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  • The Atlantic Ocean washes all continents except. Which countries is washed by the Atlantic Ocean

    The Atlantic Ocean washes all continents except.  Which countries is washed by the Atlantic Ocean

    The Atlantic Ocean is considered one of the largest and most voluminous in size, namely the second largest after the Pacific Ocean. This ocean is the most studied and developed when compared with other water areas. Its location is as follows: from the east it is framed by the shores of North and South America, and in the west its borders end in Europe and Africa. In the South, it passes into the Southern Ocean. And on the north side it borders on Greenland. The ocean is distinguished by the fact that there are very few islands in it, and the relief of its bottom is all speckled and has a complex structure. The coastline is broken.

    Characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean

    If we talk about the area of ​​the ocean, then it occupies 91.66 million square meters. km. We can say that part of its territory is not the ocean itself, but the existing seas and bays. The volume of the ocean is 329.66 million square meters. km, and its average depth is 3736 m. Where the Puerto Rico trench is located, it is considered the deepest ocean depth, which is 8742 m. There are two currents - North and South.

    Atlantic Ocean from the north side

    The ocean border from the north is marked in some places by ridges located under water. In this hemisphere, the Atlantic is framed by a jagged coastline. A small northern part of it is connected to the Arctic Ocean by several narrow straits. Davis Strait is located in the northeast and connects the ocean with the Baffin Sea, which is also considered to be part of the Arctic Ocean. Closer to the center, the Danish Strait is less wide than the Davis Strait. Between Norway and Iceland, closer to the northeast is the Norwegian Sea.

    In the southwest of the North Current is the Gulf of Mexico, which is connected by the Florida Strait. And also the Caribbean Sea. Many bays can be noted here, such as Barnegat, Delaware, Hudson Bay and others. It is in the northern side of the ocean that you can see the largest and largest islands, which are famous for their fame. This is Puerto Rico, the world famous Cuba and Haiti, as well British Isles and Newfoundland. Closer to the east, small clusters of islands can be found. These are the Canary Islands, Azores and Cape Verde. Closer to the west - the Bahamas, Lesser Antilles.

    South Atlantic Ocean

    Some geographers believe that the southern part is the entire space up to Antarctica. Someone defines the border at Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope of two continents. The coast in the south of the Atlantic Ocean is not as indented as in the north, and there are no seas. There is one large bay near Africa - the Guinean bay. The farthest point in the south is Tierra del Fuego, which is flanked by small islands in large numbers. Also, you cannot find large islands here, but there are separate islands, like about. Ascension, St. Helena, Tristan ─ da Cunha. In the extreme south, you can find the South Islands, Bouvet, Falkland Islands and others.

    As for the current in the south of the ocean, here all systems flow counterclockwise. Near the east of Brazil, the South Trade Wind forks. One branch goes north, flows near the northern coast of South America, filling the Caribbean. And the second is considered southern, very warm, moves near Brazil and soon connects with the Antarctic Current, then goes to the east. Partially separates and turns into the Benguela Current, which is distinguished by its cold waters.

    Atlantic Ocean attractions

    The Belize Barrier Reef has a very special underwater cave. They called it the Blue Hole. It is very deep, and inside it there is a whole series of caves, which are connected by tunnels. The depth of the cave reaches 120 m and is considered unique in its kind.

    There is no person who does not know about Bermuda Triangle... But it is located in the Atlantic Ocean and excites the imagination of many superstitious travelers. Bermuda shorts beckon with their mystery, but at the same time they frighten with the unknown.

    It is in the Atlantic that you can see an unusual sea that has no shores. And all because it is located in the middle of a body of water, and its boundaries cannot be framed by land, only currents show the boundaries of this sea. This is the only sea in the world that has such unique data and is called the Sargasso Sea.

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    Part of the oceans bounded by Europe and Africa in the east and North and South America in the west. The name comes from the name of the titan Atlas (Atlanta) in Greek mythology.

    It is inferior in size only to the Quiet; its area is approximately 91.56 million km2. It is distinguished from other oceans by a strong indented coastline, which forms numerous seas and bays, especially in the northern part. In addition, the total area of ​​river basins flowing into this ocean or its marginal seas is much larger than that of rivers flowing into any other ocean. Another difference Atlantic Ocean is a relatively small number of islands and a complex bottom topography, which, thanks to underwater ridges and uplifts, forms many separate basins.

    Atlantic Ocean Coast States-49 Countries:

    Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Benin, Brazil, Great Britain, Venezuela, Gabon, Haiti, Guyana, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Grenada, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Iceland , Spain, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Canada, Cote d Ivoire, Cuba, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal, Republic of the Congo, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint -Lucia, Suriname, USA, Sierra Leone, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, France, Equatorial Guinea, South Africa.


    It is divided into northern and southern parts, the border between which is conventionally drawn along the equator. From an oceanographic point of view, however, the equatorial countercurrent located at 5–8 ° N should be attributed to the southern part of the ocean. The northern border is usually drawn along the Arctic Circle. In places, this border is marked by underwater ridges.

    Borders and coastline

    In the Northern Hemisphere has a heavily indented coastline. Its narrow northern part is connected to the Arctic Ocean by three narrow straits. In the northeast, the Davis Strait, 360 km wide, connects it with the Baffin Sea, which belongs to the Arctic Ocean. In the central part, between Greenland and Iceland, there is the Danish Strait, which is only 287 km wide at its narrowest point. Finally, in the northeast, between Iceland and Norway, lies the Norwegian Sea, approx. 1220 km. East of Atlantic Ocean two water areas deeply protruding into the land are separated. The northernmost of them begins with the North Sea, which, to the east, passes into the Baltic Sea with the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland. To the south, there is a system of inland seas - the Mediterranean and the Black - with a total length of approx. 4000 km

    In the tropical zone in the southwest of the North Atlantic, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico are located, connected to the ocean by the Florida Strait. The coast of North America is indented by small bays (Pamlico, Barnegat, Chesapeake, Delaware and Long Island Sound); in the northwest are the Bays of Fundy and St. Lawrence, Bell Isle, Hudson Strait and Hudson Bay.


    Surface currents in the northern part Atlantic Ocean moving clockwise. The main elements of this large system are the north-facing warm Gulf Stream, as well as the North Atlantic, Canary and North Passat (Equatorial) currents. The Gulf Stream follows from the Florida Strait and Cuba Island in a northerly direction along the coast of the United States and at about 40 ° N. deviates to the northeast, changing its name to the North Atlantic Current. This current splits into two branches, one of which follows to the northeast along the coast of Norway and further into the Arctic Ocean. The second branch turns south and further south-west along the coast of Africa, forming the cold Canary Current. This current moves to the southwest and connects with the North Passat Current, which heads west towards the West Indies, where it merges with the Gulf Stream. To the north of the North Tradewind Current lies an area of ​​stagnant waters teeming with algae known as the Sargasso Sea. The cold Labrador Current runs along the North Atlantic coast of North America from north to south, flowing from Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea and cooling the shores of New England.


    The largest islands are concentrated in the northern part of the ocean; these are the British Isles, Iceland, Newfoundland, Cuba, Haiti (Hispaniola) and Puerto Rico. On the eastern edge Atlantic Ocean there are several groups of small islands - Azores, Canary Islands, Cape Verde. There are similar groups in the western part of the ocean. Examples include the Bahamas, Florida Keys and Lesser Antilles. The archipelagos of the Greater and Lesser Antilles form an island arc surrounding the eastern Caribbean. In the Pacific Ocean, such island arcs are characteristic of deformation regions of the earth's crust. Deep-water trenches are located along the convex side of the arc.

    Now such nostalgia has seized! For the first time in so many years, I opened an atlas, which for some reason I have been keeping since my school days, looked at the map ... Yes, now I have to look at it to give the correct answer, and once I could without hesitation name all the countries that are washed by the waters Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans. And also tell about each one.

    Countries washed by three oceans

    In general, these oceans are not too close to each other. Therefore, they wash only three countries. It:

    By the way, all three of these countries are large enough. That is why they can connect as many as three oceans. And then in some places it will only be indirect access to ocean waters: for example, this can be said about the connection between Russia and the Atlantic Ocean. Our territory is adjacent not to the waters of the Atlantic themselves, but to the associated Baltic Sea.

    But yes - even such a connection with the ocean through the seas is still considered an outlet to the ocean.

    Is there a country washed by all oceans at once

    Imagine how great it would be: if you want - went to one ocean, if you want - to another. Choose whatever you like, you don't even need to leave the country.

    Only here is a country so huge that it is washed by all four oceans, just doesn't exist. But there is a mainland- the one on which we live - Eurasia:

    Is there a benefit to the country from going out to the ocean

    In ancient times, this benefit was enormous. Still, then a significant part of long-distance travel took place on ships. Also, another way move between continents just didn't exist.

    Now we have planes that can fly extremely quickly to anywhere in the world. But sea travel is still not written off from the accounts - that's enough a good way to transport multi-ton cargo.

    In addition, it contains many minerals. Yes and fish too - and fish, I think, people will eat forever.

    From the article you will find out which continents are washed by the Atlantic Ocean and how it affects them.

    Characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean

    The ocean covers an area of ​​91.66 million square meters. km, making it the second largest after the Quiet. More than 16% of its total area falls on straits, seas and bays. The salinity of the water is approximately 34-37 ppm. The deepest point is the Puerto Rico Trench, 8742 meters deep. The average depth of the Atlantic Ocean is about 4 kilometers, and this is less than that of the Pacific and Indian.

    The Atlantic is located in all 4 hemispheres and washes 5 continents. The Danish Strait and Davis Strait in the north connect it to the Arctic Ocean. in the south it communicates it with the Pacific Ocean, and with the Indian Ocean it is connected by the water space between Antarctica and Africa.

    Previously, the Atlantic Ocean was called the Western, Outer, North Sea, now the term "Atlantic" is often used to designate it. On the European map, the author of which was the Dutchman Varenius, the modern name of the ocean appeared in 1650.

    The origin of the name "Atlantic Ocean" is associated with the African Atlas Mountains. Scientists suggest that even among the ancient Greeks, this name literally meant "the sea beyond the Atlass mountains." There are two more versions of the name - one connects it with the sunken Atlantis, the other with the name of the titan Atlant.

    Atlantic exploration

    People began to explore the described water spaces earlier than other oceans, through the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Even before our era, ancient peoples founded cities and states on the shores of the Mediterranean. Watching the ebb and flow, animals and flora, they were the first to explore these waters.

    Of course, in ancient times, people did not know exactly which continents were washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Their geographic knowledge was markedly different from that of today. Nevertheless, Pytheas made voyages in the North Atlantic as early as the 4th century BC. And in the 10th century AD, a native of Normandy made the first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, arriving on the shores of the island of Newfoundland.

    • Brazilian;
    • Guiana;
    • Gulf Stream;
    • Norwegian.
    • Greenlandic;
    • Labrador;
    • Canary;
    • Benguela.


    Now we know which continents are washed by the Atlantic Ocean and what influence it has on them. Stretching from north to south, this expanse of water has long been of great importance to people. The waters of the Atlantic connect the five continents with each other and significantly affect their weather conditions.

    What continents and countries are washed by the Atlantic Ocean, you will learn from this article.

    Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean on the planet. It is located in the north between Iceland and Greenland, in the east between Africa and Europe, in the west between South and North America, Antarctica in the south. The area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean is 91.6 million km². About ¼ of the land falls on the inland seas. Average salinity water 35 ‰. The coastline is heavily indented in the regional waters.

    Note that the Atlantic Ocean did not appear on the planet immediately. Many million years ago, both Americas, Europe, Africa and Antarctica represented a single land mass. A very important process has been taking place on Earth for the last 40 million years - the opening of the ocean basin. Then the land was divided into modern continents. The opening of the ocean basin continues to this day.

    What continents is washed by the Atlantic Ocean?

    The Atlantic Ocean washes all continents except Australia. Namely:

    • eastern shores of North America
    • eastern shores of South America
    • western coast of Africa
    • western shores of Eurasia
    • northwest coast of Antarctica

    Which countries are washed by the Atlantic Ocean?

    The waters of the Atlantic Ocean are washed by 49 large countries. Here is a complete list in alphabetical order: Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Benin, Brazil, Great Britain, Venezuela, Gabon, Haiti, Guyana, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Grenada, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Canada, Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal, Republic of the Congo, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal , Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Suriname, USA, Sierra Leone, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, France, Equatorial Guinea, South Africa.