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  • How to find out the weight of fish on the ruler. Fish sizes

    How to find out the weight of fish on the ruler.  Fish sizes

    Fish classification:

    1. By size - small up to 200g, medium 1-1.5 kg, large over 1.5 kg

    2. By the nature of the skin - with scales, without scales or small scales, fish with bone plates (bugs)

    3. By anatomical structure bone, bone-cartilaginous, cartilaginous skeletons.

    4. Depending on the habitat - marine, freshwater, anadromous. Semi-through

    5. Type of fish - according to the shape of the body, the type of scales, the nature of the skin, the number and location of the fins, the location of the oral cavity

    6. By family

    Sturgeon - sturgeon, spike, sterlet, stellate sturgeon, kaluga, beluga, etc.

    Salmon whales, pink salmon, chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, salmon, sim, trout, vendace, omul, white salmon, nelma, etc.

    Carp-ram, bream, carp, carp. Silver carp, grass carp

    Perch - perch, pike perch, ruff

    Codfish - cod, haddock, burbot, mentai, pollock, hake, etc.

    flounder - flounder, halibut





    7. By fat content - lean 2%, medium fat 2-8%, fatty 5-15%, extra fat more than 15%

    Quality of fish:

    § Preserved the integrity of the fish

    § Scales are clean, smooth

    § The eyes are bulging, transparent

    § Gills bright red

    § The flesh is difficult to separate from the bone

    § Fresh characteristic fishy smell

    8. According to the thermal state: fresh, chilled (enters in ice) -1-5 ° C, frozen -6 -8 ° C, the fish is also glazed - for this, the fish is immersed in water with a temperature of 1-2 ° C, and then immersed in a temperature of -10 ° C

    Rules for the storage of live, chilled and frozen fish

    Fish storage:

    § Live - in aquariums 1-2 days, water temperature 10 ° C, water must be clean, not chlorinated, the fish taken out of the water quickly falls asleep, it quickly deteriorates, it needs to be used or frozen faster.

    § Chilled - 5-8 days at a temperature of 1-(-2) ° C, humidity 95-98%

    § Ice cream - at a temperature not higher than -18 ° С from 4 to 8 months (depending on the type of fish)

    Rules for defrosting fish and semi-finished products.

    Defrosting fish:

    § In water - temperature not more than 20 ° C, 2-3 hours

    § In the air - at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C thaw on racks from 4 to 10 hours

    § Combined method (for some types of fish) - the fish is kept in salted water for 30 minutes, the water is allowed to drain and thawed in air to a temperature in the thickness of the muscles of -0 ° C.

    Storage of semi-finished products:

    § Carcasses and links - 24 hours, temperature 2-6 ° C

    § Products from cutlet fish mass - 24 hours, temperature 2-6 ° C

    Mechanical restoration fish with a bony skeleton for use as a whole; assessment of the quality of processed raw materials.

    1. Scale removal

    2. Clipping fins

    3. Remove the head (or do not remove, but cut off the gills)

    4. Remove the insides

    5. Washed

    Mechanical processing of fish with a cartilaginous skeleton for use as a whole; assessment of the quality of processed raw materials.

    1. Thawing in air

    2. Removing the head with pectoral fins

    3. Cutting the dorsal bugs

    4. Fin removal

    5. Removing squeal

    6. Division of fish into links

    7. Scalding

    8. Cleaning of lateral, abdominal and small bugs

    9. Washing

    10. Tying the links before boiling

    11. Cutting cartilage and cutting into portions for frying

    12. Secondary scalding

    Machining pike for stuffing for cooking complex dishes; assessment of the quality of processed raw materials.

    Fish are among the lower vertebrates that live in water. Fish and fish products have high nutritional value, are a source of complete animal protein, and are valued in medical and dietary nutrition. The physiological norm of consumption of fish products is about 24 kg per person. In our country, the actual consumption of fish products is much lower than the norm (29% of the recommended norm).

    Fish is quickly digested and easily absorbed by the human body; for the elderly, sick, overweight people, fish products are healthier than meat.

    Fish in the human diet is the most important supplier of minerals.

    The body of the fish can have a variety of shapes - flat, spindle-shaped, arrow-shaped. It depends on her living conditions.

    The body of a fish consists of a head, body, tail and fins.

    On the skin of the fish there are scales, in sturgeons the body is covered with bone scales and grains. On the surface of the skin there are cells that secrete mucus, which helps the movement of the fish and protects it from microorganisms and harmful substances.

    All tissues and organs of fish are divided into:

    - edible - meat, cod liver, milk, caviar;

    - inedible - scales, fins, gills, bones, entrails.

    The edible part of the fish can be from 50 to 80%.

    Scheme of the structure of the body of the fish: 1 - total length; 2 - fishing length; 3 - carcass length; 4 - tail length; a - gill cover; b - dorsal fin; c - adipose fin; g - pectoral fin; e - ventral fin; e - anal fin; g - tail fin.

    Fish are divided according to the structure of the skeleton into cartilage and bone.

    Sturgeons and lampreys are cartilaginous, and all other types of fish are bone.

    According to the way of life, all fish are divided into freshwater, semi-anadromous, anadromous and marine.

    Freshwater fish live and spawn in rivers, lakes, ponds (pike, trout, carp, etc.).

    Semi-anadromous fish live in the mouths of rivers and in desalinated areas of the sea, and breed in rivers.

    Anadromous fish live in the seas, and for spawning rise along the upper reaches of the rivers (sturgeon, Far Eastern salmon, etc.), or live in rivers, and go to the sea for spawning (eels).

    Marine fish live and breed in the seas and oceans (scad, mackerel, herring, flounder, etc.).

    Some types of fish according to the standard are divided into large, medium and small in terms of mass or size. Distinguish between total and commercial length (Fig.).

    In trading practice, they use the fishing length (from the anterior point of the head to the beginning of the caudal fin (Fig. g).

    Large fish are valued higher and are superior in taste to small ones.

    Some types of fish (sprat, herring, smelt, etc.) are not divided either by length or by weight.

    Fish is classified according to its fat content into groups:

    - especially fatty - more than 15%;

    - fatty - up to 15%;

    - medium fat - up to 8%;

    - skinny - up to 2%.

    The classification of fish has a complex structure. According to the degree of ossification of the main skeleton, fish are distinguished: cartilaginous (sharks, rays), cartilaginous (sturgeon) and bone (most commercial fish).

    According to the way of life, fish are divided into marine, anadromous, semi-anadromous and freshwater. Marines live only in salty sea or ocean water (herring, mackerel, flounder, etc.). Anadromous live in the sea, and for spawning they enter rivers and lakes (salmon). Semi-anadromous live in the mouths of rivers and desalinated areas of the seas (sturgeons). Freshwater animals live and breed in fresh waters.

    The most perfect and recognized zoological classification of fish was created by Academician L. S. Berg. The basis of this classification and its lowest link is the species - a set of individuals living in a certain geographical area and possessing a number of inherited traits that distinguish this species from other species. The highest systematic grouping is the class. The classification of fish according to L. S. Berg can be represented as a diagram:

    species → genus → families → subfamilies suborders → orders → subclasses → classes

    All fish belong to two classes that are very unequal in number and importance: the class of cyclostomes (lampreys) and the class of fish (all other fish).

    Various factors are used to establish the scientific name of fish. So, the external signs of fish often determine the species name. For example, the scales of an adult live shemai have a copper sheen, hence the specific name chalcoides (chalkos - copper, eidos - view). Often the species name determines the habitat of fish: tag tsh - marine, caspikus - Caspian, tanaicus - Don, fluviatilis - river, etc. About 16,000 species of fish are known.

    Domestic catches mainly consist of fish of the following families: carp, catfish, pike, salmon, sturgeon, herring, mackerel, horse mackerel, cod, flounder, scorpion fish, etc. However, this does not exhaust the species composition of domestic fish catches, which is enriched literally with each afternoon.

    By size or weight - subdivided into large, medium and small. Distinguish between the total and commercial length of the fish. In trading practice, the fishing length is used, which is measured in a straight line from the anterior point of the head (top of the snout) to the beginning of the middle rays of the caudal fin. Large fish are usually valued higher and are superior in taste to small ones. Only in some fish (mullet, pike, beluga) large specimens have tougher and coarser meat. Fish such as sprat, smelt, herring, lamprey are not divided by length or mass. Some species of fish enter the trade under the name of a trifle of the 1st and 2nd groups. By length and weight, fish trifles are not subdivided.

    The quality of fish, with a few exceptions, depends on its fat content, the fat content of fish, in turn, is related to its age, habitat, proximity to the spawning period. According to the degree of fat content, fish are divided into:

    Especially fatty - more than 15%;

    Fatty - up to 15%;

    Medium fat - up to 8%;

    Skinny - up to 2%.

    A group of especially fatty fish - more than 15%

    Fatty - up to 15%; Such fish are lampreys, sturgeon, many salmon (especially European varieties of salmon), some types of herring, mackerel, eel, anchovy.

    Medium fat - up to 8%; - these include the majority of cyprinids, part of the Far Eastern salmon, part of herring, some varieties of flounder and catfish

    It is necessary to take into account the conditionality of this division; for example, carp and some other cyprinids on the Amur contain more than 10% fat in meat, ocean herring during spawning has 2-3% fat in meat, and during the feeding period, the fat content of its meat rises to 25% or more.

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    • Read more: Giants and dwarfs in the world of fish

    The sizes of fish vary significantly and are specific to each species. The smallest fish, tiny gobies, inhabiting the waters of the Philippine Islands, reach sexual maturity with a body length of 7.5-14 mm. Some representatives of oceanic sharks reach a length of more than 20 m and a mass of 15 tons (whale shark), a giant shark reaches a length of 15 m and a mass of 4 tons. - ryh sometimes exceeds 4 m, weight - 1 t.

    The growth of fish is an increase in its biological indicators over a certain period of time. In fish, linear growth (an increase in body length) and an increase in body weight are distinguished. Growth in body weight is more subject to fluctuations depending on nutritional conditions than linear. In pond fish farming, the main indicator of the efficiency of fish rearing is the growth of fish body weight.

    The largest freshwater fish ever caught and measured was the giant catfish. She was caught in Thailand in May 2005. Her body is 3 meters long and weighs 320 kilograms. An interesting fact - the fish was transferred to the Department of Fisheries, where the eggs and sperm of these rare giants are collected for the implementation of the captive breeding program. The giant catfish inhabits the waters of the Mekong River in China, which flows south into Southeast Asia. This fish has an impressive size and grows up to three meters and reaches a weight of three hundred kilograms. Scientists recently discovered that the Mekong giant catfish lives part of its life in the sea. Interestingly, she travels as much as 600 miles (1000 km) inland from the South China Sea to the Mekong River to spawn...

    A feature of fish is constant growth, which does not stop throughout life. Fish grow unevenly throughout their lives. Usually, before puberty, fish grow faster. Food is used mainly for linear growth (producing food). Therefore, in the first years of life, the most rapid increase in linear dimensions occurs. After the onset of puberty, the rate of linear growth decreases, and weight gain often even increases. A significant part of the food consumed is spent on the formation of reproductive products and reserve substances for migration, wintering, etc. The share of producing food decreases, while the share of supporting food (to support the vital activity of the organism) increases. During the period of aging of the body, linear growth slows down significantly, food is spent mainly on maintaining vital processes. In most fish, males grow more slowly than females.

    The growth of fish throughout the year is uneven. For the inhabitants of the northern and southern hemispheres, the fast growth rate of fish is typical for the period of intensive feeding, which corresponds to the warm period of the year; slowdown (or cessation) of growth takes place in the winter period.

    The growth rate of fish is significantly affected by environmental conditions (temperature, illumination, gas regime, population density of the reservoir, food resources, etc.). Each species of fish is characterized by optimal temperatures at which the metabolic process occurs most intensively. The quantity and availability of food are of great importance for the growth of fish. The growth of fish of the same species in different water bodies, its individual populations, and different generations of the same population can vary significantly. Thus, bream in northern water bodies grows much more slowly than in the south, where the feeding period is longer. The growth rate of bream differs significantly in the Azov and Caspian Seas, since food resources in the Sea of ​​Azov are better.

    At the same time, the growth rate of fish in the same water body can vary significantly depending on many factors (hydrological conditions, the quantity and quality of food, as well as the size of the population or individual generations of fish).

    The growth rate changes sharply due to changes in habitat conditions and the nature of fish feeding. Thus, Atlantic salmon in the first years of life in the river feeds mainly on insect larvae and grows very slowly. Having rolled into the sea, the salmon switches to feeding on fish and sharply increases the growth rate.

    When nutrition conditions worsen, not only growth slows down, but also growth variability increases, so individuals of different sizes turn out to be in the same age group. Such a discrepancy in growth allows a more complete use of the food resources of water bodies. In small and large individuals, the spectrum of nutrition differs. With the improvement of nutritional conditions, the growth of fish levels off, the fish switch to feeding on similar food.

    An important factor influencing growth is fishing, which can reduce the population and create better conditions for fattening wild fish, which leads to an increase in the growth rate. Overpopulation of water bodies with fish can lead to a decrease in the rate of its growth.

    Various diseases also affect the growth rate of fish.


    And marine fish, striking in their size. Some of them are not only completely safe for humans, but they themselves are an object of hunting, while it is better to stay away from others. We present to the attention of readers the top 10 largest fish in the world.

    Giants include those fish whose length is more than two meters, and body weight exceeds 90 kilograms.

    10. Giant grouper or guasa | 2.5 meters

    Opens the top 10 largest fish in the world giant grouper or guasa. Distributed in the tropical shallow waters of the Caribbean Sea, found on the coast of Brazil. In length reaches 2.5 meters. It feeds on fish, small sea turtles, octopuses. The giant grouper is an endangered species and is prohibited from fishing. This has had an effect - the population of these giant fish is slowly, but increasing. Since the grouper actively defends its territory, it can attack a person in defense and inflict serious wounds.

    9. Psephur or Chinese Vislonos | 3 meters

    Living in the Yangtze River, it is the largest freshwater fish from the ray-finned class. The body length can reach three meters, and weight - 300 kilograms. There is evidence that there are specimens up to 7 meters long, but this information has not been documented.

    Psefur feeds on crustaceans and small fish. It belongs to an endangered species and is not found anywhere else in the wild. Ninth place in the list of underwater giants.

    8. Moon fish | 2 meters

    The largest and most amazing bony fish that lives in warm seas everywhere on Earth. You can meet her from the Kuril Islands to Iceland. It looks rather unusual: the body of the fish is compressed from the sides and resembles a giant disk. The skin is covered not with scales, but with small bony tubercles. The size of the fish is amazing - 2 meters in length. Weight can reach 1.5 tons. Officially, the largest specimen was 3 meters long, but there is evidence that a moon-fish over 4 meters in size has been seen in the waters near Sydney.

    Unlike many others biggest fish in the world, moon fish does not pose any danger to humans. On the contrary, it is an object of active fishing. Eighth place in our ranking.

    7. Beluga | 4.2 meters

    Ranked seventh in the top 10 largest fish in the world. This valuable freshwater fish is now on the verge of extinction. Lives in the Azov, Caspian and Black Seas. There is a lot of evidence of the capture of giant beluga. In 1989, a fish 4.2 meters long and weighing a ton was caught on the Volga. Now her stuffed animal is in the museum of the city of Astrakhan. Nowadays, fishermen come across small individuals, although there are cases of catching beluga weighing 150-300 kilograms.

    Beluga is a large predator that feeds mainly on fish.

    6. Giant freshwater stingray | 4.5 meters

    Ranks sixth in the top 10 largest fish in the world. Many have heard of the sea stingray, but much less is known about its smaller freshwater counterparts. In length, the inhabitants of the rivers of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand reach 4.5 meters. Weight averages 450-500 kg. You can meet these giants in Australia, New Guinea and the island of Borneo. For humans, they do not pose a great danger if properly handled.

    Freshwater rays are armed with two large spikes located on the tail. One they hold the prey, the second is needed to inject poison. When caught, the stingray always actively swings its tail, defending itself, so when catching these giants, you need to be extremely careful.

    5. Common catfish | 5 meters

    It is one of the largest freshwater fish and ranks fifth in our ranking. The body length of the fish can reach 5 meters, and weight - half a ton. It is an active river predator leading a nocturnal lifestyle. Hunts for fish, mollusks, crustaceans. Especially large individuals can attack birds and small animals. Many stories are connected with catfish about the attack of these predators on people, but there is no documentary evidence of this. Although a large catfish is able to drag a person entangled in gear underwater.

    4. Blue marlin | 5 meters

    - one of the most beautiful and largest marine fish in the world. Reaches an impressive size - 5 meters in length. At the same time, about 20% of the length of the fish falls on its spear. Females are much larger than males. Habitat - Atlantic Ocean. Marlin is a favorite object of sport fishing. Catching him is considered a great success. In his famous story The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway described the three-day struggle between an old fisherman and a blue marlin. Fourth place in our ranking.

    3. Belt-fish or oar king | 11 meters

    - one of the most unusual and longest fish in the world. It lives at depth in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. It is often mistaken for a sea snake. This is not surprising - with a body thickness of only 5 centimeters, the length of the fish can reach five and a half meters. According to some reports, individuals were found about 17 meters in length. The largest documented specimen was 11 meters long. The second name is the oar king, the fish belt was not accidental. She is often seen swimming in schools of herring, and the strongly elongated rays of the dorsal fin form a kind of “crown” on her head.

    2. Great white shark | 6 meters

    The largest and most dangerous is a. The average length of an individual is about 4.6 meters, but there are specimens exceeding 6 meters in length. The weight of such monsters can be more than two tons. There is a predator in all oceans and is a great danger to humans. The white shark prefers coastal waters and often attacks swimmers and divers. Cases of attacks on boats have been recorded. The predator hunts for large fish, dolphins, pinnipeds, sea turtles, birds. The white shark is an endangered species with a population of 3,500 individuals.

    1. Whale shark | 10 meters

    The undisputed leader of our ranking of the largest fish in the world is the whale. The average body length is 10 meters, but there are individuals longer than 12 meters. Scientists do not exclude the existence of larger specimens of the whale shark, reaching 18-20 meters in length. Despite its monstrous size, this marine predator does not pose a direct danger to humans, since it feeds on plankton. The whale shark is so calm that it allows divers to touch it and even climb on its back.