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  • Fried eggs in bread: different ways of cooking. Fried Eggs in Bread: Different Ways to Make a Bun with a Fried Egg Inside

    Fried eggs in bread: different ways of cooking.  Fried Eggs in Bread: Different Ways to Make a Bun with a Fried Egg Inside

    Date: 2015-09-04

    I am glad to welcome all readers of our women's blog! I want to offer interesting idea for a delicious breakfast. Cook egg buns in the oven, you have never eaten such a delicious scrambled egg! You can use ready-made buns, but I still recommend making homemade ones, it's not at all difficult and very, very tasty! In addition, there are so many of them that you can treat your family to a delicious dinner for dinner, and cook crispy buns with egg and cheese for breakfast. I also suggest looking at another interesting option on this topic -

    Bun Ingredients:

    • Flour - about 500 gr.
    • Dry yeast - 1.5 tsp
    • Milk - 250 ml
    • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • Salt - 1 tsp
    • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
    • Sesame
    • Filling Ingredients:
    • Eggs (according to the number of buns)
    • Butter

    How to cook scrambled eggs in buns:

    How to cook yeast buns, I told in detail in the recipe. julienne in buns so I won't repeat myself. We will assume that you have already baked the buns. I've been using them since the time I wanted julienne. Very convenient, I made buns, made julienne for dinner, and in the morning - delicious breakfast in the form of scrambled eggs in buns.

    Cut the top off the buns and scoop out the pulp. From the inside, brush each bun with butter, if this is not done, it will turn out dry.

    Then crack an egg into each bun. Lay grated cheese on the sides.

    Bake in preheated to 180 gr. oven for about 15-20 minutes.

    Serve hot scrambled eggs in a bun for breakfast, yummy!

    Fried eggs in bread in a pan is an original dish that can be easily served both for breakfast and a light dinner. Its charm lies in the simplicity of preparation and the unusual presentation of such an affordable and trivial dish. The recipe can be changed at will by adding vegetables, smoked sausages or other ingredients to it, decorating it in the form of a funny muzzle or heart if this breakfast is served to a partner on Valentine's Day. Also, instead of vegetable oil, you can use butter or melted fat - this will add spice.

    Fried scrambled eggs are a hearty, but at the same time dietary dish. It is served with light salads, toast or hot drinks.

    Taste Info Egg Dishes


    • bread toast - 2 pieces;
    • chicken eggs - 2-3 pieces;
    • boiled sausage or sausage - 2-3 pieces;
    • vegetable oil for frying;

    How to cook fried eggs in bread in a pan

    To prepare fried eggs in bread in a pan, you need to prepare all the ingredients. For a beginner in cooking, they should lie side by side so that they can do everything quickly. Chicken eggs must be pulled out of the refrigerator in advance and rinsed with water.

    Prepare toasted bread. Instead, you can use a loaf or any other product made from premium flour. Sliced ​​black bread with cumin and other herbs is also suitable, but it is acceptable if the egg will not be eaten by small children. From two pieces, completely remove the crumb in the middle, leaving only the edges of the crust. This will be the "frame" that will keep the egg within it.

    Heat the pan, add olive or sunflower oil to it and put the bread. Do not put slices of bread before the oil heats up - they simply absorb it and then the dish will be more difficult to sell.

    Cut pieces of boiled sausage or sausage into a medium-sized cube and put in a pan inside the bread. The product should not go beyond the frame. By this time, the bread acquires a golden color.

    Next, you need to fry the egg. For one piece of toasted bread or loaf you need 1 egg. If the eggs are too small, then you can take two. The egg mass should completely cover the space inside the bread. Salt and pepper the dish to taste.

    Cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to low egg yolk seized and ceased to be liquid. For lovers of fried eggs, you can not use the lid, but then it will be difficult to eat the toast with your hands.

    Turn the bread over with the contents and fry for about two minutes on the other side until golden brown.

    Tasty fried eggs with an unusual serving are ready. You can cook for them vegetable salad from cucumbers and tomatoes, and in winter, serve assorted vegetables or a salad of cabbage and carrots.

    Tip: Spicy lovers will surely enjoy adding a little bit to the egg hot pepper or paprika. Peppers add piquancy and make the dish play with new flavor notes. You can also use pickled onions and cucumbers, garlic, herbs to taste and Indian spices.

    teaser network

    In addition to cooking fried eggs in bread on the stove, i.e. in a frying pan, you can cook scrambled eggs in the oven. It is more convenient to use round buns for this, from which the core is cut out, the egg is carefully poured. The egg bun is baked for 10 minutes.

    In the same way, diversify breakfast and use cheese and bacon. Cut off the top of the bun. The pulp is cut out of the bun, thinly sliced ​​bacon or boiled sausage is placed on the bottom of the bun. Pour on top a raw egg, add and sprinkle with grated hard cheese on top. We cover the top of the bun with a cut off top, it will serve as a lid for us. Bake for 10 minutes.

    This is breakfast for lovers. Both the guy and the girl will cope. Cut out a heart shape from the toast. Fry in a pan and a heart and a toast blank on both sides. Pour the egg into the hole of the bread, sprinkle with spices. Decorate and serve.

    Delicious, hearty breakfast - a great start to the day for big and small. Fried eggs have long been a familiar dish on the morning table. But what if you cook it in some unusual way? For example, make scrambled eggs in bread, and in different variations.

    History of the dish

    This simple, unsophisticated at first glance dish came to us from the kitchen of the stiff English. They, as you know, know a lot about hearty and light breakfasts. Fried eggs in bread, or, as it is also called, Birmingham-style scrambled eggs, has long been a traditional breakfast dish in the UK. Sometimes it is called scrambled eggs in French, and this is also correct: in France, they also love eggs fried in toast.

    Fried Eggs in Bread is the perfect breakfast dish!

    This dish appeared very simply and predictably. In ancient times, it was not customary to throw away stale bread or even give it to pets, because simple food was not always affordable. The stale pieces were soaked in milk or water and fried, adding an egg to make such a sandwich tastier and more satisfying.

    Later, scrambled eggs in bread began to be served in taverns as a full-fledged dish that can be easily prepared on hastily. So she quickly gained popularity and took pride of place in the breakfast of people of all classes.

    What and how to cook scrambled eggs in bread

    From the name it is clear that for scrambled eggs in bread you will need eggs and bread. And, of course, frying oil and salt. That, it seems, is all ... But no! This is just the foundation. And any foundation is the basis for activity. Then it all depends on your imagination and desire to please your loved ones. In addition to eggs, many other products are added to the filling: bacon, sausage, cheese, sausages, mushrooms, vegetables, minced meat ... You can flavor the scrambled eggs with any spices to your taste.

    The recess in the bread can be of any shape (the kids will love it), and the egg inside can be in the form of a fried egg or a whipped omelette.

    The main ingredients are bread, chicken eggs and frying oil.

    The main rule is that the number of slices of bread and eggs should be the same. There are no more rules for this dish, but there are tips, for example, how to make scrambled eggs in bread retain their shape:

    • Cut the bread into slices of at least 1 cm.
    • Before frying the scrambled eggs, heat the pan well, but do not heat it up too much: this way the protein will immediately seize and not have time to “run away”.
    • Before cooking, spread the slices of bread on a flat surface, press them down with a cutting board, place a small weight on top and leave for 15 minutes.

    Someone likes white bread, and someone - black. For some scrambled egg recipes, one type or another is preferable. But in general, there is no unequivocal opinion on this issue. Therefore, take the bread that you like, even sweet muffins.

    If the loaf or roll is stale, it's time to use them for this particular dish. Just soak a little in milk to make the bread softer and tastier.

    Step-by-step recipes for a frying pan, slow cooker, oven and microwave

    As always, we will describe several different cooking methods, and you will choose the most suitable for yourself. Let's start with the main option.

    Classic recipe

    The easiest scrambled eggs in bread for breakfast for the whole family. You will need:

    • 4 eggs;
    • 4 slices of white bread (loaf);
    • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil for frying;
    • salt and pepper to taste.

    Cut the banana into thicker pieces. Remove the pulp so that a ring of peel remains.

    Bread for scrambled eggs can be both fresh and stale

    Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Lay out the bread "frames", drive an egg into each. Salt and pepper.

    Crack the eggs into the slices of bread with the pulp taken out.

    Wait a little for the bottom of the egg to grab well, turn over and fry the other side in the same way.

    Fry on both sides

    Fried eggs in bread, fried on both sides, resembles a pie with a juicy filling and goes well with herbs and any vegetables.

    Serve this scrambled egg with herbs and vegetables

    Video: classic scrambled eggs in bread

    With French toast

    The French, as residents of the warm Mediterranean region, prefer an abundance of vegetables, herbs and cheese.. This culinary rule did not bypass the scrambled eggs. For its preparation, the French use special bread for toast.

    You will need:

    • 4 toasts;
    • 4 chicken eggs;
    • 150 g of dill and parsley;
    • 100 g of cheese;
    • 3 tablespoons of olive oil;
    • salt and pepper to taste.

    As seasonings, you can use any spices, such as Provencal herbs, very popular in French cuisine.

    Cut round holes in the center of the toast. To do this, you can use cookie cutters or a sharp small knife. Fry the blanks in well-heated oil on both sides until golden brown.

    Take the toast bread and cut out even round holes, and pour the eggs into them

    Crack the eggs into the center of the toast and lightly salt. Reduce heat, fry 3 minutes. When the whites become dull white, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and cook until it melts.

    sprinkle the egg bread with grated cheese

    Serve such scrambled eggs immediately, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

    Serve with fresh vegetables and herbs

    Video: eggs in French toast

    With sausage and cheese

    This option seems to be created for modern Russian cuisine. After all, we love to combine sausages and cheese in various first and second courses! Despite the simplicity, such scrambled eggs in bread are very satisfying. In addition, you can vary the recipe. For example, instead of sausage, you can use sausages, sausages and even chicken fillet.

    If you add smoked cheese and sausage, the taste will be bright and rich.

    Fried eggs in bread with sausage and cheese - a versatile dish!

    For cooking you will need:

    • 2 slices of bread;
    • 2 chicken eggs;
    • 50 g sausage;
    • 30 g of hard cheese;
    • 20 g butter;
    • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 pinch of salt.

    Cut the sausage into small cubes or thin slices, and finely chop the garlic. Mix and fry in vegetable oil.

    Remove the crumb from 2 cm thick pieces of bread. Fry the bread "frames" on both sides in butter.

    Put the sausage-garlic filling in the middle of the slices of bread. Pour the eggs on top and season with salt.

    Cheese for such scrambled eggs can be grated or cut into small thin slices

    Grate the cheese and sprinkle over the scrambled eggs. Cover the skillet with a lid and cook for about 5 minutes.

    If desired, you can sprinkle the finished scrambled eggs in bread with finely chopped herbs.

    Video: egg in bread with sausage

    With tomatoes in the oven

    If you like hot sandwiches, then the oven-cooked scrambled eggs in bread with tomatoes will appeal to you. You can take it with you to work or give your child to school..

    Take these products:

    • 4 slices of bread (thick, about 2 cm);
    • 4 eggs;
    • 2 medium sized tomatoes;
    • 50 g of hard cheese;
    • 20 g butter;
    • 20 g of vegetable oil;
    • 4 tablespoons chopped fresh herbs;
    • salt and spices.

    Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

    Remove the crumb from the slices of bread and fry on both sides in butter. Place on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil.

    Slices of bread without crumb fry in butter

    Cut the tomato into small pieces, spread the toast inside.

    Tomatoes should be firm and tight. If they are overripe, their juice will make the bread too soft and the eggs won't bake properly.

    Beat in eggs, one for each slice of bread. Season with spices and salt.

    Pieces of tomato, eggs, spices and a little cheese - and you can send it to the oven

    Place on a baking sheet in the oven and bake for no more than 10 minutes. Then take it out and sprinkle with cheese. Return the baking sheet to the oven and bake for another 5 minutes.

    In the oven, the scrambled eggs are perfectly baked on all sides and it turns out very juicy..

    This recipe has a little secret: grated cheese is best placed in the middle of a piece of bread, on top of an egg. If you spread it over the surface of the slice, then the cheese, having melted, will flow onto the baking sheet and burn.

    With mushrooms and onions

    A very simple recipe based on mushrooms. It can be champignons, chanterelles, boletus, mushrooms - choose according to your own taste.

    You will need:

    • 4 slices of white bread;
    • 4 eggs;
    • 1 medium sized onion;
    • 100 g mushrooms;
    • 50 g butter;
    • 100 g of greens;
    • 1 pinch of salt.

    Remove the crumb from the slices of bread. Fry them on both sides.

    Prepare food for the meal

    Put a little butter, finely chopped mushrooms and chopped onion into each slice.

    Carefully pour in the eggs and season with salt.

    Put mushrooms and onions in the “frames” of bread, pour in the eggs

    Fry on one side in a preheated skillet over medium heat.

    When the scrambled eggs are ready, sprinkle them with chopped herbs.

    Add herbs and some grated cheese to taste

    If you like, you can sprinkle the eggs with grated cheese. In this case, cover the pan with the dish with a lid to melt the cheese.

    In a slow cooker

    It is impossible to ignore such an assistant in the culinary business as a slow cooker. Cooking fried eggs in bread in it is as easy as shelling pears, especially according to the classic recipe.

    Instead of chicken eggs try using quail.

    You will need:

    • 1 piece of black bread;
    • 3 quail eggs;
    • 1 pinch of salt.

    In addition, you can add tomatoes, cheese or ham if you wish.

    Fresh vegetables and lots of greens are a great addition to scrambled eggs in bread

    Cut the flesh out of a slice of bread in an even rectangle. Put it in the multicooker bowl, greased vegetable oil, and fry on one side in the "Bake" or "Fry" mode for 5 minutes.

    Turn the slice over and pour the egg into the middle. If you plan to add ham, then you need to finely chop it and put it in the first layer, and beat the egg on top. Tomatoes and cheese are added last. When the bottom part is well set, turn the scrambled eggs over and fry the second side for another 5 minutes on the same mode.

    Video: recipe for scrambled eggs in multicooker bread

    microwave egg bun recipe

    Cut off the tops of the buns and take out enough pulp

    Pour an egg into the vacated space, season with spices and salt, spread the grated cheese on top. Place the buns in the microwave. Turn on the device at full power, set the time - 4 minutes.

    Pour eggs into rolls, sprinkle with cheese, herbs, seasonings

    Sprinkle the finished scrambled eggs with chopped fresh herbs: onion, dill, basil or parsley.

    Many are often confused by the question of preparing breakfast. Even more likely not cooking, but diversity. After all, sometimes you want something unusual, but at the same time quick to prepare, tasty and, most importantly, satisfying. Therefore, we offer a recipe for scrambled eggs in a bun for breakfast. Almost all housewives cook ordinary scrambled eggs, but few people know about this original version.

    Eggs are baked in a bun in the oven quickly enough and served in portions, which is convenient enough for breakfast. Yes, and children will be happy to eat scrambled eggs in such an unusual design.

    To cook eggs in a bun in the oven you will need:

    • round buns - 3 pcs.
    • chicken eggs (medium size) - 3 pcs.
    • pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
    • boiled sausage (or ham) - 80-100 g
    • butter - 40 g
    • milk - 50-60 ml
    • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.
    • mustard - ½ tsp
    • pepper mix - to taste
    • greenery - for decoration

    Eggs in a bun in the oven - recipe with photo:

    Boiled sausage (you can take ham) and pickle cut into small pieces. Combine and season with a mixture of mayonnaise and mustard.

    Then we take round buns and cut off the tops with a sharp knife. Carefully remove the crumb, leaving only walls about 1 cm thick at the buns, as shown in the photo.

    Wet each bun inside with milk. Special attention give to the side walls. Then we take the butter, cut it into small pieces and lay it on the buns. If the oil is soft, then it can be smeared along the bottom and walls.

    We spread the prepared filling in the buns. It should take up about 2/3 of the entire internal volume of the bun.

    And break an egg into each bun. Sprinkle the yolk with a mixture of peppers and send the oven. We bake eggs in buns in the oven on a baking sheet covered with paper at a temperature of 200 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. The protein should be baked completely, but the degree of roasting of the yolk is adjustable to your liking. You can bake the yolk completely, you can leave it a little watery.

    Serve the dish, sprinkled with chopped herbs on top. Fried eggs in a bun in the oven are ready! After baking, the bun acquires a ruddy and slightly crispy crust, but inside it retains its softness, so in general the taste is simply incomparable.

    Enjoy your meal!

    Fried eggs for breakfast is considered a traditional English dish. But fried eggs in bread is popular in France. Many French people like to eat eggs fried in toast. Any hostess can cook the same dish and make breakfast for her household truly royal. The main thing is to follow some rules so that the dish is beautifully decorated and evenly fried. In this article, you will learn about the basic secrets of making scrambled eggs in bread, as well as find some simple recipes.

    Cooking scrambled eggs in bread is quite simple, and the advice of experienced chefs will help you with this:

    • To prepare scrambled eggs according to this recipe, choose only fresh, airy bread. A baguette or sliced ​​bread for toast is very good for these purposes.
    • Bread should not crumble.
    • It is best to cut the bread into large slices, the thickness of which should not be less than 1.5 cm. Otherwise, the egg may spread.
    • If an egg covers the top of a slice of bread, the top of the slice will remain raw.
    • It is best to fry scrambled eggs in bread in butter - this way the dish will acquire a golden color and a crispy crust.
    • It is allowed to cook such scrambled eggs in sunflower oil.
    • The frying pan or stewpan must be preheated well so that the egg does not spread.
    • You can give the desired shape to the bread with a glass or a knife. You can also use cookie cutters.
    • In order for the egg to evenly fry, a few minutes after the start of cooking, gently mix the protein with a knife. Try not to touch the yolk, otherwise the egg will spread.
    • If the slices of bread after slicing turned out to be uneven, then this can be corrected under pressure. To do this, lay them out on a table or cutting board and press down on top with a load.
    • For better frying of scrambled eggs in bread, at the end of cooking, the pan can be covered for a few seconds with a lid.

    Classic cooking recipe

    For the first time, scrambled eggs in bread were cooked in Birmingham, so classic recipe bears the same name. Prepare scrambled eggs according to this recipe and surprise your household with a delicious, healthy, hearty and gourmet breakfast.


    • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • butter or sunflower oil;
    • slices of bread - 2 pcs.;
    • salt, pepper and other spices.


    A full breakfast will be cooked scrambled eggs in bread with sausage under a cheese crust. This dish is very tasty and nutritious. Cooking it is very simple and fast. As a rule, housewives use boiled sausage. Alternatively, you can cook this dish with sausages or smoked sausage, as well as ham.


    • chicken eggs;
    • slices of bread;
    • hard cheese;
    • sausage (sausages or sausages);
    • salt pepper;
    • butter.


    1. As in the previous recipe, first you need to cut the bread into slices and cut out the middle of the desired shape.
    2. Fry bread slices in butter on both sides until golden brown.
    3. Cut the sausage into strips, and rub the hard cheese on a fine grater.
    4. Gently fold the sliced ​​sausage into the toasted bread slices.
    5. Beat the eggs on top so that they do not spread over the edges of the bread slices.
    6. Bread slices should be sprinkled with grated cheese.
    7. Cover the pan or saucepan with a lid and fry until tender.
    8. Ready scrambled eggs with cheese and sausage can be decorated with herbs.

    Fried eggs in a bun for breakfast: microwave recipe

    Almost every housewife in the kitchen has an indispensable assistant - a microwave oven. Microwave cooking is quick and easy. If you absolutely do not have enough time to prepare breakfast, then you can fry a delicious and satisfying fried egg without much difficulty in the microwave. For this recipe, it is best to use not bread, but special hamburger buns.


    • chicken eggs;
    • buns;
    • salt and seasoning;
    • hard cheese;
    • greens.


    Despite the fact that scrambled eggs are considered a traditional English breakfast, many Russian housewives like this dish. There are many different recipes and ways to cook scrambled eggs. Fried eggs in bread are prepared quite easily and quickly, and breakfast is nutritious and high-calorie. If you decorate this dish in an original way, then even the most fastidious child will enjoy such a breakfast with pleasure. Use your imagination in the cooking process and try adding completely new ingredients or spices. To make the dish more healthy, you can add lettuce, asparagus or celery.