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    Open, angels, the gates to heaven! To you with a bow forever in the Temple of the 6th company. Probably, the Lord himself is not able to tell, How the paratroopers lay down their lives for Russia ... 6th ...

    Open, angels, the gates to heaven!

    To you with a bow forever in the Temple of the 6th company.

    Probably, the Lord himself is not able to tell,

    How paratroopers lay down their lives for Russia...

    The 6th company of the Pskov paratroopers is known throughout the world. On February 29, 2000, the fighters took the battle with a huge gang formation under the command of Khattab. Commanded "landing" lieutenant colonel Mark Evtyukhin.

    Height 776. Too much advantage of the Chechens left no hope for life. There were, according to various sources, from 1500 to 2500 selected thugs Ruslan Gelaev. There were 90 boys from Pskov.

    The most difficult battle went on for 17 hours in a row. In a terrible bloody massacre, 71 soldiers and 13 commanders of the airborne regiment were killed. 6 fighters left the gorge alive. "Czechs" lost up to seven hundred militants.

    As if in mockery, on a calm Moscow day, February 29, helpful minnows reported to the President that the militants were securely blocked inside the Argun Gorge. But the gorge is thirty kilometers long. What didn't you know?

    The paratroopers, who had no experience of war in the mountains, failed to create control over the area in an unfamiliar environment. The outdated map does not provide comprehensive information on how many trails are actually in the gorge. Twenty? Or thirty?

    To know about these paths, one must be born nearby. You can't block so many paths. But paper... It will endure everything that actually happened. The paratroopers who survived consider this a direct betrayal.

    The most difficult section went to the 6th company of the Pskov paratroopers. The bandits, on the other hand, chose a simple but effective way - to find weak points through combat, to pile on en masse and from the gorge.

    February 28 "Czechs" went on the attack. The 3rd company of the Pskov paratroopers was the first to take the blow of the Chechens. But the militants were not successful. Competently organized fire protection threw them back.

    The 2nd battalion controlled the heights in the Sharoargun gorge. The passage between the Sharoargun and Abazulgol rivers was assigned to occupy the 6th company. Only yesterday, having returned to the unit, Major Sergei Molodov did not have time to look around.

    Combat 2 Evtyukhin backed him up. The 6th company moved on its last journey. Loaded with personal small arms, tents, water, the soldiers moved with difficulty to their positions. Someone was carrying a grenade launcher.

    They have just come out of a difficult throw at Dombay-Arzy. Tired fighters per hour could only walk one kilometer. Landing from turntables is excluded. In a mountainous forest, it is difficult to find a landing site.

    Someone from the command (it is no longer possible to find careless commanders) was late in making a decision with the transfer of a company to Ista-Kord. Trying to make up for lost time, "someone" directs the soldiers of the 6th company on a deliberately failed mission. The 6th company met sunrise in the interfluve of the tributaries of the Argun. Here is the last frontier of the heavenly company. But they don't know about it. 90 paratroopers, boys, not all of whom are even 19, stood in the way of Khattab's bandit army.

    The bandits discovered the paratroopers first. Secretly walked towards them in groups of thirty to fifty people. Without having time to rest, the paratroopers found the militants. They were separated by several tens of meters.

    The militants were destroyed by grenades in a few minutes. But crowds of Mujahideen poured in behind them. The 6th company took the fight. The bandits offered by radio to the battalion commander Yevtyukhov to let them through. What did the commander say?

    36 year old Russian man. Let's not repeat these words. All the anger of the militants fell upon the Russian boys with heavy fire from mortars and grenade launchers. By nightfall the battle had turned into a massacre.

    Guys in blue vests are already engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Sergei Molodov was killed. In such a mess, he must be the first. And he became. Very quickly, battalion commander 2 realized that they would remain in the gorge forever.

    There is no more ammunition, half of the soldiers were killed, several commanders were killed, many were wounded. I asked for help from a friend and deputy Alexander Dostovalov. God alone knows how Dostovalov made his way with a platoon to his comrades.

    And the boys perked up. They are remembered and pulled out of the slaughterhouse. They cannot be left to the mercy of the enemy. But in the early morning last day for the Pskov paratroopers, Khattab threw the "white angels" of death into the meat grinder of battle.

    They perished one by one. They simply shot the unarmed. Alexey Vorobyov, with broken legs, with wounds in the chest and stomach, did not leave the battle. Having shot Idris, a personal friend of the leader, he fought for Russia half dead.

    Minutes before eternity were met by Russian paratroopers in hand-to-hand combat. Pulling the stumps of his legs with bundles, Viktor Romanov lay next to Evtyukhov

    - Vitya, call fire on yourself!

    A few minutes later, the battalion commander died.

    The terrible death of the 6th company echoed in the hearts of all citizens of Russia. The winged infantry has become a symbol of courage, the will to win, and loyalty to the Motherland.

    22 paratroopers were awarded the Star of the Hero of Russia, 69 fighters were awarded the Order of Courage. The surviving six guys do not like to talk about the war.

    In Russia they like to punish. The commander of the regiment, Sergei Melentiev, fell to answer for the dead guys. Why did he ask to allow the company to retreat? Generals do not forgive this. Transferred down to the Urals.

    Leaving Pskov, he asked for forgiveness from families whose children, husbands, sons left home forever. He regretted not dying with them. The Colonel died two years later. The heart couldn't take it. The man is forty-six years old.

    There is a monument at the KKP unit where the guys served. From this gate they stepped into immortality. They didn’t know how to retreat, but they sacredly honored male friendship, loved women, played football in the wasteland behind the house.

    They were ordinary people. Not supermen. And the wounded were often called mother, they prayed to God.

    P according to the intelligence of the Khattab gang moved to the northeast,
    to the Vedeno region, where he created an extensive network of mountain bases, warehouses and shelters. He intended to capture Vedeno, the villages of Mekhkety, Elistanzhi and Kirov-Yurt and secure a springboard for a breakthrough into Dagestan.

    In the neighboring republic, the Mujahideen planned to take a large number of hostages civilians and thereby force the federal authorities to negotiate.

    On February 28, the militants came out to implement this plan. The paratroopers of the 3rd company, led by senior lieutenant Vasilyev, were the first to take the blow. They occupied the dominant heights five kilometers east of Ulus-Kert. Khattab's detachments unsuccessfully tried to break through a well-organized fire system and retreated, suffering significant losses.

    The divisions of the 2nd battalion kept the dominant heights over the Sharoargun gorge under control. There was a passage between the channels of the Sharoargun and Abazulgol rivers. To rule out the possibility of militants "leaking" here, the commander of the 104th Guards Airborne Regiment ordered the commander of the 6th company, Major Sergei Molodov, to occupy another dominant height 4-5 kilometers from Ulus-Kert. And since the company commander was literally transferred to the unit the day before and did not have time to thoroughly understand the operational situation, to get acquainted with the personnel, the commander of the 2nd battalion Mark Evtyukhin secured him.

    The feat of the Pskov paratroopers

    The paratroopers began advancing to positions still dark. They had to make a fifteen-kilometer forced march in a few hours to a given square, where they would set up a new base camp. We went with a full combat gear. They were armed only with small arms and grenade launchers. The prefix for the radio station, which provides covert radio exchange, was left at the base. They carried water, food, tents and potbelly stoves, without which it is simply impossible to survive in the mountains in winter. The unit stretched for 5-6 kilometers, no more than a kilometer passed per hour. We also note that the paratroopers went to the heights immediately after a difficult throw along the Dombay-Arza route.

    Helicopter assault was ruled out, since aerial reconnaissance did not find a single suitable site in the mountain forest.

    The paratroopers went to the limit of their physical strength - this is a fact that no one can dispute. From the analysis of the situation, the following conclusion suggests itself: the command was belated with the decision to transfer the 6th paratrooper company to Ista-Kord, and the latter, having realized it, set obviously impossible deadlines.

    Even before sunrise, the 6th Airborne Company of the 104th Guards Airborne Regiment, reinforced by a platoon and two reconnaissance groups, was at the target - the interfluve of the Argun tributaries south of Ulus-Kert. The battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Mark Evtukhin, led the actions of the paratroopers.

    As it became known later, 90 paratroopers, on an isthmus of 200 meters, blocked the path of the 2,000-strong Khattab group. As far as one can judge, the bandits were the first to discover the enemy. This is evidenced by radio intercepts.

    At that moment, the Mujahideen were moving in two detachments along the Sharoargun and Abazulgol rivers. Height 776.0, where our paratroopers took a breath after the hardest forced march, they decided to bypass from two sides.

    Two reconnaissance groups, 30 people each, were moving ahead of both gangs, followed by two combat security detachments of 50 militants each. One of the head patrols was discovered by Senior Lieutenant Alexei Vorobyov with his scouts, which saved the 6th Airborne Company from a surprise attack.

    It was noon. The scouts found the militants at the foot of the height 776.0. Opponents were separated by tens of meters. In a matter of seconds, with the help of grenades, the vanguard of the bandits was destroyed. But dozens of Mujahideen poured in after him.

    The scouts with the wounded on their shoulders retreated to the main forces, and the company had to take on the oncoming battle. While the scouts could hold back the onslaught of the bandits, the battalion commander decided to gain a foothold on this forested height of 776.0 and prevent the bandits from getting out of the blocked gorge.

    Before the start of the assault, the Khattab field commanders Idris and Abu Walid went on the radio to the battalion commander and suggested that Yevtukhin let the "mujahideen" through. According to information received after the battle from the militants, the paratroopers were offered $ 1 million for passing by their positions. Later it became known that by that time Khattab had already paid half a million dollars for the removal of checkpoints in other places on the way out of the militants and (supposedly) they were indeed, by order from above, temporarily removed to strengthen other positions. Only paratroopers interfered with the unhindered passage.

    What the battalion commander answered is not difficult to imagine. After these "negotiations", the bandits unleashed a flurry of fire from mortars and grenade launchers on the positions of the paratroopers. By midnight, the battle reached its highest intensity. The guards did not flinch, although the enemy outnumbered them by more than 20 times. The bandits advanced to positions to throw grenades. In some areas, the paratroopers met in hand-to-hand combat. One of the first in the 6th company was killed by its commander Sergei Molodov - a sniper's bullet hit him in the neck.

    The command could only support the company with artillery fire. The fire was corrected by the commander of the self-propelled battery, Captain Viktor Romanov.

    They did not use aviation, being afraid to hit their own. The bandits covered their flanks with water streams, which were on the right and left, which made it impossible to freely maneuver and provide effective assistance. The enemy set up ambushes and took up defense on the coast, preventing them from approaching the tributaries of the Argun. Several crossing attempts ended in failure. The 1st company of paratroopers, thrown to the rescue of dying comrades, was able to break through to a height of 776.0 only on the morning of March 2.

    The forces were unequal. Soldiers and officers perished one after another. Alexei Vorobyov's legs were broken by fragments of mines, one bullet hit his stomach, the other pierced his chest. But the officer did not leave the battle. It was he who destroyed Idris - a friend of Khattab, "the head of intelligence."

    On the night of March 1, at an altitude of 705.6, hand-to-hand combat took place, which took on a focal character. The snow at the top was mixed with blood. The paratroopers fought off the last attack with several machine guns. Battalion commander Mark Yevtukhin realized that the life of the company went to the minute. A little more, and the bandits on the corpses of the paratroopers will break out of the gorge. And then he turned to Captain Viktor Romanov. That one, bleeding, with stumps of legs tied with tourniquets, lay nearby - on the company command post.

    Come on, call the fire on yourself!

    Already losing consciousness, Romanov handed over the coordinates to the battery. At 6:10 a.m., communication with Lieutenant Colonel Yevtukhin was cut off. The battalion commander fired back to the last bullet and was hit by a sniper's bullet in the head.

    On the morning of March 2, the 1st company entered Ista-Kord. When the paratroopers pushed back the militants from a height of 705.6, a terrible picture opened up before them: perennial beeches, "trimmed" by shells and mines, and everywhere - corpses, corpses of "mujahideen". Four hundred people. In the company stronghold - the bodies of 13 Russian officers and 73 sergeants and privates.

    The feat of the paratroopers of the 6th Airborne Company will remain forever in our memory. It was a real feat, on which it is impossible to cast a shadow.
    (C) Pavel Evdokimov and supplemented.


    After the death of A.V. Dostavalov, only one officer survived - Lieutenant D.S. Kozhemyakin. He ordered private Alexander Suponinsky to crawl to the cliff and jump, he himself picked up a machine gun to cover the private. Fulfilling the order of the officer, Suponinsky and Andrey Porshnev crawled to the cliff and jumped, and by the middle of the next day they went to the location Russian troops. Alexander Suponinsky, the only one of the six survivors, was awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of Russia.

    Timoshenko was sent by the commander to the flank of the machine-gun crew of the militants, was wounded and stunned by an exploding mine.

    Privates Roman Khristolyubov and Alexei Komarov were in the third platoon, which did not reach the height and died on the slope. They did not participate in the battle at height.

    Private Evgeny Vladykin was left alone without cartridges, in the fight he was hit on the head with a rifle butt, he lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was able to get to my own.

    Only 6 fighters from the company remained alive.

    Monument to the 6th company

    For the death of paratrooper heroes, the "switchman" was then punished: the commander of the regiment, Melentiev, was transferred to Ulyanovsk as the chief of staff of the brigade. The commander of the eastern group, General Makarov, also remained on the sidelines (Melentyev asked him six times to give the company the opportunity to retreat, not to destroy the guys) and another general, Lentsov, who led the task force of the Airborne Forces.

    Info and photo (C) internet.

    In 2020, it will be 20 years since the death of soldiers of the 6th company and special forces.
    At the end of December 2019, a mural dedicated to the feat of the 6th company was painted on the facade of residential building No. 23 on General Margelov Street. It depicts the symbols of the type of troops, the flag of the division, the area where the battle took place, the words are written:
    “Farewell, the sixth company, gone for centuries!
    Winged infantry of the heavenly regiment!

    The model of the mural is recommended for use at exhibitions and events in Russia.

    Governor of the Pskov region Andrey Turchak, Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Sergey Mironov, Commander of the Airborne Forces Hero of Russia Vladimir Shamanov had their say about this book.

    To the 10th anniversary of the feat of the 6th company

    In 2018, a new edition of the book "Step into Immortality" was published, supplemented with new facts about the battle of the 6th company, as well as essays and memoirs of the parents of the dead soldiers.

    To purchase a new edition of the book, you can contact the author -
    Oleg Dementiev(e-mail: [email protected] )

    Dementiev Oleg Vladimirovich was born in 1948 in Novosibirsk. Since 1953 he has been living in the Pskov region. Served in the Northern Fleet. Journalist by profession. In 1999, he created the Pskov supplement to the Argumenty i Fakty newspaper. Currently lives in Pskov. Correspondent for Rossiyskaya Gazeta and columnist for Novosti Pskov newspaper.

    Klevtsov Vladimir Vasilievich was born in 1954 in Velikiye Luki. Author of five books of prose. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia. Laureate of the Pskov Region Administration Prize for the best achievements in the field of literature. Lives in Pskov.

    The book "Step into immortality" created at the request of the commander of the 76th Guards Division of the Guards, Major General S.Yu.Semenyuty. At the fifth regional competition of printed materials, the publication was recognized as the “Book of the Year”. O. Dementiev and V. Klevtsov were awarded diplomas and commemorative medals in honor of the 1100th anniversary of Pskov.

    The paratroopers of the 76th Guards Airborne Chernigov Red Banner Division, who blocked the way for militants rushing through the Argun Gorge in the Chechen Republic to the valley and further to Dagestan, will forever remain in our memory. February 29, 2000 and paid for it with their lives.

    Chronicle of the event.

    Mercenaries accumulated in the gorge about 3 thousand. They already February 29 were supposed to pass the gorge, but a few were delayed. The landing group knew nothing about their stay here. The soldiers were ordered to advance to the heights. The 6th Airborne Company was supposed to be at the exit from the gorge at an altitude of 776.0 near the village of Ulus-Kert.

    The reconnaissance patrol of the company was the first to encounter a group of militants numbering over 40 people. The mercenaries shouted to let them through, as "the commanders agreed"! Senior Lieutenant Alexei Vorobyov urgently contacted the battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Mark Evtyukhin, by radio and reported the situation. He got in touch with the command of the landing group. An order came from there: to offer the militants to surrender or to destroy them all!

    This conversation was listened to by radio interception by the bandits, and Khattab gave his order: “Sweep the paratroopers off the face of the earth!” A fight broke out that continued the next day. The guards did not retreat an inch. They rejected the money offered by the bandits. There was no help, except for the breakthrough of 10 scouts of the 4th company, led by the deputy commander of the 2nd battalion, Major Alexander Dostavalov. The paratroopers fought to the death. Despite the wounds, many rushed with grenades into the midst of enemies. Blood flowed in a stream along the road leading down. For each of the 90 paratroopers, there were 30 militants.

    March 1 at a critical moment, lieutenant colonel Mark Evtyukhin and artillery spotter captain Viktor Romanov called the fire of their native artillery: “At yourself!” The morning was clear when the last paratroopers of the company were dying. A helicopter loitered over the battlefield, and the pilots transmitted to the ground that the militants were collecting the corpses of the guards and intended to take them somewhere. The paratroopers of other units began to break through to the battlefield. The fighters left. It turned out that they gathered the corpses in one heap, and put the dead Lieutenant Colonel Yevtyukhin upstairs with a walkie-talkie and headphones on. All around there were trees cut by bullets, fragments of grenades, mines and shells, mutilated corpses of paratroopers lay, many of them were shot at close range by militants.

    2nd of March the remaining militants were scattered by an air-artillery raid. About 500 went into the mountains and disappeared. Later, some field commanders were killed, according to some reports, by Pskov paratroopers.

    The dead paratroopers are guys from 47 republics, territories and regions of Russia. 13 officers became Heroes of Russia posthumously. Among the 84 dead guardsmen, there are 20 conscripts and contract servicemen from the Pskov region. The title Hero of Russia was awarded to corporal Alexander Lebedev from the Pskov region and sergeant Dmitry Grigoriev from the Novosokolnichesky region. Eternal memory to them!

    The feat of the paratroopers was awarded a Russian award "Warriors of the Spirit". The streets of their native cities are named in their honor, memorial plaques were opened in educational institutions, and monuments were erected in Pskov and Moscow.


      Whatever war, whatever thunder
      You would not be scorched severely,
      Oh, Russian land! - you are behind the helmet
      And behind the shield of your regiments from Pskov.
      You are behind the shield of fearless paratroopers,
      Their military, hard skill,
      What was obtained in hand-to-hand battles
      At the cost of bloody-mortal learning.
      Their blood burns in all "hot spots"
      But Pskov is their home for half a century.
      Division Chernihiv firmly
      Akin to the ancient valiant land.
      For keeping your honor holy
      And people have not lost faith in you -
      Bow to you, Russian soldiers,
      Bow to the soldiers' mothers!

      Stanislav Zolottsev,
      Secretary of the Writers' Union of Russia

    Paratroopers of the 6th company in the 104th Guards Regiment in the summer of 1999
    Combat everyday life of the landing

    Opening of the monument to the 6th company "Dome"

    Andrey Panov's daughter Irishka with portraits of her father and godfather

    Warriors of the Spirit Award Statuette

    For purchase inquiries contact:

    Mob. tel. +7 911 355-09-05
    [email protected]
    Author - Oleg Dementiev

    Mob. tel. +7 999 167-91-46
    [email protected]
    Dementiev V. O.

    List of dead paratroopers

    Evtyukhin Mark Nikolaevich - lieutenant colonel, battalion commander. Born in the city of Yoshkar-Ola, Mari ASSR (now the Republic of Mari El).

    He was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army in 1981. In 1985 he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Command School of the Airborne Troops.

    Since 1985, he served in the 76th Guards Airborne Chernigov Red Banner Division, stationed in the city of Pskov.

    Participated in establishing constitutional order in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, which were part of the Soviet Union.

    In 1998 he was appointed commander of the 2nd Airborne Battalion of the 104th Regiment of the division, located in the village of Cherekha near Pskov.

    He died while performing a combat mission at an altitude of 776.0 in the Argun Gorge near Ulus-Kert in the Chechen Republic (he caused fire on himself when he realized that the forces of the bandits were many times superior to the forces of the defenders).

    He was buried in Pskov at the Orletsovskoye cemetery.

    In 2000 for great job on military-patriotic education to the Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution "Secondary comprehensive school N5" was named after the Hero of the Russian Federation Guards Lieutenant Colonel Mark Nikolaevich Evtyukhin.

    In 2017, a monument to the commander of the legendary 6th company of the Airborne Forces - Hero of Russia Mark Evtyukhin was opened in Yoshkar-Ola

    Lieutenant Colonel Yevtyukhin arrived in Chechnya on January 31, 2000, along with his guard battalion. Immediately began to carry out tasks to destroy illegal gangs.

    On February 9, the battalion received its first baptism of fire. Advancing in a column to the area of ​​the settlement of Dyshne-Vedeno, the battalion unit stumbled upon an ambush of militants. Quickly orienting himself in the current situation, the commander in short time well managed to organize the defense. The plan of the militants was thwarted. During the ensuing battle, the paratroopers destroyed up to 30 bandits and two vehicles.

    On February 29, Guard Lieutenant Colonel Evtyukhin received the task of carrying out the exit of the sixth company with reinforcement units to occupy heights 776.0 and 705.6. During the advance, a large group of terrorists was discovered by the reconnaissance patrol. In the ensuing battle, the battalion commander decided to take an advantageous line and organize defenses in order to prevent the reinforcements arriving from the Argun Gorge from breaking through. Under heavy fire from the bandits of the guard, Lieutenant Colonel Evtyukhin organized a defense at a height of 776.0 and personally led the battle, constantly being in the most dangerous directions.

    Having pulled up additional forces and created a numerical superiority in manpower, the militants increased the intensity of fire from two directions. Under hurricane fire, the battalion commander managed to carry out the retreat of the reconnaissance patrol to the company stronghold. Personally leading the withdrawal, Guards Lieutenant Colonel Evtyukhin received numerous injuries, but continued to command subordinates. Suffering heavy losses, the bandits carried out one attack after another. Khattab himself unrestrainedly threw militants at the battle formations of the company. On the night of March 1, they stormed the stronghold from three sides. But, thanks to the competent management of the battle by the battalion commander, who was bleeding, the courage of the paratroopers, the encirclement attempt was thwarted. At dawn, having gathered new forces, the militants launched another assault on the stronghold of the company. Without firing, with shouts of "Allah Akbar!", Despite the huge losses, they moved like an avalanche on the defending paratroopers. The fight turned into hand-to-hand combat. Seeing that the forces of the militants outnumbered the defenders many times over, Guard Lieutenant Colonel Yevtyukhin managed to call artillery fire on himself by radio station. These were the last words of the courageous battalion commander. Guard Lieutenant Colonel Yevtyukhin died, having fulfilled his duty to the end. The militants paid dearly for the death of a brave commander - more than 400 militants found their grave on the battlefield. But Khattab's gang could not break out of the Argun Gorge.

    For courage and heroism shown in battles with terrorists in the North Caucasus region, Guards Lieutenant Colonel Evtyukhin Mark Nikolayevich was awarded the title of Hero of Russia (posthumously).

    Commander of the 6th company of the 104th Guards Airborne Regiment, Major Molodov Sergei Georgievich. Born on April 15, 1965 in the city of Kutaisi of the Georgian Republic. He served in the Airborne Forces. Then he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Command Airborne School. He served as a lieutenant in the Turkestan military district. For several years he visited with his unit in various "hot spots". He served in Volgodonsk, Buynaksk, where he fought against bandits who captured a tank battalion. Later he arrived in Pskov, where he was appointed company commander.

    A business trip to the Chechen Republic in February 2000 was not a surprise. On February 9 and 22, Major Molodov with a group of paratroopers broke up a cluster of militants.

    A fierce battle broke out on February 29, when the militants tried to escape from the Argun Gorge, but the Pskov paratroopers blocked their path.

    Guard Major Molodov S.G. clearly oriented in the situation, but the bandits had a significant numerical superiority. Moral superiority in battle was on the side of the paratroopers. None of them retreated. The company commander skillfully controlled the battle. During the day he was seriously wounded in the neck, but continued to fight. Shells, bullets and shrapnel cut down branches near trees. The paratroopers fought hand to hand, cut with shovels and rifle butts. Molodov rushed to pull out a wounded soldier, but was killed by a sniper's bullet.

    The grave of Major Sergey Georgievich Molodov next to the grave of his father Georgy Feoktistovich at the Krasnopolsky cemetery in the Sosnovsky district, Chelyabinsk region.

    For courage and heroism shown in battles with terrorists in the North Caucasus region, Guard Major Sergey Georgievich Molodov was awarded the title Hero of Russia (posthumously).

    Dostavalov Alexander Vasilyevich - major, deputy battalion commander. Born in the city of Ufa. In 1981 he was drafted into the Soviet Army. He served in the 76th Guards Airborne Chernigov Red Banner Division, located in the city of Pskov.

    He died during a combat mission at an altitude of 776.0 in the Argun Gorge near Ulus-Kert in the Chechen Republic.

    On March 12, 2000, he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia. Forever enlisted in the lists of the 5th Chernihiv Red Banner Airborne Division.

    He was buried at the Orletsovskoye cemetery in Pskov.

    This trip to the war in Chechnya was the second for Major Dostavalov's guards.

    The first time he took part in battles with bandits in 1995. Dostavalov competently passed on his experience of conducting military operations to his subordinates.

    A combat clash with terrorists in the war in 2000 for Major Dostavalov's guards took place on February 10. Escorting a column of the regimental tactical group, the deputy battalion commander identified a group of militants who were trying to ambush. Quickly assessing the situation, the officer competently distributed the means of combat protection and gave the command to destroy the militants. The plans of the "spirits" were frustrated and the unimpeded passage of the column was ensured. 15 corpses of militants remained on the battlefield.

    On February 29, the units of the battalion carried out an exit to occupy the dominant heights in order to prevent the breakthrough of terrorists from the Argun Gorge. In the absence of the commander of the guard battalion, Major Dostavalov remained in charge. When the 6th Airborne Company began a heavy battle with the bandits, the deputy battalion commander immediately arrived at the stronghold of the 4th company, organized and led its exit to support the neighboring unit. Major Dostavalov himself, personally with a platoon of paratroopers of the guard, reached a favorable line on the southern outskirts of the height with a mark of 776.0. By the end of the day, the paratroopers made two attempts to break through to the neighboring unit leading the battle. However, they were not successful. On the night of March 1, having learned by radio from the commander of the guard battalion, Lieutenant Colonel M. Evtyukhin, that superior forces of militants were trying to surround the sixth company, Major Dostavalov decided to go for a breakthrough. Another attempt to connect with the paratroopers of the sixth parachute company was a success. During the battle of the guard, Major Dostavalov was seriously wounded, but he did not leave the battlefield and continued to lead his subordinates and destroy the bandits.

    During one of the fights, a wounded officer saw several militants trying to capture a wounded paratrooper. Overcoming the pain, Guards Major Dostavalov rushed towards the soldier with a swift throw and, having destroyed the militants, carried him out under heavy fire into the battle formations of the company. He saved a subordinate, but he himself was mortally wounded.

    For courage and heroism shown in battles with terrorists, Guards Major Alexander Vasilyevich Dostavalov was awarded the title Hero of Russia (posthumously).

    Guard Captain Sokolov Roman Vladimirovich - Deputy Company Commander for Airborne Training. Was born on February 16, 1972 in Ryazan. Since childhood, he watched the life of paratrooper cadets and himself dreamed of entering the Higher Command School of the Airborne Forces in his native city. This dream came true on August 1, 1989. After graduating from college, he was sent to the place of service in Pskov in the 76th Guards Red Banner Division.

    In 1995, Roman Sokolov participated in the first operation to restore constitutional order in the Chechen Republic. Fighting in the Argun Gorge, he was wounded in the arm and concussion. He was awarded the Order of Courage and the medal "For Military Merit".

    A new business trip to Chechnya began with clashes. On February 9, the attack of the Mujahideen was repulsed, and the attackers suffered heavy losses.

    On February 29, the 6th company of paratroopers, following the order, advanced to the dominant heights at the exit

    from the Argun Gorge. A bloody battle broke out here. The mercenaries outnumbered the paratroopers in numbers - 2.5 thousand against 90 guardsmen! But the spirit of patriotism increased the strength of the paratroopers hundreds of times.

    Captain Sokolov led two platoons in the middle of the day and withdrew with them to Hill 776.0 under heavy fire. The defense was organized, the withdrawal of the rest of the company, along with the commander, was ensured. After the death of the commander of the 6th company of the guard, Major Molodov, the command was taken over by the captain Sokolov, although he was already wounded.

    On the night of March 1, the militants tried to surround the company, threw their main forces into it. Guards captain Sokolov had his arm torn off, but he did not stop fighting. A terrible pain pierced the body again - Sokolov remained

    without legs! His comrades tried to help him by making tourniquets.

    However, everything was in vain. The deadly mine struck in the back and tore the body apart.

    Near the deceased captain Sokolov, 15 corpses of militants were counted.

    For courage and heroism shown in battles with terrorists, Guard Captain Sokolov Roman Vladimirovich was awarded the title Hero of Russia (posthumously).

    Guard Captain Romanov Viktor Viktorovich - commander of a self-propelled artillery battery of the 76th Red Banner Airborne Division. Born on May 15, 1972 in the village of Sosva, Serov District, Sverdlovsk Region. Called for service on August 1, 1989 by the Serov RVC of the Sverdlovsk Region. Graduated from the Kolomna Higher Military Command Artillery School.

    After graduating from college, he was sent to Pskov, where he served in an artillery regiment. Participated in battles during the Chechen campaign in 1995, for which he was awarded the Order of Courage and the medal "For Military Valor" I degree.

    In early February 2000, the captain Romanov V.V. arrived in the Chechen Republic along with other paratroopers from Pskov. On February 7, reconnaissance discovered a group of militants and the battery of the guard captain V.V. Romanov opened fire. Very few bandits managed to escape. A similar battle took place on February 16.

    On February 29, Guard Captain V.V. Romanov was in the mountains, where he was heading along with the 6th company of the 104th regiment as an artillery spotter. During a clash with the militants, he quickly prepared and transmitted data for firing to the command post and called in artillery fire. At the same time, he fired from a machine gun. Together with Guards Lieutenant Colonel M.N. Evtyukhin, he called the fire of native batteries on himself. Guard captain V.V. Romanov died from a sniper's bullet.

    The captain Romanov Viktor Viktorovich was buried in the settlement of Sosva, Sverdlovsk region.

    For courage and heroism shown in battles with terrorists, Guard Captain Viktor Viktorovich Romanov was awarded the title Hero of Russia (posthumously).

    March 2, 2016 on the facade of house No. 3A on the street. Mirnaya was solemnly opened a memorial plaque to the Hero of Russia Viktor Romanov.

    Guards Senior Lieutenant Vorobyov Alexei Vladimirovich, Deputy Commander of the 6th Company of the 104th Guards Red Banner Airborne Regiment. Born on May 14, 1975 in the village of Borovukha, Vitebsk region of the Belarusian Republic. He was drafted into the army on August 1, 1992 by the Kurozhevsky RVC of the Orenburg region.

    To restore constitutional order in the Chechen Republic, A.V. Vorobyov arrived at North Caucasus September 15, 1999. Already on October 27, commanding a reconnaissance unit, he led the battle in which 17 bandits were destroyed and two were taken prisoner.

    There were clashes with militants on December 2, 1999 and January 4, 2000, where paratroopers A.V. Vorobyov.

    In its last battle, the reconnaissance patrol under the command of the guard, senior lieutenant A.V. Vorobyov, was the first to encounter bandits leaving the Argun Gorge on February 29, 2000. The Wahhabis refused to surrender and opened fire. The fight was brutal. The number of militants was several dozen times greater. But the paratroopers fought to the end.

    Vorobyov personally killed field commander Idris and about 30 bandits. Seriously wounded in the legs, he was bleeding, but ordered R. Khristolyubov and A. Komarov to get through to their own for help. The soldiers survived, and senior lieutenant A.V. Vorobyov died from blood loss.

    Guards Senior Lieutenant Vorobyov Alexei Vladimirovich was buried in the village of Kandaurovka, Orenburg Region. One of the streets in the village bears his name.

    For courage and heroism shown in battles with terrorists, Guards Senior Lieutenant Vorobyov Alexei Vladimirovich was awarded the title Hero of Russia (posthumously).

    Guards senior lieutenant Andrey Nikolaevich Sherstyannikov - commander of an anti-aircraft missile platoon. Was born on August 1, 1975 in Ust-Kut Irkutsk region. Finished school here. On the military service called up on his birthday in 1993 - became a cadet of the St. Petersburg Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Command School. After graduation, he arrived in the 76th Guards Airborne Chernihiv Red Banner Division.

    In early February 2000, Guards Senior Lieutenant Sherstyannikov, along with other paratroopers, began serving on the soil of the Chechen Republic.

    On February 11, he was at the positions of anti-aircraft installations when an observer's report was received on the movement of a group of militants on vehicles in the area where the stream flows into the Abazugal River. They were hit by anti-aircraft guns and small arms. The militants suffered heavy losses and retreated, leaving two cars and a device for firing mines.

    On February 18, Guards Senior Lieutenant Sherstyannikov with his unit rescued sappers who were ambushed. The paratroopers won the battle.

    The fierce battle went on for several hours. Drugged mercenaries tried to crush the recalcitrant company and leave the Argun Gorge. However, the attempts were broken by paratroopers. Guards senior lieutenant Sherstyannikov was seriously wounded, but continued to fire accurately at the enemy. On the morning of March 1, the Mujahideen rushed into one of the attacks. Guards senior lieutenant Sherstyannikov received another wound, but nevertheless threw a grenade at the bandits and died.

    For courage and heroism shown in battles with terrorists, Guards Senior Lieutenant Andrey Nikolaevich Sherstyannikov was awarded the title Hero of Russia (posthumously).

    Guards Senior Lieutenant Panov Andrey Alexandrovich - Deputy Commander of the 6th Company for educational work. Was born on February 25, 1974 in Smolensk. Graduated from school here. He was called up for military service on July 31, 1993 by the Zadneprovsky RVC in Smolensk.

    He entered the St. Petersburg Higher Combined Arms Command School. After college, he arrived in the 76th Guards Red Banner Airborne Division, where he served in the 104th Guards Red Banner Airborne Regiment.

    To replace his comrades in the military grouping in Chechnya, Senior Lieutenant A.A. Panov, together with the unit, arrived on February 4, 2000 and was a platoon commander here. Already on February 10, a convoy with cargo, which was accompanied by paratroopers along with Panov, was ambushed by militants. The bandits lost 15 people in a short-lived battle and fled.

    On February 13, while moving the checkpoint of a guard platoon, Senior Lieutenant Panov saw a group of militants trying to break out of the Argun Gorge. Realizing that they had been discovered, the bandits opened fire. During the battle, all five terrorists were destroyed.

    There were no casualties among the paratroopers.

    On February 29, a platoon of Guards Senior Lieutenant Panov performed a task as part of the 6th company of the 104th Guards Airborne Regiment. When there was a clash with the mercenaries and a battle ensued, Guards Senior Lieutenant Panov skillfully led the platoon. His paratroopers covered the retreat of his comrades to more advantageous positions. The officer himself conducted aimed fire and destroyed dozens of enemies.

    Leading an unequal battle under heavy enemy fire, Guards Senior Lieutenant Panov with his platoon moved to a height of 776.0 and carried out the wounded paratroopers.

    On the morning of March 1, the guards were attacked by a select detachment of mercenaries "Jimar", whose number reached 400 people. They marched with battle cries of "Allah Akbar!"

    In a fierce battle of the Guards, Senior Lieutenant Andrei Panov received a mortal bullet.

    For courage and heroism shown in battles with terrorists, Guards Senior Lieutenant Andrey Alexandrovich Panov was awarded the title Hero of Russia (posthumously).


    Guards senior lieutenant Petrov Dmitry Vladimirovich - deputy company commander for educational work, was a platoon commander on a business trip to the Chechen Republic. Was born on June 10, 1974 in Rostov-on-Don. Drafted into the army on August 1, 1999 by the Soviet RVC in Ryazan. Graduated from the Ryazan Higher Command School of the Airborne Forces. According to the distribution, he was sent to Pskov to the 76th Guards Airborne Red Banner Chernigov Division.

    Repeatedly traveled to "hot spots", where they put things in order among the civilian population. He was part of the peacekeeping forces in Abkhazia. Following this - a business trip to the war in the Chechen Republic.

    The first clashes with militants took place on February 9 and 22, 2000. A platoon under the command of Guards Senior Lieutenant D.V. Petrov repulsed two attacks by bandits, destroying over 10 mercenaries.

    On February 29, the paratroopers reached the heights blocking the exit from the Argun Gorge, and blocked the way for the bands of Wahhabis who broke through into the valley and from there to Dagestan. A fierce battle broke out. The paratroopers did not retreat a single step. By the end of the day, Petrov's platoon was relocated to more advantageous positions at a height of 776.0. At this moment, the senior lieutenant of the guard carried three wounded to a safe place. In fact, it was a deceptive feeling.

    On the night of March 1, the militants attacked the positions of the paratroopers from three sides. They tried to master the height, regardless of the losses. The roar of shells, mines, grenades, the whistle of bullets and shrapnel, the groans of the wounded and the screams of the dead, the roar of drug-doped militants “Allah Akbar!” created an eerie picture. Guard Lieutenant D.V. Petrov hit like a shooting range - right on target. That's just the "target" screamed before death.

    In the morning of the guard, senior lieutenant D.V. Petrov received an order to ensure a breakthrough of the platoon, which was going to the rescue. The task was completed, but D.V. Petrov was wounded. The brave officer did not leave the battlefield and continued to lead his subordinates. The fighters went on the attack. Guard Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel

    M.N. Evtyukhin caused the fire of native batteries on himself. The paratroopers fought hand-to-hand, throwing grenades at the brutalized enemies. Already mortally wounded, Dmitry Petrov, with a weapon in his hands and the last grenade, rushed to the spirits. He died like a hero.

    For courage and heroism shown in battles with terrorists, Guards Senior Lieutenant Dmitry Vladimirovich Petrov was awarded the title Hero of Russia (posthumously).

    From February 29 to the morning of March 1, 2000, soldiers of the 6th company of the 104th parachute regiment of the 76th (Pskov) Airborne Division under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Mark Evtyukhin fought with a large illegal armed formation near Argun in Chechnya, at the Ulus line -Kert-Selmentausen, at an altitude of 776.

    The battle lasted from 1 p.m. to 5 a.m. on the first of March. According to various sources, the number of militants was estimated from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand.

    84 servicemen were killed in the battle, including 13 officers. Only six soldiers survived. The losses of the militants amounted, according to various estimates, from 370 to 700 people.

    By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, 22 paratroopers were presented with the title of Hero of Russia (21 of them posthumously), 69 soldiers and officers of the 6th company were awarded the Order of Courage (63 of them posthumously).

    The death of the 6th company of Pskov paratroopers, who heroically accepted the battle, stirred up the whole country, not leaving indifferent even people far from the army and the war. Feat winged infantry became a symbol of military prowess and the new Russian army.

    List of dead paratroopers of the 6th company:

    Guards Sergeant Komyagin Alexander Valerievich, grenade launcher 6th pdr. Born in the town of Rasskazovo, Tambov Region, on September 30, 1977. Russian. Buried in the city of Rasskazovo. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guard Captain Romanov Viktor Viktorovich, commander of the 1st SAB. Born May 15, 1972. Russian. He was buried in the village of Sosyeva, Sverdlovsk Region. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Senior Lieutenant Panov Andrey Alexandrovich, Deputy Commander of the PDR for educational work. Born in the city of Smolensk on February 25, 1974. Russian. Buried in the city of Smolensk. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Senior Lieutenant Vorobyov Alexei Vladimirovich, Deputy Commander of the reconnaissance company. Born in the village of Borovuha-1, Vitebsk region on May 14, 1975. Russian. He was buried in the Kurmanaevsky district of the Orenburg region. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guard Lieutenant Ermakov Oleg Viktorovich. Born in the city of Bryansk on April 26, 1976. Russian. Buried in the city of Bryansk. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guard Lieutenant Kozhemyakin Dmitry Sergeevich, platoon commander of a separate reconnaissance company. Born in Ulyanovsk on April 30, 1977. Russian. Buried in the city of St. Petersburg. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guard Major Dostavalov Alexander Vasilievich, deputy commander of the paratrooper battalion. Born in the city of Ufa on July 17, 1963. Buried in the city of Pskov. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guard Lieutenant Colonel Evtyukhin Mark Nikolayevich, commander of the paratrooper battalion. Born in the city of Yoshkar-Ola on May 1, 1964. Buried in the city of Pskov. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Private Denis Petrovich Shevchenko, grenade launcher 6th pdr. Born in Pskov on December 20, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Opochka, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Zinkevich Denis Nikolaevich, grenade launcher 6th pdr. Born on March 15, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the village of Gornevo, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Sergeant Grigoriev Dmitry Viktorovich, grenade launcher 6th pdr. Born in the village of Zakharinovo, Novosokolnichesky district, Pskov region, on November 6, 1978. Russian. He was buried in the Kuninsky district of the Pskov region. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Private Arkhipov Vladimir Vladimirovich, grenade launcher 6th PDR. Born in the village of Vyazki, Porkhov District, Pskov Region, on October 27, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Porkhov, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Shikov Sergey Aleksandrovich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Velikiye Luki, Pskov Region, on April 29, 1981. Russian. He was buried in the village of Koshma, Velikoluksky District, Pskov Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Shvetsov Vladimir Alexandrovich, mechanic of the group of regulations and repair of aviation equipment. Born in the city of Pskov on September 18, 1978. Russian. Buried in the city of Pskov. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Travin Mikhail Vitalievich, driver 6th PDR. Born in the city of Pskov on February 11, 1980. Russian. Buried in the city of Pskov. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Islentiev Vladimir Anatolyevich, grenade launcher 6 PDR. Born in the village of Pyatchino, Strugokrasnensky District, Pskov Region, on May 14, 1967. Russian. He was buried in the Strugokrasnensky district of the Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guard Major Sergey Georgievich Molodov, commander of the 6th parachute company. Born in the city of Kutaisi, Georgian SSR on April 15, 1965. Russian. Buried in the Chelyabinsk region. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Private Ivanov Dmitry Ivanovich, grenade launcher 6 PDR. Born in the city of Opochka, Pskov Region, on August 6, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Opochka, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Senior Lieutenant Alexander Mikhailovich Kolgatin, commander of an engineering platoon. Born in the city of Kamyshino, Volgograd Region, on August 15, 1975. Russian. Buried in the city of Kamyshino. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Private Alexei Nikolaevich Vorobyov, Senior Gunner 6th Pdr. Born in the village of Demya in the Novosokolnichesky district of the Pskov region on November 5, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the village of Zhitovo, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Senior Lieutenant Sherstyannikov Andrei Nikolaevich, commander of an anti-aircraft missile platoon. Born in the city of Ust-Kut, Irkutsk region on February 1, 1975. Russian. Buried in the city of Ust-Kut. He was posthumously awarded the Star of the Hero of Russia.

    Guard Private Khrabrov Aleksey Alexandrovich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in Tapa, Estonia on May 30, 1981. He was buried in the village of Chertova Gora, Pushkinogorsk district, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guard captain Sokolov Roman Vladimirovich, deputy commander of the PDR, instructor of the VDP. Born February 16, 1872 in the city of Ryazan. Russian. Buried in the city of Pskov. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Nishchenko Alexey Sergeevich, senior shooter 9 PDR. Born in the village of Bezhanitsy, Pskov Region, on August 2, 1981. He was buried in the village of Borok, Bezhanitsky Volost, Bezhanitsky District, Pskov Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guard Lieutenant Ryazantsev Alexander Nikolaevich, platoon commander of the 3rd SAB. Born June 15, 1977. Russian. He was buried in the village of Voinovo, Korsakovsky district, Oryol region. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guard Corporal Lebedev Alexander Vladislavovich, senior intelligence officer of a separate reconnaissance company. Born in the village of Shchiglitsy, Pskov Region, on November 1, 1977. Russian. Buried in the city of Pskov. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards senior lieutenant Petrov Dmitry Vladimirovich, deputy commander of the PDR for educational work. Born in the city of Rostov-on-Don on June 10, 1974. Russian. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Private Karoteev Alexander Vladimirovich, senior shooter 3 srv. Born in the city of Ostrov, Pskov region on November 10, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the village of Novaya Usitva, Palkinsky district, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards senior sergeant Medvedev Sergey Yuryevich, deputy platoon commander, commander of a combat vehicle, squad leader of the 6th detachment. Born in the city of Biysk, Altai Territory on September 18, 1976. Russian. Buried in the city of Biysk. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Private Mikhailov Sergei Anatolyevich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Novorzhev on September 28, 1979. Russian. He was buried in the city of Novorzhev, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Shukaev Alexei Borisovich, Senior Gunner 6th Pdr. Born in the village of Ura-Guba, Murmansk Region on October 24, 1963. Russian. He was buried in the city of Ostrov, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Troubenok Alexander Leonidovich, gunner-operator 9 PDR. Born in the village of Polotskoye, Starodubsky District, Bryansk Region, on August 21, 1972. Russian. He was buried in the village of Polotsk, Bryansk region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Nekrasov Alexey Anatolyevich, machine gunner 6th PDR. Born in the city of Kirov on February 4, 1981. Russian. Buried in the city of Kirov. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Kiryanov Alexey Valerievich, Senior Gunner 6th Pdr. Born in the city of Chaikovsky, Perm Region, on September 23, 1979. Russian. He was buried in the village of Olkhovochka, Perm Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Kobzev Alexander Dmitrievich, grenade launcher 6th PDR. Born in the village of Orlovo, Voronezh Region, in 1981. He was buried in Orlovo, Voronezh region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Denis Sergeyevich Strebin, commander of the BU SAND department. Born in the village of Redkino, Tver Region, on August 17, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Konakovo, Tver region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guard Private Timashev Denis Vladimirovich, commander of a combat vehicle, commander of the 6th PDR. Born in the Zhizdrinsky district of the Kaluga region in July 1980. Russian. He was buried in the Itkyaran region, Karelia. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Pavlov Ivan Gennadievich, driver 6 pdr. Born in the village of Osyanka, Marevsky District, Novgorod Region, on February 23, 1966. Russian. Buried in the city of Novgorod. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Tregubov Denis Alexandrovich, senior shooter 9th pr. Born in the city of Chusovoi, Perm Region, on April 5, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Chusovoi, Perm Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Sergei Olegovich Kozlov, commander of a combat vehicle of a separate reconnaissance company. Born in the village of Mirny, Tver Region, on April 13, 1979. Russian. He was buried in the village of Olenino, Tver Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Vasilev Sergey Vladimirovich, commander of a combat vehicle, commander of the 6th squadron. Born in the city of Bryansk on April 27, 1970. Russian. Buried in the city of Bryansk. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Private Ambetov Nikolay Kamitovich, Senior Gunner 6th Pdr. Born on January 20, 1981, Kazakh. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guard Corporal Sokovanov Vasily Nikolaevich, gunner-operator of the 9th PDR. Born in the city of Kirov in November 1976. Russian. He was buried in the city of Orel, Kirov Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Sergey Alekseevich Ivanov, commander of a combat vehicle, commander of the 6th squadron. Born in the city of Borovichi, Novgorod Region, on May 26, 1979. Russian. He was buried in the city of Borovichi, Novgorod Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Izyumov Vladimir Nikolaevich, grenade launcher 6th PDR. Born in the city of Sokol, Volgograd Region on August 13, 1977. Russian. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards senior sergeant Andrey Vladimirovich Aranson, gunner-operator 6 pdr. Born in the city of Sevastopol on June 30, 1976. Russian. Buried in the city of Sevastopol. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Aleksey Vasilyevich Rasskaza, deputy platoon commander, squad leader, combat vehicle commander of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Staraya Guta, Bryansk Region, on May 31, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Uchinsk, Bryansk region. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards junior sergeant Eliseev Vladimir Sergeevich. Born in the city of Uralsk, Kazakh SSR on October 5, 1972. Russian. He was buried in the village of Boronitsy, Novgorod Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards corporal Gerdt Alexander Alexandrovich, senior shooter 6th pdr. Born in the city of Ordzhonikidze, Kazakhstan, on February 11, 1981. Russian. He was buried in the village of Blue Well, Bryansk region. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guard Private Kuatbaev Galim Mukhambetgalievich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Astrakhan on May 26, 1981. Kazakh. Buried in the city of Astrakhan. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Biryukov Vladimir Ivanovich, machine gunner 6th PDR. Born in the city of Jurmala on June 6, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Ostrov, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Alexander Dmitrievich Isaev, topographic surveyor of the control battery and artillery reconnaissance. Born in the city of Kirovsk, Leningrad Region, on January 16, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Shlisselburg, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Afanasyev Roman Sergeevich, squad leader, head of the radio station of the 2nd communications platoon. Born in the city of Pskov on October 11, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the village of Sharovka. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Belykh Denis Igorevich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Severodvinsk on March 30, 1981. Russian. He was buried in the city of Kotelnichi, Kirov Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Bakulin Sergey Mikhailovich, grenade launcher 6 pdr. Born in the village of Dedovichi, Pskov Region, on June 2, 1978. Russian. He was buried in the village of Dedovichi, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Evdokimov Mikhail Vladimirovich, orderly 6th pdr. Born in the village of Ulyanovka, Tosnensky District, Leningrad Region, on October 5, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Sergeant Isakov Evgeny Valerievich, platoon commander, squad leader. Born in the city of Chebarkul, Chelyabinsk region on February 8, 1977. Russian. Buried in the city of Holm. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Kenzhiev Amangeldy Amantaevich, Senior Gunner 6th Pdr. Born in the village of Vladimirovka, Astrakhan Region, on April 23, 1981. Kazakh. He was buried in the village of Vladimirovka, Astrakhan Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Popov Igor Mikhailovich, gunner-operator of the 7th PDR. Born in the city of Fergana on January 4, 1976. Russian. He was buried in the village of Yablonovo, Novgorod Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards senior sergeant Siraev Rustam Flaridovich, gunner-operator of the 6th pdr. Born in the city of Satka, Chelyabinsk region. September 5, 1976 Russian. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guard Private Savin Valentin Ivanovich, radio operator of the 2nd communications platoon. Born in the city of Staraya Russa, Novgorod Region, on November 29, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Staraya Russa, Novgorod Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Grudinsky Stanislav Igorevich, machine gunner 6th PDR. Born in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region, on June 18, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Junior Sergeant Khvorostukhin Igor Sergeevich, Medical Instructor 6th Pdr. Born in St. Petersburg on December 5, 1980. Russian. Buried in the city of St. Petersburg. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Krivushev Konstantin Valerievich, commander of a combat vehicle, squad leader of the 6th detachment. Born in the Komi Republic, the village of Ydzhidyag on May 31, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Koslan, Komi Republic. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Piskunov Roman Sergeevich, driver 6th PDR. Born in the village of Sokolskoye, Sokolniki District, Ivanovo Region, on March 14, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Balakhny, Nizhny Novgorod Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Batretdinov Dmitry Mansurovich, machine gunner 6 PDR. Born in the city of Orenburg on May 23, 1980. Tatar. He was buried in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Timoshinin Konstantin Viktorovich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Petrodvorets, Leningrad Region, on January 8, 1976. Russian. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Lyashkov Yury Nikolaevich, machine gunner 6th pdr. Born in the city of Zhmerynka, Vinnytsia region, on March 15, 1976. Russian. He was buried in the city of Chernyd, Perm Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Zaitsev Andrey Yurievich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the village of Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod Region, on February 1, 1981. Russian. He was buried in the village of Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Sudakov Roman Valerievich, grenade launcher 6th PDR. Born in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region, on May 18, 1981. Russian. He was buried at the Makarovsky cemetery in the Rybinsk region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Ivanov Yaroslav Sergeevich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Tikhvin, Leningrad Region, on August 21, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Tikhvin, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Chugunov Vadim Vladimirovich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in St. Petersburg on October 5, 1979. Russian. He was buried in the village of Orzhitsy, Lomonosovsky District, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Erdyakov Roman Sergeevich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Kirov on June 13, 1979. Russian. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Pakhomov Roman Alexandrovich, grenade launcher 9th PDR. Born in the city of Dankov, Lipetsk Region, on March 25, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the village of Gryazi, Lipetsk Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Zhukov Sergey Valerievich, commander of a combat vehicle, commander of the 6th squadron. Born in St. Petersburg on June 20, 1980. Russian. Buried in the city of St. Petersburg. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Alexandrov Vladimir Andreevich, machine gunner of the 6th PDR, was born in the city of Ivangorod, Leningrad Region, on March 21, 1981. Russian. He was buried in the city of Ivangorod, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Shchemlev Dmitry Sergeevich, scout. Born in St. Petersburg on July 28, 1976. Russian. Buried in the city of St. Petersburg. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Sergeant Kuptsov Vladimir Ivanovich, commander of the 9th squadron. Born in the village of Otradnoye, Kirov District, Leningrad Region, on April 28, 1974. Russian. He was buried in the village of Priladozhsky, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Vladislav Anatolyevich Duhin, commander of the combat vehicle, commander of the 6th squadron. Born in the city of Stavropol on January 26, 1980. Russian. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards junior sergeant Vasiliev Alexey Yurievich, surveyor, computer 2 SAB. Born in the village of Gostilitsy, Lomonosovsky District, Leningrad Region, in 1979. Russian. He was buried in the village of Gostilitsy, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Khamatov Yevgeny Kamitovich, scout of a separate reconnaissance company. Born in the city of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk Region on September 9, 1979. He was buried in the city of Podporozhye, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Shalaev Nikolai Vasilyevich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Lodeynoye Pole, Leningrad Region, on August 12, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Lodeinoye Pole, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Lebedev Viktor Nikolaevich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Orenburg on October 6, 1976. Russian. Buried in the city of Sevastopol. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Zagoraev Mikhail Vyacheslavovich, sapper. Born on February 4, 1971 in the city of Porkhov, Pskov Region. He was buried at the military cemetery of the city of Porkhov, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.
    come back

    The regimental tactical group of the 104th parachute regiment was assigned a combat mission by the decision of the commander of the Eastern Group: by 14.00 on February 29, 2000, complete the exit of the 2nd battalion to the line of marks 705.6, 626.0, and 787.0, which is four kilometers southeast of Ulus- Kert. In this direction, the guards were supposed to block the area and prevent the enemy in the direction of the settlements of Makhkety, Kirov-Yurt, Elistanzhi, Selmentauzen, Vedeno.

    Fulfilling the combat mission set by the high command, the 2nd battalion, with the forces of the 6th airborne company, the 3rd platoon of the 4th airborne company and the reconnaissance platoon, early in the morning of February 28, began advancing from mark 636.0 along the route - mark 828.0, 819.0 , Mount Dembay-irzy. By the end of the day, the paratroopers had to cross the Abazulgol River and set up roadblocks at marks 776.0, 787.0, 626.0, Mount Istykort in order to prevent the enemy in the direction of Ulus-Kert, Selmentauzen. The division was headed by the commander of the guard battalion, Lieutenant Colonel M. Evtyukhin. The exit to the indicated line was carried out on foot.

    Moving at top speed, the 1st platoon of the 6th paratrooper company, together with the reconnaissance patrol under the command of the guard senior lieutenant Vorobyov, reached the height with a mark of 776.0 by 1600 on February 28

    However, weather conditions prevented the paratroopers from completing their task until the end of the day. The suddenly descending dense fog made the further movement of the units almost impossible. Therefore, the group commander made a decision: to suspend the task until the morning and allocate free time to prepare the fire system, engineering equipment of positions and rest. The 6th airborne company with the 3rd platoon of the 4th PDR and with reinforcements were also forced to stop moving and stay overnight on Mount Dembayirzy.

    On the morning of February 29, the units again resumed movement and advanced to the designated lines. By 11.00, the 3rd platoon of the 4th parachute company reached the height of 787.0, and by 11.20 the 6th PDR reached the mark of 776.0 - the clearing of Mount Istykort.

    A reconnaissance platoon advancing at a distance of 100-150 meters from two platoons of the 6th parachute company unexpectedly discovered a group of militants numbering up to 20 people. Without wasting a second, the paratroopers opened aimed fire at the militants from small arms, and the artillery spotter of the guard, Captain V. Romanov, called in artillery fire.

    The enemy responded with machine gun fire and sniper rifles and started sipping reinforcements. The commander of the 6th Airborne Company of the Guard, Major S. Molodov, did not lose his head, but competently organized the battle, during which the militants suffered losses. However, among the paratroopers there were wounded.

    Having pulled up additional forces and thus creating a numerical superiority in manpower, the militants opened heavy fire on the paratroopers from sniper rifles, machine guns and grenade launchers. A difficult situation arose, for the resolution of which the commander of the guard battalion, Lieutenant Colonel M. Evtyukhin, made the only right decision - to retreat to a height with a mark of 776.0 and organize defense there, at a more favorable line.

    Covering the retreat of two platoons of the 6th parachute company was entrusted to scouts under the command of the guards senior lieutenant A. Vorobyov. Having taken convenient positions on the southern outskirts of the clearing, the reconnaissance soldiers returned fire on the militants, which allowed the 6th PDR to withdraw, evacuate the wounded and organize defense.

    During the retreat, the paratroopers suffered the first losses. Carrying out from under the shelling of the wounded sergeant of the contract service S. Ivanov, the commander of the guard company, Major S. Molodov, was mortally wounded.

    Having occupied a height with a mark of 776.0, the 6th paratrooper company under the command of the deputy commander of the guard company, Captain R. Sokolov, repelled the attacks of militants until 16.50, which, despite significant losses (about 60 people were killed), continued to advance.

    By 5 p.m., the militants again brought up reinforcements and, having increased the intensity of fire, made an attempt to attack the height from two directions - western and north-western. A hard fight ensued.

    The commander of the guard battalion, Lieutenant Colonel M. Evtyukhin, personally directed the fire of his subordinates, corrected artillery fire and constantly advanced to the most dangerous directions. During the incessant shelling, he managed to take out five wounded subordinates from under enemy fire, evacuated the wounded guard sergeant A. Suponinsky from the battlefield, who subsequently fought to the end next to Lieutenant Colonel M. Evtyukhin.

    At the same time, two platoons of the 3rd Airborne Company, located at the 666.0 mark, entered into battle with the bandits, commanded by Guards Captain Vasiliev. The guardsmen repulsed several enemy attacks, destroying 12 militants in the process, and attempted to break through to the 6th paratrooper company. However, this attempt was unsuccessful: the paratroopers were stopped by heavy enemy fire. During the breakthrough, the artillery spotter of the guard, Lieutenant Yu. Zolotov, was wounded.

    The 3rd platoon of the 3rd parachute company, under the pressure of the bandits, was forced to retreat to their positions and repel the attacks of the militants.

    Until the evening of February 29, the militants continued to conduct heavy fire from small arms and grenade launchers. Suffering heavy losses, the bandits over and over again continued to attack the positions of the paratroopers. Khattab himself gathered militants and unrestrainedly threw them into the battle formations of the company. However, all attempts by the bandits to seize the height were in vain. The guardsmen courageously repelled all enemy attacks.

    The 6th Airborne Company was subjected to mortar fire, but this did not allow the militants to achieve success.

    The militants made another attempt to knock down the brave guardsmen from the height. A massive attack on the company stronghold rushed the "Jamar" detachment of more than 400 people, led by one of the field commanders of Khattab - Bodi Bakuev, with the support of the detachments of Vakha Arsanov and Khattab. The bandits came in waves. Using the river beds and open flanks, they tried to outflank the company's position on the left flank. To prevent the encirclement, a platoon of the guards, Lieutenant D. Kozhemyakin, advanced, which, having taken an advantageous line, fought off the violent attacks of the militants for three hours. At the cost of their lives, the guards thwarted the plan of the bandits.

    For several hours, the bandits tried to overturn the company from a height, but all their attacks were repelled.

    Having not achieved success, at 01.50 on March 1, the militants ceased fire and retreated. Seeing that all their massive attacks are broken against the well-organized defense of the paratroopers and do not bring any results, the bandits decided to resort to other methods. They began to offer the guardsmen to leave the position, to let them through, to surrender. But it had no effect on the fighters. Showing restraint, composure, remaining true to military duty, each paratrooper made the only right decision for himself - to stand to the end and not let the militants through at all costs. Behind him were settlements liberated from gangs, artillery positions, command posts.

    The 1st airborne company and a reconnaissance platoon led by the regiment’s intelligence chief, Major Baran S.I., who arrived at Mount Dembayirzy at about 23.00, on the instructions of the regiment commander, attempted to cross the Abazulgol River in the water crossing area - mark 520.0 and break through to the 6th PDR, but were stopped by heavy enemy fire. Subsequent attempts to break through to their comrades were not crowned with success. Each time the paratroopers stumbled upon the hurricane fire of the bandits. Having not achieved the desired result, the 1st PDR was forced to withdraw to Mount Dembayirzy by 04.00.

    Taking advantage of a brief lull, from the mark of 787.0 to the 6th paratrooper company, an attempt was made to break through the 3rd platoon of the 4th PDR (the commander of the guard platoon, Lieutenant O. Yermakov), led by the deputy commander of the guard battalion, Major A. Dostavalov. Hiding behind one squad, which was headed by Lieutenant O. Ermakov, by 03.40 Guards Major A. Dostavalov with a group of paratroopers managed to break through to the battalion commander. During the breakthrough of the guard, Lieutenant O. Ermakov was seriously wounded in the stomach. Realizing that the wound received was fatal, the brave officer covered his comrades to the last breath, allowing the platoon to break through to the 6th paratrooper company.

    During the breakthrough, Major A. Dostavalov was wounded. However, overcoming the pain, the officer remained in the ranks.

    The militants, not paying attention to their losses, launched an attack on the stronghold of the company from all directions. In some areas they managed to come close to the positions of the 6th parachute company. Despite multiple leg wounds resulting from a mine explosion, artillery spotter V. Romanov continued to correct artillery fire. As the militants approached, the explosions of shells approached 50-60 meters to the front line of the defense of the paratroopers. After the death of the guard captain V. Romanov, the fire was adjusted by the guard lieutenant A. Ryazantsev, who gave the necessary coordinates to the gunners until he was hit by an enemy bullet.

    The militants concentrated their main efforts on the northern direction. They managed to capture the height
    Nameless, seeing that the defending detachments were noticeably thinner, the bandits rushed to a height with a mark of 776.0, but the guards senior lieutenant A. Kolgatin managed to install two MON-60 guided mines in this area. Wounded in the chest, the young officer managed to set the mines in motion as soon as the militants went on the attack. From powerful explosions more than ten militants were killed. But this only stopped the bandits for a short time. Having come to their senses, they again went to storm the heights. To stop the approach of militants from the northern direction, the battalion commander sent a free group led by Guards Senior Lieutenant A. Panov. Accurately firing from a machine gun, a brave officer with ten paratroopers managed to repel the onslaught in his direction for another forty minutes.

    The militants again pulled up a select detachment of "Jamar" in the amount of about 400 people for reinforcements. Having not achieved success in the northern direction, the bandits this time concentrated their efforts on the southern direction, which was defended by Lieutenant A. Kozhemyakin with his group of guards. Despite the multiple superiority of the enemy, the paratroopers did not flinch, but courageously repulsed the attacks of the bandits. During the battle of the guard, Lieutenant A. Kozhemyakin was mortally wounded.

    The surviving small group of paratroopers, led by the battalion commander, concentrated at the top triangle. Here the 6th company took the last battle. At 06.10, communication with the battalion commander was cut off. The last words of the Guard Lieutenant Colonel M. Yevtyukhin were: "I call fire on myself."

    Bandits rushed like an avalanche on a handful of brave paratroopers. Without shooting, with cries of "Allah
    Akbar!", the bandits went for a breakthrough. The battle turned into a hand-to-hand fight. But the forces were too unequal. The extremists, the elite bandits Khattabs were opposed by 26 wounded guards. But, despite the numerical superiority, the paratroopers of the Guard Lieutenant Colonel M. Evtyukhin showed stamina, courage and heroism They fulfilled their military duty to the end.

    Senior Lieutenant A. Vorobyov, who survived, attempted to break out of the encirclement with two soldiers. During the battle, the brave commander was wounded in the stomach and leg.

    Acting according to the laws of the airborne fraternity, the officer ordered the guards to privates R. Khristolyubov and A. Komarov to make their way to their own, while he himself remained to cover the retreat of his subordinates. Saving the lives of soldiers, the courageous officer died.

    Guards Private E. Vladykin, seeing the suffering of wounded comrades in severe cold, tried to make a sortie for sleeping bags for them. However, he was captured by militants and severely beaten. Having been hit in the head with a rifle butt, he lost consciousness. Waking up from the cold, half-dressed, the paratrooper managed to return his machine gun and, together with sergeants A. Suponinsky and A. Porshnev and privates V. Timoshenko and A. Voronin, went to the location of their troops.

    The bandits paid dearly for the death of paratrooper heroes. More than 400 militants died on the battlefield. Guards senior lieutenant A. Vorobyov was killed field commander Idris. And in total, as it became known from radio interception and intelligence data, three detachments of militants from the group under the command of Khattab, with a total number of up to 2,500 people, tried to break through in the direction of the 2nd battalion, but, thanks to the stamina and courage of the paratroopers, they did not break through from the Argun Gorge failed…

    Officers, sergeants and soldiers - they all, as one, entered into a fight with the brutal bandits of Khattab, and did not retreat a single step, holding their position until their last breath. In a bloody battle with a twenty-fold superior enemy, the paratroopers won.

    From February 29 to the morning of March 1, 2000, soldiers of the 6th company of the 104th parachute regiment of the 76th (Pskov) Airborne Division under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Mark Evtyukhin fought with a large illegal armed formation near Argun in Chechnya, at the Ulus line -Kert-Selmentausen, at height 776.

    The battle lasted from 1 p.m. to 5 a.m. on the first of March. According to various sources, the number of militants was estimated from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand.

    84 servicemen were killed in the battle, including 13 officers. Only six soldiers survived. The losses of the militants amounted, according to various estimates, from 370 to 700 people.

    By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, 22 paratroopers were presented with the title of Hero of Russia (21 of them posthumously), 69 soldiers and officers of the 6th company were awarded the Order of Courage (63 of them posthumously).

    The death of the 6th company of Pskov paratroopers, who heroically accepted the battle, stirred up the whole country, not leaving indifferent even people far from the army and the war. The feat of the winged infantry has become a symbol of military prowess and the new Russian army.

    List of dead paratroopers of the 6th company:

    Guards Sergeant Komyagin Alexander Valerievich, grenade launcher 6th pdr. Born in the town of Rasskazovo, Tambov Region, on September 30, 1977. Russian. Buried in the city of Rasskazovo. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guard Captain Romanov Viktor Viktorovich, commander of the 1st SAB. Born May 15, 1972. Russian. He was buried in the village of Sosyeva, Sverdlovsk Region. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Senior Lieutenant Panov Andrey Alexandrovich, Deputy Commander of the PDR for educational work. Born in the city of Smolensk on February 25, 1974. Russian. Buried in the city of Smolensk. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Senior Lieutenant Vorobyov Alexei Vladimirovich, Deputy Commander of the reconnaissance company. Born in the village of Borovuha-1, Vitebsk region on May 14, 1975. Russian. He was buried in the Kurmanaevsky district of the Orenburg region. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guard Lieutenant Ermakov Oleg Viktorovich. Born in the city of Bryansk on April 26, 1976. Russian. Buried in the city of Bryansk. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guard Lieutenant Kozhemyakin Dmitry Sergeevich, platoon commander of a separate reconnaissance company. Born in Ulyanovsk on April 30, 1977. Russian. Buried in the city of St. Petersburg. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guard Major Dostavalov Alexander Vasilievich, deputy commander of the paratrooper battalion. Born in the city of Ufa on July 17, 1963. Buried in the city of Pskov. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guard Lieutenant Colonel Evtyukhin Mark Nikolayevich, commander of the paratrooper battalion. Born in the city of Yoshkar-Ola on May 1, 1964. Buried in the city of Pskov. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Private Denis Petrovich Shevchenko, grenade launcher 6th pdr. Born in Pskov on December 20, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Opochka, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Zinkevich Denis Nikolaevich, grenade launcher 6th pdr. Born on March 15, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the village of Gornevo, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Sergeant Grigoriev Dmitry Viktorovich, grenade launcher 6th pdr. Born in the village of Zakharinovo, Novosokolnichesky district, Pskov region, on November 6, 1978. Russian. He was buried in the Kuninsky district of the Pskov region. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Private Arkhipov Vladimir Vladimirovich, grenade launcher 6th PDR. Born in the village of Vyazki, Porkhov District, Pskov Region, on October 27, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Porkhov, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Shikov Sergey Aleksandrovich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Velikiye Luki, Pskov Region, on April 29, 1981. Russian. He was buried in the village of Koshma, Velikoluksky District, Pskov Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Shvetsov Vladimir Alexandrovich, mechanic of the group of regulations and repair of aviation equipment. Born in the city of Pskov on September 18, 1978. Russian. Buried in the city of Pskov. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Travin Mikhail Vitalievich, driver 6th PDR. Born in the city of Pskov on February 11, 1980. Russian. Buried in the city of Pskov. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Islentiev Vladimir Anatolyevich, grenade launcher 6 PDR. Born in the village of Pyatchino, Strugokrasnensky District, Pskov Region, on May 14, 1967. Russian. He was buried in the Strugokrasnensky district of the Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guard Major Sergey Georgievich Molodov, commander of the 6th parachute company. Born in the city of Kutaisi, Georgian SSR on April 15, 1965. Russian. Buried in the Chelyabinsk region. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Private Ivanov Dmitry Ivanovich, grenade launcher 6 PDR. Born in the city of Opochka, Pskov Region, on August 6, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Opochka, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Senior Lieutenant Alexander Mikhailovich Kolgatin, commander of an engineering platoon. Born in the city of Kamyshino, Volgograd Region, on August 15, 1975. Russian. Buried in the city of Kamyshino. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Private Alexei Nikolaevich Vorobyov, Senior Gunner 6th Pdr. Born in the village of Demya in the Novosokolnichesky district of the Pskov region on November 5, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the village of Zhitovo, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Senior Lieutenant Sherstyannikov Andrei Nikolaevich, commander of an anti-aircraft missile platoon. Born in the city of Ust-Kut, Irkutsk region on February 1, 1975. Russian. Buried in the city of Ust-Kut. He was posthumously awarded the Star of the Hero of Russia.

    Guard Private Khrabrov Aleksey Alexandrovich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in Tapa, Estonia on May 30, 1981. He was buried in the village of Chertova Gora, Pushkinogorsk district, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guard captain Sokolov Roman Vladimirovich, deputy commander of the PDR, instructor of the VDP. Born February 16, 1872 in the city of Ryazan. Russian. Buried in the city of Pskov. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Nishchenko Alexey Sergeevich, senior shooter 9 PDR. Born in the village of Bezhanitsy, Pskov Region, on August 2, 1981. He was buried in the village of Borok, Bezhanitsky Volost, Bezhanitsky District, Pskov Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guard Lieutenant Ryazantsev Alexander Nikolaevich, platoon commander of the 3rd SAB. Born June 15, 1977. Russian. He was buried in the village of Voinovo, Korsakovsky district, Oryol region. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guard Corporal Lebedev Alexander Vladislavovich, senior intelligence officer of a separate reconnaissance company. Born in the village of Shchiglitsy, Pskov Region, on November 1, 1977. Russian. Buried in the city of Pskov. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards senior lieutenant Petrov Dmitry Vladimirovich, deputy commander of the PDR for educational work. Born in the city of Rostov-on-Don on June 10, 1974. Russian. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Private Karoteev Alexander Vladimirovich, senior shooter 3 srv. Born in the city of Ostrov, Pskov region on November 10, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the village of Novaya Usitva, Palkinsky district, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards senior sergeant Medvedev Sergey Yuryevich, deputy platoon commander, commander of a combat vehicle, squad leader of the 6th detachment. Born in the city of Biysk, Altai Territory on September 18, 1976. Russian. Buried in the city of Biysk. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Private Mikhailov Sergei Anatolyevich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Novorzhev on September 28, 1979. Russian. He was buried in the city of Novorzhev, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Shukaev Alexei Borisovich, Senior Gunner 6th Pdr. Born in the village of Ura-Guba, Murmansk Region on October 24, 1963. Russian. He was buried in the city of Ostrov, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Troubenok Alexander Leonidovich, gunner-operator 9 PDR. Born in the village of Polotskoye, Starodubsky District, Bryansk Region, on August 21, 1972. Russian. He was buried in the village of Polotsk, Bryansk region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Nekrasov Alexey Anatolyevich, machine gunner 6th PDR. Born in the city of Kirov on February 4, 1981. Russian. Buried in the city of Kirov. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Kiryanov Alexey Valerievich, Senior Gunner 6th Pdr. Born in the city of Chaikovsky, Perm Region, on September 23, 1979. Russian. He was buried in the village of Olkhovochka, Perm Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Kobzev Alexander Dmitrievich, grenade launcher 6th PDR. Born in the village of Orlovo, Voronezh Region, in 1981. He was buried in Orlovo, Voronezh region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Denis Sergeyevich Strebin, commander of the BU SAND department. Born in the village of Redkino, Tver Region, on August 17, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Konakovo, Tver region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guard Private Timashev Denis Vladimirovich, commander of a combat vehicle, commander of the 6th PDR. Born in the Zhizdrinsky district of the Kaluga region in July 1980. Russian. He was buried in the Itkyaran region, Karelia. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Pavlov Ivan Gennadievich, driver 6 pdr. Born in the village of Osyanka, Marevsky District, Novgorod Region, on February 23, 1966. Russian. Buried in the city of Novgorod. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Tregubov Denis Alexandrovich, senior shooter 9th pr. Born in the city of Chusovoi, Perm Region, on April 5, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Chusovoi, Perm Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Sergei Olegovich Kozlov, commander of a combat vehicle of a separate reconnaissance company. Born in the village of Mirny, Tver Region, on April 13, 1979. Russian. He was buried in the village of Olenino, Tver Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Vasilev Sergey Vladimirovich, commander of a combat vehicle, commander of the 6th squadron. Born in the city of Bryansk on April 27, 1970. Russian. Buried in the city of Bryansk. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards Private Ambetov Nikolay Kamitovich, Senior Gunner 6th Pdr. Born on January 20, 1981, Kazakh. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guard Corporal Sokovanov Vasily Nikolaevich, gunner-operator of the 9th PDR. Born in the city of Kirov in November 1976. Russian. He was buried in the city of Orel, Kirov Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Sergey Alekseevich Ivanov, commander of a combat vehicle, commander of the 6th squadron. Born in the city of Borovichi, Novgorod Region, on May 26, 1979. Russian. He was buried in the city of Borovichi, Novgorod Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Izyumov Vladimir Nikolaevich, grenade launcher 6th PDR. Born in the city of Sokol, Volgograd Region on August 13, 1977. Russian. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards senior sergeant Andrey Vladimirovich Aranson, gunner-operator 6 pdr. Born in the city of Sevastopol on June 30, 1976. Russian. Buried in the city of Sevastopol. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Aleksey Vasilyevich Rasskaza, deputy platoon commander, squad leader, combat vehicle commander of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Staraya Guta, Bryansk Region, on May 31, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Uchinsk, Bryansk region. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards junior sergeant Eliseev Vladimir Sergeevich. Born in the city of Uralsk, Kazakh SSR on October 5, 1972. Russian. He was buried in the village of Boronitsy, Novgorod Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards corporal Gerdt Alexander Alexandrovich, senior shooter 6th pdr. Born in the city of Ordzhonikidze, Kazakhstan, on February 11, 1981. Russian. He was buried in the village of Blue Well, Bryansk region. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guard Private Kuatbaev Galim Mukhambetgalievich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Astrakhan on May 26, 1981. Kazakh. Buried in the city of Astrakhan. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Biryukov Vladimir Ivanovich, machine gunner 6th PDR. Born in the city of Jurmala on June 6, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Ostrov, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Alexander Dmitrievich Isaev, topographic surveyor of the control battery and artillery reconnaissance. Born in the city of Kirovsk, Leningrad Region, on January 16, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Shlisselburg, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Afanasyev Roman Sergeevich, squad leader, head of the radio station of the 2nd communications platoon. Born in the city of Pskov on October 11, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the village of Sharovka. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Belykh Denis Igorevich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Severodvinsk on March 30, 1981. Russian. He was buried in the city of Kotelnichi, Kirov Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Bakulin Sergey Mikhailovich, grenade launcher 6 pdr. Born in the village of Dedovichi, Pskov Region, on June 2, 1978. Russian. He was buried in the village of Dedovichi, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Evdokimov Mikhail Vladimirovich, orderly 6th pdr. Born in the village of Ulyanovka, Tosnensky District, Leningrad Region, on October 5, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Sergeant Isakov Evgeny Valerievich, platoon commander, squad leader. Born in the city of Chebarkul, Chelyabinsk region on February 8, 1977. Russian. Buried in the city of Holm. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Kenzhiev Amangeldy Amantaevich, Senior Gunner 6th Pdr. Born in the village of Vladimirovka, Astrakhan Region, on April 23, 1981. Kazakh. He was buried in the village of Vladimirovka, Astrakhan Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Popov Igor Mikhailovich, gunner-operator of the 7th PDR. Born in the city of Fergana on January 4, 1976. Russian. He was buried in the village of Yablonovo, Novgorod Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards senior sergeant Siraev Rustam Flaridovich, gunner-operator of the 6th pdr. Born in the city of Satka, Chelyabinsk region. September 5, 1976 Russian. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guard Private Savin Valentin Ivanovich, radio operator of the 2nd communications platoon. Born in the city of Staraya Russa, Novgorod Region, on November 29, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Staraya Russa, Novgorod Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Grudinsky Stanislav Igorevich, machine gunner 6th PDR. Born in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region, on June 18, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Junior Sergeant Khvorostukhin Igor Sergeevich, Medical Instructor 6th Pdr. Born in St. Petersburg on December 5, 1980. Russian. Buried in the city of St. Petersburg. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Krivushev Konstantin Valerievich, commander of a combat vehicle, squad leader of the 6th detachment. Born in the Komi Republic, the village of Ydzhidyag on May 31, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Koslan, Komi Republic. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Piskunov Roman Sergeevich, driver 6th PDR. Born in the village of Sokolskoye, Sokolniki District, Ivanovo Region, on March 14, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Balakhny, Nizhny Novgorod Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Batretdinov Dmitry Mansurovich, machine gunner 6 PDR. Born in the city of Orenburg on May 23, 1980. Tatar. He was buried in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Timoshinin Konstantin Viktorovich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Petrodvorets, Leningrad Region, on January 8, 1976. Russian. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Lyashkov Yury Nikolaevich, machine gunner 6th pdr. Born in the city of Zhmerynka, Vinnytsia region, on March 15, 1976. Russian. He was buried in the city of Chernyd, Perm Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Zaitsev Andrey Yurievich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the village of Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod Region, on February 1, 1981. Russian. He was buried in the village of Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Sudakov Roman Valerievich, grenade launcher 6th PDR. Born in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region, on May 18, 1981. Russian. He was buried at the Makarovsky cemetery in the Rybinsk region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Ivanov Yaroslav Sergeevich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Tikhvin, Leningrad Region, on August 21, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Tikhvin, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Chugunov Vadim Vladimirovich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in St. Petersburg on October 5, 1979. Russian. He was buried in the village of Orzhitsy, Lomonosovsky District, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Erdyakov Roman Sergeevich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Kirov on June 13, 1979. Russian. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Pakhomov Roman Alexandrovich, grenade launcher 9th PDR. Born in the city of Dankov, Lipetsk Region, on March 25, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the village of Gryazi, Lipetsk Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Zhukov Sergey Valerievich, commander of a combat vehicle, commander of the 6th squadron. Born in St. Petersburg on June 20, 1980. Russian. Buried in the city of St. Petersburg. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Alexandrov Vladimir Andreevich, machine gunner of the 6th PDR, was born in the city of Ivangorod, Leningrad Region, on March 21, 1981. Russian. He was buried in the city of Ivangorod, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Shchemlev Dmitry Sergeevich, scout. Born in St. Petersburg on July 28, 1976. Russian. Buried in the city of St. Petersburg. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Sergeant Kuptsov Vladimir Ivanovich, commander of the 9th squadron. Born in the village of Otradnoye, Kirov District, Leningrad Region, on April 28, 1974. Russian. He was buried in the village of Priladozhsky, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Vladislav Anatolyevich Duhin, commander of the combat vehicle, commander of the 6th squadron. Born in the city of Stavropol on January 26, 1980. Russian. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Guards junior sergeant Vasiliev Alexey Yurievich, surveyor, computer 2 SAB. Born in the village of Gostilitsy, Lomonosovsky District, Leningrad Region, in 1979. Russian. He was buried in the village of Gostilitsy, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards junior sergeant Khamatov Yevgeny Kamitovich, scout of a separate reconnaissance company. Born in the city of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk Region on September 9, 1979. He was buried in the city of Podporozhye, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guard Private Shalaev Nikolai Vladimirovich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Lodeinoye Pole, Leningrad Region, on August 2, 1980. Russian. He was buried in the city of Lodeinoye Pole, Leningrad Region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Lebedev Viktor Nikolaevich, gunner-operator of the 6th PDR. Born in the city of Orenburg on October 6, 1976. Russian. Buried in the city of Sevastopol. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

    Guards Private Zagoraev Mikhail Vyacheslavovich, sapper. Born on February 4, 1971 in the city of Porkhov, Pskov Region. He was buried at the military cemetery of the city of Porkhov, Pskov region. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.