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  • Integration first steps into science. All-Russian children's competition "First steps in science

    Integration first steps into science.  All-Russian children's competition

    Works prepared by citizens are allowed to participate in the competition. Russian Federation and other states, aged, who are students educational institutions elementary and secondary general education, pupils of institutions of additional education for children, participants and members of children's public associations, etc.
    The age of the participants of the competition is from 7 to 14 years old inclusive, the supervisor is not limited.

    The competition is held for the following purposes:

    Creation of conditions for the formation of interest in the cognitive, creative, experimental research, intellectual activities of students of younger and middle age;

    Providing support for talented youth in social and professional self-determination;

    Obtaining the opportunity to present the results of the work of students in the form of reports and printed publications both to a wide range of specialists and to peers who want to join research activities;

    Summing up the results of both independent and joint with co-authors, supervisors, teachers-mentors, research and creative work, providing organizational, methodological support.


    Completed works in the following areas are accepted for the All-Russian Correspondence Competition:

    1. PHYSICS (including astronomy, astronautics);

    2. BIOLOGY (including zoology, botany, aquaristics);

    3. LOCAL STUDY, GEOGRAPHY (including geology, toponymy, ethnography);


    5. HISTORY (including archeology, museology);

    6. CULTURAL HERITAGE (including applied crafts, art history, folk games, rituals, customs);


    8. LINGUISTICS (including Russian, foreign languages);





    14. TECHNICAL CREATIVITY (including invention, modeling);

    15. ARTISTIC AND MUSICAL CREATIVITY (including drawing, photography, sculpture, singing, playing musical instruments).


    17. PUBLIC-USEFUL ACTIVITIES (including youth organizations, search teams, military-patriotic movement, assistance to the disabled and orphans).

    18. AGRICULTURE (including plant growing, animal husbandry, agriculture, veterinary medicine).

    Responsible for information: Oksana Anatolyevna Ryzhikova, methodologist of the GMTs DOgM.

    Chernilevskaya O. N. - teacher visual arts, teaching experience 21 years, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, winner of the Priority National Project "Education" 2007, 2016, "Teacher of the Year - 2006" of the Naro-Fominsk District, finalist of the competition "Teacher of the Year of the Moscow Region - 2007" , winner of the municipal stage of the Competition for the award of the Governor of the Moscow Region "The best subject teacher and the best teacher primary school".

    First steps in science

    First steps in science

    Project theme:

    Innovative and information Technology


    The science


    Naro-Fominsk city

    Short description project:

    One of the main directions of development modern education, according to the National General Education Initiative "Our New School" is to work with gifted children. The task of the school is to identify and develop students with a high level of creative activity and a high motivational sphere aimed at educational and cognitive activities.
    With the advent of the position of a teacher of fine arts in the Selyatinsky secondary school No. 1 in 2007 (at the same time studying in graduate school and doing pedagogical science) I had a desire to instill an interest in scientific research in students. In 2008, under my leadership, a scientific society of students "Creativity and Search" was organized at the school. Thus, a circle of like-minded people was created: teachers and students who feed each other with their own enthusiasm and creative energy. Teachers carry out scientific supervision of the work of gifted students.
    Under my leadership, young researchers carry out projects on topics of interest to them. The work is scheduled for a year. At first school year the stages and structure of the project are determined. In the first half of the year we are working on the theoretical part of the projects, in the second - the practical part. As a result, projects written during the year take part in conferences and intellectual competitions of various levels. The results are also presented at the school's annual Science Ball. It is prepared by the class in which I am the class teacher.
    The first research work of my wards was limited to knowledge in the subject area "Art" (I was the head of the artistic and aesthetic section). But practice has shown that in the scientific knowledge of children it is necessary to move not from the specialization of the teacher, but from the interests of young researchers. This increases motivation in the course of work, which, of course, affects the final result. In addition, school research projects often go beyond educational program which contribute to the development of both the student and his supervisor.
    At first, the guys and I presented our projects only at the district level: at the district conference of elementary grades “The World through the Eyes of Children” and the district scientific and practical conference “Step into the Future”. Later, feeling confident in their abilities, they decided to go to more high level. Now we are introducing the results of our work to the participants and jury members of the regional conference "Young Researcher", the regional competition of youth educational and research work"Young archivist", the All-Russian festival of children's discoveries and initiatives "Leonardo", the regional competition of projects and research works of students educational organizations dedicated to memorable dates of military history, etc.
    Among the achievements in the research activities of my pupils are: diplomas of the winner, prize-winner, participant in the Regional Conference "The World Through the Eyes of Children" (2011, 2012, 2013); three diplomas of the winner, three diplomas of the winner of the regional scientific and practical conference "Step into the Future" (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014); two diplomas of the winner and a diploma of the winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian Festival of Creative Discoveries and Initiatives "Leonardo"; I degree diploma and a gold medal of the winner (2012), two II degree diplomas and silver medals (2015, 2017), diplomas of winners in the nominations "Young Researcher" (2013) and "For loyalty to creative search" (2016), eight diplomas of the finalists of the All-Russian Festival of Children's Discoveries and Initiatives "Leonardo" (2012, 2013, 2014); two diplomas of the finalists of the International Festival of Children's Discoveries and Initiatives "Leonardo" (2011). Young researchers won victories at the municipal (2016, 2017) and regional (2016) levels of the Moscow regional competition of educational and research works "Young Archivist", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the outbreak of war and the Battle of Moscow 1941-1942, as well as one high school student became the winner at the municipal and regional levels of the Regional competition of projects and research works of students of educational organizations, dedicated to memorable dates in military history.
    Of particular interest to children, parents and teachers was the All-Russian Festival of Children's Discoveries and Initiatives "Leonardo". It is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the leading universities of the country. Winners get the right to enter universities on a preferential basis, teachers who have prepared students are awarded federal awards. The most active and productive schools are awarded the highest award - the Leonardo star. The results of the festival are published in the Federal Journal of Education.
    Having the experience of participating with my students in the Leonardo festival (since 2010), in 2014 I came up with a proposal to open a representative office in our area. The Methodological Center and the Department of Education of the Naro-Fominsk region supported this idea. Having completed the necessary package of documents, I became the official regional representative of the All-Russian Organizing Committee for holding events of the Mendeleev Heritage Charitable Foundation in the Naro-Fominsk region. So in the region the regional stage "Leonardo" has already been held three times. I conduct a preview and selection of works. The leadership of the methodological center determines the composition of the jury members and organizes a regional festival on the basis of one of the Naro-Fominsk schools. We identify the best works and recommend them for participation in the final of the festival.
    The opening of the representative office of the Leonardo Festival makes it possible to select research papers in the field, which gives us certain advantages. Holding the Festival in the region ensures not only the selection of the best projects (and thus improves the quality of work at the All-Russian stage), but also contributes to the experience of public speaking for schoolchildren and answers to questions from the jury members. Young researchers and their supervisors get the opportunity to see their mistakes before the final, consult with other participants, listen to constructive comments, correct and finalize the project. After the announcement of the results of the regional stage, I conduct a consultation for the members of the delegation on the basis of the UMC: we finalize the projects, correct inaccuracies, remove all the "roughness" in the scientific apparatus - we are preparing for the final. In our opinion, this explains successful performance in 2015, 2016 and 2017, members of the delegation of our region. Our achievements: 3 gold medals, 5 silver, 1 bronze, as well as 6 diplomas of laureates. Senior and middle group 2016 and 2017 were awarded tickets to the International child Center"Artek" to replace "The Way to Olympus". Young researchers gather there, who, under the guidance of leading scientists of the country, study and develop. Among these achievements of the district, 3 silver medals and two permits were given to children who worked under my direct scientific supervision. One student in 2016 for high achievements in research work became a participant in the Presidential Forum "Future Intellectual Leaders of Russia" (Yaroslavl).
    Festival participants are given a unique opportunity to communicate with leading scientists of the country. To receive the attention, praise and comments of specialists of this level at school age is a great success.
    In addition to increasing the level of knowledge, the Festival provides participants with opportunities for aesthetic and cultural development. Knowledge about the capital of the great Motherland, gained in lessons and class hours within the walls of native educational institutions, is multiplied during a city tour. For three days, the mental activity of the finalists is replaced by the perception of art in museums and theaters in Moscow.
    Additional motivation for participation in the Festival was taken into account by the organizers in relation to teachers and educational institutions. The most active teachers receive thanks and badges of the all-Russian level. Most active schools- Star "Leonardo". We have been happy to bring this honorary symbol of the Festival to our school twice already (2012 and 2015). For active work with gifted children, I was awarded diplomas from MAU DPO "Educational and Methodological Center" (2008-2011, 2013), three regional (2015, 2016, 2017) and eight federal diplomas (2010-2017), as well as two badges of the Mendeleev Heritage Charitable Foundation (2016, 2017).
    It is important to note that in most cases, children who once tried their hand at small science, experienced the torment and joy of creativity, felt the taste of victory, remain in the scientific community until graduation. Each next topic of the student project is a consequence of the previous work. Each next project requires an even more serious attitude from the researcher, more time and causes more and more emotions, which in turn generate even more interest. Work on each new project is a logical consequence of previous research work and the cause of future scientific interests. Subsequently, they are often decisive in choosing a profession. Graduates, members of the school scientific society, recall their experiences with gratitude and now, as students, sincerely thank for the experience gained.
    Family research projects are of particular interest for the development of the child's personality. Cooperation on the principle of teacher - student - parent in the design and research work is being implemented in the best possible way. Here the child not only develops, the teacher has the opportunity to develop and realize his scientific and organizational abilities, but also family ties are strengthened, family traditions and values ​​are formed. How important it is when parents actively contribute to the development of the child, help him in his creative endeavors, support his interests and create conditions for the emergence of new knowledge.
    Working with gifted children satisfies the requirements of the continuity and integrity of modern education, as well as the relationship social institutions(family, secondary and higher education), the unity of education and science. Self-determination in the early stages of education, the choice of a professional trajectory, the justification of the chosen life goal, awareness of the importance of future work for personal self-development and the development of society are the key tasks that are solved in the course of working with gifted children.
    Thus, the organization of design and research work of schoolchildren has a huge impact on the multifaceted development of the younger generation. Of course, the desire for creativity, the desire to engage in research work does not appear by itself. This can be facilitated by the desire to learn a lot, the teacher and the family. Our school is a school where children study and are engaged in creativity, the work that they like. The support of teachers in their work with gifted children contributes to the active development of the younger generation, increasing interest in domestic science, the formation of the "intellectual capital" of the Moscow region and our country.

    Project stage:

    Project underway

    Objective of the project:

    Identification and support of gifted students in various fields of scientific knowledge; formation of the intellectual potential of the Moscow region and the country.

    Project objectives:

    Identification and diagnosis of giftedness in children and adolescents;
    - early disclosure of the interests and inclinations of students to scientific research activities;
    - creation of conditions for the development of students' creative thinking, intellectual initiative, independence, the formation of skills in working with methods and techniques of scientific research;
    - organization of research activities of students to improve the learning process and career guidance;
    - implementation of the scientific and cognitive capabilities of students, expanding the prospects for scientific development among scientific communities (from school to all-Russian levels);
    - assistance in raising the prestige and popularization of scientific knowledge;
    - fostering an active life position.

    Achieved results for Last year:

    The project "First steps into science" contributes to the development of gifted children of the Naro-Fominsk region and the MAOU Selyatinskaya secondary school No. 1, in particular, the realization of the scientific and cognitive potential of schoolchildren; is aimed at raising the level of education, the prestige of science and scientific knowledge.
    Results achieved in 2016:
    1. Moscow regional competition of youth educational and research works "Young archivist", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. and the Battle of Moscow, 05/25/2016 (I place);
    2. III All-Russian competition of creative works named after Yu.M. Ikonnikov. Nomination "Patriot - and is there a better word", May, 2016, (participant);
    3. Interregional historical and educational competition of research and creative works of students and schoolchildren "Serving the Fatherland: events and names", 01.10.2016, (participants);
    4. Regional stage of the regional competition of projects and research works of students of educational organizations dedicated to memorable dates of military history "The Great Patriotic War in Persons and Events", October 2016, (winner);
    5. Regional competition of projects and research works of students of educational organizations dedicated to memorable dates of military history, 22.11. 2016, (winner);
    6. Municipal stage of the All-Russian competition of local history research works of students "Fatherland", 20.11. 2016, (winner);
    7. The regional stage of the All-Russian competition of local history research works of students "Fatherland", 25.12. 2016, (finalist);
    8. Regional stage of the All-Russian Festival of Children's Discoveries and Initiatives "Leonardo", February 20, 2017, (winner, prize-winner);
    9. All-Russian festival of children's discoveries and initiatives "Leonardo", 31.03-02.04.2017, (silver medalist; prize ticket to "Artek");
    10. The municipal stage of the regional competition of projects and research works of students of educational organizations dedicated to memorable dates in military history "The Great Patriotic War in Persons and Events", May, 2017 (two winners).

    Social significance of the project:

    Identification and development of gifted children, creation of opportunities for the development of the intellectual potential of the Moscow region and the country; popularization of scientific knowledge, improvement of the quality of education and the prestige of a scientist.

    Activities carried out within the framework of the project:

    1. Speech at the regional pedagogical marathon on the topic “Project activities in the lessons of fine arts and drawing as a motivation for studying subjects”, Naro-Fominsk, 03/27/2009, 15 people.
    2. School "Ball of Science: The eyes of your soul - your bright mind", MOU Selyatinskaya secondary school No. 1, 05/21/09, 120 people (school administration, students in grades 5-8, subject teachers and parents).
    3. Speech at the reporting meeting of the Governing Council of the school on the topic “Scientific society at school. Prerequisites for its discovery and development prospects, Selyatinskaya secondary school No. 1, September 24, 2009, 50 people.
    4. Speech by the regional Internet conference "The system of continuing education based on the" RCC-MMC "as a pedagogical initiative of the Moscow State Educational Institution within the framework of the project" OUR NEW SCHOOL on the topic: "The use of the information environment in the lessons of fine art and artistic work as a means of creative development of younger adolescents" , Moscow, Institute of Open Education MGOU, October 22, 2009, 30 people.
    5. Speech at the district directors' seminar on the topic "Scientific society in the school" Prerequisites for discovery and development prospects", open event "Ball of Science", Selyatinskaya secondary school No. 1, February 19, 2010, 40 people.
    6. Speech at the regional scientific and methodological seminar "The hour of apprenticeship, it is solemnly inevitable in everyone's life" on the topic "The role of the teacher in the creative development of a teenager", Moscow, State Educational Institution Pedagogical Academy of Postgraduate Education, 03/01/2010
    7. Speech at the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Philosophy" on the topic " gifted child: ways to identify and develop in general education school»; Krasnoyarsk, September 2011, 50 people.
    8. Speech at the district seminar of teachers of mathematics “Organization of research activities of students. Student Portfolio as a Result of Creative Activity” on the topic “Scientific Society at School. Prerequisites for the discovery and development prospects, Selyatinskaya secondary school No. 1, October 25, 2010, 30 people.
    9. Speech at the regional seminar "Identification and support of gifted children in the field of art" on the topic: "Research activities of adolescents in the artistic and aesthetic field as a means of identifying creative talent and a factor in creative development", MOU Gymnasium "Tarasovka" of Pushkinsky district , 11/19/2010, 35 people.
    10. Speech at the district seminar of the head teachers on the topic: “Peculiarities of the organization of the NEI at school”, Selyatinskaya secondary school No. 1, 12/23/2010, 30 people.
    11. School "Ball of Science" (reporting event of the Scientific Society of Students "Creativity and Search"), MBOU Selyatinskaya secondary school No. 1, 05/16/2012, 120 people.
    12. Report at the IV All-Russian Forum "Youth in Rural Development". Round table No. 3 "Improving educational work in educational institutions" on the topic: " moral education of the younger generation through art in the conditions of a comprehensive school”, Moscow, All-Russian Exhibition Center, 12-13.10.2012, 150 people.
    13. Speech at the district seminar of deputy directors of schools on educational work on the topic "School scientific society of students as a form of work with students to develop giftedness", MBOU Selyatinskaya secondary school No. 1, 10/30/13, 25 people.
    14. Speech at the regional scientific session "Innovations in art pedagogy" on the topic "Interaction between the family and the school in the implementation of student design and research activities of artistic and aesthetic orientation", Moscow, SBEI HPE MO "Academy of Social Management", 12/19/2013.
    15. School "Ball of Science" (reporting event of the Scientific Society of Students "Creativity and Search"), MBOU Selyatinskaya secondary school No. 1, 04/30/2014, 120 people.
    16. Master class at the II regional rally-festival of winners and laureates of professional skills competitions on the topic “Working with gifted children. Organization of design and research activities of students”, Naro-Fominsk, secondary school No. 3, 09/24/2014, 14 people.
    17. District seminar of deputy directors for educational work on the topic “Organization methodical work in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. (Organization of the event and presentation on the topic "Working with gifted children. Opportunities and prospects"). MBOU Selyatinskaya secondary school No. 1, 11/28/14, 40 people.
    18. Speech at the pedagogical council "Risks of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard" on the topic "Risks in working with gifted children", MAOU Selyatinskaya secondary school No. 1, 04/10/2015, 60 people.
    19. Master class on the regional “Methodical bus” of the “Professional” club for the winners and laureates of professional skills competitions on the topic “Opportunities and prospects for the development of children's giftedness in a general education institution”, Vereya, April 28, 2015, 12 people.
    20. Speech at the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Resources for the Development of the Military-Patriotic Education of Youth in the Educational Environment of the School” (To the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic war) on the topic “Patriotic education of students in the process of design and research activities based on the integration of the subjects “History of Russia” and “Fine Arts”, Moscow, SBEE HPE MO “Academy of Social Management”, 29-30.04.2015, 200 Human.
    21. Speech at the regional scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of improving the professional competence of teachers of music, fine arts, world art culture, pedagogical workers of educational organizations in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for DO, NOO, O (C) O" on the topic "Development of the teacher's professional competence of fine arts in the process of organizing design and research activities of schoolchildren", Moscow, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region "Academy of Social Management", 05/14/2015, 50 people.
    22. Speech at the regional round table "Design and research activities of students in the process of studying objects of art in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of CSE" on the topic "Scientific Society of Students as a Factor in the Development of Research Competences of Students", Moscow, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Moscow Region "Academy of Social Management" , 10/22/15, 55 people.
    23. Speech at the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Educating the Younger Generation in Modern Socio-Cultural Conditions: Problems and Prospects for Development" on the topic "Educational Potential of Project-Research Activities of Students", SBEI HPE MO "Academy of Social Management", 16.03.2016 , 200 people.
    24. Speech at the regional pedagogical marathon (within the framework of the Regional Forum "Advanced pedagogical practices in educational space Moscow region") on the topic "Peculiarities of the development of children's giftedness", Naro-Fominsk, 30.03.2016, 15 people.
    25. Speech at the pedagogical council "Working with gifted children within the framework of the educational institution", MAOU Selyatinskaya secondary school No. 1, 04/15/2016, 60 people.
    26. Master class on the regional "Methodical Bus" of the "Professional" club for winners and laureates of professional skills competitions on the topic "Organization of design and research activities in the educational institution. School scientific society”, MBOU Petrovskaya secondary school, 04/26/2016, 10 people.
    27. School "Ball of Science", MAOU Selyatinskaya secondary school No. 1, May 2016, 110 people.
    28. Open event "Ball of Science" on the regional "Methodical bus" of the "Professional" club of winners and laureates of professional skills competitions, MAOU Selyatinskaya secondary school No. 1, 04/26/2017, 30 people.
    29. School "Ball of Science", MAOU Selyatinskaya secondary school No. 1, 05/05/2017, 120 people.
    The results of the project "First steps into science" are reflected in scientific publications:
    1. Chernilevskaya, O.N. Design and research activities as a factor in the patriotic development of schoolchildren and improving the professional competence of a teacher of fine arts. [Text] O.N. Chernilevskaya // ASOU Conference: a collection of scientific papers and materials of scientific and practical conferences. Issue. 2. - M.: ASOU, 2016. - 1537 p. - S. 594-601.
    2. Chernilevskaya, O.N. Planned results in the subject "Fine Arts" (grades 5-7). [Text] O.N. Chernilevskaya // Planned learning outcomes. Music. Art. Art. World Art. Folk art: guidelines / ed. D.V. Korneva, G.P. Sergeeva. - Balashikha: MBOU DPO (advanced training) of specialists "Educational and Methodological Center", 2015. - 208 p. - P.46-85.
    3. Chernilevskaya, O.N. Patriotic education of students in the process of design and research activities based on the integration of "History" and "Fine Arts". [Text] O.N. Chernilevskaya // ASOU Conference: a collection of scientific papers and materials of scientific and practical conferences / Nauch. ed. L.N. Gorbunov. – M.: ASOU, 2015. – 3151 p. - S.1285-1294.
    4. Chernilevskaya, O.N. Achievement of personal results of basic general education by means of fine arts. [Text] O.N. Chernilevskaya //- Upbringing of the younger generation in modern socio-cultural conditions: problems and development prospects: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: ASOU, 2014.
    5. Chernilevskaya, O.N. Family research project as a means of shaping the personality of the child. [Text]. HE. Chernilevskaya // Siberian teacher. No. 6 (91), December 2013. - P. 51-56.
    6. Chernilevskaya, O.N. Art straightens the soul. [Text] O.N. Chernilevskaya // Teacher's newspaper. No. 2 of January 15, 3013 - M. - 24 p. – P. 14.
    7. Chernilevskaya, O.N. Scientific societies in a comprehensive school. [Text] O.N. Chernilevskaya // Development of creative youth in the information educational environment: Monograph / Bocharov M.I. and others. Ed. Zenkina S.V. - M.: MAKS Press, 2012. - 192 p. - P.158-164.
    8. Chernilevskaya, O.N. The main directions of teaching fine arts in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. [Text] O.N. Chernilevskaya // Preparation of educational institutions for the introduction of Federal educational standards for basic general education. Music. Art. World Art: Guidelines/ ed. G.P. Sergeeva, I.A. Pereverzeva. - Kashira: MBOU "Educational and Methodological Center", 2012. - 64 p. - P.24-38.
    9. Chernilevskaya, O.N. Creative development of adolescents in the process of integrating fine arts and artistic work within the framework of the school scientific society of students. [Text] O.N. Chernilevskaya // Education. The science. Scientific personnel No. 4/11 - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2011. - S. 244-246.
    10. Chernilevskaya, O.N. Theoretical prerequisites for the creative development of adolescents. [Text] O.N. Chernilevskaya // Education. The science. Scientific personnel No. 3/11 - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2011. - S. 181-184.
    11. Chernilevskaya, O. N., Shishov, S. E. Actualization of the problem of creative development of adolescents as a socially significant necessity. [Text] O.N. Chernilevskaya, S.E. Shishov // Actual Problems of Philosophy: Collection scientific works students and young scientists following the results of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference. - Krasnoyarsk: SibGTU, 2011. - S. 142-145.
    12. Chernilevskaya, O.N. The scientific society of students is a form of enlightenment and creative development of teachers and adolescents. [Text] O.N. Chernilevskaya / / Traditions of enlightenment in the activities of educational institutions of the Moscow region: a collection of scientific and methodological articles / comp. and resp. ed. G.P. Sergeeva, I.V. Pigarev. - M .: GOU Pedagogical Academy, 2010. - S. 43 - 47.
    13. Chernilevskaya, O.N. Information environment in the lessons of fine arts and artistic work as a means of creative development of younger adolescents. [Text] O.N. Chernilevskaya // Improvement of technologies for working with gifted children: Collection of scientific articles (materials of the Internet conference). / Under the editorship of prof. Krivshenko L.P. - M.: OOO Diona, 2009. - S. 32-37.

    All-Russian children's competition of research and creative works "FIRST STEPS IN SCIENCE" is an event for schoolchildren aged 7 to 14 who are engaged in scientific or research activities. The National System "Integration" invites participants to create a project with their ideas, developments or research and submit it for evaluation before an expert jury.

    The competition consists of two rounds - the All-Russian correspondence competition and the All-Russian internal competition (children's conference). All-Russian correspondence competition: competitive materials are sent for examination to expert councils on e-mail [email protected]. All-Russian face-to-face competition: performances of applicants with the results of their work and their defense before the jury - expert councils.

    Purpose of the competition

    The main purpose of the competition is to create conditions for the formation of interest in the cognitive, creative, experimental research, intellectual activities of young and middle-aged students; getting the opportunity to communicate the results of the work of students in the form of reports and printed publications, both to a wide range of specialists and to peers who want to join research activities.

    All-Russian correspondence competition

    Competitive materials are sent for examination to expert councils in the areas of the competition. Based on the protocols of the expert councils, the Organizing Committee decides to approve the results of the correspondence round of the Competition and to award its winners the title "Laureate of the correspondence round of the All-Russian Children's Competition of Research and Creative Works "First Steps in Science".

    Works prepared by one or two authors under the guidance of one supervisor are allowed to participate in the competition.

    Directions of the competition

    — biology;
    - geography;
    — information technologies, mathematics;
    — history, military history;
    - local history;
    — cultural heritage and contemporary art;
    — linguistics;
    — literary criticism and literary creativity;
    — medicine and healthy lifestyle life;
    — psychology, sociology;
    - genealogy;
    — technology and technical creativity;
    — physics;
    — chemistry;
    — ecology, life safety

    Academic Supervisors

    Within the framework of the children's conference, pedagogical forums, scientific and methodological seminars are traditionally held for teachers, organizers of scientific, creative and project work with children and youth and accompanying persons with the issuance of relevant certificates.

    We draw the attention of scientific supervisors of competitive works of applicants to the fact that in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2014 No. 276 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 23, 2014 for No. 32408) “On approval of the Procedure for attestation of teaching staff organizations implementing educational activities» ... the highest qualification category for teaching staff is established on the basis of ... the identification and development of students' abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical culture and sports activities, as well as their participation in olympiads, competitions, festivals, competitions.

    Sending a package of documents to the competition by the participant means the participant’s consent to all the conditions of the Regulations on the competition, as well as consent to the processing of the participant’s personal data in accordance with Federal Law-152 “On Personal Data”, publication of the results of the competition on the website, newsletter.

    All-Russian children's competition of research and creative works "FIRST STEPS IN SCIENCE" is an event for schoolchildren aged 7 to 14 who are engaged in scientific or research activities. The National System "Integration" invites participants to create a project with their ideas, developments or research and submit it for evaluation before an expert jury.

    The competition consists of two rounds - the All-Russian correspondence competition and the All-Russian internal competition (children's conference). : competitive materials are sent for examination to the expert councils by e-mail [email protected] . All-Russian intramural competition: performances of applicants with the results of their work and their defense before the jury - expert advice.

    Purpose of the competition

    The main purpose of the competition is to create conditions for the formation of interest in the cognitive, creative, experimental research, intellectual activities of young and middle-aged students; getting the opportunity to communicate the results of the work of students in the form of reports and printed publications, both to a wide range of specialists and to peers who want to join research activities.

    All-Russian correspondence competition

    Competitive materials are sent for examination to expert councils in the areas of the competition. Based on the protocols of the expert councils, the Organizing Committee decides to approve the results of the correspondence round of the Competition and to award its winners the title "Laureate of the correspondence round of the All-Russian Children's Competition of Research and Creative Works "First Steps in Science".

    Works prepared by one or two authors under the guidance of one supervisor are allowed to participate in the competition.

    Abstracts of the winners of the correspondence competition are published in the collection of abstracts of competitive works. The collection is published before the start of the face-to-face event, is given to all participants of the children's conference, and is also posted on the website. For the correct preparation of abstracts, read the article "Recommendations for preparing abstracts"

    All-Russian intramural competition

    Provides performances of applicants with the results of their work and their defense before the jury - expert advice. WITH detailed description for the rules of speaking at a face-to-face event, see the article "Reminder for the participant of a face-to-face event"

    Applicants have the right to submit only one work for defense and only in one of the areas of the Competition.

    The winners of the full-time Competition and their supervisors, who took part in the All-Russian Conference, are awarded diplomas "For victory in the All-Russian children's competition research and creative works "First Steps in Science" and a nominal Golden Badge of Distinction "First Steps in Science" . Photos of past events can be found here.

    Directions of the competition

    - biology;
    - geography;
    - information technologies, mathematics;
    - history, military history;
    - local history;
    - cultural heritage and contemporary art;
    - linguistics;
    - Literary criticism and literary creativity;
    - medicine and healthy lifestyle;
    - psychology, sociology;
    - genealogy;
    - Agriculture;
    - technology and technical creativity;
    - physics;
    - chemistry;
    - ecology, life safety

    Academic Supervisors

    Within the framework of the children's conference, pedagogical forums, scientific and methodological seminars are traditionally held for teachers, organizers of scientific, creative and project work with children and youth and accompanying persons with the issuance of relevant certificates.

    We draw the attention of scientific supervisors of competitive works of applicants to the fact that in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2014 No. 276 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 23, 2014 for No. 32408) “On approval of the Procedure for attestation of teaching staff organizations engaged in educational activities "... the highest qualification category for pedagogical workers is established on the basis of ... the identification and development of students' abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical culture and sports activities, as well as their participation in olympiads, competitions, festivals, competitions.

    The amount of targeted funding can be found on the page "Targeted funding and documents"

    Sending a package of documents to the competition by the participant means the participant’s consent to all the conditions of the Regulations on the competition, as well as consent to the processing of the participant’s personal data in accordance with Federal Law-152 “On Personal Data”, publication of the competition results on the website, newsletter.