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  • Sat mutual funds asset management. Investment projects of Sberbank

    Sat mutual funds asset management.  Investment projects of Sberbank

    Rating of mutual funds by the amount of funds raised (net inflow) as of October 31, 2017. Rating of management companies by net asset value of OPIF and IPIF as of 31.10.2017. Source:
    JSC Sberbank Asset Management was registered by the Moscow Registration Chamber on 04/01/1996. License of the Federal Commission for the Securities of Russia for the management of investment funds, mutual investment funds and non-state pension funds No. 21-000-1-00010 dated 12.09.1996. License of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia No. 045-06044-001000 dated 07.06.2002 for carrying out securities management activities. Familiarize yourself with the terms of asset management, obtain information about Sberbank Asset Management JSC and other information that must be provided in accordance with the current legislation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as obtain detailed information about mutual investment funds (hereinafter referred to as PIF) and You can familiarize yourself with the rules of trust management of mutual funds (hereinafter referred to as the PIF PIF) and other documents provided for by the Federal Law of November 29, 2001 No. 156-FZ “On Investment Funds” and regulations in the field of financial markets, please visit: 123317, Moscow , Presnenskaya embankment, 10, on the site http://www.. Information to be published in printed edition, is published in the "Supplement to the Bulletin Federal Service on financial markets". The cost of investment units may increase and decrease, the results of investing in the past do not determine future income, the state does not guarantee the profitability of investments in mutual funds. Before purchasing an investment share, you should carefully read the MIF PDU. PDU PIF provides for premiums (discounts) to (c) the estimated value of investment units upon their issuance (redemption). The collection of allowances (discounts) will reduce the profitability of investments in investment units of mutual funds. The results of the activities of the securities manager in the past do not determine the income of the founder of the management in the future. With regard to mutual investment funds, the levels of Risk / Income are indicated based on the generally accepted understanding of how the indicated objects for investment are located on the risk-return scale. “Risk” and “Income” in relation to mutual funds do not mean the acceptable risk and expected return provided for by Regulation No. 482-P of the Bank of Russia dated August 3, 2015. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Bond Fund" Ilya Muromets "- the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on December 18, 1996 under No. 0007-45141428. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Dobrynya Nikitich Share Fund" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on 04/14/1997 under No. 0011-46360962. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Balanced Fund" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on March 21, 2001 under No. 0051-56540197. OPEIF RFI "Sberbank - Small Capitalization Equity Fund" - the rules for the trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on March 2, 2005 under No. 0328-76077318. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Promising Bond Fund" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on 02.03.2005 under No. 0327-76077399. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Natural Resources" the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on August 31, 2006 under No. 0597-94120779. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Telecommunications and Technologies" the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on August 31, 2006 under No. 0596-94120696. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Electric Power Industry" the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on August 31, 2006 under No. 0598-94120851. ZPIF real estate " commercial real estate » – the rules of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on August 25, 2004 under No. 0252-74113866. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - America" ​​- the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on December 26, 2006 under No. 0716-94122086. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Consumer Sector" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on 03/01/2007 under No. 0757-94127221. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Financial Sector" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on August 16, 2007 under No. 0913-94127681. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Active Management Fund" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on 11.10.2007 under No. 1023-94137171. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Emerging Markets" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 28, 2010 under No. 1924–94168958. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Europe" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on February 17, 2011 under No. 2058-94172687. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Global Internet" - the rules for the trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on June 28, 2011 under No. 2161-94175705. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Global Debt Market" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on November 30, 2010 under No. 1991-94172500. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Zoloto" - the rules of trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on July 14, 2011 under No. 2168-94176260. OPEIF RFI “Sberbank – Eurobonds” – the rules for trust management of the fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on March 26, 2013 under No. 2569. Closed-end mutual investment fund “Sberbank – Residential Real Estate 2” – the rules for trust management of the fund were registered by the Bank of Russia on 07.05.2014 under No. 2788. OPEIF RFI “Sberbank – Biotechnologies” - the rules for trust management of the fund were registered by the Bank of Russia on 23.04.2015 under No. 2974. Closed-end mutual investment fund “Sberbank – Residential real estate 3” - rules for trust management of the fund were registered by the Bank of Russia on 27.08.2015 under No. 3030. Closed-end mutual fund of real estate “Sberbank – Leasing business” - the rules for the trust management of the fund were registered by the Bank of Russia on February 25, 2016 under No. 3120. The open-ended investment fund RFI "Sberbank - Global Engineering" - the rules for the trust management of the fund were registered by the Bank of Russia on July 5, 2016 under No. 3171 trust management of the fund were registered by the Bank of Russia on September 29, 2016 under No. 3219. OPIF RFI "Sberbank - Denezhny", the rules for trust management of the fund were registered by the Bank of Russia on November 23, 2017 under No. 3428. Until 12:00 Moscow time, the site publishes preliminary data on the value of assets of mutual investment funds managed by Sberbank Asset Management JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Funds) and the value of investment units of the Funds. Preliminary data are NOT official information about the value of the net assets of the Funds and the estimated value of investment units of the Funds and are for informational purposes only. Preliminary data may differ from the officially published value of the net assets of the Funds and the estimated value of investment units of the Funds. After 12:00 Moscow time, the website publishes official information on the value of the net assets of the Funds and the estimated value of investment units of the Funds, determined in accordance with the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated August 25, 2015 N 3758-U.Send your comments and suggestions regarding this site to.

    Clients wishing to receive higher returns on their investments than bank deposits offer should consider investing in the stock market as an alternative. Naturally, it is not recommended to engage in independent investments without proper experience, since instead of the expected return of hundreds of percent per year, you can get an equally large loss. It is recommended to invest in mutual funds of a professional management company, for example, Sberbank Asset Management, whose mutual funds regularly yield up to 20% per annum.

    Conditions for investing in mutual funds of Sberbank

    Sberbank Asset Management confidently ranks first in the domestic open-end mutual fund market in terms of the number of assets under management. Established back in 1996 under the name Troika Dialog, Sberbank Management Company currently works with 20 open-ended and 11 closed-end funds.

    The investment company of Sberbank has been repeatedly recognized as the best in its field by independent agencies, for example, Expert RA and Kommersant. In 2016, most of the mutual funds (except 3) showed a positive trend, the average annual yield of Sberbank Asset Management mutual funds was 15%.

    Attention: past returns do not guarantee the same returns in the future. Moreover, you can get a loss in a profitable mutual fund if you make a deal to buy and sell a share at the wrong time, so it is important to plan any transactions with securities correctly.

    Currently, the management company puts forward the following requirements for investment:

    • the minimum investment amount is 15 thousand rubles for the initial purchase of shares;
    • the minimum repurchase amount is 1.5 thousand rubles;
    • 1% commission when buying a share (MC reward);
    • 0-2% commission when selling a share (the longer the share is owned, the lower the commission).

    The purchase, exchange and sale of units is carried out both in person and by phone. also in personal account Sberbank Asset management Mutual funds can be bought and sold online with a minimum commission.

    There are two ways to legally avoid paying this tax:

    • hold shares in their property for at least 3 years;
    • open an investment account and apply a type B tax deduction when withdrawing profits.

    An investor can make any transactions with shares of open-ended funds Sberbank Asset Management. To obtain admission to closed venture mutual funds and real estate mutual funds, you must receive a special invitation. Investments in these funds start from 500 thousand rubles.

    How to become a client of Sberbank Asset Management

    There are two ways to become a client of the Sberbank management company. The first is to personally go to any office of the Asset Management company itself or to any central office of Sberbank. It is recommended to leave a request by phone to open a brokerage account in advance, so that the employees will prepare all the documents for your arrival, and the visit will take you less time. The general algorithm for opening an account for investing in mutual funds in Sberbank Asset Management is as follows:

    • you apply to the office of the company and sign a brokerage service agreement (optionally, a regular brokerage account or IIS is opened);
    • determine in which mutual funds in what volume you wish to invest;
    • leave an application for the purchase of mutual funds in person or by phone;
    • pay for units remotely through the Sberbank online system.

    The second option to invest in mutual funds of Sberbank is to register remotely through the Personal Account of the mutual fund Sberbank Asset Management. Since this is done through the website of the provision of public services, you must have a fully verified account on this portal. In general, the algorithm is as follows:

    • go to page;
    • click on the Public Service symbol - Continue;
    • log in to the portal and give the system permission to integrate with the Asset Management service;
    • in your personal account, select the required mutual fund and the number of shares;
    • pay the invoice using the Personal Account or mobile application Sberbank.

    After the first purchase, it will take some time for the management company to process the application, but later you will be able to buy and redeem units without delay through your Personal Account.

    Which mutual funds to choose

    In the Personal Account, you can independently create an investment portfolio, which in the future will determine the level of your profitability. How to properly combine mutual funds of the Consumer Sector with Biotechnology and Electricity or others, we will learn further.

    Growth dynamics

    When the question arises of what is the profitability of mutual funds in Sberbank Asset Management, it is necessary to note several features of investing in this financial instrument:

    • The recommended term for investing in mutual funds is from 1 year to aggressive funds and from 3 years to conservative ones. During such a time, even a loss-making fund will definitely turn into a profit, and you will have the right moment to buy back a share.
    • The investor's profit is formed only after the sale of the share. His goal is to buy a fund security cheaper and sell it more expensive. If you randomly engage in buying and selling shares, you can lose your savings.
    • Investing in the most profitable mutual funds should be done with caution. The market is cyclical, and after the rise is followed by a decline. It is better to buy shares of depreciated funds and sell them after growth. Often a situation arises when an investor buys a share of the most profitable mutual fund, and subsequently suffers losses, is disappointed in this financial instrument and leaves the market.
    • Carefully consider your expenses and income. Consider commissions and taxes.

    Thus, when investing in Sberbank Asset Management mutual funds, be sure to take into account the growth dynamics of individual shares. Buying the most expensive units does not always guarantee an increase in income, as their price may decrease.

    Be sure to analyze the instruments in which the mutual fund invests. The dynamics of their growth or fall will tell you how profitable or unprofitable the fund will be in the near future.

    To date (June 2017), the most profitable funds are:

    • Eurobond fund, yield for 3 years - 90.36%, but recently it has been unprofitable;
    • Sberbank Asset management Mutual investment funds Consumer sector, 3-year yield – 81.23%, but since the beginning of the year – unprofitable;
    • Fund Financial sector, profitability for 3 years - 72.11%, profit for half a year - 8.08%;
    • The Suitable Resources Fund, for 3 years brought an income of 69.69%, but lost 14.84% in 2017;
    • Global Internet - for 3 years, the mutual fund has brought a profit of 67.85%, for the current year - already 26.90%, while in 2016 the fund showed a negative trend.

    Thus, it is profitable to invest in mutual funds when the share price falls. It is optimal to choose funds with a large income at a distance, but which temporarily lose their positions. For example, in 2016 it was a good investment idea to invest in Sberbank UIF Asset Management Global Internet, this year - in the Eurobond Fund, the Consumer Sector or Natural Resources.

    How to build a portfolio

    Naturally, profitability is only one of the criteria for selecting mutual funds. When forming an investment portfolio, it is necessary to proceed from many parameters, one of them is the rate of profit. If you are interested in quick income, you should choose funds that use high-yield, but high-risk assets, for example, Sberbank Asset Management Biotech Mutual Fund. If you look at the scale of its profitability, then it is characterized by large ups and downs, so it is recommended to sell and buy its shares often.

    For long-term investments, conservative mutual funds are more suitable (the main instruments are bonds, blue-chip shares, Eurobonds) or funds of a balanced segment (the main instruments are stocks, real estate, gold). They can be invested on a “buy and hold” basis until the share price reaches the target level.

    Such funds are characterized by small, but stable and predictable returns. For example, Ilya Muromets, which is managed by Sberbank Asset Management, is a mutual fund. He gives a stable profit of approximately 6% per annum, the core of his portfolio is made up of reliable corporate and federal bonds.

    Depending on your goals and risk appetite, you can choose an investment portfolio of the following profiles:

    • conservative, designed solely to save funds: target yield - 10% per year, shares of Ilya Muromets mutual funds, the Global Debt Market and Eurobonds will be used (shares are purchased in equal proportions);
    • moderate: target yield - 20% per year, shares of mutual funds of mutual funds are purchased in equal shares Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Balanced, if desired, you can include a mutual fund of Eurobonds or Active Management
    • aggressive: target yield - 25% per year, shares of Sberbank mutual funds are acquired.

    Of course, the composition of portfolios is approximate, if necessary, it must be adjusted based on the history of the mutual fund's profitability and the economic situation.

    Important: you do not need to strive to purchase shares of all mutual funds on the same day. The best thing to do is to decide which mutual funds of Sberbank you want to invest in and wait for the right moment to enter. Thus, the value of the Dobrynya Nikitich share (Russian shares) usually falls in the summer, when shareholders receive their payments and share prices fall.


    Thus, a competent investment in mutual funds in Sberbank Asset Management can give up to 25% profit per year. You can become a shareholder at a branch of the management company or online. Income is generated by increasing the share price, therefore general rule investing in mutual funds is as follows: entry into aggressive funds is optimal when their price falls, but conservative ones can be invested almost at any time. The final portfolio is formed depending on your financial goals and risk appetite.

    The modern financial system offers many tools for increasing your own savings. One of them is the shares of Sberbank, which allow you to get your share in the organization's chosen investment project and the subsequent income from it.

    What are mutual funds

    You can increase your savings different methods. The most popular and easiest way for ordinary citizens is to participate in mutual funds. Mutual funds are a collective tool for multiplying finances by pooling funds into a special fund. It is managed by organizations that have a special license. Sberbank mutual funds are among such companies.

    How mutual funds work

    Various segments of the population invest in investment funds. Traders and other people in the organization manage these finances by buying and selling securities. The difference from the purchase and sale becomes profit or loss. This is the basis for the trust management of Sberbank and other companies working with mutual funds. Sberbank am ru users can buy shares online.

    How to make money on mutual funds

    Investment funds receive their main income from the sale of securities. To quickly make money on mutual funds, you need to buy shares at the time of their decrease in value, and sell them at the time of growth. There is another group of investors who make balanced deposits for a long period of time. The advantage of this trading and share management tactic is the statistical approach, which says that the value of securities increases after a few years.

    Sberbank mutual funds - profitability

    The global and domestic financial markets are unpredictable, as evidenced by the feedback from shareholders. With a 100% probability, no one will be able to foresee which investment deposit in Sberbank will bring you a large amount of money, and which will become unprofitable. All responsibility for the shares lies with the investors themselves, therefore, especially for the convenience of clients and financial planning, there is a calculator for the profitability of mutual funds in your personal account.

    Investment projects of Sberbank

    The company is engaged in the implementation of medium and long-term financing. Sberbank's investment portfolios are diverse. You can invest in natural gas and other resources, or donate it to small businesses. It is possible to buy shares in America. Any adult citizen of the country can invest in Sberbank. Thanks to trust management, the client does not need to learn the intricacies of stock trading. On the main page of the site of investment projects, the profitability of mutual funds by years is presented.

    Sberbank of biotechnology

    The program is based on an investment in the iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology ETF. The shares of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies participate in the turnover. The value of shares is determined by the dynamics of NASDAQ Biotechnology. The program is designed for long-term investments. Over the past 3 years, the mutual fund of Sberbank biotechnology has shown a steady decline in share prices and excessively high risks.

    PIF Ilya Muromets Sberbank

    Investments under this program are directed to domestic companies operating at the state, municipal and corporate levels. The profitability of Ilya Muromets PIF has grown over the past 3 years. The program demonstrates a low level of risk and is suitable for novice investors. The minimum deposit is 15,000 rubles, and it must be kept for at least a year.

    Global Internet Mutual Investment Fund Sberbank

    The program is aimed at financing enterprises operating on the World Wide Web. Mutual Fund of Sberbank Global Internet demonstrates stable growth of shares along with a high level of risks. Funds are invested not only in Russian, but also in foreign enterprises operating in the field of the Internet. The average investment period is 3 years. A sharp decline in the value of shares is possible in the short term due to fluctuations in the global technology market.

    Sberbank - risky bond fund

    Under this program, all investments are directed to enterprises of the second and third echelons. Sberbank's risky bond fund shows an average share price increase of 39%. Asset diversification among industries is high. Before choosing an investment object, Sberbank traders analyze its credit history. The risk level of this program is average, as is the minimum investment period of one year.

    PIF Dobrynya Nikitich Sberbank

    The program is aimed at investing in companies related to the oil and gas industry. For 3 years, the Dobrynya Nikitich Sberbank fund showed a 43% increase in share prices. The basis of the investment portfolio is made up of liquid shares. Some finances may be used to purchase shares in promising second-tier enterprises. Shares are selected after checking companies for reliability. The main share of the portfolio is made up of fixed income instruments. A decrease in the value of shares is possible in the short term due to fluctuations in the financial situation of the markets.

    Sberbank Eurobonds - PIF

    The program offers to invest your assets in promising enterprises in Russia and the CIS. The low level of risks is achieved through the conversion Money in a currency other than the ruble. The yield on Sberbank Eurobonds reached 96% over 3 years. The minimum investment period for this program is 1 year, which makes it ideal for beginner shareholders with a large starting capital. Diversification of assets by industry is high. Investors can independently manage their financial portfolio.

    Mutual investment fund of Sberbank Consumer sector

    Investors under this program will be able to sponsor any Russian enterprises. Basically, this fund includes organizations involved in the production of consumer goods, maintenance of telecommunications networks and finance. Shares of Sberbank Consumer sector have risen in price by 92% over 3 years. But along with the growth in the value of shares, investors must be prepared for a high level of risk. A large share of the shares of this program belongs to foreign enterprises.

    How to invest in mutual funds of Sberbank

    A profitable way to invest money in financial institutions, except for mutual funds, are deposits. Their main advantage is a stable but small profit. If you decide to invest money in mutual funds of Sberbank, then first familiarize yourself with their annual yield schedules and risks. It is better for novice investors not to take risks and transfer finances to funds with low risks. As you analyze the market and learn the basics of investing, you can move on to projects with a high level of risk and a percentage of profit.

    Sberbank - current values ​​of mutual funds

    The price of shares directly depends on the stability of the financial situation of the country. The highest growth in value is shown by investment products of Sberbank with a high level of risk. The growth of the share price in low-risk projects reaches 25% in 3 years. The average cost of shares sold by the company is 850 rubles. 48 kop. The Ilya Muromets fund has the highest share price. You can study the current cost of Sberbank mutual funds of any program of interest on the official website of the company.

    Rating of mutual funds by profitability

    Investments in any organization must be effective from a financial point of view. The rate of return is an actual indicator that confirms or refutes the profitability of securities. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of an investment project and not to lose your own savings, we suggest that you study the rating of Sberbank mutual funds.

    Fund name

    a brief description of

    Sberbank - Power industry

    The shares are distributed among Russian network, sales and generation companies. The fund's portfolio is diversified.

    The share price increased by 84% in 3 years. The average level of reliability of enterprises.

    High level risk. Ruble investments. The investment period is at least 3 years.

    Sberbank - Telecommunications and Technologies

    The fund's portfolio consists of shares of regional telecom operators, enterprises operating in the field of information technologies and the media sector.

    Investments in foreign currency and ruble. Increase in the value of shares by 14% over 3 years.

    Sberbank - Global Internet

    Investor shares are distributed among major internet sector exchange-traded funds and internet enterprises.

    Increasing profitability by 36.5% over 3 years. Investments in foreign currency and ruble.

    High level of risk. The investment period is at least 3 years.

    Sberbank - Active Management Fund

    The fund's funds are transferred to Russian companies with high growth potential and a high level of volatility.

    Share price increased by 59% over 3 years.

    High level of risk. The investment period is at least 3 years. Deposits in rubles.

    Sberbank - Small Capitalization Equity Fund

    Investor shares are distributed among second-tier companies that demonstrate high rates of growth and reliability.

    Investments can be ruble and currency. Profitability for 3 years increased by 58%.

    High level of risk. The investment period is at least 3 years.

    Sberbank - Emerging Markets

    The fund's finances are invested in the Vanguard FTSE EM ETF, diversified across countries and industries.

    The share price increased by 61% in 3 years.

    High level of risk. The investment period is at least 3 years. currency deposits.

    Sberbank - Gold

    Finance is invested in the PowerShares DB Gold Fund ETF, designed for long-term capital gains.

    Increase in value over 3 years by 30%. Suitable for diversifying savings.

    Average level of risk. Investments in foreign exchange assets.

    The investment period is at least 3 years.

    Sberbank - Biotechnology

    The portfolio contains shares of the iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology ETF.

    Possibility to carry out passive money management.

    High level of risk. Currency investments. The investment period is not less than 3 years.

    Decrease in the value of shares by 17% per year.

    Sberbank - Risk Bond Fund

    The funds are being transferred into ruble-denominated Russian bonds of companies in the consumer and financial sectors from the second and third echelon of reliability.

    Increase in the value of shares over 3 years by 40%. Acceptable level of reliability of companies.

    Average level of risk. The investment period is at least 1 year. Investments are only in rubles.

    Sberbank - Ilya Muromets Bond Fund

    Shares are distributed among state, corporate and municipal companies.

    Low risk. Stable share price growth of 19% over 3 years.

    The investment period is at least 1 year.

    Video: what is a mutual fund

    Sberbank mutual funds are an opportunity, even with a relatively small amount of free cash, to make a profitable and safe investment that will allow everyone to become a full-fledged participant in the stock market, without making any operations on their own and without having the special knowledge necessary for high-quality asset management.

    The minimum amount in Sberbank is only 15,000 rubles, but you can buy, sell or exchange your share at any time.

    Sberbank Asset Management (until November 2012 - CJSC MC Troika Dialog) is one of the oldest, largest and most successful asset management companies in Russia, operating since 1996, considered the founder of the domestic asset management industry. The company offers professional asset management services in the securities market using a collective form of investment - mutual funds (UIFs).

    Mutual funds offered by Sberbank of Russia:

    • OPIF of shares "Sberbank - Share Fund "Dobrynya Nikitich"
    • OPIF of Sberbank-Metallurgy shares
    • OPEIF of shares "Sberbank - Oil and Gas Sector"
    • OPIF of shares "Sberbank - Consumer Sector"
    • OPIF of shares "Sberbank - Telecommunications"
    • OPIF shares "Sberbank - Financial Sector"
    • OPIF of shares "Sberbank - Electricity"
    • OPIF of mixed investments "Sberbank - Balanced Fund"
    • OPIF bonds "Sberbank - Bond Fund "Ilya Muromets"
    • OPIF of mixed investments "Sberbank - BRIC"
    • OPEIF shares "Sberbank - Precious Metals Market Companies"
    • OPIF of shares "Sberbank - Infrastructure"
    • OPIF of shares "Sberbank - Fund of shares of small capitalization companies"
    • OPIF bonds "Sberbank - Risky Bond Fund"
    • OPIF of shares "Sberbank - Agrosector"
    • OPIF of shares "Sberbank - Global Internet"
    • OPIF of shares "Sberbank - Fund of shares of companies with state participation"
    • OPEIF shares "Sberbank - Active Management Fund"
    • OPIF of mixed investments "Sberbank-Balanced II"
    • OPIF bonds "Sberbank - First Echelon Bond Fund"
    • OPIF bonds "Sberbank - Eurobonds"
    • OPIF of shares "Sberbank - Fund of Shares of the first echelon"
    • IPIF of the commodity market "Sberbank - Precious Metals Fund"
    • OPEIF "Sberbank - Money Market Fund"

    Mutual funds of Sberbank of Russia are diverse in their characteristics. There are funds with high returns and high risks, and, on the contrary, with low risks, but not high, albeit a stable income.

    Unlike a deposit, here you are not guaranteed a return, moreover, you can lose money. Judging by the feedback from our readers, this happens not infrequently.

    The main disadvantage is the commissions when buying and selling a share.

    Profitability can be estimated in the table:

    Here, as elsewhere, there is a reservation that the previous profitability does not guarantee that the income will be in the future.

    Opinion: if you look at the table above, it is obvious that telecommunications and the Internet are the most profitable investments. Meanwhile, for 3 years, Finances have gained well. Definitely, mutual funds are very long-term investments. Here, rushing from share to share is costly, if only because of the commission.

    MC Sberbank Asset Management also deals with ISS and, but in those cases the entry threshold is much higher than just buying shares (from 3 million rubles).

    The personal account, namely it is on the screen above, allows you to have all the statistics on your investments at any time, as well as buy and sell shares online. Sberbank has made a significant breakthrough in this direction.

    Reviews of mutual funds of Sbrebank

    He invested 200 thousand rubles in the mutual investment fund of the Electric Power Industry. For half a year, I lost almost 20 thousand thousand due to a decrease in the value of shares. It's good that we were able to quickly sell and exit. Shares of Russian companies are a risky investment.

    Someone won:

    I invested 100 thousand on a deposit and the same amount in mutual funds. The percentage on mutual funds for the year turned out to be slightly higher. With larger amounts, this would of course be more noticeable, but I already think it was worth going to DU SB, since they have more interesting strategies and use various investment tools.