increases significantly, since there is a lot of sugar in any jam. This combination is suitable for those people who have a significant amount of time between breakfast and lunch, which means that muesli will not let you get hungry quickly. However, if you consume them after the main meal, then be sure that you will definitely exceed the allowable average daily amount of calories.

    How to cook.

    To begin with, boil a delicious product neither in milk nor in water. Firstly, you make it less tasty, and secondly, taking a significant amount of nutrients and reducing the final value.

    Important!If you have been diagnosed with a serious gastrointestinal disease, then you cannot do without cooking, otherwise a negative reaction from the diseased organ will follow.

    Consider two recipes for making homemade muesli, which will be tastier and healthier than store-bought ones.

    For the first option, you will need:

    • 3 tbsp. l. steamed oatmeal;
    • 2 tbsp. l. rye bran;
    • 2 dry prunes;
    • candied fruit.
    The second option will require:
    • 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
    • 2 tbsp. l. buckwheat flakes;
    • 1 tsp sunflower seeds;
    • ½ fresh banana;
    • sugar to taste.
    In both cases, the muesli is first poured with boiling water, and only then all additional ingredients are added to them. If you like the maximum combination of flavors, then you can mix all the ingredients before steaming.

    Fresh fruit is best used as a supplement as it contains more vitamins. Buying expensive dried fruits and candied fruits does not always make sense, since they are very expensive and also not entirely healthy (sulfur is used in the processing of candied fruits and dried fruits, which can cause allergies).

    Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

    The product is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, however, the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding is special, which is why it is worthwhile to understand this issue in more detail.

    Pregnancy. Despite the usefulness of the product, it is worth remembering the following:

    1. You cannot buy muesli that contain preservatives, dyes, or flavorings. They are perfectly preserved without unnecessary additives.
    2. The product should not contain anything that could cause allergies in you or your child.
    3. Buy the product only in sealed packages. In no case should you take it by weight, since you can eat low-quality muesli, or those in which dangerous microorganisms have started.

    If all the conditions are met, then the product is not dangerous for the expectant mother, however, preliminary consultation with a doctor will not hurt.

    GW period. Unlike pregnancy, in this period, more stringent rules should be followed. This even applies to foods such as muesli. They should not contain the following components:

    1. Honey (the strongest allergen for a baby).
    2. Dried fruits (only those that can cause allergies).
    3. Nuts (allergens).
    4. Raisins (impairs milk production).

    Did you know? Muesli was invented in 1900 by the Scottish physician Bircher-Banner, who used this product as a medicine for his patients.

    It turns out that if a nursing mother wants to eat muesli, then it is better to prepare the product from purchased ingredients in order to eliminate possible problems. Of course, not all children react negatively to such additives that enter milk, but it is better to play it safe than to treat the baby's allergies later.

    Is it possible to eat muesli while losing weight

    Above, we talked about the fact that with diabetes mellitus it is worth using special muesli, now we will figure out whether it is possible to eat ordinary products while losing weight, or if special options are required here.

    If we consider the energy and nutritional value, then we can conclude that muesli is very high in calories, respectively, can negatively affect the figure. However, it should be understood that the calorie content is indicated in relation to the dry product.
    You can't eat more than 200-300 grams of dry food at a time to get a huge amount of unnecessary calories. At the same time, the fat content of oatmeal, which make up the lion's share of the mass, is low. Most of the calories come from carbohydrates, which cannot be converted into body fat.

    For comparison, let's take a regular loaf, which has a calorie content of 270 kcal. At the same time, a whole loaf gives as much as 1350 kcal. To get the same amount of energy, you need to consume 380 g of dry muesli.

    Important! Oatmeal swells a lot in the stomach and therefore requires a lot of water or other liquid.

    Simply put, an oat product ideally complements the dietary menu, since it not only provides a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins and minerals, but also does not increase the total calorie content of the diet.

    Contraindications and harm

    Unfortunately, it is not always possible to avoid the possible negative consequences of the use of a particular product, and oddly enough, muesli is no exception in this matter.

    Contraindications in this case are as follows:

    • allergy;
    • renal or heart failure;
    • lack of calcium in the body.
    Only additives, preservatives, and colorants added by the manufacturer to improve the appearance and taste of muesli can harm you. You should not buy too bright products in which you can notice an unnaturally rich color of candied fruits or dried fruits. Various saturated fats, which are also added separately by the manufacturer, can harm your body, so carefully study the composition before buying.
    Now you know what the benefits of muesli are and how to best consume them. Remember that it is not in vain that they are eaten with milk, since oats are rich in phytic acid, which helps to wash out calcium. Also keep in mind that it is prepared without cooking, is devoid of some useful trace elements and vitamins, and, accordingly, is less useful. It is better to prepare a product from separately purchased components in order not only to save money, but also to get really healthy food.

    Breakfast cereals - muesli, snacks, cereals - are very popular today. They allow you not to turn the morning into a hustle and bustle about making cereals, omelets or fried bacon and eggs. They are part of a healthy lifestyle, incl. proper nutrition. Finally, they are healthier than the same cereals and scrambled eggs and help to keep the weight normal. Is it really that rosy? The same muesli - the truth about the favorite breakfast of healthy food fans can surprise and even overwhelm.

    Photo by Shutterstock

    The benefits of muesli

    In our fast-paced and somewhat hectic age, time is of great value. Today, when getting ready for work, few can afford a full breakfast, consisting of products that would include all those nutrients that the body needs for normal work in the morning. Therefore, the main advantage of muesli is the possibility of their quick preparation. It is enough to pour them into a cup, pour over yogurt or milk, and breakfast - healthy and tasty - is ready.

    The health benefits of muesli are that they are rich in plant fiber, which significantly improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, removes "bad" cholesterol, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, and fat decomposition products from the body.

    The sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates present in muesli turns the product into an effective preventive measure to prevent constipation, the formation of tumors and inflammation in the digestive tract.

    Muesli is really good for health (with a caveat - proper muesli, but more on that later). Subject to the preparation technology, the products that make up them retain their useful properties. For example, when properly processed, corn flakes do not lose vitamins A and E, rice flakes - amino acids, wheat, oat and rye - salts of potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium. However, in order to ascertain the benefits and nutritional value of muesli, it will not be superfluous to know about the peculiarities of their industrial production.

    How muesli is prepared

    For the preparation of muesli, cereals such as oats, rye, wheat, barley, rice, corn are used. According to the technology, they are steamed under high pressure. Thus, they retain most of the vitamins, macro- and microelements, amino acids and other useful substances. However, then these flakes undergo additional heat treatment (for example, frying in oil for flavoring), and here they become less useful. Or rather, to use such muesli is already becoming harmful. And if at the same time they are still "polished" with syrup or caramel, the degree of usefulness decreases a hundredfold.

    Further, candied fruits, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, chocolate are added to such flakes with an "improved" taste, and now the muesli is ready. We are ready to hit the morning table of healthy food fans. Fully trusting the manufacturers, people are sure that all supplements to cereals are of high quality (after all, this is exactly what they say on the packaging), but it is not known whether this is so. For example, dried fruits and candied fruits can be chemically treated so that mold or insects do not start, and the look is quite attractive and appetizing. As for chocolate, nuts, syrups and honey, even if they are of the highest quality, there is no need to talk about the low calorie content of such muesli. Nutritionists have found that 100 g of this product includes from 350 to 380 kcal, in terms of sugar and fat content, they can be equated to the liver. But among fans of muesli there are a lot of those who preach weight loss.

    Of course, a lot depends on the manufacturer, everyone cannot be reduced to one denominator. Therefore, when buying muesli, carefully read their composition on the package, and also make a visual assessment of the product (if it is in a transparent bag)

    Manufacturers often add all kinds of harmful additives to muesli in the form of flavors, leavening agents, flavor enhancers, acidity regulators, etc. ... On the one hand, it is an excellent "recharging of the brain" and an irreplaceable source of energy, but on the other hand, simple carbohydrates do not have the best effect on the figure.

    When buying muesli, it should be borne in mind that a product that contains vegetable oil (often hydrogenated, increases blood cholesterol levels and leads to an increased risk of heart disease) can harm people who have heart rhythm problems and have had an infraction.

    Muesli is considered one of the most popular breakfasts in the world. They have long won the love of adults and children. But are they really that useful? To understand this dish, you need to delve into its history, appearance, invention, modern recipes, additives, as well as the presence of nutrients and calories.

    Let's see if muesli is good for you? What are and how to eat them correctly? You will find the answers to these questions in the article.

    What is muesli?

    Muesli - what is it? Are they helpful? To prepare this dish, cereals are flattened or ground so that they are as small as possible and soak easily even in cold milk or juice. In ready-made packages, you can often find pieces of dried strawberry, banana, cranberry or even orange, but in classic recipes, only dried fruits such as raisins, dried apricots or dates are added to cereals, and fresh fruits and berries are added before use. This is the only way to extract the maximum nutrients from this dish, since dried berries, and even more so an orange, can rarely provide much benefit. Also in classic recipes, nuts and various seeds are sometimes added. But the latest supplements are not suitable for everyone due to their high calorie content and the presence of an allergen.

    Depending on the composition, the presence of various additives, as well as the method of processing, they are of several types. Raw ones do not require heat treatment; they contain flattened and grated cereals and additives that do not require cooking. Such a product only needs to be poured with milk or something else, cold or warm. This is enough to make the dish ready to eat. Baked muesli requires heat treatment. They should be poured with milk, and then put to bake, only then they are edible.

    A bit of history

    Muesli - what is it and when did it start to be eaten? The invention of breakfast in 1900 belongs to Maximilian Bircher-Benner. Initially, they were intended for sick people in hospitals, hence the name, which is translated from German as "puree". Since the 1960s, they began to spread throughout the world. Due to its taste, health benefits, high amount of nutrients, as well as the speed of preparation, this dish quickly gained worldwide fame. Since that time, many manufacturing companies have appeared that began to actively compete in the market.

    Although there is considerable competition, most firms specialize in different types of muesli. Some are exclusively for diabetics, others are simple (cereals and a couple of dried fruits), others are richer, but also less useful, with various exotic fruits, coconut, chocolate and other fillers that are far from promoting proper nutrition. It was thanks to the emergence of such a variety that their benefits began to be questioned.

    Muesli: calories and composition

    The composition of muesli is quite simple. Usually these are any cereals, crushed and flattened: barley, buckwheat, wheat, rice, oats, rye, millet, and so on. All kinds of dried fruits are added to them, such as dried apricots, figs, raisins, dates or prunes. As well as nuts or seeds. All this is mixed and packaged in packages.

    Prepared muesli can be filled with fresh fruits and berries: strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, and much more that can be found in the refrigerator. In addition, it is good to add any nuts and seeds, but in reasonable amounts. Measure plays an important role here. Since this dish is usually consumed for breakfast, you need to maintain a balance in the amount of certain products. Nuts are quite heavy on the stomach, like seeds, so they need to be added in small amounts.

    Is muesli a dietary product? The average calorie content is estimated at 352-450 kcal per 100 grams, provided that the composition includes only cereals and dried fruits. But most often, chocolate, honey, sugar are also added to branded packages, which significantly increases the already large figure. Muesli, the composition of which we have considered, is a rather heavy product. But this is far from accurate data. On the packages of the finished product, you can see the calorie content, it is usually standard, but if you make muesli at home, then this figure can be significantly adjusted by adding lighter and less high-calorie berries, cereals, nuts. This is what determines the attention to them of people who want to lose weight. The dish allows you to get the maximum of nutrients in the morning, while its nutritional value and calorie content can be controlled.


    What are the benefits of muesli? Many nutritionists and chefs recommend them for breakfast, and during the working day, they are a good way to have a snack and wait until dinner.

    Complex carbohydrates protect the intestines and prevent the development of tumors in it.

    The wide vitamin and mineral composition significantly improves the immune system, positively affects the nerve cells, the general well-being of a person, and also increases the mood and tone of the body. The composition usually contains vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, PP, etc.

    What else is muesli good for? It has been proven that with regular use of this dish, the appearance of the hair improves after a while, the nails become stronger and less often exfoliate, the skin acquires a healthy color, acne, age spots, wrinkles appear less often.


    Can muesli be harmful? We have already figured out what this product is and how useful it is. Now let's talk about its negative side. Muesli is not harmful by itself. But all kinds of additives, dyes, seasonings and cause the undesirable effect of such a breakfast on the human body. Therefore, in order to avoid most of the contraindications, it is better to carefully read the composition or do them yourself. Overweight people, children, as well as diabetics and allergy sufferers should be more careful when choosing this product. You should also carefully read the instructions for people with any diseases of the heart, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and so on. The presence of harmful products in the composition can lead to bad consequences.

    Therefore, for people with any diseases, as well as overweight and diabetes, it is advised to make muesli on their own at home in order to avoid a large amount of dyes, additives, harmful in one case or another, berries and fruits. Freshly prepared muesli will be much healthier, if only because only high-quality and fresh products were used for them. The fried food is heavy enough for the stomach and can harm the elderly and people with gastrointestinal diseases, so they must be chosen with great care.

    People with diabetes need to give up muesli with dried fruits, sugar, chocolate and certain types of berries and fruits. At the same time, you should not completely abandon the dish, you can do it yourself, adding only healthy berries and sucrose, sometimes honey, if the sugar level is not high.

    Muesli: cooking

    There are two types of muesli: instant and long-lasting. The first ones are enough to pour milk, even if it is cold. The second ones need to be baked, again, pre-fill with milk. Oddly enough, but it is the latter that are considered less useful, since they are often fried before being packaged. This makes the product heavier and more nutritious. But in reasonable measures, it is unlikely to harm the body.

    To make homemade muesli, all you need to do is buy oatmeal (or whatever you like). You also need a couple of types of dried fruits. Here you can build on the preferences of the body and the desired effect. For example, figs and dried apricots perfectly support the heart, raisins and dried apricots are useful for the brain and liver, dates perfectly support the nervous system. As for the nuts, there are also some peculiarities here. Hazelnuts, for example, are good for the brain, pistachios - for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, almonds are recommended for cores, and walnuts contribute to general human health. In general, paying attention to such things, you can create your own unique and very. Fresh berries can be added to a freshly prepared breakfast, which will further enrich the dish.


    Can you eat muesli for weight loss? What is muesli, what is their composition - we already know. Certain conclusions can be drawn from what has been said. Given its high calorie content, muesli is rarely recommended for those looking to lose weight. However, if you follow a few simple rules, they will not only help you lose weight, but also allow you to keep your body in good shape throughout the entire period of the diet.

    1. You should do them yourself, at home, so you can track and control the calorie content and, if necessary, add or remove certain products from the composition.
    2. It is better to keep the composition minimal: one or two cereals and a couple of additions from fresh berries, fruits or dried fruits.
    3. A couple of times a week, you need to add nuts and seeds to them to replenish the supply of vitamins B and E, as well as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
    4. You only need to eat them for breakfast. So you will allow the body to get the maximum of nutrients in the morning and replenish the supply of vital energy. And the calories that were eaten in the morning will have time to be spent throughout the day.
    5. For maximum benefit, you need to fill them with low-fat dairy products, juice or compote, monitoring their composition and calorie content, and never add sugar or chocolate. They can be replaced with a little honey.

    With what and how to eat?

    What is muesli eaten with? The dish is consumed most often for breakfast. But they need to be poured with any kind of drink: milk, compote, juice, kefir, yogurt, water. Which of these will be most helpful? To answer this question, you must first decide on the goal that you want to achieve with their help. For example, if a person wants to lose weight, it is better for him to fill this dish with low-fat dairy products or water.

    What do children eat muesli with? For toddlers who prefer flavor over good, you can use yogurt or juice. But it is important that the juice is homemade or at least of high quality. Compote is perfect for a change. The calorie content of compotes can be controlled, so that they will not harm, of course, if there is no sugar in them.

    Muesli has a number of positive and extremely negative qualities. Their benefits have long been proven, but if consumed disproportionately or improperly, such a breakfast is more likely to harm than heal. Therefore, it is important to approach the choice correctly, but it is better to make them yourself and monitor their composition and calorie content. It is possible and useful to use this product no more than 3 times a week.

      Muesli has rightfully taken the place of the most popular breakfast among people who are passionate about healthy lifestyles. They entered the diet of a healthy diet back in 1900 and since then they have only strengthened their positions. Today we will tell you about the benefits and harms of muesli, their composition, calorie content and all the possible features of this product.

      What is muesli - composition and features of the product

      In muesli, there is little fat and a lot of slow carbohydrates, so the calorie content of the product is low. This is especially important for maintaining optimal weight, for losing weight, during the rehabilitation period after various diseases. With increased energy costs, nuts, honey and other high-calorie foods are added to the mixture.

      The assortment of muesli on store shelves is huge. When choosing for sports nutrition, attention is paid to the composition, taste, shelf life, the presence of preservatives and the method of preparation. The properties of the final product depend on the composition of the mixture.

      Muesli is prepared from several ingredients:

      • cereals;
      • fruit;
      • berries;
      • nuts;
      • bran;
      • honey and syrups;
      • seasonings and spices.


      One or several types of grains of oats, buckwheat, wheat, etc. are the basis of the product. The slow carbohydrates in cereals keep you feeling full for several hours. They take a long time to digest and maintain the required sugar level until the next meal, lowering cholesterol levels.

      The B vitamins included in cereals have a beneficial effect on the tone of the nervous system, maintain the correct structure of teeth, nails, hair and skin. And, which are rich in grains, regulates the rhythmic work of the intestines.


      Apples, bananas, pineapples, etc. are added to the mixture. This not only affects the taste of the product, but also its calorie content. The most hearty muesli include bananas and mangoes. You can also diversify the taste. , dried apricots, saturate muesli with calories. Below is a table with the calorie content of fruits.


      They complement cereals perfectly. Making the taste as varied and pleasant as possible, the berries significantly change the properties of the mixture. The addition of cranberries makes the mixture easier.


      They are rich in minerals (phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, etc.), vitamins and proteins, therefore they are often used in a healthy diet. The high calorie content of nuts (tens of times more berries) limits their use in weight loss programs. Below you will find a table with the calorie content of nuts:


      The hard shell of the grain increases the volume of the mixture, reducing its calorie content. When bran is added, food appears more nutritious and satiety lasts for a long time. They become the basis of low-calorie nutrition, stimulate regular bowel function, and lower blood cholesterol levels.

      Honey and syrups

      They are added to make the mixture tastier, healthier, or to shape granola into bars. They saturate the mixture with trace elements and vitamins. But, as in the case of nuts, they increase its calorie content.

      Condiments and spices

      They are especially useful with regular use of muesli. Such additives not only diversify the taste, but also regulate the appetite.


      Their addition increases the shelf life and is justified on long expeditions without food delivery. In all other cases, preference should be given to natural muesli without preservatives.

      The grains that make up the product are flattened or ground to speed up the preparation of the mixture. With preliminary heat treatment of grains, baked muesli is obtained. They are often included in candies and bars, which are eaten as a stand-alone dessert.

      Raw muesli requires preliminary soaking in juice, milk, water, but they are much healthier than their baked counterparts.

      Calorie content and nutritional value of muesli

      Table of calorie content and nutritional value of muesli (calories and BJU per 100 g of product):

      Let's also consider the calorie content of muesli *, depending on the additives:

      * The calorie content of muesli differs from the type of flakes and additives.

      What is the use of muesli?

      It is especially important to adhere to proper nutrition during intense exercise. As you know, athletic performance largely depends on the correct diet.

      What gives the inclusion of muesli in a regular diet:

    1. Balance. Minerals, trace elements, fiber are the basis of the mixture. With regular use of the product, the required amount of nutrients is supplied to the body. At the same time, the amount of fat is easily regulated by the addition of nuts.
    2. Saving time. Cooking doesn't take long: just pour the milk over the mixture and it's ready.
    3. Regularity A hectic workout schedule jeopardizes your meal schedule. Muesli is not only the breakfast of champions, but also a convenient, full-fledged snack (afternoon tea, lunch) even on the way or when there is a lack of time. And it's easy to carry dry muesli with you.
    4. Benefit. Choose a blend without sweeteners, colors or preservatives. It has a beneficial effect on the growth of muscle mass, the work of organs and systems.

    Intense energy expenditure in athletes requires a high-calorie diet. In this case, the intake of fats must be regulated. In such cases, baked muesli with raisins, dried apricots, prunes, nuts will be useful. The calorie content of such mixtures is almost like that of baked goods, and the content of protein, trace elements and vitamins is several times higher. This energy and "vitamin bomb" has been tested many times by runners and weightlifters.

    What is muesli prepared with?

    By changing the combination of grains, fruits and nuts, any flavors of the dry mix are obtained. It can be eaten raw with fruit drink, coffee or tea. The addition of milk, yogurt, juice, etc. to the dry mixture helps to diversify breakfasts. Let's figure out how to properly prepare muesli, and what combinations of products are most useful.

    With milk

    Pour dry muesli with milk only if they have been previously thermally processed. Such flakes are called baked or granola. Steamed so-called "raw" mixtures are also best poured over with milk for a few minutes. In this case, they are better absorbed and do not have a "cardboard" taste.

    If you made muesli yourself from ordinary cereals, for example, rolled oats, then you will have to soak them in milk for at least 1.5 hours. Both the taste and the benefits of muesli will be maximized in this case.

    If you are monitoring your weight, use low-calorie milk. At high energy costs, it is permissible to add 6% milk and even cream.

    This cooking method is categorically not suitable for people with lactose deficiency. With age, the ability to process milk carbohydrates decreases, so the use of muesli with milk is also not recommended after 30 years.

    With yoghurt

    Adding yogurt increases the health benefits of food. It contains beneficial microorganisms that have a beneficial effect on digestion. This combination is especially suitable for athletes over 30 years old, because lactose has already been processed by bifidobacteria. Another plus of adding yogurt is to improve the taste of muesli. The flakes soak much less, and the granola retains its crunch and firmness. Many people find this way of eating muesli more enjoyable. The calorie content of the finished product is easily regulated by the fat content and the amount of yogurt.

    With kefir

    Kefir combines the properties of milk and yogurt. On the one hand, it softens dry flakes well, like milk. On the other hand, it has a denser consistency inherent in yoghurt. It contains beneficial bacteria that convert (ferment) milk sugar into glucose. These flakes are suitable for athletes with lactose intolerance.

    The calorie content of kefir is selected for sports tasks. Low-fat fermented milk product is used by gymnasts, runners, etc. during regular exercise. High fat kefir (6%) is added to muesli during the competition season.

    With chocolate

    Chocolate is a high-calorie product. It contains flavanoids, vitamins, antioxidants, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems. This is a gourmet product. Belgian and Swiss chocolate is especially good in taste. The bitter varieties of this product are the healthiest.

    Its use significantly increases the calorie content of the mixture. Athletes include muesli with chocolate in their diet during periods of increased energy expenditure.

    With honey

    Honey is much healthier. It contains not only glucose, vitamins B, K, C, E. Honey fructose is perceived as a sweeter product than sugar. Therefore, in small amounts, it is used by athletes to reduce the intake of fast carbohydrates.

    The calorie content of honey is high. Adding a large amount of honey to the flakes increases the energy value of the dish. The benefits of such muesli are especially noticeable during the rehabilitation period (after injuries or surgeries).

    Is there really harm from muesli and what is it?

    Like any food, muesli can harm the athlete's body. Let's consider typical examples of such situations:

    1. The use of flakes by athletes during an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Muesli has a coarse structure, is not heat-treated and requires considerable effort on the part of the digestive system to digest. They provoke a deterioration in well-being, lengthening the treatment. To avoid, they are excluded from the diet during exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
    2. Use of mixtures containing unwanted ingredients. Their list is individual for each athlete. For example, if you are gluten intolerant, you should not use cereal mixes. Raspberries and citrus fruits are contraindicated in athletes with allergies. Honey and sweet fruits should be excluded from the diet of diabetics, etc.
    3. Incorrect selection of the calorie content of the mixture for the training schedule. With a significant discrepancy between calorie content and energy expenditure, an undesirable gain in fat mass will occur (if exceeded). If the nutritional value of the mixture is reduced against the background of increasing loads, this will lead to depletion of the body and deterioration of sports results.
    4. Excessive consumption of muesli. Standard mixtures do not contain vitamin C. Long-term use of such flakes leads to a decrease in immunity. The right approach to nutrition: adding fresh juices rich in vitamin C to muesli and eating cereals once a day.


    Muesli is a tasty and healthy product. By changing the composition of the mixture and the number of components included in it, it is easy to find the optimal combination for an athlete of any profile, from a chess player to a crossfit.

    Muesli is a healthy breakfast. Human health is a multicomponent, ideally well-coordinated mechanism.

    For this mechanism to work for a long time and without interruption, all its components - organs and systems - should receive proper “maintenance and care”.

    One of the most significant factors that are the key to good health is a balanced nutritious diet that can fully satisfy the energy, vitamin and mineral needs of the body.

    The most correct and healthy is a simple natural food - vegetables, cereals, fruits... The less food is processed, the more benefits they bring to humans.

    Today we will talk about muesli - a modernized version of the classic oatmeal - are they good for the body and, if useful, how much?

    Who Invented Muesli?

    It is gratifying that at present the majority of adults and many young people are trying to monitor their health and maintain it at the proper level.

    Rejection of bad habits, sports, food - all these are small fragments of one big puzzle called "Health".

    Currently, the most popular food trend in youth and not only circles is muesli - the invention of Maximilian Oscar Bircher-Benner - a Swiss doctor who was a big fan of raw food

    He tried to develop the most useful and tasty menu for his patients, which was an obligatory part of therapy.

    It is interesting that the impetus for the search and successful creation of a healthy breakfast was the illness of the doctor himself - he had had jaundice, and he had to seriously think about proper nutrition.

    As a result of the painstaking work of Bircher-Benner, the world has received an excellent alternative to omelet - a healthy breakfast, consisting of extremely healthy ingredients.

    Muesli is a ready-made dry mixture of rolled or whole grain cereals (in some cases raw or steamed) wheat, oats, barley, wheat germ, etc., and a whole set of additional ingredients that differ in their usefulness for the human body: nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits, honey, impurities of other cereals, etc.

    It is customary to eat muesli for breakfast with milk, or better with natural yogurt, kefir or fresh fruit and vegetables.

    What is the power of muesli?

    Only a very lazy person does not know that - the main meal of a person for the day.

    Remember the classic: "Eat breakfast yourself, lunch in half with a friend, and dinner is the fate of the enemy" - everything that is said in this wisdom is the true truth, which is confirmed by nutritionists.

    Breakfast is an energy boost for most of the day ahead, so a cup of coffee or tea won't do the trick.

    But a dish balanced in terms of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is the most it. Porridge, whole grain bread and of course, muesli are ideal choices for those looking to be healthy and energetic..

    But also muesli should be chosen “wisely”. It is clear that the usefulness of the mixture will directly depend on its composition, so when buying a ready-made breakfast (or when preparing it yourself, which is also possible), focus on the ingredients.

    The most useful are muesli without sugar, based on whole, minimally processed coarse cereals, with a moderate amount of dried fruits, especially sweet ones (dried apricots, raisins) - up to 25% of the mass, with nuts, seeds and seeds of plants, seasoned, as mentioned above, natural fermented milk product or juice.

    Dessert muesli is not considered healthy.

    Often, the main component of muesli is oatmeal, and it is a storehouse of vitamin B, which is necessary to maintain beauty and the nervous system, potassium - for the normal functioning of the heart, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc and other macro- and microelements.

    Auxiliary elements - nuts, pieces of fruit, seeds are also famous for the content of substances valuable to the human body.

    From words to deeds. What are the health benefits of muesli?

    1. Muesli slowly release energy, perfectly saturate even in small portions.

    2. Does not cause insulin emissions, maintains blood sugar levels, spares the pancreas.

    4. Due to the high content of vitamin B, with regular use, it improves the condition of the hair skin, strengthens the nervous system, and prevents the appearance of depressive or depressed mood.

    5. The most useful muesli can be easily prepared at home, it is inexpensive and very simple, and they can be composed of the preferred components for a particular person and his problem.

    6. Muesli remove harmful cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels, prolong youth.

    7. Low-calorie muesli helps control body weight.

    8. The rich vitamin composition will help maintain the immune system at a high level, and, if necessary, strengthen it.

    Thanks to the quick and economical preparation of muesli, it is an ideal breakfast, even for very busy and very lazy people who often neglect the first meal, which is very harmful to their health.

    I just filled a bowl with them, filled it with milk, juice or kefir - you can eat. Muesli is one of the few breakfasts that is equally useful for a student and a pensioner, and even more so for a working person.

    Recipe for hostesses

    On the Internet you will find 1000 and 1 recipes for making homemade muesli, but we are obliged to give at least one most universal example of the technology for creating a healthy breakfast.

    So, for 2 servings of the healthiest homemade muesli you will need:

    1 cup oatmeal (not instant oatmeal, common for cooking).

    1 glass of kefir or yogurt with live bifidocultures.

    1 tablespoon of chopped dried fruits (dates, figs, dried apricots, prunes, cherries, whatever you love and are sure of quality).

    1 tablespoon chopped unroasted nuts (whatever you have)

    1 tablespoon of a mixture of flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds, caraway seeds and others if desired.

    Fresh seasonal fruits.

    Mix all the ingredients, let stand for 10 minutes (while getting dressed and combing your hair) - bon appetit and a great workday!

    By and large, muesli is a field for creativity and each person can independently adjust their composition, focusing on their tastes and needs.

    Someone does not like oatmeal - puts barley, someone has heart problems - adds more banana, someone suffers from stagnation of bile - pours them with freshly made apple juice, etc.

    If raw cereals are too hard for you, you can pour them in warm water or boiling water in the evening and leave until the morning, and then season with all the additional components, so the breakfast will turn out to be softer in taste.

    Muesli - harm

    The harm of muesli, as well as their benefits, depend entirely on the composition. Therefore, if you cannot or do not want to cook muesli yourself, be careful when choosing purchased ones.

    Read the label, make sure that the manufacturer does not put there explicit or hidden sugar, dyes, substitutes, preservatives and other similar rubbish, which will make a poison from a useful product.

    Do not get carried away with sweet muesli - this is an extra load on the pancreas, extra calories, an extra layer of fat on the waist.

    Eat in moderation - overeating, even healthy foods, is extremely unhealthy.

    Remember that muesli is only breakfast and cannot be used as a substitute for a full daily diet.

    Baked or fried muesli is not considered healthy.

    For people with diabetes, foods with a high glycemic index should not be added to muesli.

    Muesli has one more feature - a specific taste. They cannot be called a frank delicacy, more for an amateur, but you can rejoice in the fact that you are eating healthy food, for which the body will tell you: "Thank you very much!"